Taiwan-Cyprus-Kosovo Cases: Differences And Similarities
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 30, 553 - 572, 20.04.2018
Kamer Kasım
Elif Eren Kasım
There are different types of states in the international system and each has its own historical and political development. Taiwan, Cyprus and Kosovo are the three examples of disputes in international relations. The three states are in different geographic locations and their history and content of the disputes that they come through are different. However, there are also similarities among Taiwan-CyprusKosovo examples which makes them valuable to evaluate. This study aims to analyze Taiwan-Cyprus and Kosovo cases in order to illustrate possible solution of disputes. This study will also evaluate each case concerning the developments in international system to shed a light the regional and international implications of these cases.
- Anastasiou Harry, The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2008).
- Berg Eiki and Toomla Raul, “Forms of Normalisation in the Quest for De Facto Statehood”, International Spectator, Vol. 44, No. 4, December 2009, p. 27-45.
- Bush C. Richard, Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan Strait, (Brookings Institution Press, 2005).
- Chen Lu, “Taiwan Protesters End Occupation of Parliament”, Epoch Times, http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/607903-taiwan-protesters-end-occupation-of-parliament/, 7 April 2014.
- Chen P. Dean, US Taiwan Strait Policy, The Origins of Strategic Ambuguity, Boulder & (London: First Forum Press, 2012).
- Chi Su, Taiwan’s Relations with Mainland China, A Tail Wagging Two Dogs, (London and New York: Routledge, 2009), p. 1-30.
- Chiu Hungdah, “The International Legal Status of Taiwan”, Jean-Marie Henckaerts (Ed), The International Status of Taiwan in the New World Order, Legal and Political Considerations, (London: The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International Ltd, 1996), p. 3-8.
- Chris Wang,“Opposition, Groups Protests Trade Pact”, Taipei Times, http://www.taipeitimes. com/News/front/archives/2014/03/19/2003586009, 19 March 2014.
- Copper F. John, “The Taiwan Factor in US-China Relations”, Suisheng Zhao (Ed.), China and the United States, Cooperation and Competition in Northeast Asia, (New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2008), p. 171-191.
- Coppieters Bruno, “Conflict Resolution after 2008 Georgia-Russia War: The Taiwan and Kosovo Models as Tools for Mobilization and Comparision”, Nationalities Paper: Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Vol. 42, No. 5, September 2012, p. 677-701.
- FlorCruz Michelle, “Taiwan Student Protests Escalate: Economic Trade Agreement With Beijing Reflects Annexation Fears”, International Business Times, http://www.ibtimes.com/taiwanstudent-protests-escalate-economic-trade-agreement-beijing-reflects-annexation-fearsphotos, 24 March 2014.
- Griffin Nicholas, Ping-Pong Diplomacy: The Secret History Behind the Game that Changed the World, (Simon&Schuster, 2014). Hatay Mete and Bryant Rebecca, Negotiating the Cyprus Problem(s), (İstanbul: TESEV Publications, 2011).
- Holmes R. James, “The 2008 Elections and Asia’s Maritime Future: A Clausewitzian Prognosis”, in I Yuan (Ed.), Cross-Strait at the Turning Point: Institution, Identity and Democracy, Institute of International Relations English Series No.34, Institutte of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, 2008, p. 319-346.
- Huang Eric Tinglun, The Status of Taiwan Under International Law and in a Changing World, 2007. Kan A. Shirley and Wayne M. Morrison, US-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues, Conressional Research Service, CRS Report, 18 November 2013.
- Kasım Kamer, “Power Shift in Taiwan and Its Implications on Cross-Strait Relations”, LEAM 13. Lodz East Asia Meeting, Power Shift in East Asia: Prospects for Developing Asian-European Ties, Lodz/Poland, 1-2 June 2017.
- Kasım Kamer, “The Impact of the US Rebalancing Policy toward Asia Pacific on International Relations”, LEAM, 12. Lodz East Asia Meeting, Overwelming Contraversies in East Asia, Lodz/ Polonya, 2-3 June 2016.
- Kasım Kamer, “Turkey-Taiwan Relations in the Context of Turkey’s Asia Pacific Policy”, International Relations/Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 12, No. 45, 2015, p. 83-100. Kasım Kamer, “Soğuk Savaş Dönemi Sonrası Kıbrıs Sorunu”, Akademik Bakış, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter, 2007, p. 57-72.
- Kasım Kamer, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne Üyelik Süreci”, in Harun Arıkan and Muhsin Kar (Ed.), Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri, Siyasal, Bülgesel ve Ekonomik Boyutlar, (Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2005), p. 259-273.
- Kasım Kamer, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve Doğu Akdeniz’de Güvenlik”, Kamer Kasım and Zerrin A. Bakan (Der.), Uluslararası Güvenlik Sorunları, (Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2004), p. 125-140
- Kaufmann Chaim, “Possible and Impossible Solutions to Ethnic Civil Wars”, International Security, Vol. 20, No. 4, Spring, 1996, p. 136-175.
- Klintworth Gary, China and Taiwan-From Flashpoint to Redefining One China, Research Paper, 152000-01, http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp0001/01RP15#develop, 7 November 2000.
- Kolstoe Pal, “The Sustainability and Future of Unrecognized Quasi States”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2006, p. 723-740.
- Kuijper Hans, “Is Taiwan a Part of China?”, Jean-Marie Henckaerts (Ed), The International Status of Taiwan in the New World Order, Legal and Political Considerations, London, The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International Ltd, 1996, p. 9-19.
- Nye Joseph S. Jr, “Our Pacific Predicament”, The American Interest, http://www.the-americaninterest.com/articles/2013/2/12/our-pacific-predicament/, March/April 2013.
- Özersay Kudret, Kıbrıs Sorunu Hukuksal Bir İnceleme, (Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2002). Pegg Scott, “The Taiwan of the Balkans? The De Facto State Option for Kosovo”, Southern European Politics, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2000, p. 90-100.
- Petkova Lenka, Kosovo and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus-Comparative Analysis, http://www.despiteborders.com/clanky/data/upimages/kosovo_cyprus.pdf, 2008. Pizzi Michael, “What is next for China-Taiwan Relations?”, http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/2/15/what-s-next-for-chinataiwanrelations.html, 15 February 2014. Sanchez
- Ray and Li Zoe, “Taiwan Legislature occupiers’ ultimatum passes without response from government”, http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/19/world/asia/taiwan-student-protests/, 21 March 2014.
- Scobell Andrew , “Show of Force: The PLA and the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis”, http://iis-db. stanford.edu/pubs/10091/Scobell.pdf, January 1999.
- Uslu Nasuh, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve ABD”, in İrfan Ülger and Ertan Efegil (Ed.), Avrupa Birliği Kıskacında Kıbrıs Sorunu, (Ankara: Ahsen Yayıncılık, 2001).
- Wu,Joseph “Independence is the real Status quo”, Taipei Times, 6 January 2004. Yılmaz E. Muzaffer, “Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Conflicts”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, No. 21, 2010, p. 1-22.
- Yu Peter Kien-hong, “The Republic of China and the United States: Official Relations Prior to 1979”, in Yu San Wang (Ed.), Foreign Policy of the Republic of China on Taiwan, An Unorthodox Approach, (New York: Preager Publisher, 1990).
- https://www.fas.org/irp/nic/battilega/taiwan.pdf http://www.taiwandc.org/twcom/tc102-int.pdf “Beijing Exerts no Pressure on Trade Pact: MAC Chief”, The China Post, http://www.chinapost. com.tw/taiwan/china-taiwan-relations/2014/04/12/405138/Beijing-exerts.htm, 12 April 2014. “Kosovo: Operation ‘Allied Force’ ”, House of Commons Research Paper 99/48, 29 Nisan 1999, http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/research/rp99/rp99-048.pdf. Operation Allied Force, http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/kosovo/ , 21 Haziran 1999. “The Comprehensive Proposal for Kosovo Status Settlement”, United Nations Office of the Special Envoy for Kosovo-UNOSEK-, http://www.unosek.org/unosek/en/statusproposal.html, 26 Mart 2007. http://www.kosovothanksyou.com/ http//www.mfa.gov.tr/NR!rdonlyres/CFIDE678-FA554B98 9E323D34C343EA5/0/DEKLARASYONMETNi.doc http://www.ait.org.tw/en/taiwan-relations-act.html https://www.fas.org/irp/nic/battilega/taiwan.pdf http://www.taiwandocuments.org/taipei01.htm http://www.cfr.org/sovereignty/montevideo-convention-rights-duties-states/p15897 http://ankara.mfa.gov.ct.tr/joint-declaration-by-the-trnc-legislative-assembly-condemningthe-decision-of-the-greek-cypriot-house-of-representatives-to-commemorate-the-plebiscite-for-enosis-in-greek-cypriot-schools/
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 30, 553 - 572, 20.04.2018
Kamer Kasım
Elif Eren Kasım
- Anastasiou Harry, The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2008).
- Berg Eiki and Toomla Raul, “Forms of Normalisation in the Quest for De Facto Statehood”, International Spectator, Vol. 44, No. 4, December 2009, p. 27-45.
- Bush C. Richard, Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan Strait, (Brookings Institution Press, 2005).
- Chen Lu, “Taiwan Protesters End Occupation of Parliament”, Epoch Times, http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/607903-taiwan-protesters-end-occupation-of-parliament/, 7 April 2014.
- Chen P. Dean, US Taiwan Strait Policy, The Origins of Strategic Ambuguity, Boulder & (London: First Forum Press, 2012).
- Chi Su, Taiwan’s Relations with Mainland China, A Tail Wagging Two Dogs, (London and New York: Routledge, 2009), p. 1-30.
- Chiu Hungdah, “The International Legal Status of Taiwan”, Jean-Marie Henckaerts (Ed), The International Status of Taiwan in the New World Order, Legal and Political Considerations, (London: The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International Ltd, 1996), p. 3-8.
- Chris Wang,“Opposition, Groups Protests Trade Pact”, Taipei Times, http://www.taipeitimes. com/News/front/archives/2014/03/19/2003586009, 19 March 2014.
- Copper F. John, “The Taiwan Factor in US-China Relations”, Suisheng Zhao (Ed.), China and the United States, Cooperation and Competition in Northeast Asia, (New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2008), p. 171-191.
- Coppieters Bruno, “Conflict Resolution after 2008 Georgia-Russia War: The Taiwan and Kosovo Models as Tools for Mobilization and Comparision”, Nationalities Paper: Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Vol. 42, No. 5, September 2012, p. 677-701.
- FlorCruz Michelle, “Taiwan Student Protests Escalate: Economic Trade Agreement With Beijing Reflects Annexation Fears”, International Business Times, http://www.ibtimes.com/taiwanstudent-protests-escalate-economic-trade-agreement-beijing-reflects-annexation-fearsphotos, 24 March 2014.
- Griffin Nicholas, Ping-Pong Diplomacy: The Secret History Behind the Game that Changed the World, (Simon&Schuster, 2014). Hatay Mete and Bryant Rebecca, Negotiating the Cyprus Problem(s), (İstanbul: TESEV Publications, 2011).
- Holmes R. James, “The 2008 Elections and Asia’s Maritime Future: A Clausewitzian Prognosis”, in I Yuan (Ed.), Cross-Strait at the Turning Point: Institution, Identity and Democracy, Institute of International Relations English Series No.34, Institutte of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, 2008, p. 319-346.
- Huang Eric Tinglun, The Status of Taiwan Under International Law and in a Changing World, 2007. Kan A. Shirley and Wayne M. Morrison, US-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues, Conressional Research Service, CRS Report, 18 November 2013.
- Kasım Kamer, “Power Shift in Taiwan and Its Implications on Cross-Strait Relations”, LEAM 13. Lodz East Asia Meeting, Power Shift in East Asia: Prospects for Developing Asian-European Ties, Lodz/Poland, 1-2 June 2017.
- Kasım Kamer, “The Impact of the US Rebalancing Policy toward Asia Pacific on International Relations”, LEAM, 12. Lodz East Asia Meeting, Overwelming Contraversies in East Asia, Lodz/ Polonya, 2-3 June 2016.
- Kasım Kamer, “Turkey-Taiwan Relations in the Context of Turkey’s Asia Pacific Policy”, International Relations/Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 12, No. 45, 2015, p. 83-100. Kasım Kamer, “Soğuk Savaş Dönemi Sonrası Kıbrıs Sorunu”, Akademik Bakış, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter, 2007, p. 57-72.
- Kasım Kamer, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne Üyelik Süreci”, in Harun Arıkan and Muhsin Kar (Ed.), Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri, Siyasal, Bülgesel ve Ekonomik Boyutlar, (Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2005), p. 259-273.
- Kasım Kamer, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve Doğu Akdeniz’de Güvenlik”, Kamer Kasım and Zerrin A. Bakan (Der.), Uluslararası Güvenlik Sorunları, (Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2004), p. 125-140
- Kaufmann Chaim, “Possible and Impossible Solutions to Ethnic Civil Wars”, International Security, Vol. 20, No. 4, Spring, 1996, p. 136-175.
- Klintworth Gary, China and Taiwan-From Flashpoint to Redefining One China, Research Paper, 152000-01, http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp0001/01RP15#develop, 7 November 2000.
- Kolstoe Pal, “The Sustainability and Future of Unrecognized Quasi States”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2006, p. 723-740.
- Kuijper Hans, “Is Taiwan a Part of China?”, Jean-Marie Henckaerts (Ed), The International Status of Taiwan in the New World Order, Legal and Political Considerations, London, The Hague and Boston: Kluwer Law International Ltd, 1996, p. 9-19.
- Nye Joseph S. Jr, “Our Pacific Predicament”, The American Interest, http://www.the-americaninterest.com/articles/2013/2/12/our-pacific-predicament/, March/April 2013.
- Özersay Kudret, Kıbrıs Sorunu Hukuksal Bir İnceleme, (Ankara: ASAM Yayınları, 2002). Pegg Scott, “The Taiwan of the Balkans? The De Facto State Option for Kosovo”, Southern European Politics, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2000, p. 90-100.
- Petkova Lenka, Kosovo and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus-Comparative Analysis, http://www.despiteborders.com/clanky/data/upimages/kosovo_cyprus.pdf, 2008. Pizzi Michael, “What is next for China-Taiwan Relations?”, http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/2/15/what-s-next-for-chinataiwanrelations.html, 15 February 2014. Sanchez
- Ray and Li Zoe, “Taiwan Legislature occupiers’ ultimatum passes without response from government”, http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/19/world/asia/taiwan-student-protests/, 21 March 2014.
- Scobell Andrew , “Show of Force: The PLA and the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis”, http://iis-db. stanford.edu/pubs/10091/Scobell.pdf, January 1999.
- Uslu Nasuh, “Kıbrıs Sorunu ve ABD”, in İrfan Ülger and Ertan Efegil (Ed.), Avrupa Birliği Kıskacında Kıbrıs Sorunu, (Ankara: Ahsen Yayıncılık, 2001).
- Wu,Joseph “Independence is the real Status quo”, Taipei Times, 6 January 2004. Yılmaz E. Muzaffer, “Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Conflicts”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, No. 21, 2010, p. 1-22.
- Yu Peter Kien-hong, “The Republic of China and the United States: Official Relations Prior to 1979”, in Yu San Wang (Ed.), Foreign Policy of the Republic of China on Taiwan, An Unorthodox Approach, (New York: Preager Publisher, 1990).
- https://www.fas.org/irp/nic/battilega/taiwan.pdf http://www.taiwandc.org/twcom/tc102-int.pdf “Beijing Exerts no Pressure on Trade Pact: MAC Chief”, The China Post, http://www.chinapost. com.tw/taiwan/china-taiwan-relations/2014/04/12/405138/Beijing-exerts.htm, 12 April 2014. “Kosovo: Operation ‘Allied Force’ ”, House of Commons Research Paper 99/48, 29 Nisan 1999, http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/research/rp99/rp99-048.pdf. Operation Allied Force, http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/kosovo/ , 21 Haziran 1999. “The Comprehensive Proposal for Kosovo Status Settlement”, United Nations Office of the Special Envoy for Kosovo-UNOSEK-, http://www.unosek.org/unosek/en/statusproposal.html, 26 Mart 2007. http://www.kosovothanksyou.com/ http//www.mfa.gov.tr/NR!rdonlyres/CFIDE678-FA554B98 9E323D34C343EA5/0/DEKLARASYONMETNi.doc http://www.ait.org.tw/en/taiwan-relations-act.html https://www.fas.org/irp/nic/battilega/taiwan.pdf http://www.taiwandocuments.org/taipei01.htm http://www.cfr.org/sovereignty/montevideo-convention-rights-duties-states/p15897 http://ankara.mfa.gov.ct.tr/joint-declaration-by-the-trnc-legislative-assembly-condemningthe-decision-of-the-greek-cypriot-house-of-representatives-to-commemorate-the-plebiscite-for-enosis-in-greek-cypriot-schools/