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Was Safavid Iran an Empire?

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 179 - 208, 31.12.2017


Bu makale, imparatorluk teriminin kullanımı ve
Safevîlere uygulanabilirliği hakkında fikir teatisinde bulundu. Eğer bir
imparatorluk kudretli, hiyerarşik olarak organize olmuş, ideolojik olarak
kararlı ve birkaç medeniyet ve ekosistemi kapsayan askeri açıdan güçlü bir
devlet olarak tanımlanırsa; Safevî İranı imparatorluk iddiaları açısından, komşusu
olan Osmanlı ve Babürlü devletlerinden daha zayıf bir kimliğe sahipmiş gibi
görünebilir. Safevî hanedanlığı tarafından kontrol edilen topraklar Osmanlı
mülkü kadar geniş değildi, ayrıca bütün o ihtişamına ve merkeziyetine rağmen
İsfahan da asla, ülkenin tek ve sürekli başkenti olarak İstanbul ile rekabet
edemedi. İran, Babürlü Devleti kadar ne üretkendi ne de iklim, topografya ve
etnisite bakımından onun sahip olduğu çeşitliliğe sahipti. Fakat bu farklılıklar
muhtemelen niteliksel olmaktan ziyade nicelikseldi, fıtri vasıflardan ziyade
bir derece ve boyut meselesiydi. 


  • Abisaab, Rula, Converting Persia: Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2004. Afushtah-i Natanzi, Mahmud b. Hidayat Allah, Naqavat al-asar fi zikr al-Akhyar, ed. Ihsan Ishraqi, Tehran: Shirkat-i ʿIlmi va farhangi, 1373/1994. Ahmad, Nazir, “Adil Shahi Diplomatic Missions to the Court of Shah Abbas”, Islamic Culture, 43, 1969, s. 143-61. Ahmadi, Hamid, “Unity within Diversity: Foundations and Dynamics of National Identity in Iran”, Critique: Critical Middle East Studies, 14, 2005, s. 127-47. Alam, Muzaff ar, The Languages of Political Islam in India c. 1200-1800, Delhi: Permanent Black, 2004. Alessandri, Vicenzo, “Report to Venetian Senate, 24 Sept. 1572”, La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia, ed. G. Berchet. Tehran: Offset Press, 1976. Arjomand, Saïd Amir, “The Rise of Shah Esmaʿil as a Mahdist Revolution”, Studies on Persianate Societies 3, 2005, s. 44-65. Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London and New York: Verso, 1983. Aubin, Jean, “Šāh Ismāʿīl et les notables de l’Iraq persan”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 2, 1959, s. 37-81. , “L’avènement des Safavides reconsideré”, Moyen Orient and Océan Indien seizième dix-neuvième siècles, 5, 1988, s. 1-130. Axworthy, Michael, A History of Iran. Empire of the Mind, New York: Basic Books, 2008. Babaie, Sussan, Isfahan and its Palaces: Statecraft, Shi ʿism and the Architecture of Conviviality in Early Modern Iran, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008. Babayan, Kathryn, Mystics, Monarchs, and Messiahs: Cultural Landscapes of Early Modern Iran, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. , “The Safavid Household Reconfi gured: Concubines, Eunuchs and Military Slaves”, Slaves of the Shah: New Elites of Safavid Iran, eds. S. Babaie et al., London: I. B. Tauris, 2004, s. 20-48. Barkey, Karen, Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Black, Jeremy, Kings, Nobles and Commoners. States and Societies in Early Modern Europe: A Revisionist History, London: I. B. Tauris, 2004. Bruyn, Cornelis de, Reizen over Moskovië, door Perzië, en Indië, Amsterdam: Goeree, 1711. Calhoun, Craig, Frederick Cooper, and Kevin W. Moore, eds., Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories and American Empire, New York: New Press, 2006. Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Chardin, Jean, Voyages du chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres lieux de l’Orient, ed. L. Langlès, 10 vols and atlas. Paris: Le Normant, 1810-11. Chinon, Gabriel de, Relations nouvelles du Levant ou traités de la religion, du gouvernement et des coûtumes des Perses, des Arméniens, et des Gaures, Lyon: Thioly, 1671. Crone, Patricia, Pre-Industrial Societies: Anatomy of the Pre-Modern World, Oxford: One World Press, 2003. Dale, Stephen, The Garden of the Eight Paradises: Babur and the Culture of Empire in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India (1483-1530), Leiden: Brill, 2004. Darwin, John, After Tamerlane: h e Global History of Empire since 1405, New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2008. Durri Efendi, Ahmad, Relation de Dourry Efendy, ambassadeur de la Porthe Ottomane auprès du Roy de Perse, ed. L. Langlès. Paris: Ferra, 1810. Fleischer, Cornell, “The Lawgiver as Messiah: h e Making of the Imperial Image in the Reign of Süleyman”, Soliman le Magnifi que et son temps, ed. G. Veinstein. Paris: Fayard, 1992, s. 159-77. Fragner, Bert G, “Historische Wurzeln neuzeitlicher iranischer Identität. Zur Geschichte des politischen Begriff s ‘Iran’ im späten Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit”, Studia Semitica Necnou Iranica Rudolpho Macuch Septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, eds. M. Macuch et al. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1989, s. 79-100. , Die ‘Persophonie’. Regionalität, Indentität und Sprachkontakt in der Geschichte Asiens, Berlin: ANOR, 1999. Gallagher, Charles, Contemporary Islam: The Plateau of Particularism. Problems of Religion and Nationalism in Iran, New York: American University Field Staff, 1966. Goff man, Daniel and Christopher Stoop, “Empire as Composite: The Ottoman Polity and the Typology of Dominion”, Imperialism. Historical and Literary Investigations,1500-1900, eds Balachandra Rajan and E. Sauer. New York and Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, s. 129-46. Hagen, Gottfried, “Ottoman Understandings of the World in the Seventeenth Century”, R. Dankoff, An Ottoman Mentality: The World of Evliya Çelebi, Leiden: Brill, 2006, s. 215-56. Hinz, Walter, Irans Aufstieg zum Nationalstaat im fünfzehnte Jahrhundert, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1936. Hodgson, Marshal G. S., The Venture of Islam, vol. 3: The Gunpowder Empires and Modern Times, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. Husayni, Khurshah b. Qubbad al-, Tarikh-i ilchi-yi Nizam Shah (Tarikh-i safa-viyah az aghaz ta sal-i 972 hijri qamari), eds M. Riza Nasiri and Ku’ichi Haneda. Tehran: Anjuman-i asar va mafakhir-i farhangi, 1379/2000. Imber, Colin, “The Ottoman Dynastic Myth”, Turcica, 19, 1987, s. 7-27. Islam, Riazul, A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations (1500-1750), 2 vols., Tehran: Iranian Culture Foundation; Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, 1982. Kaempfer, Engelbert, Am Hofe des persischen Grosskönigs 1684-1685, trans. W. Hinz, Tübingen-Basel: Horst Erdmann, 1977. Kafadar, Cemal, Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Kirmani, Mulla Muhammad Mu’min, Sahifat al-Irshad (Tarikh-i Afshar-i Kirman-Payan-i kar-i Safaviyah), ed. Muhammad Ibrahim Bastani-Parizi, Tehran: Nashr-i ʿ Ilm, 1384/2005. Krawulsky, Dorothea, “Zur Wiederbelebung des Begriff es ‘Iran’ zur Ilhanzeit”, Das Reich der Ilhane. Eine topographisch-historische Studi, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1978, s. 11-7. Mans, Raphaël du, “Estat de la Perse”, Raphaël du Mans, missionnaire en Perse au septième siècle, ed. F. Richard, 2 vols., Paris: L’Harmattan, 1995. Manz, Beatrice, The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Matthee, Rudi, “Administrative Stability and Change in Late Seventeenth-Century Iran: The Case of Shaykh ʿAli Khan”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 26, 1994, s. 77-98. , “Blinded by Power: The Rise and Fall of Fath ʿ Alī Khān Dāghestānī Grand Vizier under Shāh Soltān Hoseyn Safavī (1127/1715-1133/1720)”, Studia Iranica, 33, 2004, s. 179-219. , “The Safavid-Ottoman Frontier: Iraq-i Arab as Seen by the Safavids”, International Journal of Turkish Studies, 9, 2003, s. 157-74. , “Christians in Safavid Iran: Hospitality and Harassment”, Studies in Persianate Societies, 3, 2005, s. 3-43. Maze, Jean-Baptiste de la, “Isfahan to Baron, Aleppo. Miss Etrangères M 350:259-62”, Archives des Missions Etrangeres, Paris, 7 Nov. 1667. Minorsky, Vladimir, “The Poetry of Shah Ismaʿil I”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 10, 1942, s. 1006-53. Mitchell, Colin, “Sister Shia States? Safavid Iran and the Deccan in the Sixteenth Century”, Deccan Studies, 2, 2004, s. 44-72. , The Sword and the Pen: Diplomacy in Early Safavid Iran, 1501-1555, Ph.D. dissertation. University of Toronto, 2002. Mustawfi, Muhammad Mufid, Mohtasar-e Mofīd des Mohammad Mofīd Mostoufī, ed. Seyfeddin Najmabadi, 2 vols., Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1989-1991. Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Rabi’ b., Safi nah-i Sulaymani (Safarnamah-i safir-i Iran bih Siyam, 1094-1098 A.H.), ed. ʿAbbas Faruqi, Tehran: Intisharat-i Danishgah-i Tihran, 1362/1983. Mukhia, Harbans, The Mughals of India, Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Necipoğlu, Gülru, “Framing the Gaze in Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Palaces”, Ars Orientalis, 23, 1993, s. 303-42. ——, “The Serial Portraits of Ottoman Sultans in Comparative Perspective”, The Sultan’s Portrait: Picturing the House of Osman, ed. Ayşe Orbay, Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası, 2000, s. 22-61. Newman, Andrew, Safavid Iran: Birth of a Persian Empire, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2006. Parker, G., “David or Goliath? Philip II and his World in the 1580s”, Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliot, eds R. L. Kagan and G. Parker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, s. 245-66. Pearson, Michael N., “Merchants and States”, The Political Economy of Merchant Empires: State Power and World Trade 1350-1750, ed. J. Tracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, s. 64-116. Perry, John, “The Last Safavids”, Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 9, 1971, s. 59-71. Pollock, Sheldon, “Empire and Imitation”, Lessons of Empire, eds. Craig Calhoun et al., New York: New Press, 2006, s. 175-88. Poumarède, Géraud, Pour en finir avec la Croisade. Mythes et réalités de la lutte contre les Turcs aux seizième et septième siècles, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2004. Quinn, Sholeh, “The Dream of Shaykh Safi al-Din and Safavid Historical Writing”, Iranian Studies, 29, 1996, s. 127-47. , Historical Writing during the Reign of Shah ʿAbbas. Ideology, Imitation and Legitimacy in Safavid Chronicles, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2000. Rizvi, Kishwar, “The Imperial Setting: Shah ʿAbbās at the Shrine of Shaykh Safī in Ardabil”, Safavid Art and Architecture, ed. S.R. Canby, London: The British Museum Press, 2002, s. 9-15. Sharifi, Yusuf, Dard-i ahl-i zimmah. Nigarishi bar zindigi-yi ijtimaʿi-yi aqaliyatha-yi mazhabi dar avakhir-i ʿasr-i Safavi, Los Angeles: Ketab Corp, 1387/2009. Stanfield-Johnson, Rosemarie, Mirza Makhdum Khan Sharifi: A Sixteenth-Century Sadr at the Safavid Court, Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1992. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, “Connected Histories: Notes towards a Reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia”, Modern Asian Studies, 31, 1997, s. 735-62. , “Written on Water: Designs and Dynamics in the Portuguese”, Estado da Índia. In Empires: Perspectives from Archeology and History, eds. S.E. Alcock et al, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, s. 42-69. Szuppe, Maria, “L’évolution de l’image de Timour et des Timourides dans l’historiographie safavide du seizième au septième siècle”, Cahiers d’Asie Centrale 2-4, L’héritage timouride. Iran-Asie centrale-India, quinzième / dix-huitième siècles, 1997, s. 313-31. Tenreiro, António, Itinerários da Índia a Portugal por terra, ed. A. Baião, Coimbra: Impr. da Universidade, 1923. Thomaz, Luís Filipe F.R., L’idée impériale Manuéline. In La découverte, le Portugal et l’Europe. Actes du colloque, Paris le 26, 27 et 28 mai 1988, eds J. Aubin and A. Pinheiro Marques, Paris: Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 1990, s. 35-100. Valah Qazvini Isfahani, Muhammad Yusuf, Iran dar zaman-i Shah Safi va Shah ʿAbbas-i Divvum (Khuld-i barin, rawzah 6, hadiqah 6-7), ed. M. R. Nasiri, Tehran: Intisharat-i Danishgah-i Tihran, 1380/2001. Valensi, Lucette, The Birth of the Despot: Venice and the Sublime Porte, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1993. Valle, Pietro della, Delle conditioni di Abbas re di Persia, Tehran: Off set Press, 1976. Vatin, Nicolas and Gilles Veinstein, Le sérail ébranlé. Essai sur les morts, dépositions et avènements des sultans ottomans, quatorzième-dix-neuvième siècles, Paris: Fayard, 2003.

Safevî İranı Bir İmparatorluk muydu?

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 179 - 208, 31.12.2017


Bu makale, imparatorluk teriminin kullanımı ve
Safevîlere uygulanabilirliği hakkında fikir teatisinde bulundu. Eğer bir
imparatorluk kudretli, hiyerarşik olarak organize olmuş, ideolojik olarak
kararlı ve birkaç medeniyet ve ekosistemi kapsayan askeri açıdan güçlü bir
devlet olarak tanımlanırsa; Safevî İranı imparatorluk iddiaları açısından, komşusu
olan Osmanlı ve Babürlü devletlerinden daha zayıf bir kimliğe sahipmiş gibi
görünebilir. Safevî hanedanlığı tarafından kontrol edilen topraklar Osmanlı
mülkü kadar geniş değildi, ayrıca bütün o ihtişamına ve merkeziyetine rağmen
İsfahan da asla, ülkenin tek ve sürekli başkenti olarak İstanbul ile rekabet
edemedi. İran, Babürlü Devleti kadar ne üretkendi ne de iklim, topografya ve
etnisite bakımından onun sahip olduğu çeşitliliğe sahipti. Fakat bu farklılıklar
muhtemelen niteliksel olmaktan ziyade nicelikseldi, fıtri vasıflardan ziyade
bir derece ve boyut meselesiydi. 


  • Abisaab, Rula, Converting Persia: Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2004. Afushtah-i Natanzi, Mahmud b. Hidayat Allah, Naqavat al-asar fi zikr al-Akhyar, ed. Ihsan Ishraqi, Tehran: Shirkat-i ʿIlmi va farhangi, 1373/1994. Ahmad, Nazir, “Adil Shahi Diplomatic Missions to the Court of Shah Abbas”, Islamic Culture, 43, 1969, s. 143-61. Ahmadi, Hamid, “Unity within Diversity: Foundations and Dynamics of National Identity in Iran”, Critique: Critical Middle East Studies, 14, 2005, s. 127-47. Alam, Muzaff ar, The Languages of Political Islam in India c. 1200-1800, Delhi: Permanent Black, 2004. Alessandri, Vicenzo, “Report to Venetian Senate, 24 Sept. 1572”, La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia, ed. G. Berchet. Tehran: Offset Press, 1976. Arjomand, Saïd Amir, “The Rise of Shah Esmaʿil as a Mahdist Revolution”, Studies on Persianate Societies 3, 2005, s. 44-65. Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London and New York: Verso, 1983. Aubin, Jean, “Šāh Ismāʿīl et les notables de l’Iraq persan”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 2, 1959, s. 37-81. , “L’avènement des Safavides reconsideré”, Moyen Orient and Océan Indien seizième dix-neuvième siècles, 5, 1988, s. 1-130. Axworthy, Michael, A History of Iran. Empire of the Mind, New York: Basic Books, 2008. Babaie, Sussan, Isfahan and its Palaces: Statecraft, Shi ʿism and the Architecture of Conviviality in Early Modern Iran, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008. Babayan, Kathryn, Mystics, Monarchs, and Messiahs: Cultural Landscapes of Early Modern Iran, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. , “The Safavid Household Reconfi gured: Concubines, Eunuchs and Military Slaves”, Slaves of the Shah: New Elites of Safavid Iran, eds. S. Babaie et al., London: I. B. Tauris, 2004, s. 20-48. Barkey, Karen, Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Black, Jeremy, Kings, Nobles and Commoners. States and Societies in Early Modern Europe: A Revisionist History, London: I. B. Tauris, 2004. Bruyn, Cornelis de, Reizen over Moskovië, door Perzië, en Indië, Amsterdam: Goeree, 1711. Calhoun, Craig, Frederick Cooper, and Kevin W. Moore, eds., Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories and American Empire, New York: New Press, 2006. Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Chardin, Jean, Voyages du chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres lieux de l’Orient, ed. L. Langlès, 10 vols and atlas. Paris: Le Normant, 1810-11. Chinon, Gabriel de, Relations nouvelles du Levant ou traités de la religion, du gouvernement et des coûtumes des Perses, des Arméniens, et des Gaures, Lyon: Thioly, 1671. Crone, Patricia, Pre-Industrial Societies: Anatomy of the Pre-Modern World, Oxford: One World Press, 2003. Dale, Stephen, The Garden of the Eight Paradises: Babur and the Culture of Empire in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India (1483-1530), Leiden: Brill, 2004. Darwin, John, After Tamerlane: h e Global History of Empire since 1405, New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2008. Durri Efendi, Ahmad, Relation de Dourry Efendy, ambassadeur de la Porthe Ottomane auprès du Roy de Perse, ed. L. Langlès. Paris: Ferra, 1810. Fleischer, Cornell, “The Lawgiver as Messiah: h e Making of the Imperial Image in the Reign of Süleyman”, Soliman le Magnifi que et son temps, ed. G. Veinstein. Paris: Fayard, 1992, s. 159-77. Fragner, Bert G, “Historische Wurzeln neuzeitlicher iranischer Identität. Zur Geschichte des politischen Begriff s ‘Iran’ im späten Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit”, Studia Semitica Necnou Iranica Rudolpho Macuch Septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, eds. M. Macuch et al. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1989, s. 79-100. , Die ‘Persophonie’. Regionalität, Indentität und Sprachkontakt in der Geschichte Asiens, Berlin: ANOR, 1999. Gallagher, Charles, Contemporary Islam: The Plateau of Particularism. Problems of Religion and Nationalism in Iran, New York: American University Field Staff, 1966. Goff man, Daniel and Christopher Stoop, “Empire as Composite: The Ottoman Polity and the Typology of Dominion”, Imperialism. Historical and Literary Investigations,1500-1900, eds Balachandra Rajan and E. Sauer. New York and Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, s. 129-46. Hagen, Gottfried, “Ottoman Understandings of the World in the Seventeenth Century”, R. Dankoff, An Ottoman Mentality: The World of Evliya Çelebi, Leiden: Brill, 2006, s. 215-56. Hinz, Walter, Irans Aufstieg zum Nationalstaat im fünfzehnte Jahrhundert, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1936. Hodgson, Marshal G. S., The Venture of Islam, vol. 3: The Gunpowder Empires and Modern Times, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. Husayni, Khurshah b. Qubbad al-, Tarikh-i ilchi-yi Nizam Shah (Tarikh-i safa-viyah az aghaz ta sal-i 972 hijri qamari), eds M. Riza Nasiri and Ku’ichi Haneda. Tehran: Anjuman-i asar va mafakhir-i farhangi, 1379/2000. Imber, Colin, “The Ottoman Dynastic Myth”, Turcica, 19, 1987, s. 7-27. Islam, Riazul, A Calendar of Documents on Indo-Persian Relations (1500-1750), 2 vols., Tehran: Iranian Culture Foundation; Karachi: Institute of Central and West Asian Studies, 1982. Kaempfer, Engelbert, Am Hofe des persischen Grosskönigs 1684-1685, trans. W. Hinz, Tübingen-Basel: Horst Erdmann, 1977. Kafadar, Cemal, Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Kirmani, Mulla Muhammad Mu’min, Sahifat al-Irshad (Tarikh-i Afshar-i Kirman-Payan-i kar-i Safaviyah), ed. Muhammad Ibrahim Bastani-Parizi, Tehran: Nashr-i ʿ Ilm, 1384/2005. Krawulsky, Dorothea, “Zur Wiederbelebung des Begriff es ‘Iran’ zur Ilhanzeit”, Das Reich der Ilhane. Eine topographisch-historische Studi, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1978, s. 11-7. Mans, Raphaël du, “Estat de la Perse”, Raphaël du Mans, missionnaire en Perse au septième siècle, ed. F. Richard, 2 vols., Paris: L’Harmattan, 1995. Manz, Beatrice, The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Matthee, Rudi, “Administrative Stability and Change in Late Seventeenth-Century Iran: The Case of Shaykh ʿAli Khan”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 26, 1994, s. 77-98. , “Blinded by Power: The Rise and Fall of Fath ʿ Alī Khān Dāghestānī Grand Vizier under Shāh Soltān Hoseyn Safavī (1127/1715-1133/1720)”, Studia Iranica, 33, 2004, s. 179-219. , “The Safavid-Ottoman Frontier: Iraq-i Arab as Seen by the Safavids”, International Journal of Turkish Studies, 9, 2003, s. 157-74. , “Christians in Safavid Iran: Hospitality and Harassment”, Studies in Persianate Societies, 3, 2005, s. 3-43. Maze, Jean-Baptiste de la, “Isfahan to Baron, Aleppo. Miss Etrangères M 350:259-62”, Archives des Missions Etrangeres, Paris, 7 Nov. 1667. Minorsky, Vladimir, “The Poetry of Shah Ismaʿil I”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 10, 1942, s. 1006-53. Mitchell, Colin, “Sister Shia States? Safavid Iran and the Deccan in the Sixteenth Century”, Deccan Studies, 2, 2004, s. 44-72. , The Sword and the Pen: Diplomacy in Early Safavid Iran, 1501-1555, Ph.D. dissertation. University of Toronto, 2002. Mustawfi, Muhammad Mufid, Mohtasar-e Mofīd des Mohammad Mofīd Mostoufī, ed. Seyfeddin Najmabadi, 2 vols., Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1989-1991. Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad Rabi’ b., Safi nah-i Sulaymani (Safarnamah-i safir-i Iran bih Siyam, 1094-1098 A.H.), ed. ʿAbbas Faruqi, Tehran: Intisharat-i Danishgah-i Tihran, 1362/1983. Mukhia, Harbans, The Mughals of India, Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Necipoğlu, Gülru, “Framing the Gaze in Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Palaces”, Ars Orientalis, 23, 1993, s. 303-42. ——, “The Serial Portraits of Ottoman Sultans in Comparative Perspective”, The Sultan’s Portrait: Picturing the House of Osman, ed. Ayşe Orbay, Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası, 2000, s. 22-61. Newman, Andrew, Safavid Iran: Birth of a Persian Empire, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2006. Parker, G., “David or Goliath? Philip II and his World in the 1580s”, Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliot, eds R. L. Kagan and G. Parker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, s. 245-66. Pearson, Michael N., “Merchants and States”, The Political Economy of Merchant Empires: State Power and World Trade 1350-1750, ed. J. Tracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, s. 64-116. Perry, John, “The Last Safavids”, Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 9, 1971, s. 59-71. Pollock, Sheldon, “Empire and Imitation”, Lessons of Empire, eds. Craig Calhoun et al., New York: New Press, 2006, s. 175-88. Poumarède, Géraud, Pour en finir avec la Croisade. Mythes et réalités de la lutte contre les Turcs aux seizième et septième siècles, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2004. Quinn, Sholeh, “The Dream of Shaykh Safi al-Din and Safavid Historical Writing”, Iranian Studies, 29, 1996, s. 127-47. , Historical Writing during the Reign of Shah ʿAbbas. Ideology, Imitation and Legitimacy in Safavid Chronicles, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2000. Rizvi, Kishwar, “The Imperial Setting: Shah ʿAbbās at the Shrine of Shaykh Safī in Ardabil”, Safavid Art and Architecture, ed. S.R. Canby, London: The British Museum Press, 2002, s. 9-15. Sharifi, Yusuf, Dard-i ahl-i zimmah. Nigarishi bar zindigi-yi ijtimaʿi-yi aqaliyatha-yi mazhabi dar avakhir-i ʿasr-i Safavi, Los Angeles: Ketab Corp, 1387/2009. Stanfield-Johnson, Rosemarie, Mirza Makhdum Khan Sharifi: A Sixteenth-Century Sadr at the Safavid Court, Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1992. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, “Connected Histories: Notes towards a Reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia”, Modern Asian Studies, 31, 1997, s. 735-62. , “Written on Water: Designs and Dynamics in the Portuguese”, Estado da Índia. In Empires: Perspectives from Archeology and History, eds. S.E. Alcock et al, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, s. 42-69. Szuppe, Maria, “L’évolution de l’image de Timour et des Timourides dans l’historiographie safavide du seizième au septième siècle”, Cahiers d’Asie Centrale 2-4, L’héritage timouride. Iran-Asie centrale-India, quinzième / dix-huitième siècles, 1997, s. 313-31. Tenreiro, António, Itinerários da Índia a Portugal por terra, ed. A. Baião, Coimbra: Impr. da Universidade, 1923. Thomaz, Luís Filipe F.R., L’idée impériale Manuéline. In La découverte, le Portugal et l’Europe. Actes du colloque, Paris le 26, 27 et 28 mai 1988, eds J. Aubin and A. Pinheiro Marques, Paris: Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 1990, s. 35-100. 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There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Translations

Rudi Matthee This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Submission Date December 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


Chicago Matthee, Rudi. “Safevî İranı Bir İmparatorluk Muydu?”. Cihannüma Tarih Ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, no. 2 (December 2017): 179-208.