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Toprak Nem Değişiminin HYDRUS Programı Yardımıyla Modellenmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.12.2014


Küresel ısınmayla birlikte su daha da önemli bir tarımsal girdi olmuştur. Tarımsal üretimde, nitelikli ve bol ürün alınabilmesi için bitkilerin yetişme koşullarını etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Toprak nemi bu faktörlerin en başında gelmektedir. Bitkilerin bu nemden yararlanabilmeleri için belli sınırlarda tutulması oldukça önemlidir. Uzaktan algılama, hassas tarım uygulamaları, yüzey ve yüzey altı su akışları, toprak–su–bitki–atmosfer modelleri güvenilir ve eş zamanlı olarak ölçülen toprak nemi değerlerine ihtiyaç duymaktadır.Arazi ve laboratuar koşullarında, toprak içerisindeki su hareketinin veya toprak nem değişiminin belirlenmesi oldukça zor ve zaman alıcıdır. Son zamanlarda, bilgisayar modelleri ile toprak neminin ve toprak içerisindeki su akışının simülasyonu daha kolay yapılabilmektedir. Bu amaçla kullanılan HYDRUS, toprak su akışının izlenmesinde en yaygın olarak kullanılan programlardan birisidir. Bu çalışmada, HYDRUS programı ve örnek bir uygulama ile programın kullanımı için gerekli verilerin tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır.


  • Ahnert, M., Blumensaat, F., Langergraber, G., Alex, J., Woerner, D., Frehmann, T., Halft, N., Hobus, I., Plattes, M., Spering, V., Winkler, S., 2007. Goodness–of–fit measures for numerical modelling in urban water management–a summary to support practical applications. In: Proceedings 10th LWWTP Conference, 69–72. 9–13 September 2007, Vienna, Austria.
  • Anlauf, R., Rehrmann, P., Schacht, H., 2012. Simulation of water uptake and redistribution in growing media during ebb–and–flow irrigation. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. 4 (1): 8–21.
  • Belmans, C., Wesseling, J.G., Feddes, R.A., 1983. Simulation model of the water balance of a cropped soil: SWATRE. J. Hydrol. 63: 271–286.
  • Blonquist, J.M., Jones, S.B., Robinson, D.A., 2006. Precise irrigation scheduling for turfgrass using a subsurface electromagnetic soil moisture sensor. Agricultural Water Management. 84: 153–165.
  • Bufon, V.B., Lascano, R.J., Bednarz, C., Booker, J.D., Gitz, D.C., 2012. Soil water content on drip irrigated cotton: comparison of measured and simulated values obtained with the Hydrus 2–D model. Irrig Sci. 30: 259–273.
  • Büyüktaş, D., Hakgören, F., 2005. Batı Akdeniz tarımsal araştırma enstitüsü aksu birimi topraklarının toprak–su karakteristik eğrisi parametrelerinin belirlenmesi. Akdeniz Üni. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi. 18 (1): 101–106.
  • Demirel, K., 2012. Toprak altına serilen su tutma bariyerlerinin (stb) toprak su içeriği ve çim bitkisi gelişimi üzerine etkileri. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. 109 s.
  • Feddes, R.A., Kowalik, P.J., Neuman, S.P., 1978. Simulation of field water use and crop yield, John Wiley, 189 p. New York.
  • Legates, D.R., McCabe, G.J., 1999. Evaluating the use of „„ goodness–of–Şt‟‟ measures in hydrologic and hydroclimatic model validation. Water Resour. Res. 35: 233–241.
  • McCoy, E.L., McCoy, K.R., 2009. Simulation of putting–green soil water dynamics: ımplications for turfgrass water use. Agricultural Water Management. 96: 405–414.
  • Mualem, Y., 1976. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 12: 513–522.
  • Provenzano, G., 2007. Using HYDRUS–2D simulation model to evaluate wetted soil volume in subsurface drip ırrigation systems. Journal of Irrgaton and Drainage Engineering (ASCE). 133 (4): 342–349.
  • Ritchie, J.T., 1972. A model for predicting evaporation from a row crop with incomplete cover. Water Resour. Res. 8: 1204–1213.
  • Sejna, M., Simunek, J., 2007. HYDRUS (2D/3D): graphical user interface for the hydrus software package simulating two– and three–dimensional movement of water, heat and multiple solutes in variably– saturated media, published online at www.–pc–, PC–Progress, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1998. The HYDRUS–1D software package for simulating the one–dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably–saturated media, Version 2.0, IGWMC–TPS–70, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, 202 p. Golden, Colorado,
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1999. The HYDRUS/2D software package for simulating two– dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably–saturated media, version 2.0, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Riverside, California.
  • Simunek, J., Köhne, J.M, Kodesova, R., Sejna, M., 2008a. Simulating nonequilibrium movement of water, solutes and particles using HYDRUS: A Review of Recent Applications. http://www.pc– [01.01.2014].
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Saito, H., Sakai, M., van Genuchten, MT., 2008b. The HYDRUS–1D software package for simulating the movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably saturated media, version 4.0, HYDRUS Software Series 3, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California Riverside, Riverside, 240 p. California, USA.
  • Skaggs, T.H., Trout, T.J., Simunek, J., Shouse, P.J., 2004. Comparison of HYDRUS–2D simulations of drip irrigation with experimental observations. Journal of Irrgaton and Drainage Engineering (ASCE). 130 (4): 304–310.
  • Topp, G.C., 2003. State of the art measuring soil water content. Hydrol. Process. 17: 2993–2996.
  • Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1980. A closed form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44: 892–898.
  • Vrugt, J.A., Van Wijk, M.T., Hopmans, J.W., Simunek, J., 2001. One, two and three–dimensional root water uptake functions for transient modeling. Water Resources Research. 37 (10): 2457–2470.
  • Zhou, Q., Kang, S., Zhang, L., Li, F., 2007. Comparison of APRI and HYDRUS–2D models to simulate soil water dynamics in a vineyard under alternate partial root zone drip irrigation. Plant Soil. 291: 211–223.

Modeling of the Change of Soil Moisture Using HYDRUS Program

Year 2014, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.12.2014


Water has been a more important agricultural input due to global warming. In agricultural production, in order to produce high quality and more products factors affecting plant growth should be well understood. Soil moisture is one of the most important of these factors. It is very important to keep the moisture in certain limits in order to make it beneficial for the plants. Remote sensing, precision agriculture applications, surface and subsurface water flow, soil–water–plant–atmosphere models require reliable and simultaneously measured soil moisture values. The determination of the variation of soil moisture or water movement in the soil under land and laboratory conditions is quite difficult and time consuming. In recent years, the simulation of moisture and water flow in the soil with computer models can be performed more easily. HYDRUS is one of the most commonly used programs in soil water flow tracing. In this study, it was aimed to describe the HYDRUS program and required data format along with a sample application using the program.


  • Ahnert, M., Blumensaat, F., Langergraber, G., Alex, J., Woerner, D., Frehmann, T., Halft, N., Hobus, I., Plattes, M., Spering, V., Winkler, S., 2007. Goodness–of–fit measures for numerical modelling in urban water management–a summary to support practical applications. In: Proceedings 10th LWWTP Conference, 69–72. 9–13 September 2007, Vienna, Austria.
  • Anlauf, R., Rehrmann, P., Schacht, H., 2012. Simulation of water uptake and redistribution in growing media during ebb–and–flow irrigation. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. 4 (1): 8–21.
  • Belmans, C., Wesseling, J.G., Feddes, R.A., 1983. Simulation model of the water balance of a cropped soil: SWATRE. J. Hydrol. 63: 271–286.
  • Blonquist, J.M., Jones, S.B., Robinson, D.A., 2006. Precise irrigation scheduling for turfgrass using a subsurface electromagnetic soil moisture sensor. Agricultural Water Management. 84: 153–165.
  • Bufon, V.B., Lascano, R.J., Bednarz, C., Booker, J.D., Gitz, D.C., 2012. Soil water content on drip irrigated cotton: comparison of measured and simulated values obtained with the Hydrus 2–D model. Irrig Sci. 30: 259–273.
  • Büyüktaş, D., Hakgören, F., 2005. Batı Akdeniz tarımsal araştırma enstitüsü aksu birimi topraklarının toprak–su karakteristik eğrisi parametrelerinin belirlenmesi. Akdeniz Üni. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi. 18 (1): 101–106.
  • Demirel, K., 2012. Toprak altına serilen su tutma bariyerlerinin (stb) toprak su içeriği ve çim bitkisi gelişimi üzerine etkileri. ÇOMÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi. 109 s.
  • Feddes, R.A., Kowalik, P.J., Neuman, S.P., 1978. Simulation of field water use and crop yield, John Wiley, 189 p. New York.
  • Legates, D.R., McCabe, G.J., 1999. Evaluating the use of „„ goodness–of–Şt‟‟ measures in hydrologic and hydroclimatic model validation. Water Resour. Res. 35: 233–241.
  • McCoy, E.L., McCoy, K.R., 2009. Simulation of putting–green soil water dynamics: ımplications for turfgrass water use. Agricultural Water Management. 96: 405–414.
  • Mualem, Y., 1976. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 12: 513–522.
  • Provenzano, G., 2007. Using HYDRUS–2D simulation model to evaluate wetted soil volume in subsurface drip ırrigation systems. Journal of Irrgaton and Drainage Engineering (ASCE). 133 (4): 342–349.
  • Ritchie, J.T., 1972. A model for predicting evaporation from a row crop with incomplete cover. Water Resour. Res. 8: 1204–1213.
  • Sejna, M., Simunek, J., 2007. HYDRUS (2D/3D): graphical user interface for the hydrus software package simulating two– and three–dimensional movement of water, heat and multiple solutes in variably– saturated media, published online at www.–pc–, PC–Progress, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1998. The HYDRUS–1D software package for simulating the one–dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably–saturated media, Version 2.0, IGWMC–TPS–70, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, 202 p. Golden, Colorado,
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1999. The HYDRUS/2D software package for simulating two– dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably–saturated media, version 2.0, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Riverside, California.
  • Simunek, J., Köhne, J.M, Kodesova, R., Sejna, M., 2008a. Simulating nonequilibrium movement of water, solutes and particles using HYDRUS: A Review of Recent Applications. http://www.pc– [01.01.2014].
  • Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Saito, H., Sakai, M., van Genuchten, MT., 2008b. The HYDRUS–1D software package for simulating the movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably saturated media, version 4.0, HYDRUS Software Series 3, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California Riverside, Riverside, 240 p. California, USA.
  • Skaggs, T.H., Trout, T.J., Simunek, J., Shouse, P.J., 2004. Comparison of HYDRUS–2D simulations of drip irrigation with experimental observations. Journal of Irrgaton and Drainage Engineering (ASCE). 130 (4): 304–310.
  • Topp, G.C., 2003. State of the art measuring soil water content. Hydrol. Process. 17: 2993–2996.
  • Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1980. A closed form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44: 892–898.
  • Vrugt, J.A., Van Wijk, M.T., Hopmans, J.W., Simunek, J., 2001. One, two and three–dimensional root water uptake functions for transient modeling. Water Resources Research. 37 (10): 2457–2470.
  • Zhou, Q., Kang, S., Zhang, L., Li, F., 2007. Comparison of APRI and HYDRUS–2D models to simulate soil water dynamics in a vineyard under alternate partial root zone drip irrigation. Plant Soil. 291: 211–223.
There are 23 citations in total.


Other ID JA76RD55NC
Journal Section Articles

Kürşad Demirel This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Demirel, K. (2014). Modeling of the Change of Soil Moisture Using HYDRUS Program. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 2(2), 1-8.