Research Article
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Süt Ortamında Lactobacillus plantarum NRRLB 4496'nın Aflatoksin M1 (AFM1) Bağlama Potansiyeli

Year 2020, , 99 - 106, 14.07.2020


bazı fungus türleri tarafından sentezlenen ikincil metabolitlerdir ve bu
toksinler içinde aflatoksinler insan ve hayvan sağlığı için çok tehlikeli
olarak bilinmektedir. Aflatoksin M1(AFM1) kontaminasyonu süt ve süt ürünlerinde
kritik rol oynamaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Lactobacillus plantarum NRRLB 4496'nın yağsız süt örneklerinde AFM1'in
uzaklaştırma yeteneğinin değerlendirilmesidir. Süt ortamında AFM1 bağlanması, farklı
parametreler ile test edilmiştir; AFM1 konsantrasyonları (0,5,1,2,5,10 ppb) ve
inkübasyon süresi (30 dk, 1sa, 6sa, 24sa, 48 ​​sa). Sütte kalan bağlanmamış
AFM1 miktarı, florans detektörlü yüksek performans sıvı kromatografi- yöntemi
ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlarda, AFM1 konsantrasyonu AFM1 bağlama özelliğini önemli
ölçüde etkilemiştir. En yüksek uzaklaştırma yüzdesi, 5 ppb AFM1 konsantrasyonu
için gözlenmiş ve % 61,33 olarak bulunmuştur. İnkübasyon süreci boyunca AFM1
bağlanma yüzdesinde önemli bir değişiklik gözlenmemiş olup, bağlanma büyük oranda
30 dakikada tamamlanmıştır. Sonuçlar, Lactobacillus
NRRLB 4496'nın, AFM1 miktarının süt ortamında azaltılması için iyi
bir uygulama potansiyeline sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Abbès, S., Salah-Abbès, J. B., Sharafi, H., Jebali, R., Noghabi, K. A., Oueslati, R., 2013. Ability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GAF01 toremove AFM1in vitro and tocounteract AFM1 immunotoxicity in vivo. Journal of Immunotoxicology, 10: 279–286.
  • Adibpour, M., Soleimanian-zad, S., Sarabi-jamab, M., Jajalli, F., 2016. Effect of storage time and concentration of Aflatoxin M1 on toxin binding capacity of L. Acidophilus in fermented milk product. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 18: 1209-1220.
  • Ahlberg, S. H., Joutsjoki, V., Korhonen, H. J., 2015. Potential of lactic acid bacteria in aflatoxin risk mitigation. International journal of food microbiology. 207: 87-102.
  • Assaf, J.C., Atoui, A., Khoury, A.E., Chokr, A., Louka, N., 2018. A comparative study of producers for binding of Aflatoxin M1 to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 49: 120-127.
  • Ben Salah-Abbes, J., Abbes, S., Jebali, R., Haous, Z., Oueslati, R., 2015. Potential preventive role of lactic acid bacteria against Aflatoxin M1 immunotoxicity and genotoxicity in mice. The Journal of Immunology. 12: 107–114.
  • Bircan, C., Barringer, S. A., Ulken, U., Pehlivan, R., 2008. Aflatoxin levels in dried figs, nuts and paprika for export from Turkey. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 43 (8): 1492-1498.
  • Bulca, S., Bircan, C., 2013. Peynirlerde aflatoksin M1 varlığı ve aflatoksin M1 konsantrasyonu üzerine etki eden faktörler. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 10 (1): 31-38.
  • Camaj, A., Meyer, K., Berisha, B., Arbeshi, T., Haziri, A., 2018. Aflatoxin M1 contamination of cow’ s milk in five regions of Kosova during 2016. Mytoxin Research. 34: 205-209.
  • Creppy, E.E., 2002. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicology Letters. 127: 19-28.
  • Crowley, S., Mahony, J., Van Sinderen, D., 2013. Current perspectives on antifungal lactic acid bacteria as natural bio-preservatives. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 33 (2): 93-109.
  • European Commission. Commission regulation EC No. 165/2010 of 26 February 2010 amending regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs as regards aflatoxins. Official Journal of the European Union. 2010; L50: 8-12. Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2019 &from=EN
  • Gourama, H., Bullerman, L. B., 1995. Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus: aflatoxigenic fungi of concern in foods and seeds. Journal of Food Protection. 58 (12): 1395-1404.
  • Guimaraes, A., Santiaego, A., Teixeira, J.A., Venancio, A., Abrunhosa, L., 2018. Anti-aflatoxigenic effect of organic acids produced by lactobacillus plantarum. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 264: 31-38.
  • IARC, 2002 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). 2002. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans: Traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphthalene and styrene. IARC Scientific Publication. No. 82, IARC, Lyon.
  • Iqbal, S.Z., Asi, M.R., Malik, N.,0 2017. The Seasonal Variation of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products and assesment of dietary intake in punjab, Pakistan. Food Contol. 79: 292-296.
  • İsmail, A., Levin, R.E., Riaz, M., Akhtar, S., Gong, Y.Y., Oliveira, C.A.F., 2017. Effect of different microbial concentrations on binding of Aflatoxin M1 and stability testing. Food Control. 73: 492-496
  • Jafari, T., Fallah, A.A., Kheiri, S., Fadaei, A., Amini, S.A., 2017. Aflatoxin M1 in human breast milk in shahrekord, Iran and association with dietary factors. Food Additives&Contaminants. Part B, 10 (2): 128-136.
  • Jalili, M., 2005. A Review on aflatoxins reduction in food. Iranian Journal of Health, Safety&Enviroment. 3 (1): 444-449.
  • Kabak, B., Brandon, E.F., Var, I., Blokland, M., Sips, A. J., 2009. Effects of probiotic bacteria on the bioaccessibility of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A using an in vitro digestion model under fed conditions. Journal of Enviromental Science and Health. Part B 44 (5): 472-480.
  • Kabak, B., Var, I., 2006. Mikotoksinlerin uzaklaştırılmasında probiyotik laktik asit bakterilerinin kullanımı. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi. 24-26 Mayıs, Bolu.
  • Kuharić, Ž., Jakopović, Ž., Čanak, I., Frece, J., Bošnir, J., Pavlek, Ž., Martina Ivešić, M., Ksenija Markov, K. 2018. Removing aflatoxin M1 from milk with native lactic acid bacteria, centrifugation, and filtration. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 69:334-339.
  • Lewis, L., Onsongo, M., Njapau, H., Schurz-Rogers, H., Luber, G., Kieszak, S., Rubin, C., 2005. Aflatoxin contamination of outbreak of acute aflatoxicocisin Eastern and Central Kenya. Environ Health Perspect. 113: 1736-1767.
  • Marrez, D.A., Shahy, E.M., El-Sayed, H.S., Sultan, Y.Y., 2018. Detoxification of Aflatoxin B1 in milk using lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Biological Sciences. 18 (3): 144-151.
  • Özkaya, Ş., Temiz, A., 2003. Aflatoksinler: Kimyasal yapıları, toksisiteleri ve detoksifikasyonları. Orlab On-Line Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. 01 (01): 1-21.
  • Panwar, R., Kumar, N., Kashyap, V., Ram, C., Kapila, R., 2018. Aflatoxin M1 detoxification ability of probiotic lactobacilli of Indian origin in in vitro digestion model. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. 11: 460–469.
  • Sabuncuoğlu, S.A., Baydar, T., Giray, B., Şahin, G. 2008. Mikotoksinler: Toksik etkileri, degredasyonları, oluşumlarının önlenmesi ve zararlı etkilerinin azaltılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi. 28 (1): 63-92.
  • Sadiq, F.A., Yan, B., Tian, F., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W., 2019. Lactic acid bacteria as antifungal and anti-mycotoxigenic agents: A Comprehensive Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 18: 1403-1436.
  • Sweeney, M.J., Dobson, A.D.W., 1998. Mycotoxin production by Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillum species. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 43: 19-28.
  • TGK. 2011. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Gıda maddelerinde belirli bulaşanların maksimum seviyelerinin belirlenmesi hakkında tebliğ T.C. Resmi Gazete sayı: 28157. Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2019.
  • Tuz, M.K., Asan, A., Ökten, S., 2017. Devam sütlerinde Aflatoksin M1 varlığının elisa yöntemiyle tespit Edilmesi. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences. 18 (1): 55-58.
Year 2020, , 99 - 106, 14.07.2020



  • Abbès, S., Salah-Abbès, J. B., Sharafi, H., Jebali, R., Noghabi, K. A., Oueslati, R., 2013. Ability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GAF01 toremove AFM1in vitro and tocounteract AFM1 immunotoxicity in vivo. Journal of Immunotoxicology, 10: 279–286.
  • Adibpour, M., Soleimanian-zad, S., Sarabi-jamab, M., Jajalli, F., 2016. Effect of storage time and concentration of Aflatoxin M1 on toxin binding capacity of L. Acidophilus in fermented milk product. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 18: 1209-1220.
  • Ahlberg, S. H., Joutsjoki, V., Korhonen, H. J., 2015. Potential of lactic acid bacteria in aflatoxin risk mitigation. International journal of food microbiology. 207: 87-102.
  • Assaf, J.C., Atoui, A., Khoury, A.E., Chokr, A., Louka, N., 2018. A comparative study of producers for binding of Aflatoxin M1 to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 49: 120-127.
  • Ben Salah-Abbes, J., Abbes, S., Jebali, R., Haous, Z., Oueslati, R., 2015. Potential preventive role of lactic acid bacteria against Aflatoxin M1 immunotoxicity and genotoxicity in mice. The Journal of Immunology. 12: 107–114.
  • Bircan, C., Barringer, S. A., Ulken, U., Pehlivan, R., 2008. Aflatoxin levels in dried figs, nuts and paprika for export from Turkey. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 43 (8): 1492-1498.
  • Bulca, S., Bircan, C., 2013. Peynirlerde aflatoksin M1 varlığı ve aflatoksin M1 konsantrasyonu üzerine etki eden faktörler. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 10 (1): 31-38.
  • Camaj, A., Meyer, K., Berisha, B., Arbeshi, T., Haziri, A., 2018. Aflatoxin M1 contamination of cow’ s milk in five regions of Kosova during 2016. Mytoxin Research. 34: 205-209.
  • Creppy, E.E., 2002. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicology Letters. 127: 19-28.
  • Crowley, S., Mahony, J., Van Sinderen, D., 2013. Current perspectives on antifungal lactic acid bacteria as natural bio-preservatives. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 33 (2): 93-109.
  • European Commission. Commission regulation EC No. 165/2010 of 26 February 2010 amending regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs as regards aflatoxins. Official Journal of the European Union. 2010; L50: 8-12. Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2019 &from=EN
  • Gourama, H., Bullerman, L. B., 1995. Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus: aflatoxigenic fungi of concern in foods and seeds. Journal of Food Protection. 58 (12): 1395-1404.
  • Guimaraes, A., Santiaego, A., Teixeira, J.A., Venancio, A., Abrunhosa, L., 2018. Anti-aflatoxigenic effect of organic acids produced by lactobacillus plantarum. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 264: 31-38.
  • IARC, 2002 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). 2002. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans: Traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphthalene and styrene. IARC Scientific Publication. No. 82, IARC, Lyon.
  • Iqbal, S.Z., Asi, M.R., Malik, N.,0 2017. The Seasonal Variation of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products and assesment of dietary intake in punjab, Pakistan. Food Contol. 79: 292-296.
  • İsmail, A., Levin, R.E., Riaz, M., Akhtar, S., Gong, Y.Y., Oliveira, C.A.F., 2017. Effect of different microbial concentrations on binding of Aflatoxin M1 and stability testing. Food Control. 73: 492-496
  • Jafari, T., Fallah, A.A., Kheiri, S., Fadaei, A., Amini, S.A., 2017. Aflatoxin M1 in human breast milk in shahrekord, Iran and association with dietary factors. Food Additives&Contaminants. Part B, 10 (2): 128-136.
  • Jalili, M., 2005. A Review on aflatoxins reduction in food. Iranian Journal of Health, Safety&Enviroment. 3 (1): 444-449.
  • Kabak, B., Brandon, E.F., Var, I., Blokland, M., Sips, A. J., 2009. Effects of probiotic bacteria on the bioaccessibility of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A using an in vitro digestion model under fed conditions. Journal of Enviromental Science and Health. Part B 44 (5): 472-480.
  • Kabak, B., Var, I., 2006. Mikotoksinlerin uzaklaştırılmasında probiyotik laktik asit bakterilerinin kullanımı. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi. 24-26 Mayıs, Bolu.
  • Kuharić, Ž., Jakopović, Ž., Čanak, I., Frece, J., Bošnir, J., Pavlek, Ž., Martina Ivešić, M., Ksenija Markov, K. 2018. Removing aflatoxin M1 from milk with native lactic acid bacteria, centrifugation, and filtration. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 69:334-339.
  • Lewis, L., Onsongo, M., Njapau, H., Schurz-Rogers, H., Luber, G., Kieszak, S., Rubin, C., 2005. Aflatoxin contamination of outbreak of acute aflatoxicocisin Eastern and Central Kenya. Environ Health Perspect. 113: 1736-1767.
  • Marrez, D.A., Shahy, E.M., El-Sayed, H.S., Sultan, Y.Y., 2018. Detoxification of Aflatoxin B1 in milk using lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Biological Sciences. 18 (3): 144-151.
  • Özkaya, Ş., Temiz, A., 2003. Aflatoksinler: Kimyasal yapıları, toksisiteleri ve detoksifikasyonları. Orlab On-Line Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. 01 (01): 1-21.
  • Panwar, R., Kumar, N., Kashyap, V., Ram, C., Kapila, R., 2018. Aflatoxin M1 detoxification ability of probiotic lactobacilli of Indian origin in in vitro digestion model. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. 11: 460–469.
  • Sabuncuoğlu, S.A., Baydar, T., Giray, B., Şahin, G. 2008. Mikotoksinler: Toksik etkileri, degredasyonları, oluşumlarının önlenmesi ve zararlı etkilerinin azaltılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi. 28 (1): 63-92.
  • Sadiq, F.A., Yan, B., Tian, F., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W., 2019. Lactic acid bacteria as antifungal and anti-mycotoxigenic agents: A Comprehensive Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 18: 1403-1436.
  • Sweeney, M.J., Dobson, A.D.W., 1998. Mycotoxin production by Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillum species. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 43: 19-28.
  • TGK. 2011. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Gıda maddelerinde belirli bulaşanların maksimum seviyelerinin belirlenmesi hakkında tebliğ T.C. Resmi Gazete sayı: 28157. Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2019.
  • Tuz, M.K., Asan, A., Ökten, S., 2017. Devam sütlerinde Aflatoksin M1 varlığının elisa yöntemiyle tespit Edilmesi. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences. 18 (1): 55-58.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Nergiz Yüksel

Çisem Bulut Albayrak

Publication Date July 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yüksel, N., & Bulut Albayrak, Ç. (2020). Süt Ortamında Lactobacillus plantarum NRRLB 4496’nın Aflatoksin M1 (AFM1) Bağlama Potansiyeli. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 8(1), 99-106.