Araştırma Makalesi
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The Impact of Tax Avoidance Strategy on Firm Value

Yıl 2024, , 1123 - 1143, 31.12.2024


The aim of this study is to comprehensively examine the impact of firms' tax avoidance strategies on firm value. A panel data analysis was conducted on 70 firms listed on Borsa Istanbul to identify the effects of tax avoidance strategies on the value of firms in Turkey. While analyzing the impact of tax avoidance behavior on firm value in the context of financial decisions, leverage ratio, current ratio, and firm size were tested as control variables within the panel data analysis framework. The results indicate that as tax avoidance increases, firm value also increases. Additionally, it was found that as leverage and current ratios decrease, firm value increases, and firm size positively affects firm value. Due to the limited number of studies examining the impact of tax avoidance behavior on firm value in the context of firms in Turkey, this study is expected to make a significant contribution to the literature.


  • Kaynakça Brune, A., Thomsen, M. ve Watrin, C. (2019). Tax avoidance in different firm types and the role of nonfamily involvement in private family firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(8), 950-952
  • Canbaş, S., Doğukanlı, H., Düzakın, H., İskenderoğlu, Ö. (2005). Performans ölçümünde Tobin Q oranının kullanılması: Hisse senetleri İMKB'de işlem gören sanayi işletmeleri üzerinde bir deneme.Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 2005, 28, 25.
  • Cengiz E., Kırkbir F., (2007), Kâr amacı gütmeyen kurumlarda müşteri memnuniyeti ve hizmet kalitesi ilişkisi: Karadeniz Bölgesi örneği. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 263-286
  • Chen, X., Hu, N., Wang, X., & Tang, X. (2014). Tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from China. Nankai Business Review International, 5(1), 25-42.
  • Ciganskis, D. (2022). Uncovering corporate tax avoidance and investigating multinational corporation financial strategies and the social consequences. Riga Gradute School of Law Bachelor Thesıs, 6-11.
  • Desai, M. A. ve Dharmapala, D. (2009). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3), 537-546.
  • Duhoon, A. ve Singh, M. (2023). Corporate tax avoidance: a systematic literature review and future research directions. LBS Journal of Management & Research, 21(2), 207.
  • Ercan, T. (2023). İşletmelerde faaliyet ve yatırım süreçlerinin vazgeçilmez aracı: stratejik vergi planlaması. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(1),38
  • Fu, l., Singhal, R., Parkash, M. (2016). Tobin’s q ratio and firm performance. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 7(4), 1-10.
  • Guedrib, M., Marouani, G. (2023). The interactive impact of tax avoidance and tax risk on the firm value: new evidence in the Tunisian context. Asian Review of Accounting, 31(2), 203-226.
  • Handayani, R., (2020), Effects of tax avoidance and financial performance on firm value. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research, 2(5), 159-168.
  • Hasan, M. M., Lobo, G. J., Qiu, B. (2021). Organizational capital, corporate tax avoidance, and firm value. Journal of Corporate Finance, 70, 127.
  • Irawan F. Ve Turwanto, (2020). The effect of tax avoidance on firm value with tax risk as moderating variable. Test Engıneerıng And Management, 83, 9696-9797.
  • Islah, R. N., Natsir, K. (2023). The effect of financial performance, tax avoidance, and ınvestment opportunity set on firm value in the agricultural sector. International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, 1(1), 673-683.
  • Jensen, M. C. and Mecling, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Economics, 3, 308
  • Khuong, N. V., Liem, N. T, Thu, P. A. ve Khanh, T. H. T. (2020). Does corporate tax avoidance explain firm performance? evidence from an emerging economy. Cogent Business & Management, 7, 2-17.
  • Koç, O. E. (2019). Vergilemenin mükellefler üzerindeki psikolojik etkileri: vergiden kaçınma ve vergi kaçırma üzerine bir alan araştırması. Business and Economics Research Journal, 10(4), 1019.
  • Lim H.J. Mall, D. (2024). Does market performance (Tobin’s Q) have a negative efect on credit ratings? evidence from South Korea, Asia-Pacifc Financial Markets, 31, 53-80. Martin, J., Harm, S. (2013). Firm valuation and the uncertainty of future tax avoidance, Econstor, 149, 1-32, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2024)
  • Minh Ha, N., Anh, P. T., Yue, X., Nam, N. H. P., (2021). The impact of tax avoidance on the value of listed firms in Vietnam, Cogent Business & Management, 8, 1-13.
  • Nebie, M. ve Cheng, M. C. (2023). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from Taiwan, Cogent Business & Management, 10(3), 1.
  • Nugroho, W. C. and Agustia, D. (2017). Corporate governance, tax avoidance, and firm value. AFEBI Accounting Review, 2(2), 15-29.
  • Nurseto, I., Bandiyonı, A. (2021). the effect of tax avoidance on firm value with tax expert as moderating variables. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 25(4), 804-820.
  • Otto, F., Michael, F, Phillipp G., Gertraud, L., Martina, N., Martin, S. (2015). Tax avoıdance, tax evasıon and tax havens, Gerechtıgkeıt Muss Seın, 5. chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 18 Temmuz 2024)
  • Panda, B. ve Leepsa, N. M. (2017). Agency theory: Review of theory and evidence on problems and perspectives. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 10(1), 74-95).
  • Pratama, D., Jaenudin, E. ve Muthya, R. (2023). The effect of tax avoidance and profitability on firmvalue (study on property and real estate companieslistedin bursaefek Indonesia 2018-2020). Journal of Research in Business and Management, 11(8), 11-14.
  • Ratnawati, V., Freddy, D. ve Hardi, H. (2018). Ownership structure, tax avoidance and firm performance. Archives of Business Research, 6(1), 1-7
  • Rezki, M. A., Achsani, N. A., Sasongko, H. (2018). Tax avoidance: determinant factors and ımpact on firm value. International Journal of Science and Research, 9(1), 13
  • Richardson, D. (2015). Corporate tax avoidance:The Australia Institute, Corporate tax avoidance ,4 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 10 Haziran 2024)
  • Rizka, A. R., Rahayu, R. M. (2023). Does firm size moderatıng influence of sales growth on tax avoidance?. Jurnal Akuntansi, 10(2), 310-322.
  • Rochim, Ghoniyah, N. (2017). Analysıs on the effect of current ratıo, cashflow from operatıon to debt, fırm sıze and return on equıty on stock return. International Jurnal of Islamic Business Ethics, Özel Sayı, 44.
  • Sampurna, D. S., Romawati, E. (2019). Determinants of Firm Value: Evidence in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 132, 13
  • Santa, S. L. L. And Rezende, A. J. (2016). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value: from Brazil. Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, 13(30), , 114-133)
  • Saragih, A. H. (2021). Analysis of tax avoidance effect on firm value (a study on firms listed on Indonesia stock exchange). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 167, 372-378.
  • Seifzadeh, M. (2022). The effectiveness of management ability on firm value and tax avoidance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(11), 1-15.
  • Shahzade, I. (2023). Investigation on corporate tax avoidance through GMM: A fresh ınsight on PSE listed companies. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 12(3), 1-9
  • Shubita, M. F. (2024). The effect of t The effect of tax avoidance ax avoidance on firm value with leverage on firm value with leverage as a modera as a moderating variable. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 21(2), 336-344).
  • Shubita, M. F. (2024). The effect of t The effect of tax avoidance ax avoidance on firm value with leverage on firm value with leverage as a modera as a moderating variable. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 21(2), 336-344
  • Uzliawati, L., Yuliana, A., Januarsi, Y., Santoso, M. I. (2018). Optimisation of capital structure and firm value. European Research Studies Journal, 21(2), 707.
  • Yee, C.S., Sapiei N. S, Abdullah, M. (2018). Tax avoidance, corporate governance andfirm value in the digital era. Journal of Accounting and Investment, 19(2), 160-175.
  • Yulianti, V., Purba, J. ve Ningrum, V. A. (2023). Tax planning and avoidance on firm value. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(9), 3756-3757.
  • Yuniastuti, R. M., Yenny, S. R., Harahap, A. K. (2022). Tax avoidance during the Covid-19 pandemic in manufacturing companies, advances in economics. Business and Management Research Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Business and Economics, AEBMR 666, 273.
  • Zhu, N., Mbroh, N., Monney, A. ve Bonsu, M. O. A. (2019). Corporate tax avoidance and firm profitability. European Scientific Journal, 15(7), 61.

Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 1123 - 1143, 31.12.2024


Çalışmanın amacı, firmaların vergiden kaçınma stratejilerinin firma değeri üzerindeki etkilerini kapsamlı bir şekilde ortaya koymaktır. Türkiye’deki firmaların vergiden kaçınma stratejilerinin firma değerine etkilerini tespit etmek amacıyla Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören 70 firma üzerinde panel veri analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Firmaların finansman kararlarında vergiden kaçınma stratejisinin firma değeri üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilirken, kaldıraç oranı, cari oran ve firma büyüklüğü de kontrol değişkenleri olarak panel veri analizi kapsamında test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, vergiden kaçınma arttıkça firma değerinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, firmaların kaldıraç ve cari oranı düştükçe firma değerinin arttığı, firmanın büyüklüğü arttıkça da firma değerinin pozitif yönde etkilendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Türkiye'deki firmalar açısından vergiden kaçınma Stratejisinin firma değeri üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen çalışmaların sınırlı olması nedeniyle, bu çalışmanın literatüre önemli bir katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Kaynakça Brune, A., Thomsen, M. ve Watrin, C. (2019). Tax avoidance in different firm types and the role of nonfamily involvement in private family firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(8), 950-952
  • Canbaş, S., Doğukanlı, H., Düzakın, H., İskenderoğlu, Ö. (2005). Performans ölçümünde Tobin Q oranının kullanılması: Hisse senetleri İMKB'de işlem gören sanayi işletmeleri üzerinde bir deneme.Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 2005, 28, 25.
  • Cengiz E., Kırkbir F., (2007), Kâr amacı gütmeyen kurumlarda müşteri memnuniyeti ve hizmet kalitesi ilişkisi: Karadeniz Bölgesi örneği. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 263-286
  • Chen, X., Hu, N., Wang, X., & Tang, X. (2014). Tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from China. Nankai Business Review International, 5(1), 25-42.
  • Ciganskis, D. (2022). Uncovering corporate tax avoidance and investigating multinational corporation financial strategies and the social consequences. Riga Gradute School of Law Bachelor Thesıs, 6-11.
  • Desai, M. A. ve Dharmapala, D. (2009). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3), 537-546.
  • Duhoon, A. ve Singh, M. (2023). Corporate tax avoidance: a systematic literature review and future research directions. LBS Journal of Management & Research, 21(2), 207.
  • Ercan, T. (2023). İşletmelerde faaliyet ve yatırım süreçlerinin vazgeçilmez aracı: stratejik vergi planlaması. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(1),38
  • Fu, l., Singhal, R., Parkash, M. (2016). Tobin’s q ratio and firm performance. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 7(4), 1-10.
  • Guedrib, M., Marouani, G. (2023). The interactive impact of tax avoidance and tax risk on the firm value: new evidence in the Tunisian context. Asian Review of Accounting, 31(2), 203-226.
  • Handayani, R., (2020), Effects of tax avoidance and financial performance on firm value. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research, 2(5), 159-168.
  • Hasan, M. M., Lobo, G. J., Qiu, B. (2021). Organizational capital, corporate tax avoidance, and firm value. Journal of Corporate Finance, 70, 127.
  • Irawan F. Ve Turwanto, (2020). The effect of tax avoidance on firm value with tax risk as moderating variable. Test Engıneerıng And Management, 83, 9696-9797.
  • Islah, R. N., Natsir, K. (2023). The effect of financial performance, tax avoidance, and ınvestment opportunity set on firm value in the agricultural sector. International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, 1(1), 673-683.
  • Jensen, M. C. and Mecling, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Economics, 3, 308
  • Khuong, N. V., Liem, N. T, Thu, P. A. ve Khanh, T. H. T. (2020). Does corporate tax avoidance explain firm performance? evidence from an emerging economy. Cogent Business & Management, 7, 2-17.
  • Koç, O. E. (2019). Vergilemenin mükellefler üzerindeki psikolojik etkileri: vergiden kaçınma ve vergi kaçırma üzerine bir alan araştırması. Business and Economics Research Journal, 10(4), 1019.
  • Lim H.J. Mall, D. (2024). Does market performance (Tobin’s Q) have a negative efect on credit ratings? evidence from South Korea, Asia-Pacifc Financial Markets, 31, 53-80. Martin, J., Harm, S. (2013). Firm valuation and the uncertainty of future tax avoidance, Econstor, 149, 1-32, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2024)
  • Minh Ha, N., Anh, P. T., Yue, X., Nam, N. H. P., (2021). The impact of tax avoidance on the value of listed firms in Vietnam, Cogent Business & Management, 8, 1-13.
  • Nebie, M. ve Cheng, M. C. (2023). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value: Evidence from Taiwan, Cogent Business & Management, 10(3), 1.
  • Nugroho, W. C. and Agustia, D. (2017). Corporate governance, tax avoidance, and firm value. AFEBI Accounting Review, 2(2), 15-29.
  • Nurseto, I., Bandiyonı, A. (2021). the effect of tax avoidance on firm value with tax expert as moderating variables. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 25(4), 804-820.
  • Otto, F., Michael, F, Phillipp G., Gertraud, L., Martina, N., Martin, S. (2015). Tax avoıdance, tax evasıon and tax havens, Gerechtıgkeıt Muss Seın, 5. chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 18 Temmuz 2024)
  • Panda, B. ve Leepsa, N. M. (2017). Agency theory: Review of theory and evidence on problems and perspectives. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 10(1), 74-95).
  • Pratama, D., Jaenudin, E. ve Muthya, R. (2023). The effect of tax avoidance and profitability on firmvalue (study on property and real estate companieslistedin bursaefek Indonesia 2018-2020). Journal of Research in Business and Management, 11(8), 11-14.
  • Ratnawati, V., Freddy, D. ve Hardi, H. (2018). Ownership structure, tax avoidance and firm performance. Archives of Business Research, 6(1), 1-7
  • Rezki, M. A., Achsani, N. A., Sasongko, H. (2018). Tax avoidance: determinant factors and ımpact on firm value. International Journal of Science and Research, 9(1), 13
  • Richardson, D. (2015). Corporate tax avoidance:The Australia Institute, Corporate tax avoidance ,4 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (Erişim tarihi: 10 Haziran 2024)
  • Rizka, A. R., Rahayu, R. M. (2023). Does firm size moderatıng influence of sales growth on tax avoidance?. Jurnal Akuntansi, 10(2), 310-322.
  • Rochim, Ghoniyah, N. (2017). Analysıs on the effect of current ratıo, cashflow from operatıon to debt, fırm sıze and return on equıty on stock return. International Jurnal of Islamic Business Ethics, Özel Sayı, 44.
  • Sampurna, D. S., Romawati, E. (2019). Determinants of Firm Value: Evidence in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 132, 13
  • Santa, S. L. L. And Rezende, A. J. (2016). Corporate tax avoidance and firm value: from Brazil. Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade, 13(30), , 114-133)
  • Saragih, A. H. (2021). Analysis of tax avoidance effect on firm value (a study on firms listed on Indonesia stock exchange). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 167, 372-378.
  • Seifzadeh, M. (2022). The effectiveness of management ability on firm value and tax avoidance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(11), 1-15.
  • Shahzade, I. (2023). Investigation on corporate tax avoidance through GMM: A fresh ınsight on PSE listed companies. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 12(3), 1-9
  • Shubita, M. F. (2024). The effect of t The effect of tax avoidance ax avoidance on firm value with leverage on firm value with leverage as a modera as a moderating variable. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 21(2), 336-344).
  • Shubita, M. F. (2024). The effect of t The effect of tax avoidance ax avoidance on firm value with leverage on firm value with leverage as a modera as a moderating variable. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 21(2), 336-344
  • Uzliawati, L., Yuliana, A., Januarsi, Y., Santoso, M. I. (2018). Optimisation of capital structure and firm value. European Research Studies Journal, 21(2), 707.
  • Yee, C.S., Sapiei N. S, Abdullah, M. (2018). Tax avoidance, corporate governance andfirm value in the digital era. Journal of Accounting and Investment, 19(2), 160-175.
  • Yulianti, V., Purba, J. ve Ningrum, V. A. (2023). Tax planning and avoidance on firm value. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(9), 3756-3757.
  • Yuniastuti, R. M., Yenny, S. R., Harahap, A. K. (2022). Tax avoidance during the Covid-19 pandemic in manufacturing companies, advances in economics. Business and Management Research Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Business and Economics, AEBMR 666, 273.
  • Zhu, N., Mbroh, N., Monney, A. ve Bonsu, M. O. A. (2019). Corporate tax avoidance and firm profitability. European Scientific Journal, 15(7), 61.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Panel Veri Analizi , Maliye Politikası
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Neslihan Burgaz 0000-0001-8301-2792

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Burgaz, N. (2024). Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(4), 1123-1143.
AMA Burgaz N. Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 2024;14(4):1123-1143. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1555107
Chicago Burgaz, Neslihan. “Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 1123-43.
EndNote Burgaz N (01 Aralık 2024) Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14 4 1123–1143.
IEEE N. Burgaz, “Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 4, ss. 1123–1143, 2024, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.1555107.
ISNAD Burgaz, Neslihan. “Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 14/4 (Aralık 2024), 1123-1143.
JAMA Burgaz N. Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14:1123–1143.
MLA Burgaz, Neslihan. “Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 1123-4, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1555107.
Vancouver Burgaz N. Vergiden Kaçınma Stratejisinin Firma Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2024;14(4):1123-4.