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Nijerya’nın Kano Eyaletinde Sulama Projelerinin Yönetimine İlişkin Operasyonel Performansın ve Paydaşların Algılarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 317 - 325, 21.12.2021


Nijerya’nın Kano bölgesindeki üç büyük sulama projesi (KRIP: Kano Nehri Sulama Projesi, WIP: Watari Sulama Projesi ve TIP: Tomas Sulama Projesi)’nin yönetimine ilişkin işletme performansı ve paydaşların katılım ve algılarını değerlendirmek amacı için bir çalışma yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, hidrolik altyapılar ve işletme performansları ile ilgili bilgi elde etmek için 2019-2020 yıllarında sulama sezonu boyunca anket, saha çalışması ve grup tartışmaları gibi yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; yasadışı su kullanımı, hatalı su iletim altyapıları ve su kullanıcıları ile yöneticiler arasındaki çatışmalar dahil olmak üzere üç sulama projesini etkileyen işletme performansı ile ilgili birtakım sorunlar tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, çalışmada her üç sulama projesinde de devamlı akış yönteminin kullanıldığını ve bunun da zayıf su tahsis performansına yol açtığını gözlemlenmiştir. Buna dayanarak, bu çalışmanın sonuçları rotasyonlu bir su tahsis yöntemi önermektedir. KRIP, WIP ve TIP projelerindeki toplam su kullanıcılarının yaklaşık %50'si sulama altyapılarının bakımına katılmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, çiftçilerin çoğunluğunun su yöneticilerinin yetkinliğine güvenmediğini, su yöneticilerinin ise sulama yapanları hevessiz olmakla suçladığını ortaya konulmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra; KRIP, WIP ve TIP projelerinden sulama yapanların sırasıyla yaklaşık %12, %8 ve %39'u, arazileri başlangıçta sulanamaz olarak kabul edildiğinden, yasadışı kabul edilen pompaları kullanarak sulama yaptıkları görülmüştür. Bu tip sorunlara yol açan temel problemlerden bazıları; çiftçilerin sulama altyapılarının bakımına katılımını kolaylaştırmak için farkındalık ve bilinçlendirme etkinlikleri, seminerler ve çalıştayların eksikliği olarak sayılabilir. Çiftçileri anlaşmazlıkları çözme, sınırlı suyun verimli kullanımı ve su kullanıcılarının sulama yönetimi faaliyetlerine katılımını kolaylaştırma konusunda aydınlatmak için farkındalık ve bilinçlendirme gibi etkinlikleri yoluyla bu sorunlar ortadan kaldırılabilir. Eğer bu tip diyalog programları bu sorunlara çözüm getirmezse, o zaman yasal işlemler gibi diğer kanuni önlemlerinin uygulanması gerektiği önerilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, mevcut sulama proje yönetim stratejilerinin, farkındalık etkinlikleri, kanun yaptırımı ve çiftçilerin katılımı teşvik eden yeni stratejilerle değiştirilmesi tavsiye edilmiştir. Bunun dışında, bu anlayışı kazanmak için derinlemesine birleştirilmiş insan-su (sosyo-hidroloji) etkileşimi çalışmalarının yapılması gerektiğini ve sürdürülebilir sulama sistemi yönetimi ile işletimine yol açabilecek çözümler önerilmelidir.


  • Burt, C. et al. (2004). Conceptualizing irrigation project modernization through benchmarking and the rapid appraisal process. Irrigation and Drainage. P03(002).
  • Chandran, K. M. and Ambili, G. K. (2016). Evaluation of minor irrigation schemes using performance indicators: case studies from South India. Sustainable Water Resources Management. Springer International Publishing. 2(4): 431–437.
  • Haruna, S. K. (2015). Impact of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) on the Livelihood of Water Users in Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP), Nigeria. Available at: of participatory irrigation management %28pim%29 on the livelihood of water users in kano river irrigation project.pdf.
  • Ian, C., Mark, R. and Seckler, D. (1997). Irrigation and food security in the 21st century. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 11: 83–101.
  • Loucks, D. P. et al. (2005). Water resources systems planning and management. An introduction to methods, models and applications. Studies and Reports in Hydrology series. Available at:
  • McMillan, H. et al. (2016). Panta Rhei 2013 – 2015 : global perspectives on hydrology. Society and change’, 6667(August).
  • Montanari, A. et al. (2013). Panta Rhei — Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society — The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013 – 2022. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58(6): 1256–1275.
  • Nasidi, N. M. et al. (2015). Reclaiming Salt-affected Soil for the Production of Tomato at Barwa-Minjibir Irrigation Scheme, Kano. in International Conference on Green Engineering for Sustainable Development, IC-GESD 2015. Held at Bayero University, Kano Nigeria.
  • Pete, J. (2005). Irrigation in Africa in figures - AQUASTAT Survey – 2005. FAO Water Report 29. Available at:
  • Schierhorn, M. and Elferink, F. (2016). Global Demand for Food Is Rising. Can We Meet It ?. Harvard business review, (May). Available at:
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2012). Evaluation of Soil and Water Quality of Watari Irrigation Project in Semi-Arid Region, Kano, Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 33rd National Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) Bauchi.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2014). Assessment of Field Channels Performance at Watari Irrigation Project Kano, Nigeria. in 1st International Conference on Dryland, Center for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. 8th – 12th December 2014.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2019). Socio-hydrological study of water users' perceptions on the management of irrigation schemes at Tomas irrigation project, Kano, Nigeria. Nig J. Eng, Sci & tECH, 5(2): 139–145.
  • Shanono, N. J. and Ndiritu, J. (2020). A conceptual framework for assessing the impact of human behaviour on water resource systems performance. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3: 9–16.
  • Sivapalan, M., Savenije, H. H. G. and Blöschl, G. (2012). Socio-hydrology: A new science of people and water. Hydrological Processes, 26(8): 1270–1276.
  • Burt, C. et al. (2004). Conceptualizing irrigation project modernization through benchmarking and the rapid appraisal process. Irrigation and Drainage. P03(002). Chandran, K. M. and Ambili, G. K. (2016). Evaluation of minor irrigation schemes using performance indicators: case studies from South India. Sustainable Water Resources Management. Springer International Publishing. 2(4): 431–437.
  • Haruna, S. K. (2015). Impact of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) on the Livelihood of Water Users in Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP), Nigeria. Available at: of participatory irrigation management %28pim%29 on the livelihood of water users in kano river irrigation project.pdf. Ian, C., Mark, R. and Seckler, D. (1997). Irrigation and food security in the 21st century. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 11: 83–101.
  • Loucks, D. P. et al. (2005). Water resources systems planning and management. An introduction to methods, models and applications. Studies and Reports in Hydrology series. Available at:
  • McMillan, H. et al. (2016). Panta Rhei 2013 – 2015 : global perspectives on hydrology. Society and change’, 6667(August).
  • Montanari, A. et al. (2013). Panta Rhei — Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society — The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013 – 2022. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58(6): 1256–1275.
  • Nasidi, N. M. et al. (2015). Reclaiming Salt-affected Soil for the Production of Tomato at Barwa-Minjibir Irrigation Scheme, Kano. in International Conference on Green Engineering for Sustainable Development, IC-GESD 2015. Held at Bayero University, Kano Nigeria.
  • Pete, J. (2005). Irrigation in Africa in figures - AQUASTAT Survey – 2005. FAO Water Report 29. Available at: Schierhorn, M. and Elferink, F. (2016). Global Demand for Food Is Rising. Can We Meet It ?. Harvard business review, (May). Available at:
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2012). Evaluation of Soil and Water Quality of Watari Irrigation Project in Semi-Arid Region, Kano, Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 33rd National Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) Bauchi.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2014). Assessment of Field Channels Performance at Watari Irrigation Project Kano, Nigeria. in 1st International Conference on Dryland, Center for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. 8th – 12th December 2014.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2019). Socio-hydrological study of water users' perceptions on the management of irrigation schemes at Tomas irrigation project, Kano, Nigeria. Nig J. Eng, Sci & tECH, 5(2): 139–145. Shanono, N. J. and Ndiritu, J. (2020). A conceptual framework for assessing the impact of human behaviour on water resource systems performance. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3: 9–16.
  • Sivapalan, M., Savenije, H. H. G. and Blöschl, G. (2012). Socio-hydrology: A new science of people and water. Hydrological Processes, 26(8): 1270–1276.
  • Zakari, M. D. et al. (2015). Sensitivity analysis of crop water requirement simulation model (CROPWAT (8.0) at Kano River Irrigation Project, Kano Nigeria. in Proceedings for international interdisciplinary conference on global initiatives for integrated development (IICGIID 2015 Chukwuemka Odumegwu University, Igbariam campus Nigeria).

Assessing the Operational Performance and Stakeholders’ Perceptions on the Management of Three Irrigation Projects in Kano, Nigeria

Year 2021, , 317 - 325, 21.12.2021


A study was conducted to assess the level of operational performance and stakeholders’ participation in, and perceptions on, the management of three major irrigation projects in Kano State, Nigeria (Kano River Irrigation Project KRIP, Watari Irrigation Project WIP and Tomas Irrigation Project TIP). The study uses questionnaire, site visit and focus group discussions during the 2019/2020 irrigation season to generate crucial information related to the hydraulic infrastructures and operational performances. The study identified some problems related to operational performance affecting the three irrigation projects including illegal water use, faulty water conveyance infrastructures and conflict among water users and between water users and managers. Moreover, the study observed that a continuous flow water allocation method is being used in all three irrigation projects, leading to poor water allocation performance. Based on this, the study recommends a rotation water allocation method. About 50% of the total water users from KRIP, WIP and TIP do not participate in the maintenance of the irrigation infrastructures. The study revealed that the majority of the farmers have no confidence in water managers’ competence whereas water managers accused irrigators to lack enthusiasm and provided evidence of unlawful water usage as about 12, 8 and 39% of the irrigators from KRIP, WIP and TIP admitted to having been lifting water using pumps which have been considered as illegal since their farms were initially considered non-irrigable. Some of the underlying issues that led to these problems include lack of sensitization and awareness campaigns, seminars and workshops to facilitate farmers’ involvement in the maintenance of irrigation infrastructures. This can be achieved through sensitization and awareness campaigns to enlighten farmers on resolving conflicts, efficient use of limited water, and facilitating water users’ participation in irrigation management activities such as agency-farmer joint management. If such dialogue programs do not bring an end to these problems, other law enforcement measures such as legal actions need to be deployed. It is, therefore, recommended that the existing irrigation project management strategies need to be changed with new ones that encourage sensitization campaigns, law enforcement and participation. Also, in-depth coupled human-water interaction studies (socio-hydrology) need to be conducted to gain insights and propose solutions that could lead to sustainable irrigation system management and operation.


  • Burt, C. et al. (2004). Conceptualizing irrigation project modernization through benchmarking and the rapid appraisal process. Irrigation and Drainage. P03(002).
  • Chandran, K. M. and Ambili, G. K. (2016). Evaluation of minor irrigation schemes using performance indicators: case studies from South India. Sustainable Water Resources Management. Springer International Publishing. 2(4): 431–437.
  • Haruna, S. K. (2015). Impact of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) on the Livelihood of Water Users in Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP), Nigeria. Available at: of participatory irrigation management %28pim%29 on the livelihood of water users in kano river irrigation project.pdf.
  • Ian, C., Mark, R. and Seckler, D. (1997). Irrigation and food security in the 21st century. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 11: 83–101.
  • Loucks, D. P. et al. (2005). Water resources systems planning and management. An introduction to methods, models and applications. Studies and Reports in Hydrology series. Available at:
  • McMillan, H. et al. (2016). Panta Rhei 2013 – 2015 : global perspectives on hydrology. Society and change’, 6667(August).
  • Montanari, A. et al. (2013). Panta Rhei — Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society — The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013 – 2022. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58(6): 1256–1275.
  • Nasidi, N. M. et al. (2015). Reclaiming Salt-affected Soil for the Production of Tomato at Barwa-Minjibir Irrigation Scheme, Kano. in International Conference on Green Engineering for Sustainable Development, IC-GESD 2015. Held at Bayero University, Kano Nigeria.
  • Pete, J. (2005). Irrigation in Africa in figures - AQUASTAT Survey – 2005. FAO Water Report 29. Available at:
  • Schierhorn, M. and Elferink, F. (2016). Global Demand for Food Is Rising. Can We Meet It ?. Harvard business review, (May). Available at:
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2012). Evaluation of Soil and Water Quality of Watari Irrigation Project in Semi-Arid Region, Kano, Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 33rd National Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) Bauchi.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2014). Assessment of Field Channels Performance at Watari Irrigation Project Kano, Nigeria. in 1st International Conference on Dryland, Center for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. 8th – 12th December 2014.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2019). Socio-hydrological study of water users' perceptions on the management of irrigation schemes at Tomas irrigation project, Kano, Nigeria. Nig J. Eng, Sci & tECH, 5(2): 139–145.
  • Shanono, N. J. and Ndiritu, J. (2020). A conceptual framework for assessing the impact of human behaviour on water resource systems performance. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3: 9–16.
  • Sivapalan, M., Savenije, H. H. G. and Blöschl, G. (2012). Socio-hydrology: A new science of people and water. Hydrological Processes, 26(8): 1270–1276.
  • Burt, C. et al. (2004). Conceptualizing irrigation project modernization through benchmarking and the rapid appraisal process. Irrigation and Drainage. P03(002). Chandran, K. M. and Ambili, G. K. (2016). Evaluation of minor irrigation schemes using performance indicators: case studies from South India. Sustainable Water Resources Management. Springer International Publishing. 2(4): 431–437.
  • Haruna, S. K. (2015). Impact of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) on the Livelihood of Water Users in Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP), Nigeria. Available at: of participatory irrigation management %28pim%29 on the livelihood of water users in kano river irrigation project.pdf. Ian, C., Mark, R. and Seckler, D. (1997). Irrigation and food security in the 21st century. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 11: 83–101.
  • Loucks, D. P. et al. (2005). Water resources systems planning and management. An introduction to methods, models and applications. Studies and Reports in Hydrology series. Available at:
  • McMillan, H. et al. (2016). Panta Rhei 2013 – 2015 : global perspectives on hydrology. Society and change’, 6667(August).
  • Montanari, A. et al. (2013). Panta Rhei — Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society — The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013 – 2022. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58(6): 1256–1275.
  • Nasidi, N. M. et al. (2015). Reclaiming Salt-affected Soil for the Production of Tomato at Barwa-Minjibir Irrigation Scheme, Kano. in International Conference on Green Engineering for Sustainable Development, IC-GESD 2015. Held at Bayero University, Kano Nigeria.
  • Pete, J. (2005). Irrigation in Africa in figures - AQUASTAT Survey – 2005. FAO Water Report 29. Available at: Schierhorn, M. and Elferink, F. (2016). Global Demand for Food Is Rising. Can We Meet It ?. Harvard business review, (May). Available at:
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2012). Evaluation of Soil and Water Quality of Watari Irrigation Project in Semi-Arid Region, Kano, Nigeria. in Proceedings of the 33rd National Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) Bauchi.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2014). Assessment of Field Channels Performance at Watari Irrigation Project Kano, Nigeria. in 1st International Conference on Dryland, Center for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. 8th – 12th December 2014.
  • Shanono, N. J. et al. (2019). Socio-hydrological study of water users' perceptions on the management of irrigation schemes at Tomas irrigation project, Kano, Nigeria. Nig J. Eng, Sci & tECH, 5(2): 139–145. Shanono, N. J. and Ndiritu, J. (2020). A conceptual framework for assessing the impact of human behaviour on water resource systems performance. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3: 9–16.
  • Sivapalan, M., Savenije, H. H. G. and Blöschl, G. (2012). Socio-hydrology: A new science of people and water. Hydrological Processes, 26(8): 1270–1276.
  • Zakari, M. D. et al. (2015). Sensitivity analysis of crop water requirement simulation model (CROPWAT (8.0) at Kano River Irrigation Project, Kano Nigeria. in Proceedings for international interdisciplinary conference on global initiatives for integrated development (IICGIID 2015 Chukwuemka Odumegwu University, Igbariam campus Nigeria).
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Nura Jafar Shanono 0000-0002-1731-145X

Publication Date December 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Shanono, N. J. (2021). Assessing the Operational Performance and Stakeholders’ Perceptions on the Management of Three Irrigation Projects in Kano, Nigeria. ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), 317-325.