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İktisatçılar Arasında İktisat, Devlet ve Piyasa Konusunda Uzlaşma ve Uzlaşmazlıklar: Türkiye Örneği

Yıl 2024, , 874 - 902, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma, Türk iktisatçıları arasında iktisadın temel varsayımları ve yöntemleri, hükümet ve piyasanın göreli rolü ve çağdaş iktisat politikaları konularında fikir birliğinin derecesini incelemektedir. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler, Türkiye'deki üniversitelerde görev yapan iktisat akademisyenlerine uygulanan anket yoluyla toplanmıştır. Çalışma, Türkiye'de iktisat, ekonomi ve ekonomi ve finans akademisyenlerine yönelik yapılan ilk anket olma özelliği taşımaktadır. Sonuçlar, Türk iktisatçılarının ana akım iktisadın temel ilkeleri ve metodolojisine ilişkin önermelerin çoğunda bir dereceye kadar fikir birliğine sahip olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Uzlaşmanın yönü ana akım iktisadın yaklaşım ve yöntemi konusunda kritik bir konumu ima etmektedir. Piyasa-hükümet ilişkisine ilişkin önermelerin çoğunda fikir birliği bulunamamıştır. Ortalama ağırlıklı görüşler sadece yeniden dağıtım lehine değil, aynı zamanda ekonomide ve rekabette özel sektörün desteklenmesi yönündedir. Gelişmiş ülkelerden örneklere dayanan önceki çalışmalarla karşılaştırıldığında, Türk iktisatçılarının hükümet müdahalesini ve yeniden dağıtımı daha fazla desteklediği görülmektedir.


  • Aiginger, K., McCabe, M., Mueller, D. C., & Weiss, C. (2001). Do American and European Industrial Organization Economists Differ? Review of Industrial Organization, 19, 383-405.
  • Alston, R. M., & Vaughan, M. B. (1993). Institutionalists: United Front or Divergent Voices of Dissent? Journal of Economic Issues, (27), 351-361.
  • Alston, R. M., Kearl, J. R., & Vaughan, M. B. (1992). Is There a Consensus among Economists in the 1990s? The American Economic Review, 82(2), 203-209.
  • Backhouse, R. E., & Mederna, S. G. (2009). On the Definition of Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(1), 221-233.
  • Blair, J., & Lacy, M. G. (1996). Measures of Variation for Ordinal Data as Functions of the Cumulative Distribution. Perceptual and Motor Skills, (82), 411-418.
  • Blair, J., & Lacy, M. G. (2000). Statistics of Ordinal Variation. Sociological Methods & Research, 28(3), 251-280.
  • Block, W., & Walker, M. (1988). Entropy in the Canadian Economics Profession: Sampling Consensus on the Major Issues. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, 14(2), 137-150.
  • Budescu, D. V., & Budescu, M. (2012). How to Measure Diversity When You Must. Psychological Methods, 17(2), 215–227.
  • Colander, D. (2005). The Making of an Economist Redux. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(2), 175-198.
  • Colander, D. (2008). The Making of A Global European Economist. Kyklos, 61(2), 215-236.
  • Fertö, I. (2011). Is There a Consensus Among Hungarian Agricultural Economists? Post-Communist Economies, (36), 399-413.
  • Frey, B. S., Pommerehne, W. W., Schneider, F., & Gilbert, G. (1984). Consensus and Dissension among Economists: An Empirical Inquiry. The American Economic Review, 74(5), 986-994.
  • Fuchs, V. R. (1996). Economics, Values, and Health Care Reform. The American Economic Review, 86 (1), 1-24.
  • Fuchs, V. R., Krueger, A. B., & Poterba, J. M. (1998). Economists' Views About Parameters, Values, and Policies: Survey Results in Labor and Public Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, (36), 1387-1425.
  • Fuller, D. A., Alston, R. M., & Vaughan, M. B. (1995). The Split between Political Parties on Economic Issues: A Survey of Republicans, Democrats, and Economists. Eastern Economic Journal, 21(2), 227-238.
  • Fuller, D., & Geide-Stevenson, D. (2003). Consensus among Economists: Revisited. Journal of Economic Education, (34), 369-387.
  • Fuller, D., & Geide-Stevenson, D. (2014). Consensus among Economists: An Update. The Journal of Economic Education, 45(2), 131-146.
  • Horowitz, M., & Hughes, R. (2018). Political Identity and Economists' Perceptions of Capitalist Crises. Review of Radical Political Economics, 50(1), 173-193.
  • Kearl, J. R., Pope, C. L., Whiting, G. C., & Wimmer, L. T. (1979). A Confusion of Economists? The American Economic Review, 69(2), 28-37.
  • Klein, D. B., & Stern, C. (2005). Professors and Their Politics: The Policy Views o Social Scientists. Critical Review, 17(3-4), 257-303.
  • Klein, D. B., & Stern, C. (2007). Is There A Free-Market Economist in the House? American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 66(2), 209-234.
  • Maio, M. D. (2013). Are Mainstream and Heterodox Economists Different? An Empirical Analysis. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72(5), 1315-1348.
  • May, A. M., McGarvey, M. G., & Kucera, D. (2018). Gender and European Economic Policy: A Survey of the Views of European Economists on Contemporary Economic Policy. Kyklos, 71(1), 162–183.
  • May, A. M., McGarvey, M. G., & Whaples, R. (2014). Are Disagreements Among Male and Female Economists Marginal at Best?: A Survey of AEA Members and Their Views on Economics and Economic Policy. Contemporary Economic Policy, 32(1), 111–132.
  • Ricketts, M., & Shoesmith, E. (1992). British Economic Opinion: Positive Science or Normative Judgement? The American Economic Review, (82), 210-220.
  • Stastny, D. (2010). Czech Economists on Economic Policy: A Survey. Econ Journal Watch, 7(3), 275-287.
  • Teachman, J. D. (1980). Analysis of Population Diversity: Measures of Qualitative Variation. Sociological Methods and Research, 8, 341-362.
  • Whaples, R. (1995). Where Is There Consensus Among American Economic Historians? The Results of a Survey on Forty Propositions. Journal of Economic History, (55), 139-154.
  • Whaples, R., & Heckelman, J. C. (2005). Public Choice Economics: Whereis There Consensus? The American Economist, 49(1), 66-78.

Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey

Yıl 2024, , 874 - 902, 31.12.2024


This study examines the degree of consensus among Turkish economists on basic assumptions and methods of economics, the relative role of the government and the market, and contemporary economic policies. The data used in the study were collected through survey implemented to academic economists employed in Turkish universities. The study is the first survey of economics, economic and economic and finance academics in Turkey. The results reveal that Turkish economists have some degree of consensus in most of the propositions on the basic precepts and methodology of mainstream economics. The direction of consensus implies a critical position on the approach and method of mainstream economics. There is no consensus in most of the propositions regarding the market-government relationship. Average weighted opinions are not only in the favor of redistribution, but also in support of the private sector in the economy and competitiveness. In comparison with previous studies based on samples from developed nations, Turkish economists seem to be more supportive of government intervention and redistribution.


  • Aiginger, K., McCabe, M., Mueller, D. C., & Weiss, C. (2001). Do American and European Industrial Organization Economists Differ? Review of Industrial Organization, 19, 383-405.
  • Alston, R. M., & Vaughan, M. B. (1993). Institutionalists: United Front or Divergent Voices of Dissent? Journal of Economic Issues, (27), 351-361.
  • Alston, R. M., Kearl, J. R., & Vaughan, M. B. (1992). Is There a Consensus among Economists in the 1990s? The American Economic Review, 82(2), 203-209.
  • Backhouse, R. E., & Mederna, S. G. (2009). On the Definition of Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(1), 221-233.
  • Blair, J., & Lacy, M. G. (1996). Measures of Variation for Ordinal Data as Functions of the Cumulative Distribution. Perceptual and Motor Skills, (82), 411-418.
  • Blair, J., & Lacy, M. G. (2000). Statistics of Ordinal Variation. Sociological Methods & Research, 28(3), 251-280.
  • Block, W., & Walker, M. (1988). Entropy in the Canadian Economics Profession: Sampling Consensus on the Major Issues. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, 14(2), 137-150.
  • Budescu, D. V., & Budescu, M. (2012). How to Measure Diversity When You Must. Psychological Methods, 17(2), 215–227.
  • Colander, D. (2005). The Making of an Economist Redux. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(2), 175-198.
  • Colander, D. (2008). The Making of A Global European Economist. Kyklos, 61(2), 215-236.
  • Fertö, I. (2011). Is There a Consensus Among Hungarian Agricultural Economists? Post-Communist Economies, (36), 399-413.
  • Frey, B. S., Pommerehne, W. W., Schneider, F., & Gilbert, G. (1984). Consensus and Dissension among Economists: An Empirical Inquiry. The American Economic Review, 74(5), 986-994.
  • Fuchs, V. R. (1996). Economics, Values, and Health Care Reform. The American Economic Review, 86 (1), 1-24.
  • Fuchs, V. R., Krueger, A. B., & Poterba, J. M. (1998). Economists' Views About Parameters, Values, and Policies: Survey Results in Labor and Public Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, (36), 1387-1425.
  • Fuller, D. A., Alston, R. M., & Vaughan, M. B. (1995). The Split between Political Parties on Economic Issues: A Survey of Republicans, Democrats, and Economists. Eastern Economic Journal, 21(2), 227-238.
  • Fuller, D., & Geide-Stevenson, D. (2003). Consensus among Economists: Revisited. Journal of Economic Education, (34), 369-387.
  • Fuller, D., & Geide-Stevenson, D. (2014). Consensus among Economists: An Update. The Journal of Economic Education, 45(2), 131-146.
  • Horowitz, M., & Hughes, R. (2018). Political Identity and Economists' Perceptions of Capitalist Crises. Review of Radical Political Economics, 50(1), 173-193.
  • Kearl, J. R., Pope, C. L., Whiting, G. C., & Wimmer, L. T. (1979). A Confusion of Economists? The American Economic Review, 69(2), 28-37.
  • Klein, D. B., & Stern, C. (2005). Professors and Their Politics: The Policy Views o Social Scientists. Critical Review, 17(3-4), 257-303.
  • Klein, D. B., & Stern, C. (2007). Is There A Free-Market Economist in the House? American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 66(2), 209-234.
  • Maio, M. D. (2013). Are Mainstream and Heterodox Economists Different? An Empirical Analysis. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72(5), 1315-1348.
  • May, A. M., McGarvey, M. G., & Kucera, D. (2018). Gender and European Economic Policy: A Survey of the Views of European Economists on Contemporary Economic Policy. Kyklos, 71(1), 162–183.
  • May, A. M., McGarvey, M. G., & Whaples, R. (2014). Are Disagreements Among Male and Female Economists Marginal at Best?: A Survey of AEA Members and Their Views on Economics and Economic Policy. Contemporary Economic Policy, 32(1), 111–132.
  • Ricketts, M., & Shoesmith, E. (1992). British Economic Opinion: Positive Science or Normative Judgement? The American Economic Review, (82), 210-220.
  • Stastny, D. (2010). Czech Economists on Economic Policy: A Survey. Econ Journal Watch, 7(3), 275-287.
  • Teachman, J. D. (1980). Analysis of Population Diversity: Measures of Qualitative Variation. Sociological Methods and Research, 8, 341-362.
  • Whaples, R. (1995). Where Is There Consensus Among American Economic Historians? The Results of a Survey on Forty Propositions. Journal of Economic History, (55), 139-154.
  • Whaples, R., & Heckelman, J. C. (2005). Public Choice Economics: Whereis There Consensus? The American Economist, 49(1), 66-78.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İktisadi Düşünceler
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Savaş Çevik 0000-0003-0730-0746

Hasan Umutlu 0000-0002-2604-3573

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 20 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çevik, S., & Umutlu, H. (2024). Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(4), 874-902.
AMA Çevik S, Umutlu H. Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 2024;14(4):874-902. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1398029
Chicago Çevik, Savaş, ve Hasan Umutlu. “Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: The Case of Turkey”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 874-902.
EndNote Çevik S, Umutlu H (01 Aralık 2024) Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14 4 874–902.
IEEE S. Çevik ve H. Umutlu, “Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 4, ss. 874–902, 2024, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.1398029.
ISNAD Çevik, Savaş - Umutlu, Hasan. “Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: The Case of Turkey”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14/4 (Aralık 2024), 874-902.
JAMA Çevik S, Umutlu H. Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14:874–902.
MLA Çevik, Savaş ve Hasan Umutlu. “Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: The Case of Turkey”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 874-02, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1398029.
Vancouver Çevik S, Umutlu H. Consensus and Dissension Among Economists on the Economics, the Government and the Market: the Case of Turkey. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14(4):874-902.