Research Article
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Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda

Year 2022, Volume: 10, 323 - 331, 26.06.2022


Recent archaeological excavations carried out between 2004-2013 in the eastern Lycian city of Arycanda in S.W. Turkey, have exposed a late antique quarter that includes several well-dated deposits in several buildings such as Bathhouse, a Peristyle House and related spaces. These ceramic deposits yielded significant fine red slipped and coarse wares from the late antique period. A table amphora form named AF1 from Arycanda has morphologically unique specifications according to its clay specifications. The ceramic data from the deposits at Arycanda have been shown that AF1 was in heavy use in the Vth century A.D. According to technical observations on the fired clays of the Arycanda examples indicated here, eastern Lycian workshops might have produced these vessels. Analogical comparisons of morphologies and clays suggest that this form spread out to other parts of Lycia and the surrounding regions in Late Antiquity. Similar examples from Paphos indicate that AF1 was also possibly exported to Western Cyprus. This paper aims to present and discuss some thoughts on morphological specifications, chronology, possible production sites, and distributions of AF1


  • Arque, M. C., Lemaitre, S. & Waksman, Y. 2012, ‘Les Ceramiques de Cuisson en Lycie Romaine: Essai de Definition des Facies Morphologiques et d'approvisionnement en Mediterranee Orientale’. In Vallet, C. B (ed.), Les Ceramiques Communes Dans Leur Contexte Regional: Facies de Consommation et mode d'approvisionnement 60, 141-153.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2003, Arykanda. Yüksek Kayalığın Yanındaki Yer (Istanbul).
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2005, ‘Arykanda Kazısı Raporu 2004’. ANMED 3, 5-10.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2006, ‘Arykanda Kazıları 2005’. ANMED 4, 5-10.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2007, ‘Arykanda Kazıları 2006’. ANMED 5, 1-5.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2008, ‘2007 Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 6, 6-9.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2009, ‘2008 Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 7, 12-14.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2010, ‘Arykanda Kazısı 2009’. ANMED 8, 14-18.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C. and Tekinalp, V. M., 2011, ‘Arykanda Kazısı 2010’. ANMED 9, 14-18.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C. and Tekinalp, V. M., 2012, ‘2011 Yılı Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 10, 15-20.
  • Bean, G. E. 1978: Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide (New York).
  • Harrison, M., 1964: ‘Lycia 1963’. Anatolian Studies 14, 10-11.
  • Harrison, M., 1980, ’Upland Settlements in Early Medieval Lycia’. In Metzger, H. (ed.), Actes du Collogue sur la Lycie Antique (Paris), 109-118.
  • Harrison, M., 1981, ‘Town and Country in Late Roman Lycia’. IX. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 383-387.
  • Harrison, M., 2001, Mountain and Plain. From the Lycian Coast to the Phrygian Plateau in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Period (Ann Arbor).
  • Harrison, M. and Lawson, G. J. 1979, ‘An Early Byzantine Town at Arif in Lycia’. Yayla 2, 13-17.
  • Hayes, J. W. 2003, ‘Hellenistic and Roman Pottery Deposits from the 'Saranda Kolones' Castle Site at Paphos’. The Annual of the British School at Athens 98, 447-516.
  • Hope, C. A. 2000, ‘Kegs and Flasks from the Dakhleh Oasis’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 6, 189-210.
  • Johnson, B. L. 2008, ‘The pottery’. In Patrich, J. (ed.), Archaeological Excavations at Caesarea Maritima Areas CC, KK, NN. Final report. Vol. I: The Objects, 13- 206.
  • Lemaitre, S., Waksman, S. Y., Arque, M. C., Pellegrino, E., Rocheron, C. and Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2013, ‘Identite regionale et specificites locales en Lycie antique: l'apport des ceramiques culinaires’. In Brun, P., Cavalier, L., Koray, K. & Prost, F. (eds.), Euploia. La Lycie Et La Carie Antiques: Dynamique Des Territoires, Echanges Et Identites, 189-212.
  • Mader, I. 1998, ‘Keramik der Feldforschungen Auf Dem Gebiet von Kyaneai. Teil II: Die Funde Aus Den Jahren 1993/94’. Asia Minor Studien 29, 91-124.
  • Marchand, S. 2007, ‘Les conteneurs de transport et de stockage de l'oasis de Kharga. De la Basse Époque (XXVIIe-XXXe dynasties) à l'époque Ptolémaïque’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 8, 489-503.
  • Marksteiner, T., Lemaitre, S. and Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2007, ‘Die Grabungen am Südtor von Limyra: Die Grabungen der Jahre 1982–1986 am Südtor von Limyra’. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien 76, 171-237.
  • Oleson, J. P., Fitzgerald, M. A., Sherwood, A. N. and Sidebotham, S. 1994, The Harbours of Caesarea Maritima Results of the Caesarea Ancient Harbour Excavation Project 1980-85. Volume II: The Finds and the Ships (Haifa).
  • Özbek, Ç. 2005, Arykanda Nekropolü’ndeki Tonozlu Anıt Mezar Yapıları. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, B. Ş. 2009: Patara Roma Dönemi Günlük Kullanım Seramikleri. Unpublished M.A. Dissertation, Akdeniz University, Antalya.
  • Peloschek, L., Seyer, M., Yener-Marksteiner, B. & Bes, P. 2017, ‘Limestone, Diorite and Radiolarite: First Petrographic Data of Fired Clay Objects from Limyra (Southwest Turkey)’. Adalya 20, 241-266.
  • Pellegrino, E. 2007, ‘Présentation des céramiques à pâte rouge orangé sableuse de Xanthos. Une production de céramique culinaire locale sur le long terme’. In Lemaitre, S. (ed.), Céramiques antiques en Lycie (viie s. a.C.‐viie s. p.C.), Les produits et les marchés, Actes de la table ronde de Poitiers (21‐22 mars 2003), Études 16, 225‐259.
  • Rocheron, C. 2011, La Céramique Commune à Pâte Calcaire de Xanthos et du Létôon de L'époque Classique à la Période Protobyzantine. (Unpublished Dissertation, Université Bordeaux Montaigne).
  • Rougeulle, A. and Marchand, S. 2011, ‘Des siga sur la côte du Hadramawt (Yémen), témoins d’une attaque navale?’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 9, 437-460.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2012, ‘2011 Yılı Arykanda Kazısı TK3 Definesi: bir Ön Değerlendirme’. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities 2.2, 219-228.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2016, ‘Arykanda VI. Hamam Tahliye Kanalında Ele Geçen Sikkeler’. In Çizmeli, Z. (Ed.), Kaunos/Kbid Toplantilari 3: Anadolu Numismatik Araştırmaları Çalıştayı, 13-38.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2018, ‘Analysis of the Coins Found at the Excavations of the 6th Bath Complex in Arycanda’. In Tekin O. (Ed.), Second International Congresson the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World Proceedings, 361-370.
  • Seviç, F. 2022, Arykanda Antik Kenti’ndeki Geç Antik Dönem Hamamları. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Şen, D. 2017: La céramique protobyzantine de Lycie: étude du mobilier des "bains portuaires" (Hurmalik Hammam) de Patara Unpublished Dissertation, Universite Paris 1- Pantheon Sorbonne.
  • Tekinalp, V. M. and Gerçek, A. 2014: ‘2013 Yılı Arykanda Çalışmaları’. ANMED 12, 20-25.
  • Vroom, J. 1998, ‘The Late Roman- Early Byzantine Finds from the Excavations at the Eastern City of Limyra’, KST 20, 143-145.
  • Vroom, J. 2004, ‘Late antique pottery, settlement and trade in the east Mediterranean: a preliminary comparison of ceramics from Limyra (Lycia) and Boeotia’. In Bowden, W., Lavan, L. and Machado, C. (eds.), Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside, 281-334.
  • Vroom, J. 2017, ‘Ceramics’. In Niewöhner, P. (ed.), The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the end of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, 176-193.
  • Waksman, S. Y. & Lemaitre, S. 2010, ‘Ceramiques Culinaires de Lycie (Turquie) aux epoques Romaine et Proto-Byzantine: Approches archeologiques et archaeometriques’. In Menchelli, S., Santoro, S., Pasquinucci, M. & Guiducci, G. (eds.), Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, 781-790. Whitcomb, D. S. 1982, ‘Roman Ceramics’. In Whitcomb, D. S. and Johnson, J. H. (eds.), Quseir Al-Qadim 1980: Preliminary Report, 51-115.
  • Yaman, A. 2018a, Late Roman Pottery from Bathhouse VI of Arycanda (Lycia). In Yenişehirlioğlu, F. (Ed.), XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics Proceedings. (Ankara), 439-447.
  • Yaman, A. 2018b, Arykanda Geç Antik Dönem Mahallesi Seramikleri (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University).
  • Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2021, Die Ostlykische Ware. Definition, Lokalisierung, Leitformen: Bestandsamfrahme eines laufenden Forschungsprozesses, In: R. Ployer – D. Suoboda-Baas (Hrsg.) Magnis Itineribus. Festschrift für Verena Gassner (Phoibos Verlag), Wien 2021, 341-366.
  • Yılmaz, Z. 2008, Die Keramik der Späthellenistischen, Kaiserzeitlichen, Spätantiken und FrühByzantinischen Epochen (Ende 2. Jh. v. - 7. Jh. n. Chr.). In Kolb, F. (Ed.) Lykische Studien 8: Keramik, Münzen, Kirchen und Wirtschaftskomplexe des Zentrallykischen Yavu-Berglandes (Gebiet von Kyaneai) (Bonn), 105-172.

Arykanda’dan Bir Masa Amphora Tipi (AF1) Üzerine Düşünceler

Year 2022, Volume: 10, 323 - 331, 26.06.2022


Doğu Lykia’da Arykandos vadisi üzerinde yer alan Arykanda’da son yıllarda yapılan kazı ve araştırmalar sonucunda, kentin güneydoğu alt yamaçlarında Geç Antik Çağ’a tarihlendirilen ve içerisinde Hamam, Peristil Ev ve ilişkili mekânların yer aldığı geniş bir kompleksten müteşekkil bir mahalle ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Mahallede tespit edilen tarihlenebilir depozitlerde, Geç Antik Çağ’a ait diğer arkeolojik materyallerle beraber, farklı nitelik ve amaçlarla kullanılmış kaliteli ve kaba seramikler ele geçmiştir. Bu seramikler arasında Arykanda Form 1 (AF1) olarak adlandırılan bir masa amphorası formu morfolojik ve hamur özellikleri bakımlarından özgün bir nitelik taşımaktadır. Arykanda depozit verilerinden hareketle, formun MS V. yüzyıl boyunca yoğun olarak kullanıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Analojik araştırmalar ve gözlemler Doğu Lykia atölyelerinde üretilmiş olması muhtemel formun Lykia’da diğer kentlere de dağıtıldığını ortaya koymuştur. Kıbrıs’ta tespit edilen benzer örnekler AF1’lerin yerel bir ürünü Lykia dışına da taşıdığına işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmada AF1’lerin yapısal özellikleri, tarihlendirmeleri, üretim ve dağılımlarına yönelik bazı düşünce ve değerlendirmeler yer almaktadır.


  • Arque, M. C., Lemaitre, S. & Waksman, Y. 2012, ‘Les Ceramiques de Cuisson en Lycie Romaine: Essai de Definition des Facies Morphologiques et d'approvisionnement en Mediterranee Orientale’. In Vallet, C. B (ed.), Les Ceramiques Communes Dans Leur Contexte Regional: Facies de Consommation et mode d'approvisionnement 60, 141-153.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2003, Arykanda. Yüksek Kayalığın Yanındaki Yer (Istanbul).
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2005, ‘Arykanda Kazısı Raporu 2004’. ANMED 3, 5-10.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2006, ‘Arykanda Kazıları 2005’. ANMED 4, 5-10.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2007, ‘Arykanda Kazıları 2006’. ANMED 5, 1-5.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2008, ‘2007 Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 6, 6-9.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2009, ‘2008 Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 7, 12-14.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C., 2010, ‘Arykanda Kazısı 2009’. ANMED 8, 14-18.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C. and Tekinalp, V. M., 2011, ‘Arykanda Kazısı 2010’. ANMED 9, 14-18.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C. and Tekinalp, V. M., 2012, ‘2011 Yılı Arykanda Kazısı’. ANMED 10, 15-20.
  • Bean, G. E. 1978: Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide (New York).
  • Harrison, M., 1964: ‘Lycia 1963’. Anatolian Studies 14, 10-11.
  • Harrison, M., 1980, ’Upland Settlements in Early Medieval Lycia’. In Metzger, H. (ed.), Actes du Collogue sur la Lycie Antique (Paris), 109-118.
  • Harrison, M., 1981, ‘Town and Country in Late Roman Lycia’. IX. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 383-387.
  • Harrison, M., 2001, Mountain and Plain. From the Lycian Coast to the Phrygian Plateau in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Period (Ann Arbor).
  • Harrison, M. and Lawson, G. J. 1979, ‘An Early Byzantine Town at Arif in Lycia’. Yayla 2, 13-17.
  • Hayes, J. W. 2003, ‘Hellenistic and Roman Pottery Deposits from the 'Saranda Kolones' Castle Site at Paphos’. The Annual of the British School at Athens 98, 447-516.
  • Hope, C. A. 2000, ‘Kegs and Flasks from the Dakhleh Oasis’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 6, 189-210.
  • Johnson, B. L. 2008, ‘The pottery’. In Patrich, J. (ed.), Archaeological Excavations at Caesarea Maritima Areas CC, KK, NN. Final report. Vol. I: The Objects, 13- 206.
  • Lemaitre, S., Waksman, S. Y., Arque, M. C., Pellegrino, E., Rocheron, C. and Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2013, ‘Identite regionale et specificites locales en Lycie antique: l'apport des ceramiques culinaires’. In Brun, P., Cavalier, L., Koray, K. & Prost, F. (eds.), Euploia. La Lycie Et La Carie Antiques: Dynamique Des Territoires, Echanges Et Identites, 189-212.
  • Mader, I. 1998, ‘Keramik der Feldforschungen Auf Dem Gebiet von Kyaneai. Teil II: Die Funde Aus Den Jahren 1993/94’. Asia Minor Studien 29, 91-124.
  • Marchand, S. 2007, ‘Les conteneurs de transport et de stockage de l'oasis de Kharga. De la Basse Époque (XXVIIe-XXXe dynasties) à l'époque Ptolémaïque’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 8, 489-503.
  • Marksteiner, T., Lemaitre, S. and Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2007, ‘Die Grabungen am Südtor von Limyra: Die Grabungen der Jahre 1982–1986 am Südtor von Limyra’. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien 76, 171-237.
  • Oleson, J. P., Fitzgerald, M. A., Sherwood, A. N. and Sidebotham, S. 1994, The Harbours of Caesarea Maritima Results of the Caesarea Ancient Harbour Excavation Project 1980-85. Volume II: The Finds and the Ships (Haifa).
  • Özbek, Ç. 2005, Arykanda Nekropolü’ndeki Tonozlu Anıt Mezar Yapıları. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, B. Ş. 2009: Patara Roma Dönemi Günlük Kullanım Seramikleri. Unpublished M.A. Dissertation, Akdeniz University, Antalya.
  • Peloschek, L., Seyer, M., Yener-Marksteiner, B. & Bes, P. 2017, ‘Limestone, Diorite and Radiolarite: First Petrographic Data of Fired Clay Objects from Limyra (Southwest Turkey)’. Adalya 20, 241-266.
  • Pellegrino, E. 2007, ‘Présentation des céramiques à pâte rouge orangé sableuse de Xanthos. Une production de céramique culinaire locale sur le long terme’. In Lemaitre, S. (ed.), Céramiques antiques en Lycie (viie s. a.C.‐viie s. p.C.), Les produits et les marchés, Actes de la table ronde de Poitiers (21‐22 mars 2003), Études 16, 225‐259.
  • Rocheron, C. 2011, La Céramique Commune à Pâte Calcaire de Xanthos et du Létôon de L'époque Classique à la Période Protobyzantine. (Unpublished Dissertation, Université Bordeaux Montaigne).
  • Rougeulle, A. and Marchand, S. 2011, ‘Des siga sur la côte du Hadramawt (Yémen), témoins d’une attaque navale?’. In Marchand, S. (ed.), Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 9, 437-460.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2012, ‘2011 Yılı Arykanda Kazısı TK3 Definesi: bir Ön Değerlendirme’. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities 2.2, 219-228.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2016, ‘Arykanda VI. Hamam Tahliye Kanalında Ele Geçen Sikkeler’. In Çizmeli, Z. (Ed.), Kaunos/Kbid Toplantilari 3: Anadolu Numismatik Araştırmaları Çalıştayı, 13-38.
  • Sancaktar, H., 2018, ‘Analysis of the Coins Found at the Excavations of the 6th Bath Complex in Arycanda’. In Tekin O. (Ed.), Second International Congresson the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World Proceedings, 361-370.
  • Seviç, F. 2022, Arykanda Antik Kenti’ndeki Geç Antik Dönem Hamamları. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Şen, D. 2017: La céramique protobyzantine de Lycie: étude du mobilier des "bains portuaires" (Hurmalik Hammam) de Patara Unpublished Dissertation, Universite Paris 1- Pantheon Sorbonne.
  • Tekinalp, V. M. and Gerçek, A. 2014: ‘2013 Yılı Arykanda Çalışmaları’. ANMED 12, 20-25.
  • Vroom, J. 1998, ‘The Late Roman- Early Byzantine Finds from the Excavations at the Eastern City of Limyra’, KST 20, 143-145.
  • Vroom, J. 2004, ‘Late antique pottery, settlement and trade in the east Mediterranean: a preliminary comparison of ceramics from Limyra (Lycia) and Boeotia’. In Bowden, W., Lavan, L. and Machado, C. (eds.), Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside, 281-334.
  • Vroom, J. 2017, ‘Ceramics’. In Niewöhner, P. (ed.), The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the end of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, 176-193.
  • Waksman, S. Y. & Lemaitre, S. 2010, ‘Ceramiques Culinaires de Lycie (Turquie) aux epoques Romaine et Proto-Byzantine: Approches archeologiques et archaeometriques’. In Menchelli, S., Santoro, S., Pasquinucci, M. & Guiducci, G. (eds.), Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, 781-790. Whitcomb, D. S. 1982, ‘Roman Ceramics’. In Whitcomb, D. S. and Johnson, J. H. (eds.), Quseir Al-Qadim 1980: Preliminary Report, 51-115.
  • Yaman, A. 2018a, Late Roman Pottery from Bathhouse VI of Arycanda (Lycia). In Yenişehirlioğlu, F. (Ed.), XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics Proceedings. (Ankara), 439-447.
  • Yaman, A. 2018b, Arykanda Geç Antik Dönem Mahallesi Seramikleri (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University).
  • Yener-Marksteiner, B. 2021, Die Ostlykische Ware. Definition, Lokalisierung, Leitformen: Bestandsamfrahme eines laufenden Forschungsprozesses, In: R. Ployer – D. Suoboda-Baas (Hrsg.) Magnis Itineribus. Festschrift für Verena Gassner (Phoibos Verlag), Wien 2021, 341-366.
  • Yılmaz, Z. 2008, Die Keramik der Späthellenistischen, Kaiserzeitlichen, Spätantiken und FrühByzantinischen Epochen (Ende 2. Jh. v. - 7. Jh. n. Chr.). In Kolb, F. (Ed.) Lykische Studien 8: Keramik, Münzen, Kirchen und Wirtschaftskomplexe des Zentrallykischen Yavu-Berglandes (Gebiet von Kyaneai) (Bonn), 105-172.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Asil Yaman 0000-0003-1532-756X

Publication Date June 26, 2022
Submission Date February 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10


APA Yaman, A. (2022). Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda. Cedrus, 10, 323-331.
AMA Yaman A. Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda. Cedrus. June 2022;10:323-331.
Chicago Yaman, Asil. “Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda”. Cedrus 10, June (June 2022): 323-31.
EndNote Yaman A (June 1, 2022) Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda. Cedrus 10 323–331.
IEEE A. Yaman, “Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda”, Cedrus, vol. 10, pp. 323–331, 2022.
ISNAD Yaman, Asil. “Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda”. Cedrus 10 (June 2022), 323-331.
JAMA Yaman A. Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda. Cedrus. 2022;10:323–331.
MLA Yaman, Asil. “Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda”. Cedrus, vol. 10, 2022, pp. 323-31.
Vancouver Yaman A. Some Thoughts on a Table Amphora Type (AF1) in Arycanda. Cedrus. 2022;10:323-31.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.