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Yarı Kurak ve Su Stresssinin Olmadığı Koşullar Altında Patlıcan Bitkisinin Su ve Radyasyon Kullanım Etkinliği

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 71 - 77, 01.12.2015


Bu çalışmada; patlıcan bitkisinde, bitki yüzeyine gelen solar radyasyon, fotosentezde kullanılan aktif radyasyon (IPAR), su kullanım etkinliği (WUE), toplam kuru madde (TDM) için radyasyon kullanım etkinliği (RUE) ve bitki su tüketim değerleri belirlenmiştir. Arazi koşullarında yetiştirilen patlıcan‟da bitki gelişimi ve verim arasındaki ilişki belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Tüm gelişim dönemi süresince patlıcanın (Solanum melongena L. cv) su ihtiyacı A sınıfı buharlaşma kabı yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. Bitki gelişim dönemi olan 113 günlük periyot içerisinde bitkinin gerçekleştirdiği fotosentezde kullanılan aktif radyasyon miktarı 1120 MJ m-2 olmuştur, bu periyot içerisinde gelen solar radyasyonunun 393 MJ m-2 kısmı bitki tarafından tutulmuş ve uygulanan 509 mm sulama suyu ve 612,9 mm bitki su tüketimine karşılık 41,5 ton ha-1 verim elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, A–sınıfı buharlaşma kabından meydana gelen buharlaşma, solar radyasyon ve ortalama sıcaklık arasında güçlü bir ilişki olduğu ve bu ilişkiden yararlanarak özellikle otomatik sulama sistemlerinin aktive edilebileceği düşünülmektedir


  • Ahmad, S., Zia‒Ul‒Haq, M., Ali, H., Shad, S., Ahmad, A., Maqsood, M., Khan, MB., Mehmood, S., Hussain, A., 2008. Water and radiation use efficiencies of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) at different plant densities and irrigation regimes under semi‒arid environment. Pak. J. Bot. 40 (1): 199‒209.
  • Akuzum, T., Cakmak, B., Gokalp, Z., 2010. Evaluation of water resources management in Turkey.Proceedings of the 1st National Water Resources Management Symposium 20‒22 October, Karaman,Turkey. 1‒15.
  • Anonymous, 2010. Climate change,, accessed on 6th December 2010.
  • Biscoe, PV., Gallagher, JN., 1978. Physical analysis of cereal yield. . Production of dry matter. Agric. Progress, 34‒50.
  • Cai, X., Rosegrant, M.W., 2003. World water productivity: current situation and future options. In: Kijne, J.W. Barker, R., Molden, D. (Eds.), Water productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo Sri Lanka. pp. 163‒178.
  • Casadesus, J., Mata, M., Marsal, J., Girona, J., 2011. Automated irrigation of apple trees based on measurements of light interception by the canopy. Biosystems Engineering. 108: 220‒226.
  • De Carvalho, D.F., De Lima, M.E., De Oliveira, A.D., Da Rocha, H.S., Guerra, J.G.M., 2012. Crop coefficient and water consumption of eggplant in no‒tillage system and conventional soil preparation, Eng.Agr.J. aboticabal. 32 (4): 784‒793.
  • Faostat, Database. 2012. FAO Statistics, fresh market tomatoes. (Retrieved May 20, 2015 from:
  • Gimenez, C., Connor, DJ., Rueda, F., 1994. Canopy development, photosynthesis and radiation‒use efficiency in sunflower in response to nitrogen. Field Crops Res. 38: 15‒27.
  • Gonçalves, M.C.R., Melo Diniz, M.F.F., Borba, J.D.C., Nunes, X.P., Barbosa‒Filho, J.M., 2006. Berinjela (Solanum melongena L.) mito ou realidade no combate as dislipi demias. Revista Brasileira de Farma cognosia, Curitiba. 16 (2): 252‒257.
  • Halitligil, M.B., Akin, A.I., Kislal, Ozturk, A., Deviren, A., 2015. Yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency by tomato, pepper, cucumber, melon and eggplant as effected by nitrogen rates applied with drip‒irrigation /collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/33/017/33017168.pdf on August, 25, 2015). greenhouse conditions, (accessed at
  • ,
  • Kanber, R., 1984. Irrigation of first and second crop peanut at Cukurova plain using Class‒A pan. Research Institute of Tarsus, Publication no: 114 (6), Tarsus.
  • Kirnak, H., Tas, I., Kaya, C., 2001a. Effects of different irrigation levels on growth, yield and quality of eggplant under semiarid conditions, J.Agric.Fac.HR.U. 5 (3‒4): 77‒85.
  • Kirnak, H., Kaya, C., Tas, I., Higgs, D., 2001b. The influence of water deficit on vegetative growth physiology, fruit yield and quality in eggplants. Bulg.J.Plant Physiol. 27 (3‒4): 34‒46.
  • McNiesh, C.M., Welch, N.C., 1985. Trickle irrigation requirements for strawberries in coastal California, Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science. 110 (5): 714‒718.
  • Monteith, JL., 1977. Climate and Efficiency of Crop Production in Britain. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society London B. 281: 277‒297.
  • Monteith, JL., Elston, JL., 1983. Performance and productivity of foliage in the field. In: The Growth and Functioning of Leaves (Eds): JE Dale and FL Miltthorpe. Camb.Univ.Press. Butterworths. London, pp. 499‒518.
  • Monteith, J.L., Unsworth, M.H., 1973. Principle of Enviromental Physics (2 nd Edition), Oxford Auckland Boston Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi.
  • Patane, C., La‒Rosa, S., TringalI, S., Scandurra, S., 2010. Radiation use and irrigation water use efficiency in processing tomato at two plant densities under deficit irrigation in a Mediterranean climate. ISHS Acta Horticulture 922: XXVIII International Symposium on CLIMWATER 2010.
  • Rosati, A., Badeck, F.W., Dejong, T.M., 2001. Estimating canopy light interception and absorption using leaf mass per unit leaf area in Solanum melongena. Annals of Botany. 88: 101‒109.
  • Tanner, CB., Sinclair, TR., 1983. Efficient water use in crop production: research or re‒search. In: Taylor HM et al. (Eds.). Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Production. ASA, Madison,WI, pp.1‒27.
  • Trapani, N., Hall, AJ., Sadras, VO., Vilella, F., 1992. Ontogenic changes in radiation use efficiency of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Field Crops Res. 29: 301‒316.
  • Whitfield, DM., Connor, DJ., Hall, AJ., 1989. Carbon dioxide balance of sunflower subjected to water stresss during grain filling. Field Crops Res. 20: 65‒80.
  • Yildirim, M., 2010. Water management in coastal areas with low quality irrigation water for pepper growth. Journal of Coastal Researh. 26 (5): 2010.

Water and Radiation Use Efficiency of Eggplant Under None Water Stress Condition in Semi–Arid Region

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 71 - 77, 01.12.2015


An experiment was conducted in an open field to determine the simultaneous relationship between radiation interception, evapotranspiration, plant development and yield. Full water demand of eggplant (Solanum melongena L. cv) was met througout the entire growing season by using Class–A pan in 2014. This study assessed the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR), water use efficiency (WUE), radiation use efficiency (RUE) and total dry matter (TDM) of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in each stages throuhout the all growing period. The incident PAR was 1120 MJ m-2, of which 393 Mj m-2 intercepted by the eggplant canopy. The yield was 41.5 t ha-1, with the applied water of 509 mm and evapotranspiration of 612.9 mm for the entire growing season, lasting 113 days. In this experiment, a strong relationship was determined between solar radiation and evaporation occuring from Class–A pan. Therefore, it is thought to be used in the activatation of micro irrigation systems automatically


  • Ahmad, S., Zia‒Ul‒Haq, M., Ali, H., Shad, S., Ahmad, A., Maqsood, M., Khan, MB., Mehmood, S., Hussain, A., 2008. Water and radiation use efficiencies of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) at different plant densities and irrigation regimes under semi‒arid environment. Pak. J. Bot. 40 (1): 199‒209.
  • Akuzum, T., Cakmak, B., Gokalp, Z., 2010. Evaluation of water resources management in Turkey.Proceedings of the 1st National Water Resources Management Symposium 20‒22 October, Karaman,Turkey. 1‒15.
  • Anonymous, 2010. Climate change,, accessed on 6th December 2010.
  • Biscoe, PV., Gallagher, JN., 1978. Physical analysis of cereal yield. . Production of dry matter. Agric. Progress, 34‒50.
  • Cai, X., Rosegrant, M.W., 2003. World water productivity: current situation and future options. In: Kijne, J.W. Barker, R., Molden, D. (Eds.), Water productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo Sri Lanka. pp. 163‒178.
  • Casadesus, J., Mata, M., Marsal, J., Girona, J., 2011. Automated irrigation of apple trees based on measurements of light interception by the canopy. Biosystems Engineering. 108: 220‒226.
  • De Carvalho, D.F., De Lima, M.E., De Oliveira, A.D., Da Rocha, H.S., Guerra, J.G.M., 2012. Crop coefficient and water consumption of eggplant in no‒tillage system and conventional soil preparation, Eng.Agr.J. aboticabal. 32 (4): 784‒793.
  • Faostat, Database. 2012. FAO Statistics, fresh market tomatoes. (Retrieved May 20, 2015 from:
  • Gimenez, C., Connor, DJ., Rueda, F., 1994. Canopy development, photosynthesis and radiation‒use efficiency in sunflower in response to nitrogen. Field Crops Res. 38: 15‒27.
  • Gonçalves, M.C.R., Melo Diniz, M.F.F., Borba, J.D.C., Nunes, X.P., Barbosa‒Filho, J.M., 2006. Berinjela (Solanum melongena L.) mito ou realidade no combate as dislipi demias. Revista Brasileira de Farma cognosia, Curitiba. 16 (2): 252‒257.
  • Halitligil, M.B., Akin, A.I., Kislal, Ozturk, A., Deviren, A., 2015. Yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency by tomato, pepper, cucumber, melon and eggplant as effected by nitrogen rates applied with drip‒irrigation /collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/33/017/33017168.pdf on August, 25, 2015). greenhouse conditions, (accessed at
  • ,
  • Kanber, R., 1984. Irrigation of first and second crop peanut at Cukurova plain using Class‒A pan. Research Institute of Tarsus, Publication no: 114 (6), Tarsus.
  • Kirnak, H., Tas, I., Kaya, C., 2001a. Effects of different irrigation levels on growth, yield and quality of eggplant under semiarid conditions, J.Agric.Fac.HR.U. 5 (3‒4): 77‒85.
  • Kirnak, H., Kaya, C., Tas, I., Higgs, D., 2001b. The influence of water deficit on vegetative growth physiology, fruit yield and quality in eggplants. Bulg.J.Plant Physiol. 27 (3‒4): 34‒46.
  • McNiesh, C.M., Welch, N.C., 1985. Trickle irrigation requirements for strawberries in coastal California, Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science. 110 (5): 714‒718.
  • Monteith, JL., 1977. Climate and Efficiency of Crop Production in Britain. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society London B. 281: 277‒297.
  • Monteith, JL., Elston, JL., 1983. Performance and productivity of foliage in the field. In: The Growth and Functioning of Leaves (Eds): JE Dale and FL Miltthorpe. Camb.Univ.Press. Butterworths. London, pp. 499‒518.
  • Monteith, J.L., Unsworth, M.H., 1973. Principle of Enviromental Physics (2 nd Edition), Oxford Auckland Boston Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi.
  • Patane, C., La‒Rosa, S., TringalI, S., Scandurra, S., 2010. Radiation use and irrigation water use efficiency in processing tomato at two plant densities under deficit irrigation in a Mediterranean climate. ISHS Acta Horticulture 922: XXVIII International Symposium on CLIMWATER 2010.
  • Rosati, A., Badeck, F.W., Dejong, T.M., 2001. Estimating canopy light interception and absorption using leaf mass per unit leaf area in Solanum melongena. Annals of Botany. 88: 101‒109.
  • Tanner, CB., Sinclair, TR., 1983. Efficient water use in crop production: research or re‒search. In: Taylor HM et al. (Eds.). Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Production. ASA, Madison,WI, pp.1‒27.
  • Trapani, N., Hall, AJ., Sadras, VO., Vilella, F., 1992. Ontogenic changes in radiation use efficiency of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Field Crops Res. 29: 301‒316.
  • Whitfield, DM., Connor, DJ., Hall, AJ., 1989. Carbon dioxide balance of sunflower subjected to water stresss during grain filling. Field Crops Res. 20: 65‒80.
  • Yildirim, M., 2010. Water management in coastal areas with low quality irrigation water for pepper growth. Journal of Coastal Researh. 26 (5): 2010.
There are 25 citations in total.


Other ID JA89YU82UY
Journal Section Articles

Murat Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yıldırım, M. (2015). Water and Radiation Use Efficiency of Eggplant Under None Water Stress Condition in Semi–Arid Region. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 3(2), 71-77.