Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 5, 217 - 239, 01.06.2017


Edebi kaynaklar, epigrafik belgeler ve nümismatik veriler İkinci Sofistik Dönem’de MS I-III. yüzyıl so­fist, retor ve filozofların mensubu oldukları aile ve al­dıkları eğitim sonucunda, kamusal yükümlülükleri ait olduk­ları toplumsal sınıf içinde dikkat çekici şekilde ba­şarıyla yerine getirdikle­rini ve sahip oldukları parayı cö­mertçe kentleri için harcadıklarını göstermektedir. Bu kişiler βούλαρχος, βου­λευ­τής, γραμματεύς, στρα­τηγός, ἀρχιε­ρεύς, δᾳδοῦχος, ἱερεύς, ἱεροφάντης, νεω­κόρ­ος, νεοποι­ός, περιθύτης, προ­φήτης, ἀγορανόμος, λογιστής ve τα­μίας, γυμνασίαρχος, ἐφήβαρχος, ἀγωνο­θέτης, εἰρήναρ­χος/εἰρηνάρχης, στεφανή­φο­ρος, πρύτα­νις/πρυτανάρχης gibi önemli kent görevlerini üstlen­mişlerdir. Ayrıca eyalet düzeyinde ἀγωνοθέτης, ἀρχι­ερεύς/ἀσιάρχης ve γα­λα­τάρχης’lik gibi oldukça prestijli kamusal görevleri üstlendikleri de belgelenmektedir. Bu makalede ise İkin­ci Sofistik Dönem’de sofist, retor ve filozofla­rın kent­lerde üstlenmiş oldukları dini görev­ler ele alınmakta­dır. Philostratos VS ve epigrafik bel­geler aracılığıyla bu kişilerin arkhiereus, hiereus, dadou­khos, hierophantes, ne­o­koros, neopoios, perithytes ve pro­phetes gibi önemli dini görevleri icra ettikleri belgelen­mektedir. Bu görev­leri kendi kentlerinde olduğu gibi vatandaşı oldukları diğer kentlerde de üstlenmişlerdir. Kamusal görevler üst­lenmede retorların daha aktif ol­du­ğu görülmektedir; ancak dini görev üstlenen sofistle­rin sayısı retorlardan daha fazladır. Filozofların ise ge­nel olarak kamusal görev üstlenme ve imtiyazlar elde etme hususunda sofist ve retorların gerisinde kaldıkları tespit edilmektedir.


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Year 2017, Volume: 5, 217 - 239, 01.06.2017


Literary sources, epigraphical documents, and numismatic evidence show that the sophists, rhe­tors, and philosophers that belonged to the most pro­minent and the wealthiest families had an excellent edu­cation and so they officiated successfully many pub­lic services and generously spent their money for the cities in the Second Sophistic Period Ist to IIIrd cen­turies AD . They undertook important municipal ma­gistracies such as βούλαρχος, βουλευτής, γραμμα­τεύς, στρατηγός, ἀρχιερεύς, δᾳδοῦχος, ἱερεύς, ἱερο­φάντης, νεωκόρος, νεοποιός, περιθύτης, προφήτης, ἀγο­ρα­νό­μος, λογιστής ve ταμίας, γυμνασίαρχος, ἐφή­βαρ­χος, ἀγω­νοθέτης, εἰρήναρχος/εἰρηνάρχης, στεφα­νή­φορος, πρύτανις/πρυ­τανάρχης. Also, it is docu­men­ted that they took on quite prestigious provincial magistracies such as ἀγωνοθέτης, ἀρχιερεύς/ἀσιάρχης, and γαλα- τάρχης. In this article, religious services of sophists, rhetors, and philosophers in the Second So­phis­tic Pe­riod are investigated. Philostratos VS and epigraphi­cal documents assert that these persons took on impor­tant religious duties such as arkhiereus, hie­reus, da­doukhos, hierophantes, neokoros, neopoios, pe­rithytes and prophetes. They fulfilled these tasks in their own cities as well as in other cities they became citi­zens. It is obvious that rhetors were more active in public tasks; but, the number of sophists who took on religious duty was more than the rhetors. On the other hand, it is determined that philosophers generally fell behind sophists and rhetors about undertaking public duties and obtaining privileges.


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There are 168 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Elif Kaya Akgün This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Submission Date May 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5


Chicago Kaya Akgün, Elif. “İKİNCİ SOFİSTİK DÖNEM: SOFİST, RETOR VE FİLOZOFLARIN DİNİ GÖREVLERİ”. Cedrus 5, June (June 2017): 217-39.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.