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Marul (Lactuca Sativa L.) Çeşitlerinin Tohum Verimi ve Vejetatif Gelişimi Üzerine Fosfor Düzeylerinin Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 95 - 100, 01.06.2013


Bu çalışma marul (Lactuca sativa L.)'da büyüme ve tohum veriminde farklı fosfor düzeylerinin etkisini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. İki farklı marul çeşidi, Grand Rapids ve Romaine sırasıyla 60 kg/ha ve 80 kg/ha olmak üzere iki farklı fosforlu gübre düzeyinde tesadüf blokları (RCBD) deneme deseni kullanarak test edilmiştir. Denemelerin fosfor olmaksızın tohum parametreleri ile duyusal olarak değerlendirmesinin yanı sıra, tohumun gevrekliği ve rengi her 10 günde bir incelenmiştir. Fosforlu gübrenin artışının her iki marul çeşidinin verimi, yer örtüsü ve raf ömrü üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, Romaine çeşidine kıyasla Grand Rapids çeşidinin tohum gelişiminde faz geçişi olması için yeterli ölçüde soğuğa maruz kalmamasına rağmen, Grand Rapids’in verim bakımından Romaine’den önemli ölçüde daha üstün bir performans gösterdiği bildirilmiştir. Test edilen iki marul çeşidinin daha iyi bir verim ve tohum gelişimi göstermelerini etkileyecek olan bileşenlerin işlevlerinin çözümlenmesi için, moleküler düzeyde daha fazla araştırma yapılması önerilmektedir


  • Anonymous, 2004. Lettuces get back into the garden. (
  • Azone, R, Ambrosano, E, Charest, C., 2003. Nutrient acquisition in mycorrhizal lettuce plants under different phosphorus and nitrogen concentration. Plant Science, Elsevier 165 (5): 1137–1145.
  • Gyaneshwar, P, Kumar, G.N., Parekh, J., Poole, P.S., 2002. Role of soil microorganisms in improving P nutrition of plants. Plant and Soil 245: 83–93.
  • Hadid, A.A., Asharaf, A., Asdoudi, A.E.L., Bettagy, A.S.E.L., Behairy, U.A.F.L., Burrage, S.W., 1990. The effect of continuous and intermittent flow on growth characters chemical composition and yield of lettuce grown in NFT hydroponics. Egypt J Hort 17 (2): 93–101.
  • Hilda, R., Fraga, R., 1999. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their role in plant growth promotion. Biotechnology advances, Elsevier 17 (4–5): 319–339.
  • Imas, P., Bar, Y., Munuz, R.C., 1998. Response of lettuce plants grown on different substrate to phosphorus fertilization. Int Symp Acta Hort 458: 171–178.
  • Lee, S.K., 1999. Effects of nutrients control on the growth of lettuce in nutrient film technique. Dept Envi Hort Uni Seoul, Korea 483: 161–165.
  • Misra, S.G., Dinesh, M., 1995. Uptake of pollutant from sewage sludge on affected by phosphorus addition. Inst S Sci Uni Allahabad, India 13 (2): 297–299.
  • Moreira, M.A., Fonotes, P.C.R., Decamargos, M.I., Camergos, M.I., 2001. Zinc and phosphorus interaction in nutrient solution affecting lettuce growth and yield. Uni Vicosa Brazil 30 (6): 903–909.
  • Peterson, R.G., 1994. Agricultural Field Experiment, Designs and Analysis. Marcel and Dekker, New York.
  • Rice, R., 1999. Phosphorus rate demonstration trails on lettuce in the Everglades Agriculture Area. Hort.Soci. Stuart, Florida, USA 112: 325–329.
  • Sanchez, C.A., Burdin, H.W., Guzman, V.L., Hall, C.B., 1989. Yield, quality and leaf nutrient composition of Crisp head Lettuce as affected by N.P and K on histosols. Hort Soci Everglades, Res.Edu. Cent. IFAS, Uni. Florida. USA. 101: 346–350.
  • Santos, B.M., Dusky, J.A., Stall, W.M., Shilling, D.G., Bewick, T.A., 1998. Phosphorus effects on competitive interactions of smooth pig weed (Amaranthus hybridus) and common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Dept Hort Sci Uni Florida, Gainesville, USA. 46 (3): 307–312.
  • Steel, A.M., Briggs, J.M., 1929. Historic seed catalogues. ( www.seed)., Winnipeg, Regina.
  • Vergote, N., 1998. Effect of phosphorus on greenhouse lettuce. Proeftuinnieuws Prvinciaal Proefcentrum, Kruishouten, Belgium 8 (13): 19–20.
  • Weiss, N., 1998. Nutritional importance of salad crops. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 24 (4): 444–447.
  • Figure 1. Effect of phosphorus on number of leaves of Lettuce plant-1.
  • Figure 2. Effect of phosphorus levels on plant height of two cultivars of Lettuce.
  • Figure 3. Effect of phosphorus on ground cover of Lettuce cultivars.
  • Figure 4. Effect of phosphorus on storage behavior at 4ºC temperature (days).
  • Figure 5. Effect of phosphorus levels on shelf life of Lettuce at room temperature.
  • Figure 6. Effect of phosphorus on sensory evaluation for taste, crispiness and color of Lettuce.
  • Figure 7. Effect of phosphorus on seed weight of lettuce plant.

Impact of Phosphorus Levels on Vegetative Growth and Seed Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivars

Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 95 - 100, 01.06.2013


The study was conducted to investigate the effects of different phosphorous levels on the growth and seed yield of the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Two lettuce varieties namely Grand Rapids and Romaine were tested on various phosphorus fertilizer levels i.e. 60 kg and 80 kg per hectare using Randomized Complete Block under factorial Design (RCBD). The treatment without phosphorus was seed parameters as well as sensory evaluation including crispiness and color were examined after interval of each 10 days. We report that the increase in the phosphorus fertilizer has positive effects on yield, ground cover and shelf life of both varieties; however Grand Rapids significantly showed superior performance than that of Romaine. Furthermore, Romaine developed seeds not observed in case of Grand Rapids cultivar seemingly due to insufficient chilling hours required for phase transition. Further investigations are suggested at molecular level to decipher the components involved in better yield and seed development in both varieties tested


  • Anonymous, 2004. Lettuces get back into the garden. (
  • Azone, R, Ambrosano, E, Charest, C., 2003. Nutrient acquisition in mycorrhizal lettuce plants under different phosphorus and nitrogen concentration. Plant Science, Elsevier 165 (5): 1137–1145.
  • Gyaneshwar, P, Kumar, G.N., Parekh, J., Poole, P.S., 2002. Role of soil microorganisms in improving P nutrition of plants. Plant and Soil 245: 83–93.
  • Hadid, A.A., Asharaf, A., Asdoudi, A.E.L., Bettagy, A.S.E.L., Behairy, U.A.F.L., Burrage, S.W., 1990. The effect of continuous and intermittent flow on growth characters chemical composition and yield of lettuce grown in NFT hydroponics. Egypt J Hort 17 (2): 93–101.
  • Hilda, R., Fraga, R., 1999. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their role in plant growth promotion. Biotechnology advances, Elsevier 17 (4–5): 319–339.
  • Imas, P., Bar, Y., Munuz, R.C., 1998. Response of lettuce plants grown on different substrate to phosphorus fertilization. Int Symp Acta Hort 458: 171–178.
  • Lee, S.K., 1999. Effects of nutrients control on the growth of lettuce in nutrient film technique. Dept Envi Hort Uni Seoul, Korea 483: 161–165.
  • Misra, S.G., Dinesh, M., 1995. Uptake of pollutant from sewage sludge on affected by phosphorus addition. Inst S Sci Uni Allahabad, India 13 (2): 297–299.
  • Moreira, M.A., Fonotes, P.C.R., Decamargos, M.I., Camergos, M.I., 2001. Zinc and phosphorus interaction in nutrient solution affecting lettuce growth and yield. Uni Vicosa Brazil 30 (6): 903–909.
  • Peterson, R.G., 1994. Agricultural Field Experiment, Designs and Analysis. Marcel and Dekker, New York.
  • Rice, R., 1999. Phosphorus rate demonstration trails on lettuce in the Everglades Agriculture Area. Hort.Soci. Stuart, Florida, USA 112: 325–329.
  • Sanchez, C.A., Burdin, H.W., Guzman, V.L., Hall, C.B., 1989. Yield, quality and leaf nutrient composition of Crisp head Lettuce as affected by N.P and K on histosols. Hort Soci Everglades, Res.Edu. Cent. IFAS, Uni. Florida. USA. 101: 346–350.
  • Santos, B.M., Dusky, J.A., Stall, W.M., Shilling, D.G., Bewick, T.A., 1998. Phosphorus effects on competitive interactions of smooth pig weed (Amaranthus hybridus) and common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Dept Hort Sci Uni Florida, Gainesville, USA. 46 (3): 307–312.
  • Steel, A.M., Briggs, J.M., 1929. Historic seed catalogues. ( www.seed)., Winnipeg, Regina.
  • Vergote, N., 1998. Effect of phosphorus on greenhouse lettuce. Proeftuinnieuws Prvinciaal Proefcentrum, Kruishouten, Belgium 8 (13): 19–20.
  • Weiss, N., 1998. Nutritional importance of salad crops. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 24 (4): 444–447.
  • Figure 1. Effect of phosphorus on number of leaves of Lettuce plant-1.
  • Figure 2. Effect of phosphorus levels on plant height of two cultivars of Lettuce.
  • Figure 3. Effect of phosphorus on ground cover of Lettuce cultivars.
  • Figure 4. Effect of phosphorus on storage behavior at 4ºC temperature (days).
  • Figure 5. Effect of phosphorus levels on shelf life of Lettuce at room temperature.
  • Figure 6. Effect of phosphorus on sensory evaluation for taste, crispiness and color of Lettuce.
  • Figure 7. Effect of phosphorus on seed weight of lettuce plant.
There are 23 citations in total.


Other ID JA52YP26AY
Journal Section Articles

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Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Ahmed, S. S., Khan, M. A., Sani, I. A., Sharif, M., et al. (2013). Impact of Phosphorus Levels on Vegetative Growth and Seed Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivars. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 1(1), 95-100.