Writing Rules


Page size, count and margins

A4 format, Left: 3, Right: 2cm, Top: 3 and Bottom: 2cm.

Page numbers

Page numbers should be given in the middle of the bottom of the page.

Line spaces

Line spacing should be 0 pt (pt) and 1 line space.


It should be written in Times New Roman (TNR) character with 12 points, left and right justified, single-spaced. One character space must be left after the period and comma.


One line space should be left between each paragraph, and the Tab key should not be used at the beginning of the paragraph. Paragraphs should not be preceded.

Title of the Article

The first letter of each word should be capitalized, centered on the top line of the page, bold, Times New Roman, 14 points.


There should be 1 line space between the title of the article and the authors, and between the authors and the address. The order of contributions of the authors should be given in superscript. TNR 12 point characters should be used in the writing of the authors and the name/surname should be written in the middle with the first letter capitalized.


Addresses should be centered with TNR 10 pt character, according to the order of contribution of the authors.

Turkish/English Abstracts

After 1 line of space is left from the addresses, the word Abstract should be written in TNR font, 12 points, bold and left aligned. The abstract should be written in TNR font, 12 points. The abstract should contain a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 400 words. One line space should be left between the abstract word and the abstract text. Turkish articles should contain English abstracts and English articles should contain Turkish abstracts. After the Turkish abstract, 2 lines of space are given and the English title of the article should be given. The English abstract of the article should be given by leaving 1 line space after the abstract title. The English abstract should contain a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 400 words.


'Keywords' should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, with 1 line space left under the Turkish abstract and the English abstract, respectively. A maximum of 6 keywords should be used, keywords should be given in lower case and in alphabetical order with a comma between them.

Main topics

Main Titles should be numbered in order (such as 1. Introduction 2. Material and Methods). All headings should be left aligned, Times New Roman, 12 points, bold and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. One line space should be left before and after the main headings.


Sub-headings should be numbered in order (such as 2.1. Material and method). All sub-headings should be left aligned, Times New Roman, 12 points, bold and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. There should be 1 line space between a superscript and a subheading, and a space of 1 line between the subheading and its own text.


The first letter of the table titles should be capitalized and the other letters should be lowercase. Table numbers should be numbered according to the section they belong to (the first table of the 2nd section should be Table 2.1). The table must have column lines. Line spacing should not be left between the head of the table and the table. The table number and explanation should be justified.


The first letter of the figure titles should be written in capitals and the other letters should be written in lowercase. Figure numbers should be numbered according to the section they belong to (the first figure of the 2nd section should be Figure 2.1). Line spacing should not be left between the figure and the head of the figure. Figure number and description should be justified.

References in the Text

When citing references in the text, only the surname of the author should be written and the publication date of the document should be specified. Example: (Holtz, 1968) or Holtz (1969). If more than one source is to be cited in the text, a semicolon (;) should be placed between each source. Ex. (Holtz, 1968; Holtz, 1969). If a source with more than two authors is to be cited, give the first author and "et al." should be used.


The "References" section should be written in alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors. If there is more than one author, (,) should be used instead of “and” among the authors. The year of the publication should be used in parentheses after the names of the authors and a (.). After the publication year, the publication name and source should be given. The source should be written in italics and the first letter of each word should be capitalized when writing the title of the source. If the source is internet-based, the access date should be used at the end in parentheses and in plain text. If the source is an article or a chapter from a book published in the journal, page numbers should be given at the end of the bibliography. The second and subsequent lines of each reference should be left indented.


Gude VG. (2016). Desalination and Sustainability – An Appraisal and Current Perspective, Water Research, 89, 87-106.
Lee H., Tan. TP. (2016). Singapore’s experience with reclaimed water: NeWater, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 32 (4), 611-621.
OECD statistics, (2017). http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/oecd-environmental-outlook-to-2050_9789264122246-en, (Access date: 11.10.2018).
URL-1. https://www.pub.gov.sg/watersupply/singaporewaterstory, (Access date: 3.4.2019).