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Hemangioma: case report of a lesion of the mid-face focusing upon imaging findings

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 184 - 189, 31.01.2014


A 43-year-old female patient with an extensive subcutaneous hemangioma in the body of the maxilla was presented. In addition, skin of the upper lip and left lateral aspect of nose appeared to be involved. However, patient was in need of prosthetic restoration. Therefore, the lesion was evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Imaging findings showed that the lesion was a mass including vascular structure and there was a deformity in the left anterior maxillary wall because of this lesion. For consultation regarding prosthetic restoration, three-dimensional reconstruction was performed.

Key words: Computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography, hemangioma, magnetic resonance imaging, subcutaneous


  • Patel SB, Desai A, Desai S, Vyas RR, Soni HC. Case Report: Vascular lesions of face. Ind J Radiol Imag. 2003; 13: 257-260.
  • Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ, Jordan RCK (ed): Oral pathology: Clinical pathologic correlations, 4th edn. St Louis: W.B. Saunders, 2003; pp 111-112.
  • Wu JH, Du JK, Lu PC, Chen CM. Interdisiplinary management of mandibular intraosseous haemangioma. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011; 49:e55-57.
  • Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE (ed): Oral & maxillofacial pathology, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2002, pp 467-468.
  • Olsen KI, Stacy GS, Montag A. Soft-tissue cavernous hemangioma. RadioGraphics. 2004; 24: 849-854.
  • Martinez de la Cuesta A. Imaging studies in the diagnosis of haemangiomas and vascular malformations. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2004; 27: 71-80.
  • Kakimato N, Tanimoto K, Nishiyama H, Murakami S, Furukawa S, Kreiborg S. CT and MR imaging features of oral and maxillofacial hemangioma and vascular malformation. Eur J Radiol. 2005; 55: 108-112.
  • Yonetsu K, Nakayama E, Miwa K, Tanaka T, Kazuyuki A, Kanda S, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of oral and maxillofacial angiomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993; 76: 783-789.
  • Kaplan PA, Willams SM. Mucocutaneous and peripheral soft-tissue hemangiomas: MR imaging. Radiology 1987; 163: 163-166.
  • Levine E, Wetzel LH, Neff JR. MR imaging and CT of extra-hepatic cavernous hemangiomas. AJR Am J Roentgenol.1986; 147: 1299- 1304.
  • Paltiel HJ, Burrows PE, Kozakewich HPW, Zurakowski D, Mulliken JB. Soft-tissue vascular anomalies: Utility of US for diagnosis. Radiology 2000; 214: 747-754.
  • Fontes A, Campos MS, de Sousa SCOM, Martins MT, Nunes FD. Diagnostic implications of oral intravascular endothelial hyperplasia. Odontology 2011; 99: 92-97.
  • Cohen A, Maly A, Azaz B. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of the lower lip: surgical approach and review of the literature. Gerodontology 2009; 26:305-308.
  • Murphey MD, Fairbairn KJ, Praman LM, Kirkman GB, Parsa MB, Smith WS. Musculoskeletal angiomatous lesions: Radiologic-pathologic correlation. RadioGraphics 1995; 15: 893-917(Abs).
  • Cohen EK, Kressel HY, Perosio T, Burk DL Jr, Dalinka MK, Kanal E, et al. MR imaging of soft-tissue hemangiomas: Correlation with pathologic findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1988; 150: 1079-1081.
  • George CD, Ng YY, Hall-Craggs MA, Jones BM. Parotid haemangioma in infants: MR imaging at 1.5T. Pediatr Radiol. 1991; 21: 483-485.
  • Siegel MJ, Glazer HS, St Amour TE, Rosenthal DD. Lymphangiomas in children: MR imaging. Radiology 1989; 170: 467-470.
  • Itoh K, Nishimura K, Togashi K, Fujisawa I, Nakano Y, Itoh H, et al. MR imaging of cavernous hemangioma of the face and neck. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1986; 10: 831-835.
  • Resnick D. Vascular and lymphatic tumors. In: Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders (Draud LA, Fix CF, ed). Philadelphia: Pa: Saunders, 2002; pp 4186-4195.
  • Bunel K, Sindet-Pedersen S. Central hemangioma of the mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993; 75: 565-570.
  • Sapp JP, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology, 2nd edn. St Louis: Mosby, 2004; pp 321-322.
  • Calcaterra TC, Weiss AJ. Adult invasive subcutaneous hemangioma. Otolaryngology 1978; 86: 750-754.
  • Ly JQ, Sanders TG, Mulloy JP, Soares GM, Beall DP, Parsons TW, et al: Osseous change adjacent to soft-tissue hemangiomas of the extremities: Correlation with lesion size and proximity to bone. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003; 180: 1695-1700.
  • Danforth RA, Dus I, Mah J. 3-D volume imaging for dentistry: A new dimension. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2003; 31: 817-823.
  • Scarfe WC, Farman AG, Sukovic P. Clinical applications of cone-beam computed tomography in dental practice. J Can Dent Assoc. 2006; 72: 75-80.
  • Sukovic P. Cone beam computed tomography in craniofacial imaging. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2003; 6 Suppl 1: 31-36 (Abs).
  • Winter AA, Pollack AS, Frommer HH, Koenig L. Cone beam volumetric tomography vs. medical CT scanners. NY State Dent. J 2005; 71: 28-33.
  • Marmulla R, Wortche R, Muhling J, Hassfeld S. Geometric accuracy of the NewTom 9000 Cone Beam CT. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2005; 34: 28-31.
  • Ludlow JB, Davies-Ludlow LE, Brooks SL. Dosimetry of two extraoral direct digital imaging devices: Newtom cone beam CT and Orthophos Plus DS panoramic unit. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2003; 32: 229-234.
  • Almog DM, LaMar J, LaMar FR, LaMar F. Cone beam computerized tomography-based dental imaging for implant planning and surgical guidance, Part 1: Single implant in the mandibular molar region. J Oral Implantol. 2006; 32: 77-81.

Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 184 - 189, 31.01.2014


Bu makalede; 43 yaşında bir kadın hastada, maksilla ve üst dudak derisi ile sol burun kanadını da tutan subkutanöz geniş yayılımlı hemanjiom olgusu sunulmaktadır. Hastanın protetik restorasyonunun yapılabilmesi amacıyla magnetic rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ve bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) ile lezyonun komşu dokularla ilişkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Görüntüleme bulguları, lezyonun vasküler kaynaklı bir yapı içerdiğini ve sol maksilla anterior duvarında deformiteye neden olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında, hastaya uygulanabilirliği mümkün olan protetik restorasyon üç boyutlu görüntüleme ile de değerlendirilerek konsülte edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Bilgisayarlı tomografi, konik ışınlı hacimsel tomografi, hemanjiom, magnetic rezonans görüntüleme, subkutanöz


  • Patel SB, Desai A, Desai S, Vyas RR, Soni HC. Case Report: Vascular lesions of face. Ind J Radiol Imag. 2003; 13: 257-260.
  • Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ, Jordan RCK (ed): Oral pathology: Clinical pathologic correlations, 4th edn. St Louis: W.B. Saunders, 2003; pp 111-112.
  • Wu JH, Du JK, Lu PC, Chen CM. Interdisiplinary management of mandibular intraosseous haemangioma. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011; 49:e55-57.
  • Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE (ed): Oral & maxillofacial pathology, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2002, pp 467-468.
  • Olsen KI, Stacy GS, Montag A. Soft-tissue cavernous hemangioma. RadioGraphics. 2004; 24: 849-854.
  • Martinez de la Cuesta A. Imaging studies in the diagnosis of haemangiomas and vascular malformations. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2004; 27: 71-80.
  • Kakimato N, Tanimoto K, Nishiyama H, Murakami S, Furukawa S, Kreiborg S. CT and MR imaging features of oral and maxillofacial hemangioma and vascular malformation. Eur J Radiol. 2005; 55: 108-112.
  • Yonetsu K, Nakayama E, Miwa K, Tanaka T, Kazuyuki A, Kanda S, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of oral and maxillofacial angiomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993; 76: 783-789.
  • Kaplan PA, Willams SM. Mucocutaneous and peripheral soft-tissue hemangiomas: MR imaging. Radiology 1987; 163: 163-166.
  • Levine E, Wetzel LH, Neff JR. MR imaging and CT of extra-hepatic cavernous hemangiomas. AJR Am J Roentgenol.1986; 147: 1299- 1304.
  • Paltiel HJ, Burrows PE, Kozakewich HPW, Zurakowski D, Mulliken JB. Soft-tissue vascular anomalies: Utility of US for diagnosis. Radiology 2000; 214: 747-754.
  • Fontes A, Campos MS, de Sousa SCOM, Martins MT, Nunes FD. Diagnostic implications of oral intravascular endothelial hyperplasia. Odontology 2011; 99: 92-97.
  • Cohen A, Maly A, Azaz B. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of the lower lip: surgical approach and review of the literature. Gerodontology 2009; 26:305-308.
  • Murphey MD, Fairbairn KJ, Praman LM, Kirkman GB, Parsa MB, Smith WS. Musculoskeletal angiomatous lesions: Radiologic-pathologic correlation. RadioGraphics 1995; 15: 893-917(Abs).
  • Cohen EK, Kressel HY, Perosio T, Burk DL Jr, Dalinka MK, Kanal E, et al. MR imaging of soft-tissue hemangiomas: Correlation with pathologic findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1988; 150: 1079-1081.
  • George CD, Ng YY, Hall-Craggs MA, Jones BM. Parotid haemangioma in infants: MR imaging at 1.5T. Pediatr Radiol. 1991; 21: 483-485.
  • Siegel MJ, Glazer HS, St Amour TE, Rosenthal DD. Lymphangiomas in children: MR imaging. Radiology 1989; 170: 467-470.
  • Itoh K, Nishimura K, Togashi K, Fujisawa I, Nakano Y, Itoh H, et al. MR imaging of cavernous hemangioma of the face and neck. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1986; 10: 831-835.
  • Resnick D. Vascular and lymphatic tumors. In: Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders (Draud LA, Fix CF, ed). Philadelphia: Pa: Saunders, 2002; pp 4186-4195.
  • Bunel K, Sindet-Pedersen S. Central hemangioma of the mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993; 75: 565-570.
  • Sapp JP, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology, 2nd edn. St Louis: Mosby, 2004; pp 321-322.
  • Calcaterra TC, Weiss AJ. Adult invasive subcutaneous hemangioma. Otolaryngology 1978; 86: 750-754.
  • Ly JQ, Sanders TG, Mulloy JP, Soares GM, Beall DP, Parsons TW, et al: Osseous change adjacent to soft-tissue hemangiomas of the extremities: Correlation with lesion size and proximity to bone. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003; 180: 1695-1700.
  • Danforth RA, Dus I, Mah J. 3-D volume imaging for dentistry: A new dimension. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2003; 31: 817-823.
  • Scarfe WC, Farman AG, Sukovic P. Clinical applications of cone-beam computed tomography in dental practice. J Can Dent Assoc. 2006; 72: 75-80.
  • Sukovic P. Cone beam computed tomography in craniofacial imaging. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2003; 6 Suppl 1: 31-36 (Abs).
  • Winter AA, Pollack AS, Frommer HH, Koenig L. Cone beam volumetric tomography vs. medical CT scanners. NY State Dent. J 2005; 71: 28-33.
  • Marmulla R, Wortche R, Muhling J, Hassfeld S. Geometric accuracy of the NewTom 9000 Cone Beam CT. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2005; 34: 28-31.
  • Ludlow JB, Davies-Ludlow LE, Brooks SL. Dosimetry of two extraoral direct digital imaging devices: Newtom cone beam CT and Orthophos Plus DS panoramic unit. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2003; 32: 229-234.
  • Almog DM, LaMar J, LaMar FR, LaMar F. Cone beam computerized tomography-based dental imaging for implant planning and surgical guidance, Part 1: Single implant in the mandibular molar region. J Oral Implantol. 2006; 32: 77-81.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Filiz Namdar Pekiner

Nihat Kodallı This is me

Sinan Horasan This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2014
Submission Date November 3, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Namdar Pekiner, F., Kodallı, N., & Horasan, S. (2014). Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 1(3), 184-189.
AMA Namdar Pekiner F, Kodallı N, Horasan S. Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. January 2014;1(3):184-189.
Chicago Namdar Pekiner, Filiz, Nihat Kodallı, and Sinan Horasan. “Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde Yer Alan Lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği Olgu Sunumu”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 1, no. 3 (January 2014): 184-89.
EndNote Namdar Pekiner F, Kodallı N, Horasan S (January 1, 2014) Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 1 3 184–189.
IEEE F. Namdar Pekiner, N. Kodallı, and S. Horasan, “Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 184–189, 2014.
ISNAD Namdar Pekiner, Filiz et al. “Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde Yer Alan Lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği Olgu Sunumu”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 1/3 (January 2014), 184-189.
JAMA Namdar Pekiner F, Kodallı N, Horasan S. Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2014;1:184–189.
MLA Namdar Pekiner, Filiz et al. “Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde Yer Alan Lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği Olgu Sunumu”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3, 2014, pp. 184-9.
Vancouver Namdar Pekiner F, Kodallı N, Horasan S. Hemanjiom: Orta-yüz bölgesinde yer alan lezyonun görüntüleme bulgularının değerlendirildiği olgu sunumu. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2014;1(3):184-9.

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