Submission Control List
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
• The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published or submitted for consideration to any journal for publication (detailed explanation is given in the Author's Guide).
• The submission file must be prepared using OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect.
• References must be written in accordance with writing rules.
• Main text must be written with single-spaced, 12-font size, Times News Roman style and justified paragraphs. Tables should be prepared in Times News Roman style, 10 point size.
• The expressions that want to be emphasized should be shown in italics.
• Tables should be presented on a different page after the references.
• Pictures and Figures must be uploaded to the system separately in JPEG/TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
• Title page, Copyright Transfer Form and ICMJE Potential Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form have to be uploaded separately.
• Ethics committee approval document must be uploaded separately.
Author Guideline
To submit an article to the Journal of Current Medical Research, authors must read the following information carefully and prepare the files in accordance with the format and upload them to the system. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the format will not be evaluated.
ORCID information of all authors included in the article must be indicated on the title page.
In addition, all authors should fill in the names of the institutions, their e-mail addresses.
Articles that do not meet this requirement will not be considered. ORCID knowledge acquisition is detailed in the author's responsibilities section.
ORCID ID must be written as full web address. (Ex:
The Current Journal of Medical Research is open access and free of charge in line with the Budapest open access policy. No subscription fee, publication fee or similar payment is requested for accessing the resources. Articles in this journal can be used as long as the author and original source are cited. No permissions are required from authors or publishers.
Manuscripts can only be submitted through the journal's online submission and evaluation system.
Manuscripts sent to the journal will first be subjected to a technical evaluation process and their compliance with the journal's guidelines will be checked by the copy editors. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the journal's instructions will be returned.
Authors must upload the following documents to the system during the first submission:
• Ethics committee approval document
• Copyright Transfer Form
• ICMJE Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (should be completed by all contributing authors)
• Plagiarism report
• Title page
• Main manuscript
Articles must be written in Times New Roman format, 10 pt in the tables, 12 pt in the main text, single-spaced (each side 2.5 cm). Abbreviations should be written as SI (Standard Index). Authors are required to upload their article files to the system in six sections. Details on these are presented below.
1- Ethics Committee Report and Statement
Ethics Committee Permission is required for all studies mentioned above. For other studies, the Declaration Form Confirming that Ethics Committee Permission is Not Required must be filled out and uploaded to the system.
For case reports, the "Consent Form for the Case Reports" must be filled out and uploaded to the system together with the article.
2-Copyright Transfer Form
When submitting an article, authors should send the wet signed version of the Copyright Transfer Form to the system in PDF format.
3- ICMJE Potential Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form
To avoid potential conflicts of interest, the "International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Potential Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form" must be completed. When submitting a manuscript, authors must include the ICMJE Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form in the system.
4- Plagiarism Report
When submitting the article, a plagiarism report must be created on the system via
5- Article Title Page
The title of the article (in Turkish and English), the full name of the authors, their addresses, titles, e-mail addresses and ORCID IDs of all authors must be written. Authors with different addresses are written with superscript numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk (*) as follows.
Esra Meltem Koc*a, Ioannis Nikolakakisb, Amgad Rabiec, Geisa Sorezina Dolcid, Erwin Martinez Fallere
Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
At the end of the title page of the article;
• Each author's contribution to the study is described separately and in detail.
• Statement of the author responsible for conflict of interest
• Whether the study was funded or not
• If the article has been previously presented at a congress / symposium, information about the congress or symposium
should be specified.
6- Article Main Text File
In this section, Turkish and English titles, abstract, keywords and other parts of the article should be prepared in the following order. Author name, institution, e-mail information, etc. should not be included in the main text file. In the file name, the name and surname of the author, the name of the institution where he works, etc. information should not be included.
Title (Turkish and English)
Short title Turkish and English)
Abstract (Turkish and English)
Keywords (Turkish and English)
Materials and Methods
Figure legends
When sub-headings that are need to be opened under the main headings, they must be written in italics and only the first word should start with a capital letter. For example;
Statistical analysis
Application material and data
Short title: It should be written with a maximum of 50 characters and placed in the header section.
Abstract: Abstracts in Turkish and English to be written in original research should not exceed 250 words and should be arranged in separate sections: Purpose, purpose of the study; Materials and Methods, how the study was conducted; Results, statistically significant main findings; Conclusion, possible implications. In case report and review, summaries should be prepared as unstructured without subtitles.
Keywords: At least 3 keywords in Turkish and English should be written. Only the first letter of the first word of the keywords should be capitalized.
Introduction: This section should be written by citing directly related articles with sufficient knowledge. At the end of this section, the hypothesis and purpose should be clearly stated.
Materials and Methods: A separate section should be added for the description of materials and methods. If more than one method is used, this section should be subdivided. Unless a new and/or modified method is used, the methods should be referenced. Any change made on these methods should be clearly defined.
Results: Findings should be presented as Tables, Figures or Graphics. The text should mainly include important findings.
Discussion: The results of the study should be discussed directly with relevant references. This section can also be divided into subsections.
Conclusion: This section should clearly state the main results of the research. Results should not be repeated.
Limitations: In this section, the limitations of the study should be stated.
Acknowledgments: Financial or other support should be written.
References: References should be numbered according to the order of use in the text, their numbers should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the sentence in the text or immediately after the author's name. Journal names must be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus. If the number of authors is more than six, after the first three names, “et al.” must be written. Manuscripts that have been accepted for publication but are in print can be cited in the references using the phrase "in press".
• Journal article: Koc EM., Aksoy H., Baser Ayhan D., Artantas Baydar A., Kahveci R. Evaluation of clinical practice guideline quality: comparison of two appraisal tools. Int J Qual Health Care 2020; 32(10):663-70. Doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzaa129.
• Book: Sadler TW. Langman's Medical Embryology. 5th ed. Baltimore: William and Wilkins; 1985. p.224-6.
• Book Chapter: Mares I. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall PA, and Soskice D, editors. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press; 2001. p. 184–213.
• Web page: World Health Organization. Drinking water [Internet]. Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2015 Jun [cited 2018 Jul 20]. Available from:
• Thesis: Ho SH. Preventative risk modelling and mapping of Murray Valley encephalitis virus and dengue virus in Western Australia [master’s thesis]. [Perth (AU)]: University of Western Australia; 2015.
References can be organized by Mendeley-Reference Management Software by choosing the JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging reference style.
Tables: Tables should be presented at the end of the manuscripts, on a different page after the references. Tables should not be transferred from another application (Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat, etc.) by copying and pasting. Tables should be made with the Create table option in the Word file to be uploaded to the system. Otherwise, there will be shifts in the rows and columns of your tables during typesetting.
Pictures and Figures: Since all figures, photographs, graphics, and diagrams are considered as figures, they must be uploaded to the system individually in their original size, 300 dpi resolution (visuals should have contrast and clarity to see color and details), and in JPEG/ TIFF format. Figure numbers should be indicated in the text with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 ...). Figure texts should be placed in the main text file, right after the references, together with the figure numbers.
Original Research: Original research articles are prospective, retrospective and original scientific articles based on all kinds of experimental studies and observations. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be structured with the following subtitles: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. The main text should be structured with the following subtitles: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Limitations. The main text should not exceed 3500 words, excluding the abstract, references, tables and figure captions.
Review: Review articles are comprehensive analyzes written based on the authors' extensive experience and publications in the topics of review. All review articles will also be peer-reviewed before being accepted. The abstract should be written as unstructured. The author has the privilege to define subsections in the article. Subheadings should be written in italics and only the first letter should be capitalized.
Letter to the Editor: This type of article discusses important parts, overlooked or missing parts of a previously published article. Articles that may attract the attention of the readers on the subjects covered by the journal, especially on educational cases, can also be presented in the form of "Letter to the Editor". Readers can also submit their comments on the published article in the form of a "Letter to the Editor". Abstract, Keywords and Tables, Figures, Pictures and other media should not be included. The text must be unstructured. The commented article should be quoted appropriately in this article.
Case Report: Case reports are articles that present and discuss clinical evaluations and features of one or more cases of scientific importance. They are rare articles that differ in diagnosis and treatment. It should be supported with a sufficient number of photographs and diagrams.
Table 1. Limitations for each article type
Article Types | Word Limit (Except abstract and references) | Abstract Word Limit | Table Limit | Figure Limit |
Original Research | 3500 | 250 (structured) | 5 | 8 |
Review | 4500 | 250 | - | - |
Letter to the Editor | 500 | - | - | - |
Case Reports | 1000 | 200 | No table | 5 |
When submitting a revised version of an article, the author should submit an annotated copy of the main document, including how and where to find each questions raised by reviewers (each reviewer's comment, followed by the author's response and any changes made). Revised manuscripts must be submitted within 20 days from the date of the decision letter. If the revised version of the article is not submitted within the given time, the revision option may be canceled. If the author(s) believe that additional time is required, they should request this extension before the first 20-day period expires.
Accepted manuscripts are edited by copying in terms of grammar, punctuation, and format. A copy of the accepted manuscript in PDF form is sent to the responsible author and a proofreading is requested and publication approval is requested within 3 days.
Copyright Regulation
When submitting an article, the corresponding author should send the Copyright Transfer Form to the system in PDF format.
Privacy Statement
Names and e-mail addresses on this journal site will be used for the stated purposes of the journal. They will not be used for any other purposes.