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Akademisyenlerde Tükenmışliğin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 193 - 210, 12.07.2017


Tükenmişlik, duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve düşük kişisel başarı ile tanımlanan bir sendrom olup işi nedeniyle yoğun duygusal taleplerle karşılaşan ve diğer insanlarla yüz yüze çalışan kişilerde görülmektedir. Tükenmişlik bunun yanında, kişilerde olumsuz fiziksel, bilişsel ve duygusal durumların, işe, hayata ve başkalarına karşı tutumlarla yansıması ile oluşan bir sendromdur. Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ise, resmi ödül sistemi içinde doğrudan yer almayan ve bir bütün olarak örgütün işleyişine katkı sağlayan gönüllü ilave davranışlardır. Çalışmanın amacı Kırklareli Üniversitesi akademisyenlerinin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı sergileyip sergilemediklerinin, tükenmişlik hislerini hissedip hissetmediklerinin araştırılması ve bu iki kavram arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerinde tükenmişliğin olumsuz etkisi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır


  • Arıkan, Rauf. Araştırma Teknikleri ve Rapor Hazırlama, Ankara, Asil Yayın, 2004.
  • Bateman, Thomas, Dennis W. Organ. “Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relati- onship Between Affect and Employee ‘Citizenship’”, Academy of Management Jour- nal, Vol.26, No:4, 1983, p. 587-595.
  • Bradley, Harold B. “Community-based Treatment for Young Adult Offenders”, Crime & Delinquency, Vol.15, 1969, p. 359-370.
  • Burke, Ronald J., Astrid M. Richardsen. “Pyschological Burnout in Organizations: Research and Intervention”, Ed. by. Robert Golembiewski, Handbook of Organizational Behavi- or, 2. Ed., New York, Marcel Dakker Inc., 2001.
  • Cherniss, Cary. “Cultural Trends”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Cherniss, Cary. Staff Burnout: Job Stress in the Human Services, 4. Ed., California: Sage Publication, 1983.
  • Cheung, Francis Yue-Lok, Ray Yu-Hin Cheung. “Effect of Emotional Dissonance on Or- ganizational Citizenship Behavior: Testing the Stressor-Strain-Outcome Model”, The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Vol.147, No:1, 2013, p. 89-103.
  • Chiu, Su-Fen, Miao-Ching Tsai. “Relationships Among Burnout, Job Involvement, and Or- ganizational Citizenship Behavior”, The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Vol.140, No:6, 2010, p. 517-530.
  • Çokluk, Ömay. “Lojistik Regresyon Analizi: Kavram ve Uygulama”, Kuram ve Uygulama- da Eğitim Bilimleri, C.10, No: 3, 2010, s. 1357-1407.
  • Deliorman, Refika Bakoğlu, et al. “Tükenmişliği Ölçmede Alternatif Bir Araç: Kopenhag Tükenmişlik Envanterinin Marmara Üniversitesi Akademik Personeli Üzerine Uyarla- ması”, Yönetim, C.20, No:63, 2009, s. 77-98.
  • Eatough, Erin M., et al. “Relationships of Role Stressors With Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.96, No:3, 2011 p. 619- 632.
  • Ergin, Canan. Doktor ve hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ve Maslach tükenmişlik ölçeğinin uyarlanması. VII. Ulusal psikoloji kongresi bilimsel çalışmaları, 1992, 22: 25.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert J. “Counselling and Dynamics: Trating the End-Stage Person”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert. “Staff Burnout”. Journal of Social Issues, Vol.30, 1974.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert. “The Staff Burn-Out Syndrome In Alternative Institutions”, Psyc- hotherapy: Theory, Research And Practice, Vol.12, 1975, p. 73.
  • Gilbert, Stephanie, Heather K. S. Laschinger, Michael Leiter. “The mediating effect of bur- nout on the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational citi- zenship behaviours”, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol.18, 2010, p. 339-348.
  • Golembiewski, Robert T. “Organizational Development (OD) Interventiıons: Changing In- teraction, Structures, and Policies”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Bur- nout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Golembiewski, Robert T., Robert F. Munzenrider. Phases of Burnout, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1988.
  • Gürel, Hakan. “The Mediating Role of Individual Responsibility on The Relationship Between Corporate Responsibility-Organizational Citizenship Behavior and The Role Of Corporate Responsibility Conceptions and Organizational Identification as Mode- rators”, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, Marmara Üniversitesi, 2012.
  • Houkes, Inge, et al., “Specific Relationships Between Work Characteristics and Intrinsic Work Motivation, Burnout and Turnover Intention: A Multi-Sample Analysis”, Eur- poean Journal Of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.10, No:1, 2001, p. 1-23.
  • İnandı, Yusuf, Ayşe Sezin Büyüközkan. “The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavi- ours of Primary School Teachers on Their Burnout”, Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, Vol.13, No:3, 2013, p. 1545-1550.
  • Kidder, Deborah L. “The Influence of Gender on The Performance of Organizational Citi- zenship Behaviors”, Journal of Management, Vol.28, No:5, 2002, p. 629-648.
  • Kristensen, Tage S., et al. “The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assess- ment of burnout”, Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organi- sations, Vol.19, No:3, 2005, p. 192-207.
  • Lambert, Eric G. “The relationship of organizational citizenship behavior with job satisfac- tion, turnover intent, life satisfaction, and burnout among correctional staff”, Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, Vol.23, No:4, 2010, p. 361-380.
  • Lewig, Kerry A., et al. “Burnout and connectedness among Australian volunteers: A test of the Job Demands-Resources model”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.71, 2007, p. 429-445.
  • Liang, Ying-Wen. “The relationships among work values, burnout, and organizational ci- tizenship behaviors: A study from hotel front-line service employees in Taiwan”, In- ternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.24, No:2, 2012, p. 251-268.
  • Maslach, Christina, Susan E. Jackson. “The Measurement of Experienced Burnout”, Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol.2, 1981, p. 99-113.
  • Maslach, Christina, Wilmar B. Schaufeli. “Historical and Conceptual Development of Bur- nout”, Ed. by. Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Christina Maslach, Tadeusz Marek, Professional Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research. Series in Applied Psychology: Social İssues and Questions, Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis, 1993.
  • Maslach, Christina. “Job burnout new directions in research and intervention”, Current directions in Psychological Science, Vol.12, No:5, 2003, p. 189-192.
  • McCormack, Nancy, Catherine Cotter. Managing Burnout in the Workplace: A guide for information professionals, Oxford, Chandos Publishing, 2013.
  • McIntosh, Colin, Joanna Turnbull. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: International Student’s Edition.
  • Oliver Götz, Evaluation of structural equation models using the partial least squares (PLS) approach.” Handbook of partial least squares. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, p. 691- 711.
  • Organ, Dennis W. “A Reappraisal and Reinterpretation of the Satisfaction-Causes-Perfor- mance Hypothesis”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.2, No:1, 1977, p. 46-53.
  • Organ, Dennis W. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: It’s Construct Clean-Up Time”, Human Performance, Vol.10, No:2, 1997, p. 85-97.
  • Organ, Dennis W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome, Mas- sachusetts, Lexington Books, 1988.
  • Organ, Dennis W., Mary Konovsky. “Cognitive Versus Affective Determinants of Organi- zational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.74, No:1, 1989,p. 157.
  • Organ, Dennis W., Philip M. Podsakoff, Scott B. MacKenzie. Organizational Citizenship Behavior Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences, California, SAGE Publications, 2006.
  • Organ, Dennis W. Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexin- gton Books/DC Heath and Com, 1988.
  • Perrewé, Pamela L., Christopher C. Rosen, Christina Maslach. “Organizational Politics and Stress”, Ed. by. Gerald R. Ferris, Darren C. Treadway, Politics in Organizations: Theory and Research Considerations, New York, Routledge, 2012.
  • Pines, Ayala M., Elliot Aronson, Ditsa Kafry. Burnout: from tedium to personal growth, New York, The Free Press, 1981.
  • Podsakoff, Nathan P., et al. “Individual- and Organizational-Level Consequences of Orga- nizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.94, No:1, 2009, p. 122.
  • Podsakoff, Philip M., et al. “Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature and Suggestions for Future Research”, Journal of Management, Vol.26, No:3, 2000, p. 513-563.
  • Podsakoff, Philip M., Scott B. MacKenzie. “Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: A Review and Suggestion for Future Research”, Hu- man Performance, Vol.10, No:2, 1997, p. 133-151.
  • Schaufeli, Wilmar B., Dirk Enzmann. The burnout companion to study and practice: A cri- tical analysis, London, Taylor & Francis, 1998.
  • Sekaran, Uma, Roger Bougie. Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
  • Smith, C. Ann, Dennis W. Organ, Janet P. Near. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.68, No:4, 1983, 653.
  • Stephanie Gilbert, Heather K. S. Laschinger, Faan, Michael Leiter, “The mediating effect of burnout on the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational citi- zenship behaviours”. Journal of Nursing Management Vol. 18, No. 3, 2010, p. 339-348.
  • Torun, Alev. “Stres ve Tükenmişlik”, Ed. by. Suna Tevrüz, Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, 3. bs., Ankara, Türk Psikologlar Derneği ve Kalite Derneği, 2006, s. 46-47.
  • Van Emmerik, Hetty, I. M. Jawahar, Thomas H. Stone. “Associations among altruism, bur- nout dimensions, and organizational citizenship behaviour”, Work & Stress, Vol.19, No:1, 2005, p. 93-100.
  • Vigoda-Gadot, Eran. “Compulsory citizenship behavior: Theorizing some dark sides of the good soldier syndrome in organizations”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol.36, No:1, 2006, p. 77-93.
  • Walumbwa, Fred O., Cindy Wu, Bani Orwa. “Contingent reward transactional leadership, work attitudes, and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of procedural justice climate perceptions and strength”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.19, 2008, p. 251-265.
  • Whitehead, John T. “Job Burnout in Probation and Parole: Its Extent and Intervention Imp- lications”, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol.12, No:1, 1985, p. 91-110.
  • Yılmaz, Nezahat, Tahir Akgemci. “Örgütsel Vatandaşlık”, Ed. by. Aykut Bedük, Örgüt Psi- kolojisi Yeni Yaklaşımlar Güncel Konular, Konya, Atlas Akademi, 2011, s. 73.
  • Yücel, Cemil. “Teacher Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Turkish Ele- mentary Schools”, Educational Planning, Vol.17, No:1, 2008, p. 27-43.

The Effect of Burnout on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Academicians

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 193 - 210, 12.07.2017


Burnout characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment is a syndrome by which individuals reflect negative attitudes to job due to confronting with extensive demands. Moreover, organizational citizenship behavior is defined as individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization. This study investigates firstly whether Kırklareli University academicians exhibit organizational citizenship behavior, feel burnout or not, secondly, the relationship between these two concepts. In this study, burnout affects negatively organizational citizenship behavior positively


  • Arıkan, Rauf. Araştırma Teknikleri ve Rapor Hazırlama, Ankara, Asil Yayın, 2004.
  • Bateman, Thomas, Dennis W. Organ. “Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relati- onship Between Affect and Employee ‘Citizenship’”, Academy of Management Jour- nal, Vol.26, No:4, 1983, p. 587-595.
  • Bradley, Harold B. “Community-based Treatment for Young Adult Offenders”, Crime & Delinquency, Vol.15, 1969, p. 359-370.
  • Burke, Ronald J., Astrid M. Richardsen. “Pyschological Burnout in Organizations: Research and Intervention”, Ed. by. Robert Golembiewski, Handbook of Organizational Behavi- or, 2. Ed., New York, Marcel Dakker Inc., 2001.
  • Cherniss, Cary. “Cultural Trends”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Cherniss, Cary. Staff Burnout: Job Stress in the Human Services, 4. Ed., California: Sage Publication, 1983.
  • Cheung, Francis Yue-Lok, Ray Yu-Hin Cheung. “Effect of Emotional Dissonance on Or- ganizational Citizenship Behavior: Testing the Stressor-Strain-Outcome Model”, The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Vol.147, No:1, 2013, p. 89-103.
  • Chiu, Su-Fen, Miao-Ching Tsai. “Relationships Among Burnout, Job Involvement, and Or- ganizational Citizenship Behavior”, The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Vol.140, No:6, 2010, p. 517-530.
  • Çokluk, Ömay. “Lojistik Regresyon Analizi: Kavram ve Uygulama”, Kuram ve Uygulama- da Eğitim Bilimleri, C.10, No: 3, 2010, s. 1357-1407.
  • Deliorman, Refika Bakoğlu, et al. “Tükenmişliği Ölçmede Alternatif Bir Araç: Kopenhag Tükenmişlik Envanterinin Marmara Üniversitesi Akademik Personeli Üzerine Uyarla- ması”, Yönetim, C.20, No:63, 2009, s. 77-98.
  • Eatough, Erin M., et al. “Relationships of Role Stressors With Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.96, No:3, 2011 p. 619- 632.
  • Ergin, Canan. Doktor ve hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ve Maslach tükenmişlik ölçeğinin uyarlanması. VII. Ulusal psikoloji kongresi bilimsel çalışmaları, 1992, 22: 25.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert J. “Counselling and Dynamics: Trating the End-Stage Person”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert. “Staff Burnout”. Journal of Social Issues, Vol.30, 1974.
  • Freudenberger, Herbert. “The Staff Burn-Out Syndrome In Alternative Institutions”, Psyc- hotherapy: Theory, Research And Practice, Vol.12, 1975, p. 73.
  • Gilbert, Stephanie, Heather K. S. Laschinger, Michael Leiter. “The mediating effect of bur- nout on the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational citi- zenship behaviours”, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol.18, 2010, p. 339-348.
  • Golembiewski, Robert T. “Organizational Development (OD) Interventiıons: Changing In- teraction, Structures, and Policies”, Ed. by. Whiton Stewart Paine, Job Stress and Bur- nout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives, California, Sage Publications, 1982.
  • Golembiewski, Robert T., Robert F. Munzenrider. Phases of Burnout, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1988.
  • Gürel, Hakan. “The Mediating Role of Individual Responsibility on The Relationship Between Corporate Responsibility-Organizational Citizenship Behavior and The Role Of Corporate Responsibility Conceptions and Organizational Identification as Mode- rators”, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, Marmara Üniversitesi, 2012.
  • Houkes, Inge, et al., “Specific Relationships Between Work Characteristics and Intrinsic Work Motivation, Burnout and Turnover Intention: A Multi-Sample Analysis”, Eur- poean Journal Of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.10, No:1, 2001, p. 1-23.
  • İnandı, Yusuf, Ayşe Sezin Büyüközkan. “The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavi- ours of Primary School Teachers on Their Burnout”, Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, Vol.13, No:3, 2013, p. 1545-1550.
  • Kidder, Deborah L. “The Influence of Gender on The Performance of Organizational Citi- zenship Behaviors”, Journal of Management, Vol.28, No:5, 2002, p. 629-648.
  • Kristensen, Tage S., et al. “The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assess- ment of burnout”, Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organi- sations, Vol.19, No:3, 2005, p. 192-207.
  • Lambert, Eric G. “The relationship of organizational citizenship behavior with job satisfac- tion, turnover intent, life satisfaction, and burnout among correctional staff”, Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, Vol.23, No:4, 2010, p. 361-380.
  • Lewig, Kerry A., et al. “Burnout and connectedness among Australian volunteers: A test of the Job Demands-Resources model”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.71, 2007, p. 429-445.
  • Liang, Ying-Wen. “The relationships among work values, burnout, and organizational ci- tizenship behaviors: A study from hotel front-line service employees in Taiwan”, In- ternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.24, No:2, 2012, p. 251-268.
  • Maslach, Christina, Susan E. Jackson. “The Measurement of Experienced Burnout”, Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol.2, 1981, p. 99-113.
  • Maslach, Christina, Wilmar B. Schaufeli. “Historical and Conceptual Development of Bur- nout”, Ed. by. Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Christina Maslach, Tadeusz Marek, Professional Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research. Series in Applied Psychology: Social İssues and Questions, Philadelphia, Taylor & Francis, 1993.
  • Maslach, Christina. “Job burnout new directions in research and intervention”, Current directions in Psychological Science, Vol.12, No:5, 2003, p. 189-192.
  • McCormack, Nancy, Catherine Cotter. Managing Burnout in the Workplace: A guide for information professionals, Oxford, Chandos Publishing, 2013.
  • McIntosh, Colin, Joanna Turnbull. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: International Student’s Edition.
  • Oliver Götz, Evaluation of structural equation models using the partial least squares (PLS) approach.” Handbook of partial least squares. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, p. 691- 711.
  • Organ, Dennis W. “A Reappraisal and Reinterpretation of the Satisfaction-Causes-Perfor- mance Hypothesis”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.2, No:1, 1977, p. 46-53.
  • Organ, Dennis W. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: It’s Construct Clean-Up Time”, Human Performance, Vol.10, No:2, 1997, p. 85-97.
  • Organ, Dennis W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome, Mas- sachusetts, Lexington Books, 1988.
  • Organ, Dennis W., Mary Konovsky. “Cognitive Versus Affective Determinants of Organi- zational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.74, No:1, 1989,p. 157.
  • Organ, Dennis W., Philip M. Podsakoff, Scott B. MacKenzie. Organizational Citizenship Behavior Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences, California, SAGE Publications, 2006.
  • Organ, Dennis W. Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexin- gton Books/DC Heath and Com, 1988.
  • Perrewé, Pamela L., Christopher C. Rosen, Christina Maslach. “Organizational Politics and Stress”, Ed. by. Gerald R. Ferris, Darren C. Treadway, Politics in Organizations: Theory and Research Considerations, New York, Routledge, 2012.
  • Pines, Ayala M., Elliot Aronson, Ditsa Kafry. Burnout: from tedium to personal growth, New York, The Free Press, 1981.
  • Podsakoff, Nathan P., et al. “Individual- and Organizational-Level Consequences of Orga- nizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.94, No:1, 2009, p. 122.
  • Podsakoff, Philip M., et al. “Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature and Suggestions for Future Research”, Journal of Management, Vol.26, No:3, 2000, p. 513-563.
  • Podsakoff, Philip M., Scott B. MacKenzie. “Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: A Review and Suggestion for Future Research”, Hu- man Performance, Vol.10, No:2, 1997, p. 133-151.
  • Schaufeli, Wilmar B., Dirk Enzmann. The burnout companion to study and practice: A cri- tical analysis, London, Taylor & Francis, 1998.
  • Sekaran, Uma, Roger Bougie. Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
  • Smith, C. Ann, Dennis W. Organ, Janet P. Near. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.68, No:4, 1983, 653.
  • Stephanie Gilbert, Heather K. S. Laschinger, Faan, Michael Leiter, “The mediating effect of burnout on the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational citi- zenship behaviours”. Journal of Nursing Management Vol. 18, No. 3, 2010, p. 339-348.
  • Torun, Alev. “Stres ve Tükenmişlik”, Ed. by. Suna Tevrüz, Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, 3. bs., Ankara, Türk Psikologlar Derneği ve Kalite Derneği, 2006, s. 46-47.
  • Van Emmerik, Hetty, I. M. Jawahar, Thomas H. Stone. “Associations among altruism, bur- nout dimensions, and organizational citizenship behaviour”, Work & Stress, Vol.19, No:1, 2005, p. 93-100.
  • Vigoda-Gadot, Eran. “Compulsory citizenship behavior: Theorizing some dark sides of the good soldier syndrome in organizations”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol.36, No:1, 2006, p. 77-93.
  • Walumbwa, Fred O., Cindy Wu, Bani Orwa. “Contingent reward transactional leadership, work attitudes, and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of procedural justice climate perceptions and strength”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.19, 2008, p. 251-265.
  • Whitehead, John T. “Job Burnout in Probation and Parole: Its Extent and Intervention Imp- lications”, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol.12, No:1, 1985, p. 91-110.
  • Yılmaz, Nezahat, Tahir Akgemci. “Örgütsel Vatandaşlık”, Ed. by. Aykut Bedük, Örgüt Psi- kolojisi Yeni Yaklaşımlar Güncel Konular, Konya, Atlas Akademi, 2011, s. 73.
  • Yücel, Cemil. “Teacher Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Turkish Ele- mentary Schools”, Educational Planning, Vol.17, No:1, 2008, p. 27-43.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bilal Çankır Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Çankır, B. (2017). Akademisyenlerde Tükenmışliğin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(29), 193-210.

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