JOCTENSA, Journal of the Academy of Technology Science and Engineering aims to convey the latest developments in technology, engineering and natural sciences to scientists and readers. The journal focuses on its experimental and theoretical studies in these three main areas.
JOCTENSA is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original studies in the fields of Science, Technology and Engineering Sciences, develops the existing scientific literature and presents it to scientific circles, and as a respected scientific journal that includes research articles and work introductions written in Turkish, English and Arabic languages.
Page number should not be indicated in the works submitted. The length of the article should not exceed 7.000 (seven thousand) word limit including headings, abstract, keywords and English summary.
The works to be submitted should be prepared according to Article Template.
The first letter of each word should be capitalized, in line with the content of the article, and should be written in bold and 14 pt. Just below the English title, the Turkish title should be written in normal characters, 12 pt and italic.
Author name(s) and address(es)
Information regarding the author should not be included in the article. This information should be given under the relevant headings in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement and Ethical Statement Form" uploaded along with the article.
At the beginning of the article, there should be an English summary ranging between minimum 150 and maximum 250 words, reflecting the essence of the research topic. Just below the abstract, keywords of at least 3 and at most 5 words that are directly related to the article should be provided. Under the keywords, there should be Turkish translations of the Abstract and keywords.
Section Headings
First Level Headings: 11 pt, Bold, First letter of each word capitalized, Automatic numbering should not be used, Spacing should be 12nk before, 6nk after. For first-level headings, the Heading 1 style in the Article Template can be used.
Second Level Headings: 10 pt, Bold, First letter of each word capitalized, Automatic numbering should not be used, Spacing should be 6nk before, 6nk after, it should be indented 0.5 cm Inside. For second-level headings, the Heading 2 style in the Article Template can be used.
Third Level Headings: 10 Pt. Bold, Italic, Only the first letter should be capitalized, Automatic numbering should not be used, Spacing should be 6pt before, 6nk after, followed by 0.5 cm indentation. For third-level headings, Heading 3 style in Article Template can be used.
Main Text
The main text should be in A4 size (16.5 x 24.7 cm), properly margined 2,5 cm from top, bottom, right, and left each, in MS Word program with Times New Roman font, 10 pt, using single line spacing. Paragraph spacing should be set as 6 pt before-after, paragraph indents should be 0.5 cm from the left. As the text alignment, full justification should be used. In cases where font use is required in the text, the font file should be sent, as well.
Table, Image, Graphics
The Author can use such materials as table, image, graphic etc. in the text in accordance with scientific criteria. The text and characters in the table should be written in 10 pt. (It can be written in 9 pt. when necessary). The photos used should have high resolution, and if they are not directly related to the text, they should be provided under the "APPENDIX" heading.
Author Contributions
Contributions of the author(s) during the research process should be expressed in the section specified in the Article Template.
Conflict of Interest
The conditions and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, should be disclosed in the studies to be submitted for publication. If no conflict exists, the statement of "The Author(s) declare that there is no conflict of interest." must be added.
If a fund has been received for the study, the supporting organization and the project number should be specified. If no funding has been received, the statement of "No funding has been received." must be added.
Ethical Statement
If ethics committee approval is not required for the study, it should be stated in the study as “There is no requirement of Ethics Committee Approval for review articles.”. However, in the studies that require ethics committee approval, the author(s) should add information regarding the approval (name of the committee, date and number of the approval) both in the method section of the study and in the Ethical Statement section.
Additional information about the article (conference information, studies derived from thesis, etc.) should be stated in the notes section. This section may also include a statement of support or thanks.
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