Writing Rules

The abundance of misspellings indicates the lack of scientific requirements, which is sufficient grounds for the editor’s rejection of the article. The current spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association is considered the primary reference for Turkish language writing rules.

The Chicago Manual of Style is accepted as the basis for giving references. Authors are expected to submit their articles with a line spacing of 1.5, using 12-point Times New Roman, and in .doc format as a Word document.

Each article should include a Turkish and an English abstract at the beginning, each consisting of approximately 200-250 words. 5 to 7 keywords should be specified for each Turkish and English abstract.

Research articles, excluding notes and references, are expected to be no longer than 10.000 words. In cases exceeding this word limit, the editor should be informed.

For book and article reviews, excluding notes, the expected word limit is 4.000 words.