Research Article
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A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum

Year 2023, Volume: 11, 243 - 288, 21.06.2023


Due to the city’s strategically important geographical position in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, the Caesarean mint remained active for the next three centuries, since AD 17, when Cappadocia was constituted as a Roman Province. The Caesarean coinage is distinct and displays a number of features that justify its significance. As part of this paper, we present a catalogue of selected Roman provincial coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from the Niğde Museum’s collection, denoting different legend and type combinations on the obverse and reverse of the coins. Later there follows a brief study of the variety of coins issued under the Roman sovereignty of the province from the time of Claudius to Gordianus III. Even though the legends on the coins follow the same order, the designs, particularly those on the reverse of the coins, reveal the broad diversity of the objects. The majority of the types have merely local significance, and any possible variance tends to refer to the local cults pertinent to the city, with Mount Argaeus appearing as the most commonly represented image on the coins of Caesarea. Other types are infrequently used, yet we see imperial symbols making their way into provincial coinage, alluding to historical events and conquests of the Empire.

Supporting Institution

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Project Number



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  • Millar F. 2004, Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. II: Government, Society, and Culture in the Roman Empire. Eds. H. M Cotton & G. M. Rogers. Chapel Hill – London.
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  • Rémy B. 1989, Les Carrières Sénatoriales dans les Provinces Romaines D'Anatolie au Haut-Empire (31 av. J.-C. - 284 ap. J.-C.) (Pont-Bithynie, Galatie, Cappadoce, Lycie-Pamphylie et Cilicie). Varia Anatolica II. İstanbul – Paris.
  • RIC I, Sutherland C. H. V. 1984, The Roman Imperial Coinage, Vol. I. From 31 BC to AD 69. Eds. C. H. V. Sutherland & R. A. G. Carson. London.
  • Rogić, D., J. A. Grašar & E. Nikolić 2012, “Wreath - Its Use and Meaning in Ancient Visual Culture”. Religion and Tolerance X/18, 341-358.
  • RPC I, Burnett A., M. Amandry & P. P. Ripollès 1992, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. I. From the Death of Caesar to the Death of Vitellius (44 BC-AD 69). London – Paris.
  • RPC II, Burnett A., M. Amandry & I. Carradice 1999, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. II. From Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69-96). London – Paris.
  • RPC III, Amandry M., A. Burnett & J. Mairat 2015, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. III. Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (AD 96–138). London – Paris.
  • RPC IV.3 Online, Heuchert V. since 2005, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. IV.3. The Antonines (AD 138- 192): Lycia-Pamphylia to Arabia. Online:
  • RPC VI Online, Calomino D. & Burnett A., since 2017, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. VI. From Elagabalus to Maximinus (AD 218-238). Online: RPC VII.2, Mairat J., M. Spoerri Butcher, M. Amandry, R. Bland, K. Butcher, J. Nurpetlian, & U. Peter 2022, Roman
  • Provincial Coinage Vol. VII.2. From Gordian I to Gordian III (AD 238-244): all provinces except Asia. London – Paris.
  • RPC Suppl. 4, Amandry M., A. Burnett, A. Hostein, J. Mairat, P. P. Ripollès & M. Spoerri Butcher 2017.
  • Roman Provincial Coinage, (Suppl. 4). Online: Salzmann D. 1998, “Kaiserzeitliche Denkmäler mit Preiskronen. Agonistische Siegespreise als Zeichen Privater und öffentlicher Selbstdarstellung”. Stadion. Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Sports XXIV/1. Colloquium “Agonistik in der Römischern Kaiserzeit”. Landhaus Rothenberge bei Münster. 25-27 Oktober, 1995. Sankt Augustin, 89-99.
  • Sear D. R. 2001, Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values: The Local Coinages of the Roman Empire. London. SNG
  • Anamur, Tekin O. & Altınoluk S. 2007, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Turkey 2: Anamur Museum, Vol. I. Roman Provincial Coins. İstanbul.
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  • SNG Glasgow, Goddard J. 2004, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Vol. XII. The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, Part 1: Roman Provincial Coins, Spain - Kingdoms of Asia Minor. New York.
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  • SNG Tübingen, 1998, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Münzsammlung der Universität Tübingen, Part 6: Phrygien - Kappadokien, Römische Provinzprägungen in Kleinasien. München.
  • SNG v. Aulock, 1967, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Vol. XIV. Sammlung v. Aulock: Galatien, Kappadokien, Kaiserzeitliche Kistophoren, Posthume Lysimachus - und Alexander - Tetradrachmen, Incerti. Berlin.
  • SNG v. Aulock Nach. IV, 1968, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Vol. XVIII. Sammlung v. Aulock, Nachträge IV: Phrygien, Lykien, Pamphylien, Pisidien, Lykaonien, Isaurien, Kilikien, Galatien, Kappadokien, Kaiserzeitl. Kistophoren, Incerti. Berlin.
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  • Tekin O. 1998, “MÖ IV. - MS VI. Yüzyıllar: Hellenistik Çağ ve Roma İmparatorluk Döneminde Kapadokya Krallığı”. Ed. M. Sözen, Kapadokya. İstanbul, 194-225.
  • Tekin O. 2007, “Kilikia’daki Anazarbos ile Kappadokia’daki Kaisareia Üzerine Numismatik Notlar”. Eds. M. Alparslan, M. Doğan-Alparslan & H. Peker, Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol'a Armağan, VITA, Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol. İstanbul, 767-771.
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Niğde Müzesi’nden Bir Grup Kappadokia Kaisareia Roma Eyalet Sikkesi

Year 2023, Volume: 11, 243 - 288, 21.06.2023


MS 17’de Kappadokia’nın bir Roma Eyaleti olmasıyla imparatorluğunun doğusunda stratejik olarak önemli bir konumda bulunan Kaisareia kenti, üç yüzyıl boyunca aktif bir darphane olarak varlığını sürdürmüştür. Kaisareia sikkelerindeki çok sayıdaki farklı betimlemeler bu sikkelerin çeşitliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmanın katalog kısmında, Niğde Müzesi Koleksiyonu’nda korunan ve Kappadokia eyaletinde yer alan Kaisareia’nın Roma Eyalet sikkeleri incelenirken; metin kısmında Roma Egemenliği altında bir eyalet olarak varlığını sürdüren Kaisareia’nın, Claudius’dan III. Gordianus’a kadar olan zaman aralığını kapsayan sikkeler ayrıntılarıyla açıklanmak, tadır. Bu sikkelerin ön ve arka yüzlerindeki yazılar çok değişkenlik göstermezken, özellikle arka yüzü olmak üzere, betimlemelerde farklılıklar görülmektedir. Çalışmada incelenen sikkelerin çoğunluğunda yerel özellikler ağır basmakta olup, kentin kült ile ilgili betimlemelerine yer verilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Kaisareia sikkelerinin üzerinde en çok kullanılan betimleme Argaios (Erciyes) Dağı olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Buna karşın tarihsel olaylar ve imparatorluğun fethettiği yerlerin gösterimlerinin yer aldığı sembolik betimlemeler daha az kullanılmaktadır.

Project Number



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  • RPC II, Burnett A., M. Amandry & I. Carradice 1999, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. II. From Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69-96). London – Paris.
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  • RPC VI Online, Calomino D. & Burnett A., since 2017, Roman Provincial Coinage Vol. VI. From Elagabalus to Maximinus (AD 218-238). Online: RPC VII.2, Mairat J., M. Spoerri Butcher, M. Amandry, R. Bland, K. Butcher, J. Nurpetlian, & U. Peter 2022, Roman
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  • SNG Tübingen, 1998, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Münzsammlung der Universität Tübingen, Part 6: Phrygien - Kappadokien, Römische Provinzprägungen in Kleinasien. München.
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  • Tekin O. 2007, “Kilikia’daki Anazarbos ile Kappadokia’daki Kaisareia Üzerine Numismatik Notlar”. Eds. M. Alparslan, M. Doğan-Alparslan & H. Peker, Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol'a Armağan, VITA, Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol. İstanbul, 767-771.
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  • ANS, American Numismatic Society, A Numismatic Technologies Integration Service MANTIS/
  • Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Münzkabinett Online Catalogue/
  • BnF, Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques/
  • Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Theodora Wilbour Fund in memory of Zoé Wilbour/
  • Cambridge, The Fitzwilliam Museum/
  • Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Coin Collection Online Catalogue/ https://ikmk.uni-
  • Leeds, Leeds University Library, University of Leeds/
  • London, The British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals/
  • Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster - Archäologisches Museum, The Digital Coin Cabinet Münster University/
  • Uppsala, Uppsala University Coin Cabinet, Platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage, ALVIN/
  • Agora, Agora Auctions, New York. Url:
  • Aquila, Aquila Numismatics, Salzgitter. Url: Ares, Ares
  • Numismatics, Schiedam. Url:
  • Bertolami, Bertolami Fine Arts (E-Live Auction), Rome. Url: Bucephalus,
  • Bucephalus Numismatic, Gent. Url: CNG, Classical
  • Numismatic Group, Inc., London. Url:
  • Demos, Demos Auctions, Warsaw. Url:
  • Harlan, Harlan J. Berk Ltd., Chicago. Url:
  • Heritage, Heritage Auctions, Inc., Dallas. Url:
  • Leu, Leu Numismatik (Web Auction), Winterthur. Url:
  • N&N, N&N London Ltd (Green Auction), London. Url:
  • Naumann, Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann), Wien. Url: https://www.numismatik-
  • Nomos, Nomos (Obolos Web Auction), Zürich. Url:
  • Roma, Roma Numismatics Limited, London. Url: Savoca, Savoca Numismatik (Blue Auction), München. Url: Zeus, Zeus Numismatics, Eindhoven. Url:
There are 91 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology, Numismatics
Journal Section Research Articles

Serhat Foça 0000-0002-9735-8126

Project Number SOB2016/08BAGEP
Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date October 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 11


APA Foça, S. (2023). A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum. Cedrus, 11, 243-288.
AMA Foça S. A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum. Cedrus. June 2023;11:243-288.
Chicago Foça, Serhat. “A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum”. Cedrus 11, June (June 2023): 243-88.
EndNote Foça S (June 1, 2023) A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum. Cedrus 11 243–288.
IEEE S. Foça, “A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum”, Cedrus, vol. 11, pp. 243–288, 2023.
ISNAD Foça, Serhat. “A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum”. Cedrus 11 (June 2023), 243-288.
JAMA Foça S. A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum. Cedrus. 2023;11:243–288.
MLA Foça, Serhat. “A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum”. Cedrus, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 243-88.
Vancouver Foça S. A Group of Roman Provincial Coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia from Niğde Museum. Cedrus. 2023;11:243-88.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 15 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.