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Amphora Stamps from Halikarnassos-II : Excavations of Eski Çesme Quarter

Year 2023, Volume: 11, 79 - 104, 21.06.2023


The rescue excavations in Eski Çeşme quarter at Bodrum were carried out within the city walls of ancient Halikarnassos, one of the important cities of Dorian Hexapolis, in the south-east of the Myndos Gate, south of the theatre and close to the ancient port. During the excavations executed in 2018 by archaeologists from the Museum of Underwater Archaeology at Bodrum, an interconnected building complex was discovered. The importance of this article is that it is one of the first comprehensive studies on the amphora stamps from the city of Halikarnassos. In this article, the stamped handles belonging to Hellenistic imported amphorae found in this excavation area are presented. Among the finds are a total of 28 stamped handles. 8 of these belong to Rhodes, 7 to Rhodian Peraea, 5 to Knidos and 4 to Kos. In addition, stamped handles belonging to Paros, Sinope and the Group of Nikandros are represented by a single example. An unidentified stamped handle is probably originated from the Rhodian Peraea. The finds studied provide important information concerning the commercial activities of Halikarnassos during the Hellenistic Period and provide new information on the distribution of the products of the stamped amphora production centers in the Eastern Mediterranean markets. Additionally, the finds are important for the studies on amphora stamps.


  • Adamsheck B. 1979, “Stamped Amphora Handles”. Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth IV, 25-41. Badaliants Y. S. 1980 “Nouvelles correspondances chronologiques des noms de personne sur les amphores rhodiennes”. SA 2, 161-166.
  • Badoud N. 2010, “Amphores Rhodiennes vues à Damas par Henri Seyrig”. Syria 87, 165-172.
  • Barker C. 2004, “The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus”. Eds. J.
  • Eiring & J. Lund, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 5). September 26-29, 2002. Denmark, 73-84.
  • Bleckmann F. 1907, De Inscriptionibus in Vasculis Rhodiis. Gottingen.
  • Botti G. 1901, Ville d'Alexandrie (Egypte): Catalogue des Monuments Exposés au Musée Gréco-Romain d'Alexandrie. Alexandrie.
  • Börker C. & Burow J. 1998, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon. Berlin, New York. Calvet Y. 1982, Les Timbres Amphoriques, Kition Bamboula I. Paris.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2000, İskenderiye (Mısır) Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora Mühürleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi. İzmir.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2015a, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 1: Eponyms A (Études Alexandrines 33, Amphoralex 3). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2015b, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 2: Eponyms B-K (Études Alexandrines 35, Amphoralex 4). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2016, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 3: Eponyms Λ-Σ (Études Alexandrines 36, Amphoralex 5). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2017, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 4: Eponyms Τ-Χ (Études Alexandrines 39, Amphoralex 6). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2019, “Stamped Amphora Handles from the Karian Chersonesos: Loryma and Bybassos”. Ed. W. Held, Forschungen auf der Karischen Chersones, Band 1: Die Karishe Chersones vom Chalkolithikum bis in die Byzantinische Zeit, Beiträge zun den Surveys in Loryma und Bybassos. Marburg, 119-153. Cankardeş Şenol G., A. K. Şenol & E. Doğer 2004, “Amphora Production in the Rhodian Peraea in the Hellenistic Period”. Eds. J. Eiring & J. Lund, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens. September 26- 29, 2002. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 5). Denmark, 353-359.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. & Alkaç E. 2007, “IV.6. Amphora Mühürleri: Rhodos, Knidos, Kıbrıs ve Lokal Üretimler (Stamped Amphora Handles: Rhodian, Cnidian, Cypriot and Local Productions)”. Ed. S. Durugönül, Dağlık Kilikia’da Bir Antik Kent Kazısının Sonuçları–NAGIDOS/Results of an Excavation in an Ancient City in Rough Cilicia (Adalya Suppl 6). İstanbul.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. & Canoğlu E. 2007, “Mısır-Aleksandria Greko-Romen Müzesi’nde Bulunan Düğme Formlu Mühürler (Button-Type Amphora Stamps in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria- Egypt)”. Arkeoloji Dergisi XIV/2, 109-160.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G., E. Benli Bağcı & S. Deniz Kesici 2023, “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-I: Türk Kuyusu Mahallesi Kazıları”. Olba XXXI, 233-270.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G., E. Benli Bağcı & N. Özkan, “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-III: Çarşı Mahallesi Kazıları”. TÜBA-KED, (baskıda).
  • Conovici N. 1998, Les Timbres Amphoriques 2. Sinope (Tuiles Timbrées Comprises), Corpus International des Timbres Amphoriques, Fascicule 3 (Histria VIII). Bucarest.
  • Conovici N. & Garlan Y. 2004, “Les timbres amphoriques etrangers trouvés à Sinope (I)”. Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 12, 105-122.
  • Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları 103 Conovici N., A. Avram & G. P. Bordea 1989, “Nouveaux timbres amphoriques sinopéens de Callatis”. Dacia 33/1-2, Bucarest, 111-123.
  • Criscuolo L. 1982, Bolli d’Anfora Greci e Romani: La Collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano. Bologne. Crowfoot J. W. 1957, The Objects from Samaria. London.
  • Deshayes J. 1963, La Nécropole de Ktima. Paris.
  • Doğer E. 1994, “Rodoslu Çömlekçi Hieroteles”. Arkeoloji Dergisi II, 195-218.
  • Doğer E. 1996, “Hisarönü/Çubucak Rodos Amphora Atölyeleri Kazısı”. KST 18/2, 235-254.
  • Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 1996, “Rhodos Peraiası’nda iki Yeni Amphora Atölyesi”. Arkeoloji Dergisi 4, 59-73. Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 1999, “1997 Yılı Marmaris Hisarönü/Çubucak Kazıları”. KST XX, 439-446. Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 2000, “1998 Yılı Marmaris Hisarönü-Çubucak Seramik Atölyeleri Kazıları”. KST XXI, 293-304.
  • Dündar E. 2017, Transport Jars and Stamped Amphoras from Patara 7th to 1st centuries BC, The Maritime Trade of a Harbor City in Lycia (PATARA IV.3). İstanbul.
  • Dumont A. 1871, Inscriptions Céramiques de Grèce, Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Littéraires, Deuxième Série, Tome Sixième. Paris.
  • Empereur J. Y. 1990, “Η Χρονολοηση των Ροδιακων Αμφορεων Στην Ελληνιστικη Περιοδο”. ΑΝΑΤΥΡΟ, 199-209.
  • Empereur J. Y. & Guimier Sorbets A. M. 1986, “Une banque de données sur les vases conteneurs- amphores et lagynoi-dans le monde Grec et Romain”. Eds. J. Y. Empereur & Y. Garlan, Recherches sur les amphores grecques (BCH Suppl. 13). Paris, 127-141.
  • Empereur J. Y. & Picon M. 1986, “Des ateliers d’amphores à Paros et à Naxos”. BCH CX/I, 495-511. Empereur J. Y. & Tuna N. 1989, “Hiérotélès, potier rhodien de la Pérée”. BCH 113, 277-299.
  • Etienne R. 1986, “Anses Timbrées’’, Eds. R. Etienne & J. P. Braun, Ténos I, Le Sanctuaire de Poséidon et d’Amphitrite (BEFAR 263). Athens, Paris, 233-258.
  • Fedoseev N. 2017 “Керамические клейма поселения «Полянка» в Восточном Крыму”. Крым в эпоху эллинизма. Симферополь. Simferopol, 169-250.
  • Finkielsztejn G. 2001, Chronologie Détaillée et Révisée des Eponymes Amphoriques Rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. Environ, Premier Vilan (BAR-IS 990). Oxford.
  • Finkielsztejn G. 2021, “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data”. Eds. A. M. Berlin & P.J. Kosmin, The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Atlanta, 193-214.
  • Grace V. R. 1934, “Stamped Amphora Handles Found in 1931-1932 (The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora Fourth Report)”. Hesperia 3/3, 197-310.
  • Grace V. R. 1948, “Rhodian Jars in Florida”. Hesperia 17/2, 144-147.
  • Grace V. R. 1949, “Standard Pottery Containers of the Ancient Greek World”. Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear (Hesperia Suppl. 8). 175-189.
  • Grace V. R. 1950, “The Stamped Amphora Handles”. Ed. H. Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Princeton, 135-148.
  • Grace V. R. 1963, “Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula”. Hesperia 32/3, 319-334.
  • Grace V. R. 1985, “The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps”. Hesperia 54/1, 1-54.
  • Grace V. R. 1986, “Some Amphoras from a Hellenistic Wreck”. Eds. J. Y. Empereur & Y. Garlan, Recherches sur les amphores grecques (BCH Suppl. 13). Paris, 551-565.
  • Grace V. R. & Savvatianou Petropoulakou M. 1970, “Les timbres amphoriques Grecs”. Ed. P. Bruneau, L’îlot de la Maison des Comédiens, Exploration Archéologique de Délos Faite par l’Ecole Française d’Athènes 27. Paris, 277-382.
  • Hall I. H. 1882-1885, “The Greek Stamps on the Handles of Rhodian Amphorae”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 11, 389-396.
  • Held W., G. Cankardeş Şenol & A. K. Şenol 2011, “2009 Yılı Bybassos Araştırması”. AST 28/3, 325-340. Ivashchenko M. V. & Sinika V. S. 2017, “Amphora stamps from the Nadlimanskoe Fortified Settlement”. MAIASK 9, 484-533.
  • Jefremow N. 1995, Die Keramikstempel des Hellenistischen Knidos. München.
  • Jöhrens G. 1999, Amphorenstempel im Nationalmuseum von Athen. Mainz.
  • Jöhrens G. 2001, “Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais”. Eurasia Antiqua 7, 367-479. Jöhrens G. 2004a, “Amphorenstempel aus Didyma”. Ed. U. Wintermeyer, Die hellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Gebrauchskeramik. Didyma III.2. Mainz am Rhein, 153-169.
  • Jöhrens G. 2004b, “Amphorenstempel und die Gründung von Tanais”. Eds. J. Eiring & J. Lund, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 5). September 26-29, 2002. Denmark, 149-154.
  • Lawall M. L. 2007, “Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles”. Eds. V. Mitsopoulos Leon & C. Lang Auinger, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos. 2. Teil: Funde klassischer bis römischer Zeit. Forschungen in Ephesos 9, 2, 3. Vienna, 28-60.
  • Museteanu C., N. Conovici & A. Atanasiu 1978, “Contribution au problème de l’importation des amphores grecques dans le sud-est de la Munténie”. Dacia 22, 173-199.
  • Nicolaou I. 2005, The Stamped Amphora Handles from the House of Dionysos, Paphos Volume V. Nicosia. Pianu G. 1980, “Contributo ad un Corpus del Materiale Anforario della Sardegna. Le anfore Rodie e le Anfore Dressel 1 e Dressel 2-4”. Archivio Storico Sardo 31, 11-23.
  • Porro G. G. 1914, “Bolli d'anfore rodie trovati in Sardegna”. ASSard X, 380-389.
  • Schmaltz B. 2016, Die hellenistischen Amphorenstempel von Kaunos (Asia Minor Studien 79). Bonn. Stoyanov T., K. Madzharov & A. Bozkhova 2017, “Catalogue of the Stamps”. Eds. A. Bozkhova, K. Madzharov & T. Stoyanov, Sboryanovo Vol. IV: The Economic Relations of the Getic Capital Helis According to the Transport Amphorae. Part one: The Amphora Stamps. Sofia, 105-259.
  • Sztetyłło Z. 2000, Tell Atrib 1985-1995, I: Pottery Stamps. Varsovie.
  • Şenol A. K. 2019, “Ceramic Production on the Karian Chersonesos”. Ed. W. Held, Forschungen auf der Karischen Chersones, Band 1: Die Karishe Chersones vom Chalkolithikum bis in die byzantinische Zeit, Beiträge zun den Surveys in Loryma und Bybassos. Marburg, 93-119.
  • Wallace Matheson P. M. & Wallace M. B. 1982, “Some Rhodian Amphora Capacities”. Hesperia 51/3, 293-320. Zeitoun N., C. Christophi & J. Y. Empereur 1988, “Les anses d’amphores du Musée Gréco-Romain d’Alexandrie”. Ed. J. Y. Empereur, Commerce et Artisanat dans l’Alexandrie Hellénistique et Romaine, Actes du Colloque d'Athènes, Organisé par le CNRS, le Laboratoire de Céramologie de Lyon et l'Ecole française d'Athènes (BCH Suppl. 33). Athènes, 367-391.

Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları

Year 2023, Volume: 11, 79 - 104, 21.06.2023


Bodrum Eski Çeşme Mahallesi kurtarma kazıları, Dor Hexapolisinin önemli kentlerinden biri olan antik Halikarnassos kentinin surlarının içinde, Myndos kapının güney doğusunda, tiyatronun güneyinde ve antik limana yakın bir konumdadır. Bodrum Sualtı Arkeoloji Müzesi arkeologları tarafından 2018 yılında gerçekleştirilen kazı çalışmalarında birbiriyle bağlantılı bir yapı kompleksi ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Makalede, bu alandaki kazılar sonucu ele geçen Hellenistik Döneme tarihlenen ithal amphoralara ait mühürlü kulplar incelenmektedir. Makale, Halikarnassos kentinden ele geçen amphora mühürlerine ilişkin kapsamlı ilk çalışmalardan biri olması bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Kazı çalışmalarında bulunan toplam 28 amphora mühürlü kulbundan 8 adedi Rhodos, 7 adedi Rhodos Peraiası, 5 adedi Knidos ve 4 adedi Kos kökenli amphoralara aittir. Bunların yanısıra Paros, Sinope ve Nikandros Grubu amphoralarına ait de birer mühürlü kulp mevcuttur. Kökeni kesin olarak belirlenemeyen bir örnek de, olasılıkla, Rhodos Peraiası kökenli olmalıdır. Çalışmada incelenen bu buluntular Halikarnassos kentinin Hellenistik Dönem ticaretine ışık tutmaktadır. Aynı zamanda mühürlü amphora üreticisi kentlerin ürünlerinin Doğu Akdeniz pazarındaki dağılımına ilişkin yeni bilgilerin elde edilmesine katkı sağlamaktadır. Buna ek olarak, buluntular amphora mühür çalışmaları açısından da önem arzetmektedir.


  • Adamsheck B. 1979, “Stamped Amphora Handles”. Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth IV, 25-41. Badaliants Y. S. 1980 “Nouvelles correspondances chronologiques des noms de personne sur les amphores rhodiennes”. SA 2, 161-166.
  • Badoud N. 2010, “Amphores Rhodiennes vues à Damas par Henri Seyrig”. Syria 87, 165-172.
  • Barker C. 2004, “The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus”. Eds. J.
  • Eiring & J. Lund, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 5). September 26-29, 2002. Denmark, 73-84.
  • Bleckmann F. 1907, De Inscriptionibus in Vasculis Rhodiis. Gottingen.
  • Botti G. 1901, Ville d'Alexandrie (Egypte): Catalogue des Monuments Exposés au Musée Gréco-Romain d'Alexandrie. Alexandrie.
  • Börker C. & Burow J. 1998, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon. Berlin, New York. Calvet Y. 1982, Les Timbres Amphoriques, Kition Bamboula I. Paris.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2000, İskenderiye (Mısır) Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora Mühürleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi. İzmir.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2015a, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 1: Eponyms A (Études Alexandrines 33, Amphoralex 3). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2015b, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 2: Eponyms B-K (Études Alexandrines 35, Amphoralex 4). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2016, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 3: Eponyms Λ-Σ (Études Alexandrines 36, Amphoralex 5). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2017, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Volume 4: Eponyms Τ-Χ (Études Alexandrines 39, Amphoralex 6). Alexandrie.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. 2019, “Stamped Amphora Handles from the Karian Chersonesos: Loryma and Bybassos”. Ed. W. Held, Forschungen auf der Karischen Chersones, Band 1: Die Karishe Chersones vom Chalkolithikum bis in die Byzantinische Zeit, Beiträge zun den Surveys in Loryma und Bybassos. Marburg, 119-153. Cankardeş Şenol G., A. K. Şenol & E. Doğer 2004, “Amphora Production in the Rhodian Peraea in the Hellenistic Period”. Eds. J. Eiring & J. Lund, Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens. September 26- 29, 2002. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Vol. 5). Denmark, 353-359.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. & Alkaç E. 2007, “IV.6. Amphora Mühürleri: Rhodos, Knidos, Kıbrıs ve Lokal Üretimler (Stamped Amphora Handles: Rhodian, Cnidian, Cypriot and Local Productions)”. Ed. S. Durugönül, Dağlık Kilikia’da Bir Antik Kent Kazısının Sonuçları–NAGIDOS/Results of an Excavation in an Ancient City in Rough Cilicia (Adalya Suppl 6). İstanbul.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G. & Canoğlu E. 2007, “Mısır-Aleksandria Greko-Romen Müzesi’nde Bulunan Düğme Formlu Mühürler (Button-Type Amphora Stamps in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria- Egypt)”. Arkeoloji Dergisi XIV/2, 109-160.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G., E. Benli Bağcı & S. Deniz Kesici 2023, “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-I: Türk Kuyusu Mahallesi Kazıları”. Olba XXXI, 233-270.
  • Cankardeş Şenol G., E. Benli Bağcı & N. Özkan, “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-III: Çarşı Mahallesi Kazıları”. TÜBA-KED, (baskıda).
  • Conovici N. 1998, Les Timbres Amphoriques 2. Sinope (Tuiles Timbrées Comprises), Corpus International des Timbres Amphoriques, Fascicule 3 (Histria VIII). Bucarest.
  • Conovici N. & Garlan Y. 2004, “Les timbres amphoriques etrangers trouvés à Sinope (I)”. Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 12, 105-122.
  • Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları 103 Conovici N., A. Avram & G. P. Bordea 1989, “Nouveaux timbres amphoriques sinopéens de Callatis”. Dacia 33/1-2, Bucarest, 111-123.
  • Criscuolo L. 1982, Bolli d’Anfora Greci e Romani: La Collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano. Bologne. Crowfoot J. W. 1957, The Objects from Samaria. London.
  • Deshayes J. 1963, La Nécropole de Ktima. Paris.
  • Doğer E. 1994, “Rodoslu Çömlekçi Hieroteles”. Arkeoloji Dergisi II, 195-218.
  • Doğer E. 1996, “Hisarönü/Çubucak Rodos Amphora Atölyeleri Kazısı”. KST 18/2, 235-254.
  • Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 1996, “Rhodos Peraiası’nda iki Yeni Amphora Atölyesi”. Arkeoloji Dergisi 4, 59-73. Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 1999, “1997 Yılı Marmaris Hisarönü/Çubucak Kazıları”. KST XX, 439-446. Doğer E. & Şenol A. K. 2000, “1998 Yılı Marmaris Hisarönü-Çubucak Seramik Atölyeleri Kazıları”. KST XXI, 293-304.
  • Dündar E. 2017, Transport Jars and Stamped Amphoras from Patara 7th to 1st centuries BC, The Maritime Trade of a Harbor City in Lycia (PATARA IV.3). İstanbul.
  • Dumont A. 1871, Inscriptions Céramiques de Grèce, Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Littéraires, Deuxième Série, Tome Sixième. Paris.
  • Empereur J. Y. 1990, “Η Χρονολοηση των Ροδιακων Αμφορεων Στην Ελληνιστικη Περιοδο”. ΑΝΑΤΥΡΟ, 199-209.
  • Empereur J. Y. & Guimier Sorbets A. M. 1986, “Une banque de données sur les vases conteneurs- amphores et lagynoi-dans le monde Grec et Romain”. Eds. J. Y. Empereur & Y. Garlan, Recherches sur les amphores grecques (BCH Suppl. 13). Paris, 127-141.
  • Empereur J. Y. & Picon M. 1986, “Des ateliers d’amphores à Paros et à Naxos”. BCH CX/I, 495-511. Empereur J. Y. & Tuna N. 1989, “Hiérotélès, potier rhodien de la Pérée”. BCH 113, 277-299.
  • Etienne R. 1986, “Anses Timbrées’’, Eds. R. Etienne & J. P. Braun, Ténos I, Le Sanctuaire de Poséidon et d’Amphitrite (BEFAR 263). Athens, Paris, 233-258.
  • Fedoseev N. 2017 “Керамические клейма поселения «Полянка» в Восточном Крыму”. Крым в эпоху эллинизма. Симферополь. Simferopol, 169-250.
  • Finkielsztejn G. 2001, Chronologie Détaillée et Révisée des Eponymes Amphoriques Rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. Environ, Premier Vilan (BAR-IS 990). Oxford.
  • Finkielsztejn G. 2021, “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data”. Eds. A. M. Berlin & P.J. Kosmin, The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Atlanta, 193-214.
  • Grace V. R. 1934, “Stamped Amphora Handles Found in 1931-1932 (The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora Fourth Report)”. Hesperia 3/3, 197-310.
  • Grace V. R. 1948, “Rhodian Jars in Florida”. Hesperia 17/2, 144-147.
  • Grace V. R. 1949, “Standard Pottery Containers of the Ancient Greek World”. Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear (Hesperia Suppl. 8). 175-189.
  • Grace V. R. 1950, “The Stamped Amphora Handles”. Ed. H. Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Princeton, 135-148.
  • Grace V. R. 1963, “Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula”. Hesperia 32/3, 319-334.
  • Grace V. R. 1985, “The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps”. Hesperia 54/1, 1-54.
  • Grace V. R. 1986, “Some Amphoras from a Hellenistic Wreck”. Eds. J. Y. Empereur & Y. Garlan, Recherches sur les amphores grecques (BCH Suppl. 13). Paris, 551-565.
  • Grace V. R. & Savvatianou Petropoulakou M. 1970, “Les timbres amphoriques Grecs”. Ed. P. Bruneau, L’îlot de la Maison des Comédiens, Exploration Archéologique de Délos Faite par l’Ecole Française d’Athènes 27. Paris, 277-382.
  • Hall I. H. 1882-1885, “The Greek Stamps on the Handles of Rhodian Amphorae”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 11, 389-396.
  • Held W., G. Cankardeş Şenol & A. K. Şenol 2011, “2009 Yılı Bybassos Araştırması”. AST 28/3, 325-340. Ivashchenko M. V. & Sinika V. S. 2017, “Amphora stamps from the Nadlimanskoe Fortified Settlement”. MAIASK 9, 484-533.
  • Jefremow N. 1995, Die Keramikstempel des Hellenistischen Knidos. München.
  • Jöhrens G. 1999, Amphorenstempel im Nationalmuseum von Athen. Mainz.
  • Jöhrens G. 2001, “Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais”. Eurasia Antiqua 7, 367-479. Jöhrens G. 2004a, “Amphorenstempel aus Didyma”. Ed. U. Wintermeyer, Die hellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Gebrauchskeramik. Didyma III.2. Mainz am Rhein, 153-169.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Latin and Classical Greek Languages, Archaeology, Ceramics in Archeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Gonca Şenol 0000-0001-8540-6648

Gürşans Uzala 0000-0002-4658-7658

Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date September 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 11


APA Şenol, G., & Uzala, G. (2023). Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları. Cedrus, 11, 79-104.
AMA Şenol G, Uzala G. Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları. Cedrus. June 2023;11:79-104.
Chicago Şenol, Gonca, and Gürşans Uzala. “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları”. Cedrus 11, June (June 2023): 79-104.
EndNote Şenol G, Uzala G (June 1, 2023) Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları. Cedrus 11 79–104.
IEEE G. Şenol and G. Uzala, “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları”, Cedrus, vol. 11, pp. 79–104, 2023.
ISNAD Şenol, Gonca - Uzala, Gürşans. “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları”. Cedrus 11 (June 2023), 79-104.
JAMA Şenol G, Uzala G. Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları. Cedrus. 2023;11:79–104.
MLA Şenol, Gonca and Gürşans Uzala. “Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları”. Cedrus, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 79-104.
Vancouver Şenol G, Uzala G. Halikarnassos’tan Amphora Mühürleri-II: Eski Çeşme Mahallesi Kazıları. Cedrus. 2023;11:79-104.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 15 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.