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Salkım Ucu Kesme Uygulamalarının Uslu ve Cardinal Üzüm Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2014, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 21 - 26, 01.06.2014


Bu araştırma, Uslu ve Cardinal üzüm çeşitlerinin verim ve kalitesi üzerine salkım ucu alma uygulamalarının etkilerinin saptanması amacıyla, Çanakkale/Türkiye’de yürütülmüştür. Tane çapları 5–7 mm olduğunda, mevcut salkımların uçları 1/3, 1/6 ve 1/12 oranında kesilmiştir. Uslu üzüm çeşidinde, salkım uzunluğu (cm), salkım eni (cm), salkım sıklığı (1–9), tane sayısı/salkım (adet), tane ağırlığı (g) ve titre edilebilir asitlik (%) parametreleri uygulamalardan etkilenmiştir. Cardinal üzüm çeşidinde, salkım uzunluğu (cm), salkım sıklığı (1–9), tane sayısı/salkım (adet), tane ağırlığı (g), suda çözünebilir kuru madde (SÇKM) (%), titre edilebilir asitlik (%) ve olgunluk indisi parametreleri uygulamalardan etkilenmiştir. Uslu ve Cardinal üzüm çeşitlerinde salkım ucu alma uygulamalarının üzüm verimine önemli bir etkisi olmamıştır. Salkım ucu alma uygulamalarının, Uslu üzüm çeşidinde salkım uzunluğunun 1/3’ü, Cardinal üzüm çeşidinde ise 1/6’sı oranında gerçekleştirilmesinin, üzüm kalitesini arttırıcı yönde pozitif ve yeterli bir etki sağladığı belirlenmiştir


  • Anonymous, 1985. Descriptor List for Grapevine and Vitis Species. Office International de la Vigas et de Vin, Paris.
  • Arfelli, G., Marangoni, B., Zironi, R., Amati, A., Castellari, M., 1996. The effects of cluster thinning on some ripening parameters and wine quality ISHS Acta Horticulturae 427: Strategies to Optimize Wine Grape Quality.
  • Ateş, F., Karabat, S., 2006. Sofralık üzüm üretiminde yaşanan sorunlar ve Sultani Çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşidinde kaliteyi arttırmaya yönelik uygulamalar. Buldan Sempozyumu. Bağcılık. 967–975. 23–24 Kasım. Buldan/Denizli.
  • Bavaresco, L., Fraschini, P., Ruini, S., 1991. Effects of cluster thinning and shoot tipping on yield and quality of some grape varieties growing in Verona viticultural area. Vignevini, Bologna. 18 (7–8): 31–35.
  • Cirami, R.M., Cameron, I.J., Hedberg, P.R., 1992. Special cultural methods for table grapes. In: (eds.) Coombe and Dry. Viticulture, Volume 2 Practices. Winetitles. Adelaide. 279–301.
  • Cus, F., Koruza, Z.K., Koruzo, B., Lavrencic, P., 2004. Influence of crop load and cultivar's dependent canopy management on grape must quality of 'Sipon', 'Zametovka' and 'Rebula'. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 652: I
  • International Symposium on Grapevine Growing, Commerce and Research. Çelik, H., 2006. Grape cultivar catalog. Sunfidan Inc.Vocational Book Series: 3, 165 p.
  • Çoban, H., 2001. Investigations on the effects of some cultural applications to increase table grape quality.
  • Anadolu–Journal of Aegean Agricultura lResearch InstituteTurkey. 11 (2): 76–88. Dardeniz, A., Kısmalı, İ., 2002. Amasya ve Cardinal üzüm çeşitlerinde farklı ürün yüklerinin üzüm ve çubuk verimi ile kalitesine etkileri üzerine araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 39 (1): 9–16.
  • Dokoozlian, N.K., Hirschfelt, D.J., 1995. The influence of cluster thinning at various stages of fruit development on flame seedless table grapes. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 46 (4): 429–436.
  • Ezzahouani, A., Williams, L.E., 2003. Trellising, fruit thinning and defoliation have only small effects on the performance of `Ruby Seedless' grape in Morocco. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 78 (1): 79–83.
  • Gao, Y., Cahoon, G.A., 2000. Cluster thinning effects on fruit weight, juice quality and fruit skin characteristics in Reliance grapes. Fruit ICM News. The Ohio State University Newsletter. 4 (36).
  • Guidoni, S., Allara, P., Schubert, A., 2002. Effect of cluster thinning on berry skin anthocyanin composition of
  • Vitis vinifera cv. Nebbiolo. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 53 (3): 224–226. Ikeda, F., Ishikawa, K., Yazawa, S., Baba, T., 2004. Induction of compact clusters with large seedless berries in the grape cultivar 'Fujiminori' by the use of streptomycin, gibberellins, and CPPU. Acta Hort. (ISHS). : 361–368.
  • Keskin, S., Mendeş, M., 2001. Faktörlerden birinin seviyelerinde tekrarlanan ölçüm iki faktörlü deneme düzenleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Dergisi. 15 (25): 42–53.
  • Moon, D.Y., Lee, D.K., 1996. Effects of berry thinning on fruit quality of grape Fujimori in plastic film house.
  • RDA Journal of Agricultural Science–Horticulture. 38 (1): 683–686. Morando, A., Gerbi, V., Minati, J.L., Novello, V., Eynard, I.., Arnulfo, C., Taretto, E., Minetti, G., 1991.
  • Comparison between thinning and tipping the clusters at fruit set or veraison. Vignevini, Bologna. 18 (7–8): 43–50. Morris, J.R, Main, G.L., Oswald, O.L., 2004. Flower cluster and shoot thinning for crop control in French–
  • American hybrid grapes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 55 (4): 423–426. Naor, A., Gal, Y., Bravdo, B., 2002. Shoot and Cluster Thinning Influence Vegetative Growth, Fruit Yield, and Wine Quality of 'Sauvignon blanc' Grapevines. ASHS July 2002. 127 (4).
  • Ozaki, T., Ichii, T., 1992. Effectiveness of thinning agents and the removal of some branches of grape rachis on cluster looseness. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 60. 755–761.
  • Palliotti, A., Cartechini, A., 2000. Cluster thinning effects on yield and grape composition in different grapevine cultivars. Acta Hort. (ISHS). 512. 111–120.
  • Winner, B.J., Brown, D.R., Michels, K.M., 1991. Statistical principles in experimental design. McGraw–Hill
  • Book Company. p. 1057, New York: USA.
  • Winkler, A.J., Cook, J.A., Kliewer, W.M., Lider, L.A., 1974. General Viticulture. 2nd Edition, University of
  • California Press. 710 p. Berkeley.

Effects of Cluster Tipping on Yield and Quality of Uslu and Cardinal Table Grape Cultivars

Year 2014, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 21 - 26, 01.06.2014


This research was conducted in Çanakkale, Turkey aimed to study the effects of cluster tipping applications on the yield and quality of Uslu (V. vinifera L.) and Cardinal (V. vinifera L.) grape cultivars. When the berries were 5–7 mm, the clusters were tipped at 1/3rd, 1/6th and 1/12th of the cluster length. In Uslu, cluster length (cm), cluster width (cm), cluster compactness (1–9), number of berries/cluster (n), berry weight (g) and titratable acidity (TA) (%) parameters were affected by the applications. In Cardinal, cluster length (cm), cluster compactness (1–9), number of berries/cluster (n), berry weight (g), total soluble solid (TSS) (%), titratable acidity (TA) (%) and maturity index parameters were affected by the applications. Yield was not affected by cluster tipping in Uslu and Cardinal grape cultivars. It was concluded that the cluster tipping applied to the Uslu in a proportion of one–third and to the Cardinal in a proportion of one–sixth of the cluster length would be positively sufficient in terms of increasing the grape quality


  • Anonymous, 1985. Descriptor List for Grapevine and Vitis Species. Office International de la Vigas et de Vin, Paris.
  • Arfelli, G., Marangoni, B., Zironi, R., Amati, A., Castellari, M., 1996. The effects of cluster thinning on some ripening parameters and wine quality ISHS Acta Horticulturae 427: Strategies to Optimize Wine Grape Quality.
  • Ateş, F., Karabat, S., 2006. Sofralık üzüm üretiminde yaşanan sorunlar ve Sultani Çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşidinde kaliteyi arttırmaya yönelik uygulamalar. Buldan Sempozyumu. Bağcılık. 967–975. 23–24 Kasım. Buldan/Denizli.
  • Bavaresco, L., Fraschini, P., Ruini, S., 1991. Effects of cluster thinning and shoot tipping on yield and quality of some grape varieties growing in Verona viticultural area. Vignevini, Bologna. 18 (7–8): 31–35.
  • Cirami, R.M., Cameron, I.J., Hedberg, P.R., 1992. Special cultural methods for table grapes. In: (eds.) Coombe and Dry. Viticulture, Volume 2 Practices. Winetitles. Adelaide. 279–301.
  • Cus, F., Koruza, Z.K., Koruzo, B., Lavrencic, P., 2004. Influence of crop load and cultivar's dependent canopy management on grape must quality of 'Sipon', 'Zametovka' and 'Rebula'. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 652: I
  • International Symposium on Grapevine Growing, Commerce and Research. Çelik, H., 2006. Grape cultivar catalog. Sunfidan Inc.Vocational Book Series: 3, 165 p.
  • Çoban, H., 2001. Investigations on the effects of some cultural applications to increase table grape quality.
  • Anadolu–Journal of Aegean Agricultura lResearch InstituteTurkey. 11 (2): 76–88. Dardeniz, A., Kısmalı, İ., 2002. Amasya ve Cardinal üzüm çeşitlerinde farklı ürün yüklerinin üzüm ve çubuk verimi ile kalitesine etkileri üzerine araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 39 (1): 9–16.
  • Dokoozlian, N.K., Hirschfelt, D.J., 1995. The influence of cluster thinning at various stages of fruit development on flame seedless table grapes. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 46 (4): 429–436.
  • Ezzahouani, A., Williams, L.E., 2003. Trellising, fruit thinning and defoliation have only small effects on the performance of `Ruby Seedless' grape in Morocco. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 78 (1): 79–83.
  • Gao, Y., Cahoon, G.A., 2000. Cluster thinning effects on fruit weight, juice quality and fruit skin characteristics in Reliance grapes. Fruit ICM News. The Ohio State University Newsletter. 4 (36).
  • Guidoni, S., Allara, P., Schubert, A., 2002. Effect of cluster thinning on berry skin anthocyanin composition of
  • Vitis vinifera cv. Nebbiolo. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 53 (3): 224–226. Ikeda, F., Ishikawa, K., Yazawa, S., Baba, T., 2004. Induction of compact clusters with large seedless berries in the grape cultivar 'Fujiminori' by the use of streptomycin, gibberellins, and CPPU. Acta Hort. (ISHS). : 361–368.
  • Keskin, S., Mendeş, M., 2001. Faktörlerden birinin seviyelerinde tekrarlanan ölçüm iki faktörlü deneme düzenleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Dergisi. 15 (25): 42–53.
  • Moon, D.Y., Lee, D.K., 1996. Effects of berry thinning on fruit quality of grape Fujimori in plastic film house.
  • RDA Journal of Agricultural Science–Horticulture. 38 (1): 683–686. Morando, A., Gerbi, V., Minati, J.L., Novello, V., Eynard, I.., Arnulfo, C., Taretto, E., Minetti, G., 1991.
  • Comparison between thinning and tipping the clusters at fruit set or veraison. Vignevini, Bologna. 18 (7–8): 43–50. Morris, J.R, Main, G.L., Oswald, O.L., 2004. Flower cluster and shoot thinning for crop control in French–
  • American hybrid grapes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 55 (4): 423–426. Naor, A., Gal, Y., Bravdo, B., 2002. Shoot and Cluster Thinning Influence Vegetative Growth, Fruit Yield, and Wine Quality of 'Sauvignon blanc' Grapevines. ASHS July 2002. 127 (4).
  • Ozaki, T., Ichii, T., 1992. Effectiveness of thinning agents and the removal of some branches of grape rachis on cluster looseness. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 60. 755–761.
  • Palliotti, A., Cartechini, A., 2000. Cluster thinning effects on yield and grape composition in different grapevine cultivars. Acta Hort. (ISHS). 512. 111–120.
  • Winner, B.J., Brown, D.R., Michels, K.M., 1991. Statistical principles in experimental design. McGraw–Hill
  • Book Company. p. 1057, New York: USA.
  • Winkler, A.J., Cook, J.A., Kliewer, W.M., Lider, L.A., 1974. General Viticulture. 2nd Edition, University of
  • California Press. 710 p. Berkeley.
There are 25 citations in total.


Other ID JA49JH55GH
Journal Section Articles

Alper Dardeniz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Dardeniz, A. (2014). Effects of Cluster Tipping on Yield and Quality of Uslu and Cardinal Table Grape Cultivars. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 2(1), 21-26.