Research Article
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Determination of Changes of Quality on Cold Storage Duration of Green Beans

Year 2018, , 57 - 64, 28.12.2018


The opportunities of fresh storage in
green beans cv. Atlanta examined which cultivated in Çanakkale province
(Kösedere district) in this thesis study. It is aimed to regulate the sales
prices in the green bean which has a very short shelf life products and to
extend the shelf life to deliver the products to an acceptable quality, and, to
protect the producers. For this purpose, green beans harvested in ideal fruit
size stored for 4 weeks in cold storage (control), which has 70C
temperature with 90% relative humidity conditions and different modified
atmosphere conditions (MAP) prepared by normal LDPE bags and another type of
LDPE with special permeability on water vapor (
polipropilen + ethylvinilin). The change in quality characteristics
throughout the storage period and the effect of MAP applications determined.
Quality parameters such as total soluble solid content (%), titratable acidity
(TA%), ascorbic acid content, color changes, phenolic compounds, weight loss,
visual quality (1.unmarketable….-3. marketable….5. high quality) determined.

According to the results, green colors of beans  turn to yellow, brightness of  the color decreased, incerasing of SSC and phenolic
compounds decreasing of TA and ascorbic acid content were found during cold
storage. MAP treatments were more effective on to be protected of quality. Also
weight loss rate more then acceptable limit after 10 days stored of control
beans the place opposite more low 1% on MAP stored beans. The results suggest
that green beans Atlanta cv 10 days stored in cold air storage and extended
storage period to 20-25 days on MAP conditions.  


  • Anonim, 1968. Analyses. Determination of TitratableAcid. Int.Fed. Fruit Juice Producers, No.3.
  • Anonymous, 2005. FAO Production Statistics. /
  • Cantwell, M., Suslow, T.V., 2010. Snap Beans: Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality. Postharvest Tech. Res. Inf. University of California. produce/ProduceFacts/Veg/snapbeans.htm
  • Costa, M.A.C., Brecht, J.K., Sargent, S.A., Huber, D.J., 1994. Tolerance of Snap Beans to Elevated CO2 Levels. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Sci., 107:271-273.
  • Gorini,F., Borinelli, G., Maggiore,T., 1974. Studies on Precooling and Storage of Some Varieties of Snap Beans. Acta Hort. 38:507-530.
  • Karaçalı, İ. 2012. Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazara Hazırlanması (8.Baskı). Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak., İzmir.
  • Loeffler, M., Panting, L.,1942. Ascorbic Acids. Ind. Eng. Chem. Analyt. Edr.14:846.
  • Martinez, C., Ros, G., Beriago,M.J., Lopez, G., Ortuno, J., Rincop, F., 1995. Physicochemical and Sensory Quality Criteria of Green Beans. LWT-Food Sci., 28:515-520.
  • Monreal,M., Ancos,R., Cano, M.P., 1999. Influence of Critical Storage Temperatures on Degredative Pathwave of Pigments in Green Beans. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47:19-24.
  • Nunes, M.C.N., 2008. Impact of Enviromental Conditions on Fruit and Vegetable Quality. Steward Postharvest Rev., 4:1-14.
  • Nunes, M.C.N., Emond J.P., Brecht, I.K. 2001. Temperature Abuse During Ground and in-Flight Handling Operations Affects Quality of Green Beans. HortScience, 36:510- Abst.
  • Orzolek, M.D., Greaser, G.J., Harner, J.K. 2000. Agricultural Alternatives: Snap Bean Production. Penn.State Coop. Ext. Mart, 2017.
  • Phan, C.T., 1987. Biochemical and Physiological Changes During The Harvest Period. in: Weichmann, J. (Ed), Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. Marcel Decker Inc. New York. 9-22.
  • Sakaldaş, M., 2014. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen “Deveci” Armut Çeşidinde Hasat Sonrası 1– MCP Uygulamalarının Depolama Süresince Kaliteye Olan Etkileri, ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi(COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty) 2014: 2 (1): 109–116
  • Sprent, J.I. 2001. Nodulation in Legumes, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K.. 14-25.
  • Trail,M.A., Wahem,I.A., Rizri, I.N., 1992. Snap Bean Quality Changed Minimally When Stored in Low Density Polyolefin Film Package. J. Food Sci., 57:977-979.
  • Ulrich, R., 1970. Organic acids. in: Hulme, A.C. (Ed), The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products Vol. I, Academic Press London and New York. 89-118.
  • Watada, A.F.; Morris, L.L., 1966. Postharvest Behavior of Snap Bean Cultivars. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 89:375-380.
  • Watada, A.E.,1987. Vitamins. in: Weichmann J. (Ed), Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. Marcel Decker Inc. New York.455-468.
  • Wills, R.B.H., Lee, T.H., Graham, D., McGlasson, W.B., Hall, E.G., 1981. An Introduction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables. The AVI Pub. Com. Inc. Westport.
  • Zhang, W., Wang, S.Y., 2001. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compounds in Selected Herbs. J. Agric. Food Chem., 49: 5165–5170.

Taze Fasulyenin Soğukta Muhafazasında Kalite Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2018, , 57 - 64, 28.12.2018


Çok kısa süre muhafaza
edilebilen fasulyede satış fiyatlarını düzenlemek ve raf ömrünü uzatarak, kabul
edilebilir kalitede ürünün tüketiciye ulaştırılması, böylece üreticinin
korunması amaçlanan bu çalışmada; Çanakkale ilinde (Kösedere Beldesi)
yetiştiriciliği yapılan Atlanta yeşil fasulye çeşidinin taze olarak depolanma
olanakları incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda çeşide özgü meyve büyüklüğünde hasat
edilen fasulyeler 70C sıcaklık ve %90 oransal nem koşullarını içeren
soğuk depolarda  (kontrol), özel su
buharı geçirgenliğine sahip LDPE (polipropilen + ethylvinilin)  (MA 1) ve normal LDPE torba (MA 2)
kullanılarak hazırlanan modifiye atmosfer koşullarında 4 hafta süreyle muhafaza
Muhafaza süresince 10
gün aralıkla meyve suyunda çözünebilir kuru madde, titre edilebilir toplam
asitlik, askorbik asit, bakla renk değişimi, fenolik bileşiklerdeki değişim,
ağırlık kaybı, görsel kalite (1:pazarlanamaz …-3:pazarlanabilir…5: yüksek
kalite)  gibi kalite değişimleri

Bulgularımıza göre; Atlanta fasulye
çeşidinin 70C sıcaklıkta depolanma süresince bakla renginde yeşilden
sarıya açılma, renkte parlaklığın kaybolması, SÇKM değerinde artış, askorbik
asit ve TETA değerinde azalma ve fenolik bileşiklerde artışlar saptanmıştır.
Kalite özelliklerindeki bu değişim kontrol meyvelerinde daha yüksek her iki MA
koşullarında daha düşük düzeylerde gerçekleşmiştir. Ayrıca kontrol grubu
fasulyelerde  ağırlık kaybı değeri 10 gün
depolamadan sonra kabul edilebilir sınırın çok ötesine geçerken, MA
koşullarında %1’den daha düşük ağırlık kaybı tespit edilmiştir.  Sonuç olarak, Atlanta fasulye çeşidi normal
koşullarda ancak 10 gün depolanabilirken MA koşullarında bu sürenin 20 – 25 güne
uzatılabileceği saptanmıştır.   


  • Anonim, 1968. Analyses. Determination of TitratableAcid. Int.Fed. Fruit Juice Producers, No.3.
  • Anonymous, 2005. FAO Production Statistics. /
  • Cantwell, M., Suslow, T.V., 2010. Snap Beans: Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality. Postharvest Tech. Res. Inf. University of California. produce/ProduceFacts/Veg/snapbeans.htm
  • Costa, M.A.C., Brecht, J.K., Sargent, S.A., Huber, D.J., 1994. Tolerance of Snap Beans to Elevated CO2 Levels. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Sci., 107:271-273.
  • Gorini,F., Borinelli, G., Maggiore,T., 1974. Studies on Precooling and Storage of Some Varieties of Snap Beans. Acta Hort. 38:507-530.
  • Karaçalı, İ. 2012. Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafaza ve Pazara Hazırlanması (8.Baskı). Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak., İzmir.
  • Loeffler, M., Panting, L.,1942. Ascorbic Acids. Ind. Eng. Chem. Analyt. Edr.14:846.
  • Martinez, C., Ros, G., Beriago,M.J., Lopez, G., Ortuno, J., Rincop, F., 1995. Physicochemical and Sensory Quality Criteria of Green Beans. LWT-Food Sci., 28:515-520.
  • Monreal,M., Ancos,R., Cano, M.P., 1999. Influence of Critical Storage Temperatures on Degredative Pathwave of Pigments in Green Beans. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47:19-24.
  • Nunes, M.C.N., 2008. Impact of Enviromental Conditions on Fruit and Vegetable Quality. Steward Postharvest Rev., 4:1-14.
  • Nunes, M.C.N., Emond J.P., Brecht, I.K. 2001. Temperature Abuse During Ground and in-Flight Handling Operations Affects Quality of Green Beans. HortScience, 36:510- Abst.
  • Orzolek, M.D., Greaser, G.J., Harner, J.K. 2000. Agricultural Alternatives: Snap Bean Production. Penn.State Coop. Ext. Mart, 2017.
  • Phan, C.T., 1987. Biochemical and Physiological Changes During The Harvest Period. in: Weichmann, J. (Ed), Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. Marcel Decker Inc. New York. 9-22.
  • Sakaldaş, M., 2014. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen “Deveci” Armut Çeşidinde Hasat Sonrası 1– MCP Uygulamalarının Depolama Süresince Kaliteye Olan Etkileri, ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi(COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty) 2014: 2 (1): 109–116
  • Sprent, J.I. 2001. Nodulation in Legumes, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K.. 14-25.
  • Trail,M.A., Wahem,I.A., Rizri, I.N., 1992. Snap Bean Quality Changed Minimally When Stored in Low Density Polyolefin Film Package. J. Food Sci., 57:977-979.
  • Ulrich, R., 1970. Organic acids. in: Hulme, A.C. (Ed), The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products Vol. I, Academic Press London and New York. 89-118.
  • Watada, A.F.; Morris, L.L., 1966. Postharvest Behavior of Snap Bean Cultivars. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 89:375-380.
  • Watada, A.E.,1987. Vitamins. in: Weichmann J. (Ed), Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables. Marcel Decker Inc. New York.455-468.
  • Wills, R.B.H., Lee, T.H., Graham, D., McGlasson, W.B., Hall, E.G., 1981. An Introduction to The Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables. The AVI Pub. Com. Inc. Westport.
  • Zhang, W., Wang, S.Y., 2001. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compounds in Selected Herbs. J. Agric. Food Chem., 49: 5165–5170.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Prof. Dr. Kenan Kaynaş

Esra Özdemir This is me

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kaynaş, P. D. K., & Özdemir, E. (2018). Taze Fasulyenin Soğukta Muhafazasında Kalite Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6(-), 57-64.