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Kore ve Kazakistan arasında sosyoekonomik ilişkiler: Kore diasporasının ve vatan bağlılığının rolü

Year 2021, , 3 - 21, 30.06.2021


Kazakistan ve Güney Kore arasındaki ilişkiler ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel ve eğitimsel yönler de dahil olmak üzere birçok alanda gerçekleşmektedir. Etnik Kore diasporası gibi tarihi ve kültürel yakınlıklar bu ilişkilerin gelişmesinde önemli bir etken olarak gösterilmektedir. Bu araştırma, Kazakistan ve Güney Kore arasındaki sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik ve eğitimsel ilişkilere odaklanmayı amaçlamaktadır. Makalede öncelikle, sosyal ve kültürel bir odakla, Kazakistan’daki etnik Korelilerin ve Kore diasporasıyla ilişkili hükümet kuruluşlarının tarihsel yönü ele alınacaktır. İkinci olarak, ekonomik bağlar, ithalat ve ihracat ile yatırımlara ilişkin istatistiksel veriler ile analiz edilecektir. Son olarak, iki ülke arasındaki eğitim ilişkileri bağlamında ülkeler arası değişim programları, Kazakistan’da Kore çalışmaları ve Kore’de Orta Asya ve Kazakistan çalışmaları incelenecektir.

Project Number



  • Hwang, Balbina. 2012. "A New Horizon in South Korea-Central Asia Relations: The “ROK Joins the “Great Game”." Korea Economic Institute.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2007. "A Role of Homeland in Preserving Diaspora Identity: The case of Korea and` Turkey’s Engagements with the Koreans and Ahiska Turkish Diasporas in Central Asia." Journal of Central Asian & Caucasian Studies.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2012. "Comparative Analysis of the Ahıska (Meskhetian) Turks and Koreans in Post-soviet Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: The making of diaspora identity and culture." Millî Folklor.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2006. "Diaspora Nationalism: The Case of Ethnic Korean Minority in Kazakhstan and its lessons from the Crimean Tatars in Turkey." Nationalities Paper.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2009. "Marriage Migration of Central Asian Muslim to the Korean Society." Korean Journal of the Middle East Studies.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2010. "The Role of Universities in intercultural dialogue: Turkic Studies related Departments and Institutes in Korea and their activities and influences in the Korean Society." Baku, Azerbaijan: Inter-Cultural Dialogue: Linguistic, Pedagogic, and Literary Dimension.
  • Yonhap News Agency. 2020. S. Korea, Kazakhstan Discussing Repatriation of Korean Freedom Fighter's Remains This Year. June 22. Accessed Nov 5, 2020. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20200602003200325.
  • Премьер-Министра Республики Казахстан. 2020. Алексей Цой Назначен Министром Здравохранения РК. June 25. Accessed November 2, 2020. https://primeminister.kz/ru/news/aleksey-coy-naznachen-ministrom-zdravoohraneniya-rk-2552017.
  • Г.Н., Ким. 2012. Южная Корея: по пути стратегического го партнерства: монография. В двух книгах. Книга 1. Этапы партнерства и сотрудничества. Алматы: Казахский институт стратегических исследований при Президенте РК.

Socio-economic relationship of Korea and Kazakhstan: The role of the Korean diaspora and homeland engagement

Year 2021, , 3 - 21, 30.06.2021


An increase in bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and South Korea has been experienced in many spheres, with advances noted in the economic, social, cultural, and educational areas. It is argued that the historical and cultural affinity of the two nations, such as that of the ethnic Korean diaspora, have played a significant role in the development of these ties. Therefore, this study investigates the socio-cultural, economic, and educational relationship between Kazakhstan and Korea. To this end, the history of the ethnic Koreans in Kazakhstan and the governmental organizations that are involved with the Korean diaspora are first investigated, with a particular focus on social and cultural aspects, after which the economic ties were analysed, along with statistical data related to imports, exports, and investments. Finally, an analysis of the exchange programs in place was completed, including the Korean studies in Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian and Kazakhstani studies in Korea, increasing the understanding regarding the depth of the educational relations between the two countries.

Supporting Institution

HUFS Research Fund of 2020; NRF Research Fund of 2020

Project Number



  • Hwang, Balbina. 2012. "A New Horizon in South Korea-Central Asia Relations: The “ROK Joins the “Great Game”." Korea Economic Institute.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2007. "A Role of Homeland in Preserving Diaspora Identity: The case of Korea and` Turkey’s Engagements with the Koreans and Ahiska Turkish Diasporas in Central Asia." Journal of Central Asian & Caucasian Studies.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2012. "Comparative Analysis of the Ahıska (Meskhetian) Turks and Koreans in Post-soviet Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: The making of diaspora identity and culture." Millî Folklor.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2006. "Diaspora Nationalism: The Case of Ethnic Korean Minority in Kazakhstan and its lessons from the Crimean Tatars in Turkey." Nationalities Paper.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2009. "Marriage Migration of Central Asian Muslim to the Korean Society." Korean Journal of the Middle East Studies.
  • Oh, Chong Jin. 2010. "The Role of Universities in intercultural dialogue: Turkic Studies related Departments and Institutes in Korea and their activities and influences in the Korean Society." Baku, Azerbaijan: Inter-Cultural Dialogue: Linguistic, Pedagogic, and Literary Dimension.
  • Yonhap News Agency. 2020. S. Korea, Kazakhstan Discussing Repatriation of Korean Freedom Fighter's Remains This Year. June 22. Accessed Nov 5, 2020. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20200602003200325.
  • Премьер-Министра Республики Казахстан. 2020. Алексей Цой Назначен Министром Здравохранения РК. June 25. Accessed November 2, 2020. https://primeminister.kz/ru/news/aleksey-coy-naznachen-ministrom-zdravoohraneniya-rk-2552017.
  • Г.Н., Ким. 2012. Южная Корея: по пути стратегического го партнерства: монография. В двух книгах. Книга 1. Этапы партнерства и сотрудничества. Алматы: Казахский институт стратегических исследований при Президенте РК.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cultural Studies, Sociology, International Relations, Studies of Asian Society, Regional Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Chong-jin Oh This is me 0000-0002-8980-2688

Symbat Zholamanova This is me 0000-0002-8123-812X

Project Number NRF-2020S1A6A3A04064633
Publication Date June 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Chicago Oh, Chong-jin, and Symbat Zholamanova. “Socio-Economic Relationship of Korea and Kazakhstan: The Role of the Korean Diaspora and Homeland Engagement”. Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies 3, no. 1 (June 2021): 3-21. https://doi.org/10.38154/cjas.1.