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Marble Funerary Vases from Sinope

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 18, 75 - 92, 01.06.2019


Marble vessels of various forms and types had an essential role within the life of ancient people. However, the tedious obtaining process and the long-lasting lifetime of marble made the vessels produced from it valuable and scantly obtainable objects for everyone’s domestic life. On the other hand, due to its durability, marble vessels were highly preferred, especially by the elite for ritual but mostly for funerary oriented areas. Two marble vases kept within the storages of the Sinop Archaeological Museum supply us with some good examples of marble vessels produced and used for funerary oriented purposes. The two vases, carved in the shape of a lekythos and a hydria, are important finds for a better understanding of the funerary beliefs, cultural interactions and, even at some point, the demographic structure of ancient Sinop. In the scope of this paper, continuous evaluation will be conducted, firstly for an in detail interpreting and understanding of the two vases. Full or partial comparisons will be drawn with other various vases for establishing a more definite identification and a secure dating. Last but not least, the vases will be tried to be placed within the context of the use of marble vases for funerary purposes.


  • Andronikos, M. 1987 Vergina - The Royal Tombs and the Ancient City, Athens.
  • Arkhipov, A. A. 2005 “Marble Mortar from the Collection of the National State-Preserved Museum St Sophia of Kiev”, Rossijskaja Archeologija 1: 109-111.
  • Beazley, J.D. 1940 “A Marble Lamp”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 60: 22-49.
  • Berger – Protsch, R. 1974 “Identification, Age and Date of Skeletal Material Found in a Greek Hydria”, Getty Museum Journal 1(1): 23-24.
  • Besios, M. 1986 “Tymvos Alykon Kitrous”, Pieria II: Kalokairi 1985, Thessaloniki: 54-58.
  • Bruora, M. – E. Laflı 2016 “Hadra Vases in Cilicia”, S. Japp - P. Kögler (eds), Traditions and Innovations – Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Period. Proceedings of the 1st Conference of IARPotHP Berlin, November 2013, 7th-10th, Vienna: 317-327.
  • Cook, B.F. 1966 Inscribed Hadra Vases in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Papers 12, New York.
  • Devetzi, A. 2000 “The ‘Imported’ Stone Vases at Akrotiri, Thera: A New Approach to the Material”, The Annual of the British School at Athens 95: 121-139.
  • Diehl, E. 1964 Die Hydria: Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Kult des Altertums, Mainz.
  • Δρούγου, Σ. – X. Σαατσόγλου-Παλιαδέλη 2005 Βεργίνα – Ο τόπος και η ιςτορία του, Athens.
  • Duman, B. 2002 Kilikya Bölgesi’ndeki Hadra Hydriaları, Unpublished Masters Thesis, Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Klasik Arkeoloji, Konya.
  • Enklaar, A. 1985 “Chronlogie et peintres des hydries de Hadra”, Bulletin antieke beschaving 61: 106-151.
  • Enklaar, A. 1986 “Les hydries de Hadra 2 – Formes et ateliers”, Bulletin antieke beschaving 60: 41-65.
  • Fedoseev, N. 2002 “Les Temoignages Archeologiques sur une Clerouquie Athenienne a Sinope”, Mouseion 2: 189-202.
  • Ghisellini, E. 2013 “Una lekythos funeraria di marmo della Fondazione Sorgente Group”, SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA 2(1): 189-202.
  • Grossman, J.B. 2001 Greek Funerary Sculpture – Catalogue of the Collections at the Getty Villa, Los Angeles.
  • Guerrini, L. 1964 Vasi di Hadra, tentativo di sistemazione cronologica di una classe ceramica, Rome.
  • Kaba, H. 2019 “A Bronze Prize Hydria from Sinop Museum”, V. Keleş – H. Kasapoğlu – H. E. Ergürer – E. Çelikbaş – A. Yılmaz (eds.), Cevat BAŞARAN’a 60. Yaş Armağanı/Essays for Cevat BAŞARAN’s 60th Birthday Occasion, Ankara: 397-410.
  • Kaplan, D. 2007 “New Light on the Production of Marble Vessels from Smintheion”, Anadolu/Anatolia 32: 153-159.
  • Kasapoğlu, H. 2015 “İlk On Yıllık Veriler Işığında Parion Güney Nekropolisi Arkaik Dönem Kremasyonları ve Urneleri”, C. Başaran – V. Keleş (eds), Parion Kazıları 10. Yıl Armağanı, Ankara: 117-131.
  • Κυριάκου, A. 2013 “Συνθέτοντας την εικόνα ενός ταφικού μνημείου: η βιογραφία του μαρμάρινου κρατήρα από τη Στενόμακρη Τούμπα της Βεργίνας”, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΗΜΑΘΙΑΣ 4: 211 – 245.
  • Korkut, T. 2002 “Steinerne Mörserschalen aus Patara”, Archaeologischer Anzaiger 1: 233-245.
  • Kurtz, D.C. – J. Boardman 1971 Greek Burial Customs, New York.
  • L.D.C. 1939 “Greek Marble Vases”, Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 37: 74-80.
  • Маразов, И. 2011 Тракuя u gpeвнuям XV – IB. np. Xp. КОΛΕΚЦИЯ ВАСИΛ БОЖКОВ, Sofia.
  • Merriam, A.C. 1885 “Inscribed Sepulchral Vases from Alexandria”, American Journal of Archaeology 1: 18-34.
  • Mirto, M.S. 2012 Death in the Greek World – From Homer to the Classical Age, Norman.
  • Pagenstecher, R. 1909 “Dated Sepulchral Vases from Alexandria”, American Journal of Archaeology 13: 387-416.
  • Picón, C.A. - J.R. Mertens – E.J. Milleker – C.S. Lightfoot – S. Hemingway 2007 Art of the Classical World in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece, Cyprus, Etruria, Rome, New York.
  • Plutarchos, Pericles Plutarchos, “Pericles”, The Parallel Lives Vol III., Loeb Classical Series, New York.
  • Polojiorghi, M. 1994 “Ein Neufund im Archäologischen Museum Piräeus”, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 109: 163-172.
  • Poupaki, E. 2009 “Marble Urns in the Sparta Museum”, Sparta and Laconıa: From Prehıstory to Pre-modern (British School at Athens Studies Vol. 16), Athens: 43-25.
  • Proukakis, A.M. 1971 The Evolution of the Attic Marble Lekythoi and Their Relation to the Problem of Identifying the Dead among the Figures Shown on the Funerary Reliefs, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of London, London.
  • Runnels, C. 1988 “Early Bronze-Age Stone Mortars from the Southern Argolid”, Hesperia 57 (3): 257-272.
  • Schmaltz, B. 1970 Untersuchungen zu den attischen Marmorlekythen, Berlin.
  • Sideris, A. 2019 “An Archaic Bronze Hydria in the Sinop Museum”, H. Kaba – G. Kan Şahin – B. M. Akarsu – O. Bozoğlan (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology, 13-15 October 2017, Sinop: 132-148.
  • Sowder, A. 2004 Greek Bronze Hydriai, Unpublished PhD thesis, Emory University, Emory.
  • Stupperich, R. 1990 “Neugefundene Bruchstücke von Marmorplastik in Assos”, Ü. Serdaroğlu – R. Stupperich - E. Schwertheim (eds), Ausgrabungen in Assos, Bonn: 29-34.
  • Takaoğlu, T. 2004 “Early Cycladic Presence in Central-Western Anatolia: Evidence of Stone Bowls”, Anadolu/ Anatolia 26: 65-73.
  • Tombul, M. 2006 “Troas Bölgesi Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Taş Kapları”, T. Takaoğlu (ed.), Anadolu Arkeolojisine Katkılar: 65. Yaşında Abdullah Yaylalı’ya Armağan, İstanbul: 254-262.
  • Touratsoglou I. 1986 “To xifos tes Veroias”, Ancient Macedonia 4: 628-650.
  • Valavanis, P. 2000 “Thoughts on the Marble Panathenaic Amphorae from Marathon”, Eirene 36: 89-97.
  • Valavanis, P. 2001 “Panathenäische Amphoren auf Monumenten spätklassischer, hellenistischer und römischer Zeit”, B. Martin – E. Norbert (eds), Panathenaïka – Symposion zu den Panathenäischen Preisamphoren, Rauischholzhausen 25.11.1998, Mainz: 161- 173.
  • Venuti, L. 1991 “Una classe di cinerari in pietra da Volt-erra”, Prospettiva 64: 38-42.
  • Zoroğlu, K.L. 2000 “Kelenderis Nekropolü”, Olba 3: 115-133.
  • Zoroğlu, K.L. 2004 “Hellenistic Pottery from Kelenderis”, ΣΤ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΕΡΑΜΙΚΗ, Volos, 17-23 April 2000, ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ: 299-310.
Yıl 2019, Sayı: 18, 75 - 92, 01.06.2019


Çeşitli form ve tiplerde mermer kaplar antik dönem insanının hayatında önemli rollere sahip olmuştur. Ancak meşakkatli elde etme süreci ve uzun ömürlü oluşu gibi unsurlar mermerden üretilmiş kapları herkesin gündelik hayatı için değerli ve az miktarda temin edilebilir bir hale sokmuştur. Diğer yandan dayanıklılığı sayesinde mermerden üretilen kaplar özellikle elit kesim tarafından ritüel ancak daha çok ölü gömme odaklı kullanılmak üzere tercih edilmiştir. Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi depolarında muhafaza altında tutulan iki adet mermer kap, bu maddeden üretilip özellikle ölü gömmede kullanılan formlar için güzel örneklemeler sunmaktadır. Biri lekythos diğeri ise hydria formunda olacak şekilde üretilmiş bu iki kap, antik Sinop’taki ölü gömme inançları, kültürel etkileşimler hatta bir noktada demografik yapı hakkında değerli verilere ulaşmada kıymetli birer eserdir. Bu çalışma bünyesinde olarak her iki kabın da detaylı ve kapsamlı bir incelemesi gerçekleştirilecektir


  • Andronikos, M. 1987 Vergina - The Royal Tombs and the Ancient City, Athens.
  • Arkhipov, A. A. 2005 “Marble Mortar from the Collection of the National State-Preserved Museum St Sophia of Kiev”, Rossijskaja Archeologija 1: 109-111.
  • Beazley, J.D. 1940 “A Marble Lamp”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 60: 22-49.
  • Berger – Protsch, R. 1974 “Identification, Age and Date of Skeletal Material Found in a Greek Hydria”, Getty Museum Journal 1(1): 23-24.
  • Besios, M. 1986 “Tymvos Alykon Kitrous”, Pieria II: Kalokairi 1985, Thessaloniki: 54-58.
  • Bruora, M. – E. Laflı 2016 “Hadra Vases in Cilicia”, S. Japp - P. Kögler (eds), Traditions and Innovations – Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Period. Proceedings of the 1st Conference of IARPotHP Berlin, November 2013, 7th-10th, Vienna: 317-327.
  • Cook, B.F. 1966 Inscribed Hadra Vases in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Papers 12, New York.
  • Devetzi, A. 2000 “The ‘Imported’ Stone Vases at Akrotiri, Thera: A New Approach to the Material”, The Annual of the British School at Athens 95: 121-139.
  • Diehl, E. 1964 Die Hydria: Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Kult des Altertums, Mainz.
  • Δρούγου, Σ. – X. Σαατσόγλου-Παλιαδέλη 2005 Βεργίνα – Ο τόπος και η ιςτορία του, Athens.
  • Duman, B. 2002 Kilikya Bölgesi’ndeki Hadra Hydriaları, Unpublished Masters Thesis, Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Klasik Arkeoloji, Konya.
  • Enklaar, A. 1985 “Chronlogie et peintres des hydries de Hadra”, Bulletin antieke beschaving 61: 106-151.
  • Enklaar, A. 1986 “Les hydries de Hadra 2 – Formes et ateliers”, Bulletin antieke beschaving 60: 41-65.
  • Fedoseev, N. 2002 “Les Temoignages Archeologiques sur une Clerouquie Athenienne a Sinope”, Mouseion 2: 189-202.
  • Ghisellini, E. 2013 “Una lekythos funeraria di marmo della Fondazione Sorgente Group”, SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA 2(1): 189-202.
  • Grossman, J.B. 2001 Greek Funerary Sculpture – Catalogue of the Collections at the Getty Villa, Los Angeles.
  • Guerrini, L. 1964 Vasi di Hadra, tentativo di sistemazione cronologica di una classe ceramica, Rome.
  • Kaba, H. 2019 “A Bronze Prize Hydria from Sinop Museum”, V. Keleş – H. Kasapoğlu – H. E. Ergürer – E. Çelikbaş – A. Yılmaz (eds.), Cevat BAŞARAN’a 60. Yaş Armağanı/Essays for Cevat BAŞARAN’s 60th Birthday Occasion, Ankara: 397-410.
  • Kaplan, D. 2007 “New Light on the Production of Marble Vessels from Smintheion”, Anadolu/Anatolia 32: 153-159.
  • Kasapoğlu, H. 2015 “İlk On Yıllık Veriler Işığında Parion Güney Nekropolisi Arkaik Dönem Kremasyonları ve Urneleri”, C. Başaran – V. Keleş (eds), Parion Kazıları 10. Yıl Armağanı, Ankara: 117-131.
  • Κυριάκου, A. 2013 “Συνθέτοντας την εικόνα ενός ταφικού μνημείου: η βιογραφία του μαρμάρινου κρατήρα από τη Στενόμακρη Τούμπα της Βεργίνας”, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΗΜΑΘΙΑΣ 4: 211 – 245.
  • Korkut, T. 2002 “Steinerne Mörserschalen aus Patara”, Archaeologischer Anzaiger 1: 233-245.
  • Kurtz, D.C. – J. Boardman 1971 Greek Burial Customs, New York.
  • L.D.C. 1939 “Greek Marble Vases”, Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 37: 74-80.
  • Маразов, И. 2011 Тракuя u gpeвнuям XV – IB. np. Xp. КОΛΕΚЦИЯ ВАСИΛ БОЖКОВ, Sofia.
  • Merriam, A.C. 1885 “Inscribed Sepulchral Vases from Alexandria”, American Journal of Archaeology 1: 18-34.
  • Mirto, M.S. 2012 Death in the Greek World – From Homer to the Classical Age, Norman.
  • Pagenstecher, R. 1909 “Dated Sepulchral Vases from Alexandria”, American Journal of Archaeology 13: 387-416.
  • Picón, C.A. - J.R. Mertens – E.J. Milleker – C.S. Lightfoot – S. Hemingway 2007 Art of the Classical World in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece, Cyprus, Etruria, Rome, New York.
  • Plutarchos, Pericles Plutarchos, “Pericles”, The Parallel Lives Vol III., Loeb Classical Series, New York.
  • Polojiorghi, M. 1994 “Ein Neufund im Archäologischen Museum Piräeus”, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 109: 163-172.
  • Poupaki, E. 2009 “Marble Urns in the Sparta Museum”, Sparta and Laconıa: From Prehıstory to Pre-modern (British School at Athens Studies Vol. 16), Athens: 43-25.
  • Proukakis, A.M. 1971 The Evolution of the Attic Marble Lekythoi and Their Relation to the Problem of Identifying the Dead among the Figures Shown on the Funerary Reliefs, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of London, London.
  • Runnels, C. 1988 “Early Bronze-Age Stone Mortars from the Southern Argolid”, Hesperia 57 (3): 257-272.
  • Schmaltz, B. 1970 Untersuchungen zu den attischen Marmorlekythen, Berlin.
  • Sideris, A. 2019 “An Archaic Bronze Hydria in the Sinop Museum”, H. Kaba – G. Kan Şahin – B. M. Akarsu – O. Bozoğlan (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology, 13-15 October 2017, Sinop: 132-148.
  • Sowder, A. 2004 Greek Bronze Hydriai, Unpublished PhD thesis, Emory University, Emory.
  • Stupperich, R. 1990 “Neugefundene Bruchstücke von Marmorplastik in Assos”, Ü. Serdaroğlu – R. Stupperich - E. Schwertheim (eds), Ausgrabungen in Assos, Bonn: 29-34.
  • Takaoğlu, T. 2004 “Early Cycladic Presence in Central-Western Anatolia: Evidence of Stone Bowls”, Anadolu/ Anatolia 26: 65-73.
  • Tombul, M. 2006 “Troas Bölgesi Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Taş Kapları”, T. Takaoğlu (ed.), Anadolu Arkeolojisine Katkılar: 65. Yaşında Abdullah Yaylalı’ya Armağan, İstanbul: 254-262.
  • Touratsoglou I. 1986 “To xifos tes Veroias”, Ancient Macedonia 4: 628-650.
  • Valavanis, P. 2000 “Thoughts on the Marble Panathenaic Amphorae from Marathon”, Eirene 36: 89-97.
  • Valavanis, P. 2001 “Panathenäische Amphoren auf Monumenten spätklassischer, hellenistischer und römischer Zeit”, B. Martin – E. Norbert (eds), Panathenaïka – Symposion zu den Panathenäischen Preisamphoren, Rauischholzhausen 25.11.1998, Mainz: 161- 173.
  • Venuti, L. 1991 “Una classe di cinerari in pietra da Volt-erra”, Prospettiva 64: 38-42.
  • Zoroğlu, K.L. 2000 “Kelenderis Nekropolü”, Olba 3: 115-133.
  • Zoroğlu, K.L. 2004 “Hellenistic Pottery from Kelenderis”, ΣΤ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΕΡΑΜΙΚΗ, Volos, 17-23 April 2000, ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ: 299-310.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Hazar Kaba Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Kaba H (01 Haziran 2019) Marble Funerary Vases from Sinope. Colloquium Anatolicum 18 75–92.