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Determination of Fluorescent Pseudomonas Against FusariumWilt of Cucumber (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum) in Greenhouse

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 63 - 71, 01.06.2015


Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum is a soil–borne pathogen and can invade the host plant in all stages of developmental period. In our study, the biological control methods based on the nutritional competence and induced resistance which inhibits the F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum were studied in order to achieve best integration. Fluorescent pseudomonad isolates (161) were screened for their antagonistic activity at both in vivo and in vitro conditions simultaneously, against F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. At the end of these experiment, 20 of fluorescent pseudomonas isolates, which are chosen, was tested in the terms of siderophore effect. Chosen 20 of fluorescent pseudomonas isolates, it is detected that it’s in vitro activity is generally resistant to siderophpre effect. İn the experiments which is done with this isolates, it is seen that in the assessment with in vivo, the effect changes between 7.69% and 38.4%


  • Bora,T., Özaktan, H., 1998. Bitki hastalıklarıyla biyolojik savaş. Prizma Matbaacılık. 205 s.
  • Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1985a. The role competition for iron and carbon in suppression of chlamydospore germination of Fusarium spp. by Pseudomonas spp. Phytopathology. 75: 1053–1059.
  • Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1985b. Influence of trace amounts of cations and siderophore–producing pseudomonads on chlamydospore germination of Fusarium oxysporu. Phytopathology. 75: 1047–1052.
  • Fuchs, J.G., Moenne loccoz, Y., Defago, G., 1997, Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo47 induces resistance to fusarium wilt in tomato, Plant Diseases. 81 (5): 492–496.
  • Geels, F.P., Schippers, B., 1983. Selection of antagonistic Floresan pseudomonas spp. and their root colonization and persistence following treatment of seed potatoes. Journal of Phytopathology. 108: 193–206.
  • Liu, L., Kloepper, J.W., Tuzun, S., 1995. Induction of systemic resistance in cucumber against Fusarium wilt by plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria. Phytopathology. 85: 695–698.
  • Martyn, R.D., 1996. Fusarium wilt of cucumber, 15–16 Compendium of cucurbit diseases. Zitter,T.A., Hopkins, D.L., and Thomas, C. E. (Eds.), APS press. Minnesota. 87 s.
  • Neilands, J.B., Nakamura, K., 1985. Regulation of iron assimilation in microorganisms. Nutrition Reviews. 43: 193–197.
  • Owen, J.H., 1955. Fusarium wilt of cucumber. Phytopathology. 45: 435–439.
  • Paulitz, T.C., Park, C.S., Baker, R., 1987. Biological control of fusarium wilt of cucumber with nonpathogenic isolates of Fusarium oxysporum. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 33: 349–353.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., Van Pelt, J.A., Van Wees, S.C.M., Ton, J., Leon–Kloosterziel, K.M., Keurentjes, J.J.B., Verhagen, B.W.M., Knoester, M., Vander Sluis, L., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Van Loon, L.C., 2001. Rhizobacteria–mediated induced systemic resistance: triggering, signalling and expression. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 107: 51–61.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., Van Wees, S.C.M., Ton, J., Van Pelt, J.A., Van Loon, L.C., 2002. Signalling in rhizobacteria– induced systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biology. 4: 535–544.
  • Ramamoarthy, V., Viswanathan, R., Raguchande, T.R., Prakasan, V., Samiyappan, R., 2001. Induction of systemic resistance by plat growth promoting rhizobacteria in crop plants against pests and diseases. Crop Protection. 20: 1–11.
  • Simeoni, L.A., Lindsay, W.L., Beker, R., 1987. Critical iron level associated with biological control of Fusarium wilt, Phytopathology. 77: 1057–1061.
  • Singh, P.P., Shin, Y.C., Park, C.S., Chung, Y.R., 1999. Biological control of fusarium wilt of cucumber by chitinolytic bacteria. Phytopathology. 89: 92–99.
  • Sneh, B., Dupler, M., Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1984. Chlamydospore germination of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum as affected by fluorescent and lytic bacteria from Fusarium–suppressive soil. Phytopathology. 74: 1115–1124.
  • Sungseok, Y.,K., Choong Hoe, S.S., Yong Kim, CH., 1996. Studies on cross protection of Fusarium wilt of cucumber IV. Protective effect by a non pathogenic isolate of Fusarium oxysporum in a greenhouse and fields. Korean Journal of Plant Pathology. 12: 137–141.
  • Vakalounakis, D.J., Fragkiadakis, G.A., 1999. Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum isolates from cucumber: differentiation by pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility, and RAPD Fingerprinting. Ecology and Pouplation Biology. 89 (2): 161–168.
  • Van Loon, L.C., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Pieterse, C.M.J., 1998. Systemic resistance ınduced by rhizosphere bacteria. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology. 36: 453–483.
  • Van Wees, S.C.M., Pieterse, C.M.J., Trijssenaar, A., An’t Westende, Y.A.M., Van Loon, L.C., 1997. Differential induction of systemic resistance in Arabidopsis by biocontrol bacteria. Moleculer Plant Microbe Interactions. 10: 716–724. .

Serada Hıyar Fusarium Solgunluğu (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum)’na Karşı Floresan Pseudomonasların Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 63 - 71, 01.06.2015


Toprak kaynaklı bir etmen olan Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum hıyar bitkisini tüm gelişme dönemlerinde hastalandırabilmektedir. Çalışmamızda Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum'un önlenmesinde özellikle besin elementi rekabeti ve uyarılmış dayanıklılığa dayanan biyolojik mücadelede hastalığa karşı en iyi entegrasyon yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. 161 adet floresan pseudomonas izolatı Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum’a karşı aynı anda in vitro ve in vivo koşullarda antagonistik yetenekleri açısından taranmıştır. Bu denemeler sonucunda seçilen 20 adet floresan pseudomonas izolatının siderefor etki yönünden testlemeleri yapılmıştır. Seçilen 20 adet floresan pseudomonas izolatının in vitro etkinlikleri genelde siderofor etkiye dayandığı belirlenmiştir. Bu izolatlar ile in vivoda yapılan değerlendirmede ise etkinin %7,69 ile %38,4 arasında değiştiği görülmüştür


  • Bora,T., Özaktan, H., 1998. Bitki hastalıklarıyla biyolojik savaş. Prizma Matbaacılık. 205 s.
  • Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1985a. The role competition for iron and carbon in suppression of chlamydospore germination of Fusarium spp. by Pseudomonas spp. Phytopathology. 75: 1053–1059.
  • Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1985b. Influence of trace amounts of cations and siderophore–producing pseudomonads on chlamydospore germination of Fusarium oxysporu. Phytopathology. 75: 1047–1052.
  • Fuchs, J.G., Moenne loccoz, Y., Defago, G., 1997, Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo47 induces resistance to fusarium wilt in tomato, Plant Diseases. 81 (5): 492–496.
  • Geels, F.P., Schippers, B., 1983. Selection of antagonistic Floresan pseudomonas spp. and their root colonization and persistence following treatment of seed potatoes. Journal of Phytopathology. 108: 193–206.
  • Liu, L., Kloepper, J.W., Tuzun, S., 1995. Induction of systemic resistance in cucumber against Fusarium wilt by plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria. Phytopathology. 85: 695–698.
  • Martyn, R.D., 1996. Fusarium wilt of cucumber, 15–16 Compendium of cucurbit diseases. Zitter,T.A., Hopkins, D.L., and Thomas, C. E. (Eds.), APS press. Minnesota. 87 s.
  • Neilands, J.B., Nakamura, K., 1985. Regulation of iron assimilation in microorganisms. Nutrition Reviews. 43: 193–197.
  • Owen, J.H., 1955. Fusarium wilt of cucumber. Phytopathology. 45: 435–439.
  • Paulitz, T.C., Park, C.S., Baker, R., 1987. Biological control of fusarium wilt of cucumber with nonpathogenic isolates of Fusarium oxysporum. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 33: 349–353.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., Van Pelt, J.A., Van Wees, S.C.M., Ton, J., Leon–Kloosterziel, K.M., Keurentjes, J.J.B., Verhagen, B.W.M., Knoester, M., Vander Sluis, L., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Van Loon, L.C., 2001. Rhizobacteria–mediated induced systemic resistance: triggering, signalling and expression. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 107: 51–61.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., Van Wees, S.C.M., Ton, J., Van Pelt, J.A., Van Loon, L.C., 2002. Signalling in rhizobacteria– induced systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biology. 4: 535–544.
  • Ramamoarthy, V., Viswanathan, R., Raguchande, T.R., Prakasan, V., Samiyappan, R., 2001. Induction of systemic resistance by plat growth promoting rhizobacteria in crop plants against pests and diseases. Crop Protection. 20: 1–11.
  • Simeoni, L.A., Lindsay, W.L., Beker, R., 1987. Critical iron level associated with biological control of Fusarium wilt, Phytopathology. 77: 1057–1061.
  • Singh, P.P., Shin, Y.C., Park, C.S., Chung, Y.R., 1999. Biological control of fusarium wilt of cucumber by chitinolytic bacteria. Phytopathology. 89: 92–99.
  • Sneh, B., Dupler, M., Elad, Y., Baker, R., 1984. Chlamydospore germination of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum as affected by fluorescent and lytic bacteria from Fusarium–suppressive soil. Phytopathology. 74: 1115–1124.
  • Sungseok, Y.,K., Choong Hoe, S.S., Yong Kim, CH., 1996. Studies on cross protection of Fusarium wilt of cucumber IV. Protective effect by a non pathogenic isolate of Fusarium oxysporum in a greenhouse and fields. Korean Journal of Plant Pathology. 12: 137–141.
  • Vakalounakis, D.J., Fragkiadakis, G.A., 1999. Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum isolates from cucumber: differentiation by pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility, and RAPD Fingerprinting. Ecology and Pouplation Biology. 89 (2): 161–168.
  • Van Loon, L.C., Bakker, P.A.H.M., Pieterse, C.M.J., 1998. Systemic resistance ınduced by rhizosphere bacteria. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology. 36: 453–483.
  • Van Wees, S.C.M., Pieterse, C.M.J., Trijssenaar, A., An’t Westende, Y.A.M., Van Loon, L.C., 1997. Differential induction of systemic resistance in Arabidopsis by biocontrol bacteria. Moleculer Plant Microbe Interactions. 10: 716–724. .
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA78JD32PD
Journal Section Articles

Nedim Altın This is me

Tayyar Bora This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Altın, N., & Bora, T. (2015). Determination of Fluorescent Pseudomonas Against FusariumWilt of Cucumber (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum) in Greenhouse. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 3(1), 63-71.