New integral inequalities involving p-convex and s-p-convex functions
Year 2025,
Volume: 74 Issue: 1, 138 - 149
Sercan Turhan
Aykut Kılıç
İmdat İşcan
In this study, new lemmas on $p-$convex and $s-p-$convex functions were derived utilizing the integral $\int_{j}^{k} \frac{\left(x^p - j^p\right)^f \left(k^p - x^p\right)^g m(x)}{x^{(f+g)p}} \,dx$. Through this equality, new integral inequalities were established, and novel upper bounds were obtained with the aid of Euler's beta and hypergeometric functions. The results provided new inequalities for the class of classical convex functions and the class of harmonic convex functions.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 74 Issue: 1, 138 - 149
Sercan Turhan
Aykut Kılıç
İmdat İşcan
- Kilbas, A. A., Srivastava, H. M., Trujillo, J. J., Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006.
- Arshad, A., Khan, A., Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer type inequalities for s-p-convex functions of several kinds, Transylvanian J. of Math. and Mechanics(Tjmm), 11(1-2) (2019), 25-40.
- Bilal, M., Khan, A. R., New generalized Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for p-convex functions in the mixed kind, Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math., 14(3) (2021), 863-880.
- Stancu, D. D., Coman, G., Blaga, P., Analiz¸a Numeric¸a ˚A ¨Yi Teoria Aproxim¸arii, Vol. II, Presa Universitar¸a Clujean¸a, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
- Mitrinovic, D. S., Pecaric, J., Fink, A. M., Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1993. 18
- İşcan, İ., Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for p-convex functions, Int. J. Anal. Appl., 11(2) (2016), 137-145.
- İşcan, İ., Aydin, M., Dikmenoglu, S., New integral inequalities via harmonically convex functions, Math. Stat., 3(5) (2015), 134-140.
- İşcan, İ., Ostrowski type inequalities for p-convex functions, New Trends Math. Sci., 4(3) (2016), 140-150.
- Zhang, M. S., Wan, J. P., p-Convex functions and their properties, Pure Appl. Math., 23(1) (2007), 130-133.
- Özdemir, M. E., Set, E., Alomari, M., Integral inequalities via several kinds of convexity, Creat. Math. Inform., 20(1) (2011), 62-73.
- Noor, M. A., Awan, M. U., Noor, K. I., Postolache, M., Some integral inequalities for p-convex functions, Filomat, 30(9) (2016), 2435-2444.
- Fang, Z. F., Shi, R., On the (p, h)-convex function and some integral inequalities, J. Inequal. Appl., 2014 (2014), 45.
- Liu, M., New integral inequalities involving beta function via p-convexity, Miskolc Math. Notes, 15(2) (2014), 585-591.
- Liu, W., New integral inequalities $(\alpha,m)$-convexity and quasi-convexity, Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 42(3) (2013), 289-297.