Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 225 - 254, 23.03.2020



  • Abassinejad, Hossein (2005), “Estimation of the Level and Distribution of Households’ Human Capital the Case of Tehran”, Iranian Economic Review, 10(14), 185-201.
  • Alper, Ali Eren vd. (2015), “Beşeri Sermayenin Belirleyicileri: Üst Orta Gelirli Ülkeler Grubu ile OECD Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9, 565-578.
  • Balcerzak, Adam P. (2016), “Multiple-Criteria Evaluation of Quality of Human Capital in the European Union Countries”, Economics and Sociology, 9(2), 11-26.
  • Balcerzak, Adam P. ve Pietrzak, Michal Bernard (2016), “Quality of Human Capıtal in the European Union in the Years 2004-2013 Application of Structural Equation Modeling”, Marian Reiff ve Pavel Gežík (Ed.), Quantitative Methods in Economics Multiple Criteria Decision Making XVIII, Letra Interactive, Bratislava, 7-12.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (1993), “International Comparisons of Educational Attainment”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32 (3), 363–394.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (1996), International Measures of Schooling Years and Schooling Quality”, American Economic Review, 86 (2), 218–223.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (2001), “International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications”, Oxford Economic Papers, 53(3), 541–563.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (2010), “A New Data Set of Educational Attainment in the World, 1950–2010”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper, 15902.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1962), “Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis”, The Journal of Political Economy, 70(5), 9-49.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1964), Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, National Bureau of Economic Research Publications, USA.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1993), “The Economic Way of Looking at Life”, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Working Paper, 12, 1-25
  • Bollen, Kenneth A. (1989), Structural Equations with Latent Variables, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • Bollen, Kenneth A. (1990), “Overall Fit in Covariance Structure Models: Two Types of Sample Size Effects”, Psychological Bulletin, 107(2), 256−259.
  • Boomsma, Anne (1983), On the Robustness of LISREL (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) Against Small Sample Size and Nonnormality, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Groningen.
  • Boomsma, Anne ve Hoogland, Jeffrey J. (2001), “The Robustness of LISREL Modeling Revisited”, Robert Cudeck vd. (Ed.), Structural Equation Models: Present and Future, içinde (139–168), Scientific Software International, Chicago.
  • Chou, Chih-Ping ve Bentler, Peter M. (1995), “Estimates and Tests in Structural Equation Modeling”, Rick H. Hoyle. (Ed), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues and Applications, içinde (37-55), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
  • Cohen, Daniel ve Soto, Marcelo (2001), “Growth and Human Capital: Good Data, Good Results”, OECD Development Centre, Technical Papers, 179.
  • Curran, Patrick J. vd. (1996), “The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis”, Psychological Methods, 1(1), 16−29.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1977), “A New Model of Personal Income Distribution: Specification and Estimation”, Economie Applique´e, 30(3), 413–437.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1994), “Human Capital, Income and Wealth Distribution Models and Their Applications to the USA”, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Statistics Section, 253-258.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1996) “A Systematic Approach to the Generation of Income Distribution Models”, Journal of Income Distributions, 6 (1), 105–126.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1999a), “A Study on the Distributions of Income, Wealth, and Human Capital”, Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales, 37(113), 231-268.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1999b), “Measuring the Level of Personal and National Human Capital”, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Government Statistics and Social Statistics Sections, 159th meeting, 1-10.
  • Dagum, Camilo vd. (2003a), “A Multiequational Recursive Model of Human Capital, Income and Wealth of Households with Application”, Business and Economics Statistics Section [CD-ROM], American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA.
  • Dagum, Camilo vd. (2003b), “An Estimation Methodology for Variable “Human Capital” in the U.S.A.”, Business and Economics Statistics Section [CD-ROM], American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA.
  • Dagum, Camilo ve Vittadini, Giorgio (1996), “Human Capital Measurement and Distributions”, Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 194–199,, (21.06.2016).
  • Dagum, Camilo ve Slotje, Daniel J. (2000), “A New Method to Estimate the Level and Distribution of Household Human Capital with Application”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11(1-2), 67-94.
  • De la Fuente, Angel ve Doménech, Rafael (2000), “Human Capital in Growth Regressions: How Much Difference Does Data Quality Make?”, OECD Working Paper, 262.
  • Di Bartolo, Annamaria (1999), “Modern Human Capital Analysis: Estimation of US, Canada and Italy Earning Functions”, Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Working Paper, 212.
  • Di Bartolo, Annamaria (2000), “Human Capital Estimation through Structural Equation Models with some Categorical Observed Variables”, IRISS Working Paper Series, 2, 1-10.
  • Dreger, Christian vd. (2009), “Regional Measures of Human Capital in the European Union”, IZA Discussion Paper, 3919, 1-31.
  • Dublin, Louis I. ve Lotka, Alfred J. (1930), The Money Value of Man, Ronald Press Company, New York.
  • Eisner, Robert (1985), “The Total Incomes System of Accounts”, Survey of Current Business, 65 (1), 24–48.
  • Farr, William (1853), “Equitable Taxation of Property”, Wiley for the Royal Statistical Society, 16(1), 1–44,, (06.03.2018).
  • Gemmell, Norman (1996), “Evaluating the Impacts of Human Capital Stocks and Accumulation on Economic Growth: Some New Evidence”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 58(1), 9-28.
  • Grossman, Michael (1999), “The Human Capital Model of the Demand for Health”, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers, 7078, 1-100.
  • Gu, Wulong ve Wong, Ambrose (2010), “Estimates of Human Capital in Canada: The Lifetime Income Approach,” Economic Analysis Research Paper Series, 62, 1-45,, (24.11.2016).
  • Hoogland, Jeffrey J. (1999), The Robustness of Estimation Methods for Covariance Structure Analysis, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Groningen.
  • Hu, Li-tze ve Bentler, Peter M. (1995), “Evaluating Model Fit”, Rick H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications içinde (76−99), Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
  • Jeong, Byeongju (2002), “Measurement of Human Capital Input across Countries: A Method Based on the Laborer’s Income”, Journal of Development Economics, 67 (2), 333–349.
  • Jorgenson, Dale W. ve Fraumeni, Barbara M. (1989), “The Accumulation of Human and Non-Human Capital, 1948–1984”, Robert E. Lipsey ve Helen Stone Tice (Ed.), The Measurement of Savings, Investment and Wealth, içinde (227–282), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Jorgenson, Dale W. ve Fraumeni, Barbara M. (1992), “The Output of the Education Sector”, Zvi Griliches (Ed.), Output Measurement in the Services Sector, içinde (303–338), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Jöreskog, Karl G. ve Goldberger, Arthur S. (1975), “Estimation of a Model with Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes of a Single Latent Variable”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70(351a), 631-639.
  • Kendrick, John W. (1976), The Formation and Stocks of Total Capital, Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Kolenikov, Stanislav (2009), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis Using Confa”, The Stata Journal, 9(3), 329–373.
  • Koman, Reinhard ve Marin, Dalia (1997), “Human Capital and Macroeconomic Growth: Austria and Germany, 1960-1992”, CEPR Working Paper, 1551,
  • Kyriacou, George A. (1991), “Level and Growth Effects of Human Capital: A Cross-Country Study of the Convergence Hypothesis”, C. V. Starr Center Working Paper, 91(26).
  • Laroche, Mireille ve Merette, Marcel (2000), “Measuring Human Capital in Canada” Ministry of Finance of Canada, 1-34,
  • Lau, Lawrence J. vd. (1991), “Education and Productivity in Developing Countries: An Aggregate Production Function Approach”, World Bank, Policy, Research, and External Affairs Working Paper, 612.
  • Lovaglio, Pietro Giorgio ve Folloni, Giuseppe (2011), “The Estimation of Human Capital in Structural Models with Flexible Specification”, Almalaurea Working Papers, 11, 1-14.Li, Haizheng vd. (2014), “Human Capital Estimates in China: New Panel Data 1985-2010”, China Economic Review, 30(1), 397-418.
  • Mulligan, Casey B. ve Xavier, Sala-i-Martin (1997), “A Labor-Income-Based Measure of the Value of Human Capital: An Application to the States of the United States”, Japan and the World Economy 9(2), 159-191.
  • Mulligan, Casey B. ve Xavier, Sala-i-Martin (2000), “Measuring Aggregate Human Capital”, Journal of Economic Growth, 5(3), 215-252.
  • Muthén, Linda K. ve Muthén, Bengt O. (2002), “How to Use a Monte Carlo Study to Decide on Sample Size and Determine Power”, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(4), 599−620.
  • Nehru, Vikram vd. (1995), “A New Database in Human Capital Stock in Developing Industrial Countries: Sources, Methodology and Results”, Journal of Development Economics, 46 (2), 379–401.
  • OECD (2001), The Well-being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Oxley, Les vd. (2008), “Measuring Human Capital: Alternative Methods and International Evidence”, The Korean Economic Review, 24(2), 283-344.
  • Öz, Bülent vd. (2009), “Kümeleme Analizi ile Türkiye ve AB Ülkelerinin Beşeri Sermaye Göstergeleri Açısından Karşılaştırılması”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 1-30.
  • Petty, William (1691) Political Arithmetick, reprinted in C.H. Hull, The Economic Writings of Sir WilliamPetty.
  • Psacharopoulos, George ve Arriagada, Ana-Maria (1986), “The Educational Attainment of the Labor Force: An International Comparison”, The World Bank Discussion Paper, EDT38, 1-55.
  • Raykov, Tenko ve Marcoulides, George A. (2006), A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling, 2th Ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahlah, New Jersey, London.
  • Satorra, Albert ve Bentler, Peter M. (1994), “Corrections to Test Statistics and Standard Errors in Covariance Structure Analysis”, Alexander von Eye ve Clifford C. Clogg (Ed.), Latent Variable Analysis: Applications for Developmental Research, içinde (399–419), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
  • Schermelleh-Engel, Karin vd. (2003), “Evaluating the Fit of Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-of-Fit Measures”, Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74,, (16.08.2017).
  • Schneider, Friedrich vd. (2010), “Shadow Economies All over the World: New Estimates for 162 Countries from 1999 to 2007 (Revised Version)”, Policy Research Working Paper, 5356.
  • Schultz, Theodore W. (1960), “Capital Formation by Education”, Journal of Political Economy, 68(6), 571-583,, (12.03.2015).
  • Schultz, Theodore W. (1961), “Investment in Human Capital”, The American Economic Review, 51(1), 1-17,, (2.11.2015).
  • Schultz, Theodore W. (1993), The Economics of Being Poor, Cambridge University Press, Blackwell.
  • Skrondal, Anders ve Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia (2007), “Latent Variable Modelling: A Survey”, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34, 712-745.
  • Tallman, Ellis W. ve Wang, Ping (1994), “Human Capital and Endogenous Growth Evidence From Taiwan”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 34(1), 101-124.
  • Tao, Hung-Lin ve Stinson, Thomas F. (1997), “An Alternative Measure of Human Capital Stock”, University of Minnesota Economic Development Center Bulletin, 97(1), 1-31.
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda Yerdelen (2011), “The Relationships Between Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth: A Panel Error Correction Model”, Journal of Economic and Social Research, 13(1), 77-90.
  • Tepecik, Filiz (2000), Beşeri Sermaye Teorisi ve Eskişehir'de Bireysel Ücret Gelirleri Arasındaki Farklılıklar, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi - Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • UNECE (2016), Guide on Measuring Human Capital, ECE/CES, 2(2), Paris.
  • Vittadini, Giorgio vd. (2003), “A Method for the Estimation of the Distribution of Human Capital from Sample Surveys on Income and Wealth”, Joint Statistical Meetings, Business & Economic Statistics Section,, (15.05.2016).
  • Vittadini, Giorgio ve Lovaglio, Pietro Giorgio (2007), “Evaluation of the Dagum–Slottje Method to Estimate Household Human Capital”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 18(2), 270-278.
  • West, Stephen G vd. (1995), “Structural Equation Models with Nonnormal Variables: Problems and Remedies”, Rick H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural Eequation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, içinde (56−75), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
  • Wei, Hui (2001), “Measuring the Stock of Human Capital for Australia: A Lifetime Labour Income Approach”, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1-29,$File/1352055045_Nov2001.pdf, (1.12.2016).
  • World Bank (2006), Where is the Wealth of Nations?, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
  • World Bank (2011), The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
  • World Economic Forum (2015), The Human Capital Report, Employment, Skills and Human Capital Global Challenge Insight Report, World Economic Forum.
  • Yang-Wallentin, Fan ve Jöreskog, Karl G. (2001), “Robust Standard Errors and Chi-Squares for Interaction Models”, George. A. Marcoulides and Rendall E.
  • Schumacker (Ed.), New Developments and Techniques in Structural Equation Modeling, içinde (159-171), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.

Beşeri Sermaye Tahmini: Gizli Değişken Yaklaşımı

Yıl 2020, , 225 - 254, 23.03.2020


Beşeri sermaye bir
ülkenin iktisadi büyüme performansını açıklamada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
Literatürde beşeri sermayenin bireysel düzeyde sayısal ölçümüne yönelik farklı
yaklaşımlar önerilmiş, çapraz ülke düzeyinde eğitim stoğuna dayalı farklı
ölçümler ya da yine çapraz ülke düzeyinde beşeri sermayenin kısıtlı
bileşenlerinin ortalamalarına dayalı yeni ölçümler geliştirilmiştir. Bu
yaklaşımlar arasında gizli değişken yaklaşımı, beşeri sermayenin karmaşık, çok
yönlü, doğrudan gözlenemeyen ve kesin olarak ölçülemeyen bir olgu olduğunu yani
istatistiksel olarak beşeri sermayenin gizli bir değişken olduğunu
önermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, gizli değişken yaklaşımını benimseyerek
Türkiye ekonomisi için 81 il kapsamında 2008-2013 dönemi panel verileri ile
makroekonomik düzeyde bir beşeri sermaye endeksi oluşturmaktır. Bu doğrultuda
çalışmada gizli değişken tahmin yöntemlerinden Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ve
Çoklu Gösterge-Çoklu Neden Modelleri kullanılmıştır. İller için kurulan model
tahminleri eğitim değişkenlerinin beşeri sermayeyi belirlemede iyi birer
gösterge olduklarını bir kez daha göstermiştir. Çoklu Gösterge-Çoklu Neden
model tahminlerine göre en yüksek etkiye sahip eğitim değişkeni ortaöğretim
okullaşma oranı iken; Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi model tahmin sonuçlarına göre
en yüksek etkiye sahip eğitim değişkeni üniversite mezun oranı olmuştur İller
bazında beşeri sermaye endeks değerleri incelendiğinde 2008 yılı için İstanbul,
Ankara ve İzmir ilinin hem Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi hem de Çoklu
Gösterge-Çoklu Neden modellerinde beklenildiği üzere beşeri sermaye endeks
değerleri bakımından öncü oldukları, bu illeri Eskişehir, Bursa, Konya ve Adana
illerinin takip ettiği tespit edilmiştir. En düşük beşeri sermaye endeksine
sahip iller ise Iğdır, Hakkari, Şırnak, Kilis, Bayburt, Tunceli ve Ardahan
olarak sıralanmaktadır. Çalışmada elde edilen 2008-2013 dönemi iller ortalaması
beşeri sermaye endeks değerleri Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı
tarafından hesaplanan İnsani Gelişmişlik Endeksi ile karşılaştırıldığında,
ilgili endeks değerlerinin aynı yönlü bir eğilime sahip oldukları saptanmıştır.


  • Abassinejad, Hossein (2005), “Estimation of the Level and Distribution of Households’ Human Capital the Case of Tehran”, Iranian Economic Review, 10(14), 185-201.
  • Alper, Ali Eren vd. (2015), “Beşeri Sermayenin Belirleyicileri: Üst Orta Gelirli Ülkeler Grubu ile OECD Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9, 565-578.
  • Balcerzak, Adam P. (2016), “Multiple-Criteria Evaluation of Quality of Human Capital in the European Union Countries”, Economics and Sociology, 9(2), 11-26.
  • Balcerzak, Adam P. ve Pietrzak, Michal Bernard (2016), “Quality of Human Capıtal in the European Union in the Years 2004-2013 Application of Structural Equation Modeling”, Marian Reiff ve Pavel Gežík (Ed.), Quantitative Methods in Economics Multiple Criteria Decision Making XVIII, Letra Interactive, Bratislava, 7-12.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (1993), “International Comparisons of Educational Attainment”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32 (3), 363–394.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (1996), International Measures of Schooling Years and Schooling Quality”, American Economic Review, 86 (2), 218–223.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (2001), “International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications”, Oxford Economic Papers, 53(3), 541–563.
  • Barro, Robert J. ve Lee, Jong-Wha (2010), “A New Data Set of Educational Attainment in the World, 1950–2010”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper, 15902.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1962), “Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis”, The Journal of Political Economy, 70(5), 9-49.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1964), Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, National Bureau of Economic Research Publications, USA.
  • Becker, Gary Stanley (1993), “The Economic Way of Looking at Life”, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Working Paper, 12, 1-25
  • Bollen, Kenneth A. (1989), Structural Equations with Latent Variables, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • Bollen, Kenneth A. (1990), “Overall Fit in Covariance Structure Models: Two Types of Sample Size Effects”, Psychological Bulletin, 107(2), 256−259.
  • Boomsma, Anne (1983), On the Robustness of LISREL (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) Against Small Sample Size and Nonnormality, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Groningen.
  • Boomsma, Anne ve Hoogland, Jeffrey J. (2001), “The Robustness of LISREL Modeling Revisited”, Robert Cudeck vd. (Ed.), Structural Equation Models: Present and Future, içinde (139–168), Scientific Software International, Chicago.
  • Chou, Chih-Ping ve Bentler, Peter M. (1995), “Estimates and Tests in Structural Equation Modeling”, Rick H. Hoyle. (Ed), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues and Applications, içinde (37-55), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
  • Cohen, Daniel ve Soto, Marcelo (2001), “Growth and Human Capital: Good Data, Good Results”, OECD Development Centre, Technical Papers, 179.
  • Curran, Patrick J. vd. (1996), “The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis”, Psychological Methods, 1(1), 16−29.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1977), “A New Model of Personal Income Distribution: Specification and Estimation”, Economie Applique´e, 30(3), 413–437.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1994), “Human Capital, Income and Wealth Distribution Models and Their Applications to the USA”, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Statistics Section, 253-258.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1996) “A Systematic Approach to the Generation of Income Distribution Models”, Journal of Income Distributions, 6 (1), 105–126.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1999a), “A Study on the Distributions of Income, Wealth, and Human Capital”, Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales, 37(113), 231-268.
  • Dagum, Camilo (1999b), “Measuring the Level of Personal and National Human Capital”, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Government Statistics and Social Statistics Sections, 159th meeting, 1-10.
  • Dagum, Camilo vd. (2003a), “A Multiequational Recursive Model of Human Capital, Income and Wealth of Households with Application”, Business and Economics Statistics Section [CD-ROM], American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA.
  • Dagum, Camilo vd. (2003b), “An Estimation Methodology for Variable “Human Capital” in the U.S.A.”, Business and Economics Statistics Section [CD-ROM], American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA.
  • Dagum, Camilo ve Vittadini, Giorgio (1996), “Human Capital Measurement and Distributions”, Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 194–199,, (21.06.2016).
  • Dagum, Camilo ve Slotje, Daniel J. (2000), “A New Method to Estimate the Level and Distribution of Household Human Capital with Application”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11(1-2), 67-94.
  • De la Fuente, Angel ve Doménech, Rafael (2000), “Human Capital in Growth Regressions: How Much Difference Does Data Quality Make?”, OECD Working Paper, 262.
  • Di Bartolo, Annamaria (1999), “Modern Human Capital Analysis: Estimation of US, Canada and Italy Earning Functions”, Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Working Paper, 212.
  • Di Bartolo, Annamaria (2000), “Human Capital Estimation through Structural Equation Models with some Categorical Observed Variables”, IRISS Working Paper Series, 2, 1-10.
  • Dreger, Christian vd. (2009), “Regional Measures of Human Capital in the European Union”, IZA Discussion Paper, 3919, 1-31.
  • Dublin, Louis I. ve Lotka, Alfred J. (1930), The Money Value of Man, Ronald Press Company, New York.
  • Eisner, Robert (1985), “The Total Incomes System of Accounts”, Survey of Current Business, 65 (1), 24–48.
  • Farr, William (1853), “Equitable Taxation of Property”, Wiley for the Royal Statistical Society, 16(1), 1–44,, (06.03.2018).
  • Gemmell, Norman (1996), “Evaluating the Impacts of Human Capital Stocks and Accumulation on Economic Growth: Some New Evidence”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 58(1), 9-28.
  • Grossman, Michael (1999), “The Human Capital Model of the Demand for Health”, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers, 7078, 1-100.
  • Gu, Wulong ve Wong, Ambrose (2010), “Estimates of Human Capital in Canada: The Lifetime Income Approach,” Economic Analysis Research Paper Series, 62, 1-45,, (24.11.2016).
  • Hoogland, Jeffrey J. (1999), The Robustness of Estimation Methods for Covariance Structure Analysis, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Groningen.
  • Hu, Li-tze ve Bentler, Peter M. (1995), “Evaluating Model Fit”, Rick H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications içinde (76−99), Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
  • Jeong, Byeongju (2002), “Measurement of Human Capital Input across Countries: A Method Based on the Laborer’s Income”, Journal of Development Economics, 67 (2), 333–349.
  • Jorgenson, Dale W. ve Fraumeni, Barbara M. (1989), “The Accumulation of Human and Non-Human Capital, 1948–1984”, Robert E. Lipsey ve Helen Stone Tice (Ed.), The Measurement of Savings, Investment and Wealth, içinde (227–282), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Jorgenson, Dale W. ve Fraumeni, Barbara M. (1992), “The Output of the Education Sector”, Zvi Griliches (Ed.), Output Measurement in the Services Sector, içinde (303–338), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Jöreskog, Karl G. ve Goldberger, Arthur S. (1975), “Estimation of a Model with Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes of a Single Latent Variable”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70(351a), 631-639.
  • Kendrick, John W. (1976), The Formation and Stocks of Total Capital, Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Kolenikov, Stanislav (2009), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis Using Confa”, The Stata Journal, 9(3), 329–373.
  • Koman, Reinhard ve Marin, Dalia (1997), “Human Capital and Macroeconomic Growth: Austria and Germany, 1960-1992”, CEPR Working Paper, 1551,
  • Kyriacou, George A. (1991), “Level and Growth Effects of Human Capital: A Cross-Country Study of the Convergence Hypothesis”, C. V. Starr Center Working Paper, 91(26).
  • Laroche, Mireille ve Merette, Marcel (2000), “Measuring Human Capital in Canada” Ministry of Finance of Canada, 1-34,
  • Lau, Lawrence J. vd. (1991), “Education and Productivity in Developing Countries: An Aggregate Production Function Approach”, World Bank, Policy, Research, and External Affairs Working Paper, 612.
  • Lovaglio, Pietro Giorgio ve Folloni, Giuseppe (2011), “The Estimation of Human Capital in Structural Models with Flexible Specification”, Almalaurea Working Papers, 11, 1-14.Li, Haizheng vd. (2014), “Human Capital Estimates in China: New Panel Data 1985-2010”, China Economic Review, 30(1), 397-418.
  • Mulligan, Casey B. ve Xavier, Sala-i-Martin (1997), “A Labor-Income-Based Measure of the Value of Human Capital: An Application to the States of the United States”, Japan and the World Economy 9(2), 159-191.
  • Mulligan, Casey B. ve Xavier, Sala-i-Martin (2000), “Measuring Aggregate Human Capital”, Journal of Economic Growth, 5(3), 215-252.
  • Muthén, Linda K. ve Muthén, Bengt O. (2002), “How to Use a Monte Carlo Study to Decide on Sample Size and Determine Power”, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(4), 599−620.
  • Nehru, Vikram vd. (1995), “A New Database in Human Capital Stock in Developing Industrial Countries: Sources, Methodology and Results”, Journal of Development Economics, 46 (2), 379–401.
  • OECD (2001), The Well-being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Oxley, Les vd. (2008), “Measuring Human Capital: Alternative Methods and International Evidence”, The Korean Economic Review, 24(2), 283-344.
  • Öz, Bülent vd. (2009), “Kümeleme Analizi ile Türkiye ve AB Ülkelerinin Beşeri Sermaye Göstergeleri Açısından Karşılaştırılması”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 1-30.
  • Petty, William (1691) Political Arithmetick, reprinted in C.H. Hull, The Economic Writings of Sir WilliamPetty.
  • Psacharopoulos, George ve Arriagada, Ana-Maria (1986), “The Educational Attainment of the Labor Force: An International Comparison”, The World Bank Discussion Paper, EDT38, 1-55.
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Toplam 81 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nilcan Albayrak 0000-0002-4065-4768

Zehra Abdioğlu 0000-0002-1653-2840

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Albayrak, N., & Abdioğlu, Z. (2020). Beşeri Sermaye Tahmini: Gizli Değişken Yaklaşımı. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(36), 225-254.

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