Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 14, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Child and Development Journal (ÇG-D) aims to contribute to the development of the field by presenting scientific studies in the field of child development and education, and to be included in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) index and TR Index with your important contributions. Uploading your scientific research and compilation studies written in Turkish or English to the system will make a significant contribution to the Journal of Child and Development (ÇG-D). Journal of Child and Development; It is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal that aims to contribute to studies in the field of social sciences at national and international level by publishing original research-based articles.


Prof. Dr. Neriman ARAL

Journal of Child and Development (J-CAD)


Journal of Child and Development; It is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year, in June and December. In the journal; Original scientific research articles specific to the fields of social sciences are published. Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are reviewed by the responsible editor in terms of purpose, scope, content, method, and compliance with spelling rules. The articles found suitable are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields to be evaluated in terms of their scientific competencies. If the referee reports are positive, the study is published with the decision of the editorial board; If one of the referees gives a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee. In this case, it is decided whether the article will be published or not, according to the evaluation result of the third referee. The study, which is decided to be published, is placed in the publication queue. Referee reports are confidential.
Authors must take into account editorial warnings and referee reports. The articles of the authors who do not pay attention to the relevant warnings are returned/rejected at any stage. Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. The editorial board is free to publish or not publish the submitted article. Submitted articles are not returned whether they are published or not. All rights of the published articles belong to the Journal of Child and Development.
No royalties are paid for published articles. It is not possible to quote from the articles published in the journal without showing the source. The publication language of the journal is Turkish; however, articles written in English can also be accepted with abstracts written in the relevant language and in Turkish.
The Journal of Child and Development (ÇG-D), which offers scientific research in the field of child development free of charge, provides instant open access to its content, is published regularly twice a year, and has faculty members working at different universities on the editorial board, has been an international refereed scientific journal since 2019. It is scanned in Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), ASOS Index, idealonline, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Citefactor indexes.
Child and Development Journal (ÇG-D) has been publishing research and review articles that have completed the referee process since the day it started its publication life (25.06 2018).

Prof. Dr. Neriman ARAL
Journal of Child and Development (J-CAD)

Child and Development Journal (ÇG-D) has been publishing research, case reports and review articles that have completed the referee process since the day it started its publication life (25.06 2018). "Writing Rules" and "Article Template" are listed below for authors who want to submit an article to the Child and Development Journal (ÇG-D). Candidate articles whose evaluation process is completed are accepted to the journal after passing through the Plagiarism Detection Program. Similarity rate 15% Candidate articles above .

For authors of Journal of Child and Development (J-CAD) "Instructions for Authors" and "Manuscript Template"  is below.

Manuscript acceptance dates

For 25th June:

15th November-15th May acceptance

1st June; final acceptance of the editor (according to the referee reports the announcement will be earlier or corrections may be requested from the authors)

10th June; sending the accepted manuscripts to the authors for proofreading

20th June; getting feedback about the manuscripts from the authors 

For 25th December:

16th May -14th November acceptance

1st December; final acceptance of the editor (according to the referee reports the announcement will be earlier or corrections may be requested from the authors)

10st December; sending the accepted manuscripts to the authors for proofreading

20th December; getting feedback about the manuscripts from the authors 

1. Journal of Child and Development is a peer-reviewed academic journal published 2 (two) times a year, in June and December. In our journal, original scientific studies focused on children and development are published.
2. The articles sent to the journal for publication can be written in Turkish and English. Responsibility for the scientific, language and style of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors.
3. All articles should be submitted electronically via the journal park website ( Author(s) must prepare their articles in accordance with the journal's publication ethical rules. Articles not submitted in accordance with the rules will not be evaluated. Submitted works must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. 

4. In the evaluation process of the studies submitted to our journal, since the blind peer-review system is applied, the study should not contain any author information on the Word file until it is entitled to be published. For this reason, the works should be uploaded to our system anonymously and the information about the author/authors [Form 1 (Article Writing Form)] should be uploaded as a separate file.
5. Articles sent to the journal are sent to at least two referees. When deemed necessary, the number of referees may be increased or they may apply to the Broadcasting and Advisory Board. Referees may accept or reject the article or may ask the authors to correct the format and/or substance. After the corrections requested by the referees are corrected by the author(s) within 7 days and sent electronically via the website (, the article is taken back to the referee evaluation process. If the author does not make the relevant revision/correction within the given time, an additional 5 days is given for the second and last time. Articles whose corrected text is not uploaded to the system during this period will be rejected. Articles sent to the journal can be published after receiving positive opinions from at least two separate referees in accordance with the decision of the Editorial and Advisory Board.
6. The articles to be published in the journal must comply with the spelling and grammar rules. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to request changes in terms of content and form from the owner of the work, if it deems necessary. If the article is accepted for publication as a result of peer-review, it is deemed to have been accepted by the authors that all publishing rights of the article belong to the Journal of Child and Development indefinitely.

7.During the layout work, the author(s) has to reply to the submissions made for checking and correction within the specified time. The articles of the author(s) who do not respond within the specified time will not be published. If they make the corrections, they can be evaluated in the next issues.

8. The requests of the author(s) to bring forward the publication process of their articles, for whatever reason, are not accepted. In the Journal of Child and Development, articles are accepted within the acceptance dates, but not for a certain issue. Articles whose "Evaluation Process" is completed after being accepted are published considering the arrival date.
9. Although "Article Acceptance Dates" are stated as a systematic requirement, as per the Journal Policy, which is based on the principle of publishing the accepted article in the first possible issue, when the number of articles that can be published in a certain number of articles is reached, article acceptance is stopped due to "high demand reason". Therefore, the deadline announced for article acceptance is a relative date, and it is especially important for authors to upload their work early in the process without waiting for the deadline.

APPLICATION, COPYRIGHT TRANSFER, ETHICS and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION RATE DECLARATION FORM: (To be filled when the online application process is started) Please write your personal information in Form 1 and upload it as an additional file, since the evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-blind arbitration.

APPLICATION AND WRITTEN CONTROL FORM: (To be filled when the online application process starts) It is arranged to declare that priorities are made in terms of "application form" and "spelling rules" in the application process of the study. Fill out this form and add it as an attachment to the application form during the application process.

"Instructions for Authors"

"Manuscript Template"  


Note: Articles  to be submitted to the Journal of Child and Development (J-CAD)  should be prepared basing on the " Instructions for Authors "

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Journal of Child and Development Ethical Principles and Publication Policy Publication Ethics

The publication processes of the Journal of Child and Development aim to produce, develop and share information impartially using scientific methods. Peer-reviewed articles are studies that are based on the scientific method and provide objectivity as much as possible with this condition. All components of the publication process in the production of scientific studies; The publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers are required to abide by the ethical principles. In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the Journal of Child and Development requires that all components of the publication process comply with ethical principles, within the framework of the principles published by the "Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" and the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)". submitted studies; questionnaire, interview, focus group work, experiment, etc. from people. It is obligatory to obtain an "Ethics Committee Approval Certificate" from the Ethics Committee of the relevant institution before the application, if it envisages the collection of data in different ways and using it for experimental or other scientific purposes. If situations such as manipulating, distorting and using fabricated data used in the articles are detected, this will be reported to the institution where the article author works, and the article will be rejected. Our journal has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the feedback made by the editorial board and/or the referees. Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher As the publisher of the Journal of Child and Development, Prof. Dr. Hatice BEKIR is a non-profit scientist who cares about the public interest. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Child and Development consists of experienced faculty members. Members of the Editorial Board are assigned by considering the branches of science that "continue their studies related to Child and Development Departments". The members of the Editorial Board are the Editor, Assistant Editors and Field Editors. A new member is appointed to replace the member who left, and the term of the member whose term of office has expired may be extended.
Depending on the subject of the article, the editor may send an article to a faculty member who is not a member of the Editorial Board for review as a field editor.

Basic Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The main task of the Editorial Board is to determine and implement journal policies such as publication, blind refereeing, evaluation process, and ethical principles in the name of public interest. Accordingly, the Editorial Board is responsible for protecting the copyright of the authors of the articles published in the journal and intellectual property rights in the publication process of the article and journal, and taking precautions against scientific-unethical behavior, plagiarism, and citation scam. The main purpose of the Editorial Board is to continuously improve the journal scientifically. This scientific purpose refers to increasing the quality of publication. The Editorial Board is responsible for each article submitted to the Journal of Child and Development, and for all processes after the articles are published. This responsibility requires acting solely in the public interest in the decisions to be taken on issues related to the journal. In addition, all decisions made by editors are independent of the publisher and other individuals and organizations.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors, Assistant Editors and Field Editors

Editors, when deciding whether to publish articles, take care to ensure that the articles are original and contribute to the scientific literature.
● While making a positive or negative decision about the articles, the editors consider the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the purpose and scope of the journal.
● Editors send the articles by taking into consideration the field of expertise of the editors and referees, and support the impartial and independent evaluations.
● Editors look for a wide range of referee pools and to be constantly updated.
● Editors prevent academic etiquette and unscientific reviews.
● Editors; They ensure that the journal publication processes are operated in accordance with publication policies and guidelines, inform those in charge of the developments in publication policies, and prepare a training program when necessary.
● Editors; They pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in their articles, they care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article, they reject the article when they do not have the approval of the ethics committee for the participants of the article, and permission for experimental research.
● Editors; take action against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, he makes an objective investigation and shares the relevant findings.
● Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in articles are corrected.
● Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation. In addition, they take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of the published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications; They perform the authenticity-similarity check.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
The ethical responsibilities of the referees who undertake the task of evaluating the articles submitted to the Journal of Child and Development are as follows:
● The referees cannot contact the authors directly, necessary contacts should be made through the editors.
● Each referee may agree to evaluate only articles related to his/her field of expertise.
● The referees should follow an impartial and objective way, and the ethnic origin, religious belief, political attitude and gender differences of the authors should not affect the impartiality of the evaluation.
● The referees must complete the article evaluation process within the time specified for them.
● Referees should make explanations in accordance with academic etiquette in cases of acceptance or rejection of articles.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The ethical responsibilities of the authors who applied to the Journal of Child and Development are as follows:
● The authors declare the accuracy of any information they provide during the application process, and do not make any misleading, incorrect or incomplete statements.
● The authors must not have published the whole, part or the data of the study to which they applied in another journal before, the data must be original.
● Authors should not simultaneously submit their submitted work to another journal.
● If the studies they applied for include a research that requires an “Ethics Committee Approval Certificate”, the authors should have obtained the relevant document before starting the research and submitted it to the journal management.
If the authors need to get permission from any institution related to their research, they should provide the necessary information to the institution in question before starting the research in a complete and non-misleading manner and must obtain the written approval of the institution.
● Authors should obtain informed consent/acceptance/consent form from the participants before the research. The form should contain information about how the research process will work, the purpose and duration of the research, the possible risks or other negative situations that the research may involve, confidentiality and volunteerism in a way that will not adversely affect the research process.
● In applications with more than one author, all authors must agree on issues such as authorship order. In addition, people who have not contributed to the study scientifically should not be cited as authors for whatever purpose or reason.
● After the application is made, no request should be made to the journal for changes in authorship, adding or removing authors.
● If the authors realize that there are inaccuracies or errors in the data and results of the studies they apply to, they should notify the editor and take necessary actions, including withdrawing the application or accepting the rejection by the editor for this reason.
● Authors are responsible for keeping the data of their work. If necessary, the Editorial Board may request the data from the authors within the scope of the evaluation process.
● Authors should be careful about possible plagiarism. Authors should not present someone else's article as their own, they should definitely include the resources they used in the bibliography section and should give appropriate references to these resources in the text. On the other hand, the authors should not refer to the sources they did not use in their studies or should not include them in the bibliography.
● Authors should act in accordance with the citation/citing rules and avoid self-plagiarism if they include their own work (including thesis) that has been published elsewhere before, in the works they apply to.
● Authors should avoid “slicing”. Slicing is defined in the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive as “presenting the results of a research as separate works in the evaluations of associate professorship exams and academic promotions by inappropriately dividing the results of the research into parts and making multiple publications without citing each other”.
● Authors, duplication, fabrication, forgery, distortion, republishing etc. ethical violations should be avoided. In such cases, the responsibility belongs to the author.
● Authors must notify the journal/editor if there is any conflict of interest regarding the work they are applying for.
● If the authors use a tool that does not belong to them in their work, they should obtain permission from the owner of the work and should be able to present this permission when necessary.
● Authors should be responsible for the copyright regulations of any work they include in the work they apply for.
● Authors are obliged to indicate if they have received financial support for the realization of the study, authorship or publication.
● Authors should report that the processes that the participants or animal subjects in their studies were exposed to were carried out in accordance with national and international criteria.

Prof. Dr. Neriman ARAL
Journal of Child and Development (J-CAD)

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