Writing Rules

1. Colloquium Anatolicum is published annually by the Turkish Institute of Archaeology (Institutum Turcicum Scientiae Antiquitatis) and contains texts of conferences delivered on different subjects related to the antiquity, original research articles and book reviews.

2. Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise Turkish, German, French or English. Any manuscript submitted to the journal should not contain content that has been formally published in a peer reviewed journal or another formally citable manner, whether in print or electronic.

- The Editorial Office only will accept text files in MS word format, with single line spacing
- 12 pt font size (Times New Roman). The total size, including the photographs and illustrations, - should not exceed 15 A4 pages.
- Bibliographic references should be cited within the text (see Art. 8) and explanatory footnotes must be indicated below the page with a font size of 10 pt.

3. The articles should contain 150 words summary, English/Turkish title, and five keywords both provided in Turkish and in English.

4. The number of diagrams, maps, drawings and photographs should not exceed 20 in total.

5. Descriptions for the photographs and artwork must include their sources (if applicable) and be submitted on a separate paper.

6. All types of visual material in digital format must be 15 cm long with a resolution of 300 pixel/inch minimum; in case the image is intended to be a full-page one, then the long side must be 22 cm. In addition, digital images should be submitted in TIFF/JPEG format, executable in Adobe Photoshop. Images embedded in another program (e.g. Microsoft Word) will not be accepted. Drawings prepared in drawing programs be delivered in their original format without any conversion.

7. Please submit the full text (including Figures) as a single MS Word (Microsoft Word 2010 or newer versions) file and as PDF via the page of the journal in Dergipark.

8. Bibliographical references should be given in the text in parentheses containing the name of the author, the year of the publication and the number of pages. No bibliographical footnotes will be accepted except for the explanations that are thought to disturb the course of the text.

(Walsh 1998:12)
(Lopez, Rice 2006:13-14).
(Demir et al. 2006:48).

9. The reference list is provided at the end of the manuscript. Citations should be listed in alphabetical order as follows:


Surname, N. Year
Book Title (İtalic). Publisher, City.

Patterns of Culture, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Year
Book Title (İtalic). Publisher, City.

Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G.J., Minkov, M., 2010
Cultures and Organizations. McGraw-Hill Publishing, New York.


Surname, N. Year
Chapter. Book Title, N. Surname, N. Surname (ed.), Publisher, City: page numbers.
Watson, J. 1998
Engineering Education in Japan After the Iwakura Mission. The Iwakura Mission in America and Europe: A New Assessment, I. Nish (ed.), Japan Library, Surrey:108-112.

Dinçol, A., Dinçol, B. 1992
Die Urartaeische Inschrift aus Hanak (Kars). Hittite and other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, H. Otten, E. Akurgal, H. Ertem, A. Süel (ed.), Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara: 109-117.


Surname, N. Year
Tittle. Journal Name Vol. (No): page numbers.

Robinson, M. 1995
Frank Calvert and the Discovery of Troia. Studia Troica 5: 323-341.

Gerritsen, F., Özbal, R., Thissen, L. 2013
The Earliest Neolithic Levels at Barcın Höyük, Northwestern Turkey. Anatolica 39: 53–92.

Internet Citation:

Surname, N. Year
Title (İtalic). ... date ... web page: ...

Narangoa, L. 2000
Japan’s Modernization: The Iwakura Mission to Scandinavia in 187. February 18, 2017 http://kontur.au.dk/fileadmin/www.kontur.au.dk/OLD_ISSUES/pdf/kontur_02/li_narangoa.pdf

Unpublished thesis

Surname, N. Year
Tittle. Name of the University, Institution, (Unpublished Dissertation), City.

Konyar, E. 2004
Doğu Anadolu Erken Demir Çağı Kültürü: Arkeolojik Kazı ve Yüzey Araştırmaları Bulgularının Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskiçağ Tarihi Anabilim Dalı, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İstanbul.

10. The articles to be submitted to our annual periodical should be uploaded to the Dergipark

11. The Journal reserves the right not to publish the articles.