Research Article
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Pro-Environmental Conclusions of Consumers' Enduring Involvement with Recycled Products: Eco-Aware Purchasing Behavior and Psychographics

Year 2023, Volume: 21 Issue: 48, 275 - 309, 28.03.2023


The environmental awareness movement that started towards the end of the twentieth century has continued expanding. Recycling, or reusing waste materials as raw materials in manufacturing with varied methods, is an essential subject for today's society and the business world. Operating eco-friendly is the primary concern of green, social, and sustainable marketing. According to scholars, environmental sustainability should not be an individualistic concern for a person or a government; instead, it should be a global consideration. Recycling and environmental issues are also essential topics in Türkiye. Related to the constantly growing volume of processed waste and the disposal and recovery facilities in Türkiye, this empirical study aims to contribute to this challenging global subject to clarify Turkish consumers' involvement with recycled products and the impacts of their participation on their pro-environmental behavior. The moderating effect of sociodemographic variables on the bond between personal involvement and pro-environmental behavior is also questioned in this inquiry. A descriptive study is realized via an online questionnaire distributed to 422 participants. A structural equation model is constructed, and the hypotheses are tested with AMOS 21. The personal significance and hedonic involvement components of the personal involvement inventory influence consumers' pro-environmental purchasing activities and psychographics. Gender, age, marital status, education, profession, and family size moderate the bond between personal involvement and consumers' pro-environmental behavior for the examined sample in Türkiye.


  • Anderson, T. Jr., and Cunningham, W.H. (1972) The Socially Conscious Consumer. Journal of Marketing, 36, 23-31.
  • Antil, H.J. (1984). Conceptualization and Operationalization of Involvement. Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 203-209.
  • Arora, R. (1982). Validation of an S-O-R Model for The Situation, Enduring, and Response Components of Involvement. Journal of Marketing Research, 19 (November), 505-516.
  • Barki, H. and Hartwick, J. (1989). Rethinking The Concept of User Involvement. MIS Quarterly (March), 53-62. Baron, M.R and Kenny, A.D. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1970). Fétichisme et Idéologie : La Réduction Sémiologique. Revue de Psychanalyse, 2, 95-113. Berkowitz, L. and Lutterman, K.G. (1968). The Traditional Socially Responsible Personality. Public Opinion Quarterly, 32, 169–185.
  • Bollen, K., and Lennox, R. (1991). Conventional Wisdom on Measurement: A Structural Equation Perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 110 (2), 305-314.
  • Botetzagias, I., Dima, A., and Malesios, C. (2015). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Context of Recycling: The Role of Moral Norms and Demographic Predictors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95, 58–67.
  • Brécard, D., Hlaimi, B., Lucas, S., Perraudeau, Y. and Salladarré, F. (2009). Determinants of Demand for Green Products: An Application to Eco-Label Demand for Fish in Europe. Ecological Economics, 69 (1), 115-125.
  • Byrne, B.M. (2011). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming (Multivariate Applications Series), New York: Routledge
  • Büyüksaatçi, S., Tarık Küçükdeniz, T. and Esnaf, Ş. (2008). Determining Location of Recycling Plants with Gustafsonkessel Algorithm-Convex Programming Hybrid Model-Based Simulation. Istanbul Commercial University Journal of Sciences, 7 (13), 1-20.
  • Chombart de Lauwe, M. J. (1979), Un Monde Autre: I'Enfance, Paris: Payot.
  • Calvo-Porral, C., Ruiz-Vega, A. and Lévy-Mangin, J-P. (2021). How Consumer Involvement Influences Consumption-Elicited Emotions and Satisfaction. International Journal of Market Research, 63 (2), 251-267.
  • Celci, L.R. and Olson, C.J. (1988). The Role of Involvement in Attention and Comprehension Processes. Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 210-224.
  • Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing's New Relationship with Corporate Environmental Management. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2 (3), 297-302.
  • Diamantopoulos, A., Schlegelmilch, B., Sinkovics, R., Greg, M. and Bohlen, G.(2003). Can Socio-Demographics Still Play a Role in Profiling Green Consumers? A Review of the Evidence and an Empirical Investigation. Journal of Business Research, 56, 465-480.
  • D'Souza, C., Taghian, M., Lamb, P. and Peretiatko, R. (2007). Green Decisions: Demographics and Consumer Understanding of Environmental Labels. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 371-376.
  • Durmuş (Sipahi), B., Yurtkoru, E.S. and Çinko, M. (2010). Data Analysis with SPSS in Social Sciences, 3rd ed., Istanbul: Beta.
  • Greenwald, A.G. and Leavitt, C. (1984). Audience Involvement in Advertising: Four Levels. Journal of Consumer Research, 11 (June), 581-592.
  • Grant, C. and Koch, J. (2007). Decommissioning Western Australia's First Bauxite Mine: Co-evolving Vegetation Restoration Techniques and Targets. Ecological Management and Restoration, 8 (2), 92-105.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M.; Sarstedt, M.(2014). A Primer on Partial Least Squares, Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 2nd ed., California: SAGE.
  • Hair, F.J., Ringle, M.C, and Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed, a Silver Bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (2), 139-151.
  • Hart, L.S. (1997). Beyond greening. Strategies for a sustainable world. Harvard Business Review, 75 (1), 66-76. Houston, M. J. and Rothschild, M.L. (1977). A Paradigm for Research on Consumer Involvement. (Unpublished) Working Paper 11, 1-38.
  • Howard, J.A. and Sheth, J.N. (1969). The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley.
  • Hoyer, W. D., and MacInnis, D.J. (2004), Consumer Behavior, 3rd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • (accessed December 1st, 2022).
  • (accessed December 5, 2022).
  • Jain, M. (2019). A Study on Consumer Behavior-Decision Making Under High and Low Involvement Situations. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 6 (1), 943-947.
  • Khare, A. (2015). Antecedents to Green Buying Behavior: A Study on Consumers in an Emerging Economy. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (3), 309-329.
  • Khare, A. (2011). Impact of Indian Cultural Values and Lifestyles on The Meaning of Branded Products: Study on University Students in India. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (5), 365-379.
  • Kiesler, C. A., B. E. Collins, B.E. and N. Miller, N. (1969). Attitude Change, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Koç, F., Biçimveren, L. and Çınar, B. (2018). Moderator Effect of Competitive Intensity on The Relationship Between Firm Innovation and Export Performance. Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, 21, 77-97.
  • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2007) Principles of Marketing, S. Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Laurent, G. and Kapferer J.N. (1985). Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles. Journal of Marketing Research, 12 (February), 41-53.
  • Li, D.; Zhao, L.; Ma, S; Shao, S; Zhang, L. (2019). What Influences an Individual's Pro-environmental Behavior? A Literature Review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146, 28-34.
  • Maheshwari, S. P. (2014). Awareness of Green Marketing and Its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior: Special Reference To Madhya Pradesh, India. AIMA Journal of Management and Research, 8 (1/4), 1-14.
  • Markin, R.J. and Narayana, C. (1975). Consumer Behavior and Product Performance: An Alternative Conceptualization. Journal of Marketing, 39 (4), 222-228.
  • Mishra, P. and Sharma, P. (2014). Green Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities for Business. BVIMR Management Edge, 7 (1), 78-86.
  • Mitchell, A.A. (1979). Involvement: A Potentially Important Mediator of Consumer Behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 6, 191-196.
  • Mittal, B. (1995). A Comparative Analysis of Four Scales of Consumer Involvement. Psychology and Marketing, 12 (7), 663-682.
  • Nunan, D., Birks, F.D. and Malhotra, K.N. (2020). Marketing Research Applied Insight, 6th ed., Harlow: Pearson.
  • Peattie, K. and Charter, M. (2003). Green Marketing. M. J. Baker (Ed), The Marketing Book, 5th ed. in, (pp. 726-756). Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Peattie, K. (2001). Towards Sustainability: The Third Age of Green Marketing. The Marketing Review, 2, 129-146.
  • Peattie, K. (1995). Environmental Marketing Management: Meeting the Green Challenge, London: Pitman Publishing.
  • Petty, R.E., Cacioppo, J.T. and Schumann, D. (1983). Central And Peripheral Routes to Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (September), 532-543.
  • Pickett-Baker, J. and Ozaki, R. (2008). Pro-Environmental Products: Marketing Influence on A Consumer Purchase Decision. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 281-293.
  • Poiesz, B.C.T. and Bont, C. (1995). Do We Need Involvement to Understand Consumer Behavior? Advances in Consumer Research, 22, 448-452.
  • Polonsky, M.J. and Rosenberger III, J.P. (2001). Reevaluating Green Marketing: A Strategic Approach. Business Horizon, (Sep-Oct.), 21-30.
  • Polonsky, M.J. (1994). An Introduction to Green Marketing. UCLA, Electronic Green Journal.
  • Rothschild, M. L. (1979). Advertising Strategies for High and Low Involvement Situations. J. C. Maloney, and B. Silverman (Eds.), Attitude Research Plays for High Stakes in, (pp. 74-93). Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • Schneider, K.C., and Rodgers, W.C. (1996). An Importance Subscale for Consumer Involvement Profile. Advances in Consumer Research, 23, 249-254.
  • Straughan, R. and Roberts, J.A. (1999). Environmental Segmentation Alternatives: A Look at Green Consumer Behavior in The New Millennium. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 558–575.
  • Tjarnemo, H. (2001). Eco-Marketing and Eco-Management. Exploring Eco-Orientation-Performance Link in Food-Retailing. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Business Administration, Lund University.
  • Tunçer, A. and Atan, Ö. (2020). Research on the Mediator and Moderator Role of Innovative Organizational Climate in The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance. Usak University Journal of Social Sciences, 12 (1), 156-180.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. (2017). Factor Analysis and Validity in Social Sciences: Use of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses. Istanbul University Journal of Business Faculty, 46, 74-85.
  • Zaichkowsky, J.L. (1985). Measuring the Involvement Construct. Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (December), 341-352.

Pro-Environmental Conclusions of Consumers' Enduring Involvement with Recycled Products: Eco-Aware Purchasing Behavior and Psychographics

Year 2023, Volume: 21 Issue: 48, 275 - 309, 28.03.2023


The environmental awareness movement that started towards the end of the twentieth century has continued expanding. Recycling, or reusing waste materials as raw materials in manufacturing with varied methods, is an essential subject for today's society and the business world. Operating eco-friendly is the primary concern of green, social, and sustainable marketing. According to scholars, environmental sustainability should not be an individualistic concern for a person or a government; instead, it should be a global consideration. Recycling and environmental issues are also essential topics in Türkiye. Related to the constantly growing volume of processed waste and the disposal and recovery facilities in Türkiye, this empirical study aims to contribute to this challenging global subject to clarify Turkish consumers' involvement with recycled products and the impacts of their participation on their pro-environmental behavior. The moderating effect of sociodemographic variables on the bond between personal involvement and pro-environmental behavior is also questioned in this inquiry. A descriptive study is realized via an online questionnaire distributed to 422 participants. A structural equation model is constructed, and the hypotheses are tested with AMOS 21. The personal significance and hedonic involvement components of the personal involvement inventory influence consumers' pro-environmental purchasing activities and psychographics. Gender, age, marital status, education, profession, and family size moderate the bond between personal involvement and consumers' pro-environmental behavior for the examined sample in Türkiye.


  • Anderson, T. Jr., and Cunningham, W.H. (1972) The Socially Conscious Consumer. Journal of Marketing, 36, 23-31.
  • Antil, H.J. (1984). Conceptualization and Operationalization of Involvement. Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 203-209.
  • Arora, R. (1982). Validation of an S-O-R Model for The Situation, Enduring, and Response Components of Involvement. Journal of Marketing Research, 19 (November), 505-516.
  • Barki, H. and Hartwick, J. (1989). Rethinking The Concept of User Involvement. MIS Quarterly (March), 53-62. Baron, M.R and Kenny, A.D. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1970). Fétichisme et Idéologie : La Réduction Sémiologique. Revue de Psychanalyse, 2, 95-113. Berkowitz, L. and Lutterman, K.G. (1968). The Traditional Socially Responsible Personality. Public Opinion Quarterly, 32, 169–185.
  • Bollen, K., and Lennox, R. (1991). Conventional Wisdom on Measurement: A Structural Equation Perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 110 (2), 305-314.
  • Botetzagias, I., Dima, A., and Malesios, C. (2015). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Context of Recycling: The Role of Moral Norms and Demographic Predictors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95, 58–67.
  • Brécard, D., Hlaimi, B., Lucas, S., Perraudeau, Y. and Salladarré, F. (2009). Determinants of Demand for Green Products: An Application to Eco-Label Demand for Fish in Europe. Ecological Economics, 69 (1), 115-125.
  • Byrne, B.M. (2011). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming (Multivariate Applications Series), New York: Routledge
  • Büyüksaatçi, S., Tarık Küçükdeniz, T. and Esnaf, Ş. (2008). Determining Location of Recycling Plants with Gustafsonkessel Algorithm-Convex Programming Hybrid Model-Based Simulation. Istanbul Commercial University Journal of Sciences, 7 (13), 1-20.
  • Chombart de Lauwe, M. J. (1979), Un Monde Autre: I'Enfance, Paris: Payot.
  • Calvo-Porral, C., Ruiz-Vega, A. and Lévy-Mangin, J-P. (2021). How Consumer Involvement Influences Consumption-Elicited Emotions and Satisfaction. International Journal of Market Research, 63 (2), 251-267.
  • Celci, L.R. and Olson, C.J. (1988). The Role of Involvement in Attention and Comprehension Processes. Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 210-224.
  • Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental Marketing's New Relationship with Corporate Environmental Management. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2 (3), 297-302.
  • Diamantopoulos, A., Schlegelmilch, B., Sinkovics, R., Greg, M. and Bohlen, G.(2003). Can Socio-Demographics Still Play a Role in Profiling Green Consumers? A Review of the Evidence and an Empirical Investigation. Journal of Business Research, 56, 465-480.
  • D'Souza, C., Taghian, M., Lamb, P. and Peretiatko, R. (2007). Green Decisions: Demographics and Consumer Understanding of Environmental Labels. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 371-376.
  • Durmuş (Sipahi), B., Yurtkoru, E.S. and Çinko, M. (2010). Data Analysis with SPSS in Social Sciences, 3rd ed., Istanbul: Beta.
  • Greenwald, A.G. and Leavitt, C. (1984). Audience Involvement in Advertising: Four Levels. Journal of Consumer Research, 11 (June), 581-592.
  • Grant, C. and Koch, J. (2007). Decommissioning Western Australia's First Bauxite Mine: Co-evolving Vegetation Restoration Techniques and Targets. Ecological Management and Restoration, 8 (2), 92-105.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M.; Sarstedt, M.(2014). A Primer on Partial Least Squares, Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), 2nd ed., California: SAGE.
  • Hair, F.J., Ringle, M.C, and Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed, a Silver Bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (2), 139-151.
  • Hart, L.S. (1997). Beyond greening. Strategies for a sustainable world. Harvard Business Review, 75 (1), 66-76. Houston, M. J. and Rothschild, M.L. (1977). A Paradigm for Research on Consumer Involvement. (Unpublished) Working Paper 11, 1-38.
  • Howard, J.A. and Sheth, J.N. (1969). The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley.
  • Hoyer, W. D., and MacInnis, D.J. (2004), Consumer Behavior, 3rd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • (accessed December 1st, 2022).
  • (accessed December 5, 2022).
  • Jain, M. (2019). A Study on Consumer Behavior-Decision Making Under High and Low Involvement Situations. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 6 (1), 943-947.
  • Khare, A. (2015). Antecedents to Green Buying Behavior: A Study on Consumers in an Emerging Economy. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (3), 309-329.
  • Khare, A. (2011). Impact of Indian Cultural Values and Lifestyles on The Meaning of Branded Products: Study on University Students in India. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (5), 365-379.
  • Kiesler, C. A., B. E. Collins, B.E. and N. Miller, N. (1969). Attitude Change, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Koç, F., Biçimveren, L. and Çınar, B. (2018). Moderator Effect of Competitive Intensity on The Relationship Between Firm Innovation and Export Performance. Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, 21, 77-97.
  • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2007) Principles of Marketing, S. Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Laurent, G. and Kapferer J.N. (1985). Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles. Journal of Marketing Research, 12 (February), 41-53.
  • Li, D.; Zhao, L.; Ma, S; Shao, S; Zhang, L. (2019). What Influences an Individual's Pro-environmental Behavior? A Literature Review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146, 28-34.
  • Maheshwari, S. P. (2014). Awareness of Green Marketing and Its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior: Special Reference To Madhya Pradesh, India. AIMA Journal of Management and Research, 8 (1/4), 1-14.
  • Markin, R.J. and Narayana, C. (1975). Consumer Behavior and Product Performance: An Alternative Conceptualization. Journal of Marketing, 39 (4), 222-228.
  • Mishra, P. and Sharma, P. (2014). Green Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities for Business. BVIMR Management Edge, 7 (1), 78-86.
  • Mitchell, A.A. (1979). Involvement: A Potentially Important Mediator of Consumer Behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 6, 191-196.
  • Mittal, B. (1995). A Comparative Analysis of Four Scales of Consumer Involvement. Psychology and Marketing, 12 (7), 663-682.
  • Nunan, D., Birks, F.D. and Malhotra, K.N. (2020). Marketing Research Applied Insight, 6th ed., Harlow: Pearson.
  • Peattie, K. and Charter, M. (2003). Green Marketing. M. J. Baker (Ed), The Marketing Book, 5th ed. in, (pp. 726-756). Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Peattie, K. (2001). Towards Sustainability: The Third Age of Green Marketing. The Marketing Review, 2, 129-146.
  • Peattie, K. (1995). Environmental Marketing Management: Meeting the Green Challenge, London: Pitman Publishing.
  • Petty, R.E., Cacioppo, J.T. and Schumann, D. (1983). Central And Peripheral Routes to Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (September), 532-543.
  • Pickett-Baker, J. and Ozaki, R. (2008). Pro-Environmental Products: Marketing Influence on A Consumer Purchase Decision. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 281-293.
  • Poiesz, B.C.T. and Bont, C. (1995). Do We Need Involvement to Understand Consumer Behavior? Advances in Consumer Research, 22, 448-452.
  • Polonsky, M.J. and Rosenberger III, J.P. (2001). Reevaluating Green Marketing: A Strategic Approach. Business Horizon, (Sep-Oct.), 21-30.
  • Polonsky, M.J. (1994). An Introduction to Green Marketing. UCLA, Electronic Green Journal.
  • Rothschild, M. L. (1979). Advertising Strategies for High and Low Involvement Situations. J. C. Maloney, and B. Silverman (Eds.), Attitude Research Plays for High Stakes in, (pp. 74-93). Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • Schneider, K.C., and Rodgers, W.C. (1996). An Importance Subscale for Consumer Involvement Profile. Advances in Consumer Research, 23, 249-254.
  • Straughan, R. and Roberts, J.A. (1999). Environmental Segmentation Alternatives: A Look at Green Consumer Behavior in The New Millennium. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 558–575.
  • Tjarnemo, H. (2001). Eco-Marketing and Eco-Management. Exploring Eco-Orientation-Performance Link in Food-Retailing. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Business Administration, Lund University.
  • Tunçer, A. and Atan, Ö. (2020). Research on the Mediator and Moderator Role of Innovative Organizational Climate in The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance. Usak University Journal of Social Sciences, 12 (1), 156-180.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. (2017). Factor Analysis and Validity in Social Sciences: Use of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses. Istanbul University Journal of Business Faculty, 46, 74-85.
  • Zaichkowsky, J.L. (1985). Measuring the Involvement Construct. Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (December), 341-352.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Esra Demirbaş 0000-0001-5717-734X

Publication Date March 28, 2023
Submission Date February 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 21 Issue: 48


APA Demirbaş, E. (2023). Pro-Environmental Conclusions of Consumers’ Enduring Involvement with Recycled Products: Eco-Aware Purchasing Behavior and Psychographics. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(48), 275-309.

Sayın Araştırmacı;

Dergimize gelen yoğun talep nedeniyle Ekim 2024 sayısı için öngörülen kontenjan dolmuştur, gönderilen makaleler ilerleyen sayılarda değerlendirilebilecektir. Bu hususa dikkat ederek yeni makale gönderimi yapmanızı rica ederiz.

Yönetim Bilimler Dergisi Özel Sayı Çağrısı
Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 2024 yılının Eylül ayında “Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları” başlıklı bir özel sayı yayınlayacaktır.
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi tarafından 5-6 Temmuz 2024 tarihlerinde çevrimiçi olarak düzenlenecek olan 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Konferansı’nda sunum gerçekleştiren yazarların dergi için ücret yatırmasına gerek olmayıp, dekont yerine Konferans Katılım Belgesini sisteme yüklemeleri yeterli olacaktır.
Gönderilen makalelerin derginin yazım kurallarına uygun olması ve DergiPark sistemi üzerinden sisteme yüklenmesi gerekmektedir. Özel sayı ana başlığı ile ilgisiz makaleler değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Özel sayı için gönderilen makalelerin "Makalemi özel sayıya göndermek istiyorum" kutucuğu işaretlenerek sisteme yüklenmesi gerekmektedir. Özel sayı için gönderilmemiş makalelerin bu sayıya eklenmesi mümkün olmayacaktır.
Özel Sayı Çalışma Takvimi
Gönderim Başlangıcı: 15 Nisan 2024
Son Gönderim Tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2024
Özel Sayı Yayınlanma Tarihi: Eylül 2024

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