In 1997, Caldas [1] has introduced a new seperation axiom semi-D
which is situated between semi-T^ and semi-T^ due to Maheshwari and Prasad [5]. In 1996, Hatır, Noiri and Yüksel [2] defined C-sets and C-continuity in topological spaces to obtain a decomposition of continuity.
Quite recently, Jafari [3] has used the C-sets to define and investigate C-T^ spaces, C-compact spaces and C-connected spaces. In this paper, define cD-sets as the difference set of C-sets and use these sets to define C-D -spaces, cD-corapact spaces and cD-connected spaces. We also investigate the relationship between these spaces and C-continuity (or C-irresoluteness).
Hatır, E. (1998). On seperation axiom C-D ı. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 47.
Hatır E. On seperation axiom C-D ı. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. January 1998;47. doi:10.1501/Commua1_0000000410
Hatır, E. “On Seperation Axiom C-D ı”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 47, January (January 1998).
Hatır E (January 1, 1998) On seperation axiom C-D ı. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 47
Hatır, E. “On Seperation Axiom C-D ı”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 47 (January 1998).
Hatır E. On seperation axiom C-D ı. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 1998;47. doi:10.1501/Commua1_0000000410.
Hatır, E. “On Seperation Axiom C-D ı”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 47, 1998, doi:10.1501/Commua1_0000000410.
Hatır E. On seperation axiom C-D ı. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 1998;47.