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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 50, 1206 - 1226, 20.10.2023


Suudi Arabistan Krallığı uzun zamandır nükleer teknolojiye ilgi duymakta ve ülkenin nükleer enerji altyapısını ve nükleer yasal çerçevesini geliştirmek için çalışmaktadır. Suudi nükleer enerjisindeki son gelişmeler göz önüne alındığında, Suudi Arabistan'ın nükleer enerji programını nükleer işbirliği anlaşmalarının yardımıyla sürdürme niyetinde olduğu açıktır. Krallık bugüne kadar nükleer enerji programını ilerletmek için çeşitli yabancı hükümetlerle çok sayıda nükleer işbirliği anlaşması imzalamıştır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ve Suudi Arabistan arasında henüz bir nükleer işbirliği anlaşması imzalanmamış olsa da müzakereler halen devam etmektedir.

Bu çalışma, Krallığın yürütmekte olduğu nükleer enerji programına, ABD ile yürütülen nükleer işbirliği müzakerelerinde ortaya çıkan zorluklar bağlamında odaklanmaktadır. İki ülkenin çeşitli zorlayıcı konular ve endişeler nedeniyle şimdiye kadar bir “nükleer işbirliği anlaşması” (“123 Anlaşması”) sonuçlandırmada başarız olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. ABD-Suudi nükleer işbirliği müzakerelerinde karşılaşılan başlıca zorlayıcı konular, ABD'nin Suudilerin zenginleştirme ve yeniden işleme faaliyetlerini kısıtlamak istemesi ve Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı’nın (UAEA) Ek Protokolünün Suudilerce kabulünde ısrarcı olmasıdır. Çalışma, öncelikle Suudi Arabistan tarafından başlatılan ulusal atom enerjisi projesine odaklanmakta, ardından ABD'nin diğer devletlerle nükleer işbirliğine gitmesini düzenleyen ulusal kurallara odaklanmaktadır. ABD-Suudi nükleer müzakereleri ışığında çalışma, Washington'un nükleer yayılmanın önlenmesine ilişkin ek tedbir taleplerini ve Suudi nükleer programına ilişkin uluslararası endişeleri incelemektedir. Çalışma, ek tedbirler üzerinde süregelen anlaşmazlıklar ve Suudilerin muhtemel gizli niyetleri, bölgesel nükleer silahlanma riskleri ve nükleer emniyet tehditleri gibi konulardaki endişeler nedeniyle, iki ülke arasındaki nükleer işbirliğinin düşük seviyede kaldığı sonucuna varmaktadır.


  • Ahmad, A. and Ramana M.V. (2014). “Too Costly To Matter: Economics of Nuclear Power for Saudi Arabia”. Energy, 69, 682-694.
  • Al Arabiya English. (2023). “No Secret that Saudi Arabia is Developing Civilian Nuclear Program: Prince Faisal”. Accessed on: 15 July 2023.
  • Arms Control Association. (2019). “The U.S. Atomic Energy Act Section 123 at a Glance”. Accessed on: 21 May 2023,
  • Burkhard, S. ( (2017). “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Ambitions and Proliferation Risks”. Institute for Science and International Security, Washington, D.C. Accessed on: 17 July 2023,
  • Castelli, L. (2023). “Why Does Saudi Arabia Want To Acquire The Nuclear Fuel Cycle?” Stimson Center. Accessed on: 19 June 2023, fuel-cycle/
  • Davenport, K. (2022). “IAEA Safeguards Agreements at a Glance”. The Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Einhorn, R. (2018). “US-Saudi Civil Nuclear Negotiations: Finding a Practical Compromise”. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Fandos, N. and Mazzetti, M. (2019). “House Opens Inquiry into Proposed U.S. Nuclear Venture in Saudi Arabia”, The New York Times. Accessed on: 21 May 2023, power.html
  • Figliuzzi, F. (2020). “Trump's White House Is Racking Up Whistleblowers-And America's Flying Blind”. NBC News, 14 September. Accessed on: 21 July 2023,
  • Gamal, R. and Paul, K. (2017). “Saudi Arabia Should Not Forfeit 'Sovereign' Right To Enrich Uranium: Senior Prince”. Reuters. Accessed on: 24 May 2023,
  • Gardner, T. (2019). “U.S. Approved Secret Nuclear Power Work for Saudi Arabia” Reuters. Accessed on: 16 July 2023,
  • Gheorghe, E. (2019). “Proliferation and the Logic of the Nuclear Market”. International Security. 43 (4). 88–127.
  • Gilinsky, V. and Sokolski, H. (2019). “If Yes To Saudi Arabia, No To Whom?”. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Gilinsky, V. and Sokolski, H. (2019). “The Nonproliferation Gold Standard: The New Normal?” Arms Constrol Association. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, new-normal
  • Henderson, S. and Schenker, D. (2023). “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear “Asks”: What Do They Want, What Might They Get?”. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Accessed on: 16 August 2023,
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2019). “IAEA Delivers Report on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development to Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 22 May 2023, power-infrastructure-development-to-saudi-arabia
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2023). “Convention on Nuclear Safety; 8th Review Meeting National Report of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 22 June 2023, he_8th_review_meeting.pdf
  • Jones, C. (2021). “Moving off the Gold Standard: Energy, Security, “Stateness”, and the Nuclearisation of the Gulf”. Journal of Arabian Studies, 10 (1), 190-204.
  • Kerr, P. and Nikitin B. (2022). “The United States Congressional Research Service, Nuclear Cooperation with Other Countries: A Primer”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KAGARE). Saudi National Atomic Energy Project (SNAEP). Accessed on: 20 May 2023,
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2010). “Saudi Royal Decree establishing King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, sa/ar/about/Documents/trl.pdf
  • Malin, M. B. (2017). “Nuclear Energy in the Middle East? Regional Security Cooperation Needed”. Harvard Kennedy School: Belfer Center. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, regional-security-cooperation-needed
  • Miller A. D. and Simon, S. (2023). “Is Saudi-Israeli Normalization Worth It?” Foreign Policy. Accessed on: 21 July 2023,
  • Miller, N. L. (2017). “Why Nuclear Energy Programs Rarely Lead to Proliferation”. International Security, 42 (2), 40–77.
  • Miller, N. L. and Volpe T. A. (2018). “Geostrategic Nuclear Exports: The Competition for Influence in Saudi Arabia”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Accessed on: 17 July 2023,
  • Mufson, S. (2018). “Why Trump Might Bend Nuclear Security Rules to Help Saudi Arabia Build Reactors in the Desert”. The Washington Post, Accessed on: 17 May 2023,,Eastern%20countries%20to%20follow%20suit.
  • Nakhle, C. (2016). “Nuclear Energy’s Future in the Middle East and North Africa”. Carnegie Middle East Center. Accessed on: 18 May 2023, https://carnegie- 62562.
  • Nasr, J. (2018). “Congressional Considerations for a US–Saudi Nuclear Agreement”. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). Accessed on: 18 May 2023, us-saudi-nuclear-agreement/
  • Nephew, R. (2010). “Reconsiderıng US Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”. Center on Global Energy Policy. Columbia SIPA. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • Pekar, Ç. (2019). “ABD ve Arabistan Arasındaki Nükleer İşbirliği Görüşmeleri”. M5 Dergisi, Mayıs, 86-93.
  • Pekar, Ç. (2021). “Uluslararası Güvenlik Bağlamında Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı: Tarihçesi, Yapısı ve Faaliyetleri”. In Bağbaşlıoğlu, A. (ed.) Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Uluslararası Örgütler: Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Kurumlar, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 383-394.
  • Rockwood, L. (2002). “The IAEA's Strengthened Safeguards System”. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 7 (1), 123-136.
  • Rockwood, L. (2013). “Legal Framework for IAEA Safeguards”. Accessed on: 23 July 2023,
  • Reuters. (2023). “Saudi Arabia Plans to Use Domestic Uranium for Nuclear Fuel”. Accessed on: 15 May 2023,
  • Saab, B. Y. and Kane, C. Z. (2023). “Saudi Arabia Can Alleviate US Concerns Over its Civilian Nuclear Energy Program. Here’s How”. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 July 2023, arabia-can-alleviate-us-concerns-over-its-civilian-nuclear-energy-program-heres- how/
  • Stewart, I. J. (and others). (2020). “The Status of the Front End of Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Cycle”. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). NonPro Notes. Washington. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • Taheran, S. (2019a). “Report Blows Whistle on Saudi Nuclear Talks”. Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 22 May 2023, nuclear-talks
  • Taheran, S. (2019b). “Congress Seeks Light on U.S. Nuclear Transfers”. Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 16 July 2023,
  • The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2018). “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Statement on the United States Withdrawal from the JCPOA”. Washington D.C. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Government Accountability Office (GAO). (2020). “U.S. Saudi Nuclear Cooperation Progress is Stalled over Nonproliferation Conditions and Agency Management of Negotiations is Unclear”, GAO-20-343. Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • The US Government Printing Offıce. (2009). “Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Arab Emirates”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Congressional Research Service (CRS). (2023). “Prospects for U.S.-Saudi Nuclear Energy Cooperation. Accessed on: 25 June 2023,
  • The US Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA). Accessed on: 12 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2008). “U.S.-Saudi Arabia Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Energy Cooperation”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2015). “Memorandum of Understanding Between the US Department of Energy (DOE) and KACARE for Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2022). “123 Agreements for Peaceful Cooperation,”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, agreements-peaceful-cooperation
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2009). “Agreement Between the Government of the United States Of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Science and Technology Cooperation”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2009). “U.S.-UAE Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation (123 Agreement)”. Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2022). “123 Agreements-Fact Sheet”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, international-security-and-nonproliferation/123-agreements/
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2022). “Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Tubb, K. (2018). “U.S. Shouldn’t Hold to Strict "Gold Standard" on Saudi Nuclear Deal”. The Heritage Foundation. Accessed on: 15 May 2023, standard-saudi-nuclear-deal
  • United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). (2023). “Development and Cooperation Nuclear Research and Energy Middle East”. Accessed on: 22 June 2023,
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). “National Policy for the Atomic Energy Program of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, l_Policy_for_the_Atomic_Energy_Program.pdf
  • Varnum, J. (2012). “U.S. Nuclear Cooperation as Nonproliferation: Reforms, or the Devil You Know?”. Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • Wintour, P. (2018). “Saudi Crown Prince Warns It Will Build Nuclear Bomb If Tehran Does The Same”. The Guardian. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, threat-mohammed-bin-salman
  • World Nuclear Association (WNA). “Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 25 May 2023,
  • World Nuclear News (WNN). (2011). “Saudi plans 16 reactors by 2030”. Accessed on: 19 June 2023, reactors-by-2030


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 50, 1206 - 1226, 20.10.2023


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long been interested in nuclear technology and working towards developing the country’s nuclear energy infrastructure and nuclear legal framework. In view of recent advancements in Saudi nuclear energy, it is apparent that Saudi Arabia intends to pursue its nuclear energy program with the assistance of nuclear cooperation agreements. So far, the Kingdom has concluded several nuclear cooperation agreements with various foreign governments in order to advance its nuclear energy program. Although the United States (the US) and Saudi Arabia has not concluded a nuclear cooperation yet, the negotiations are currently underway.

This study focuses on the Kingdom’s nuclear energy program particularly focusing on the challenging issues in the nuclear cooperation negotiations with the US. It puts that the two countries has not been successful to conclude a “nuclear cooperation agreement” (“123 Agreement”) due to several challenges and concerns. Major challenging issues are originating from the US insistence on its stringent conditions including restrictions on enrichment and reprocessing activities (“gold standard”) and Saudi implementation of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Additional Protocol (AP). The study first provides a short overview on the Saudi national atomic energy project and then focuses on the US provisions to conclude 123 agreements with other states. In the light of the US-Saudi nuclear negotiations, the study examines Washington’s demand for additional nonproliferation requirements and international concerns regarding the Saudi nuclear program. It concludes that due to ongoing disagreements on these two additional conditions and other concerns including Saudis possible covert intents, regional proliferation risks and nuclear security threats, nuclear cooperation between the two countries has remained at a low level.


  • Ahmad, A. and Ramana M.V. (2014). “Too Costly To Matter: Economics of Nuclear Power for Saudi Arabia”. Energy, 69, 682-694.
  • Al Arabiya English. (2023). “No Secret that Saudi Arabia is Developing Civilian Nuclear Program: Prince Faisal”. Accessed on: 15 July 2023.
  • Arms Control Association. (2019). “The U.S. Atomic Energy Act Section 123 at a Glance”. Accessed on: 21 May 2023,
  • Burkhard, S. ( (2017). “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Ambitions and Proliferation Risks”. Institute for Science and International Security, Washington, D.C. Accessed on: 17 July 2023,
  • Castelli, L. (2023). “Why Does Saudi Arabia Want To Acquire The Nuclear Fuel Cycle?” Stimson Center. Accessed on: 19 June 2023, fuel-cycle/
  • Davenport, K. (2022). “IAEA Safeguards Agreements at a Glance”. The Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Einhorn, R. (2018). “US-Saudi Civil Nuclear Negotiations: Finding a Practical Compromise”. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Fandos, N. and Mazzetti, M. (2019). “House Opens Inquiry into Proposed U.S. Nuclear Venture in Saudi Arabia”, The New York Times. Accessed on: 21 May 2023, power.html
  • Figliuzzi, F. (2020). “Trump's White House Is Racking Up Whistleblowers-And America's Flying Blind”. NBC News, 14 September. Accessed on: 21 July 2023,
  • Gamal, R. and Paul, K. (2017). “Saudi Arabia Should Not Forfeit 'Sovereign' Right To Enrich Uranium: Senior Prince”. Reuters. Accessed on: 24 May 2023,
  • Gardner, T. (2019). “U.S. Approved Secret Nuclear Power Work for Saudi Arabia” Reuters. Accessed on: 16 July 2023,
  • Gheorghe, E. (2019). “Proliferation and the Logic of the Nuclear Market”. International Security. 43 (4). 88–127.
  • Gilinsky, V. and Sokolski, H. (2019). “If Yes To Saudi Arabia, No To Whom?”. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Gilinsky, V. and Sokolski, H. (2019). “The Nonproliferation Gold Standard: The New Normal?” Arms Constrol Association. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, new-normal
  • Henderson, S. and Schenker, D. (2023). “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear “Asks”: What Do They Want, What Might They Get?”. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Accessed on: 16 August 2023,
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2019). “IAEA Delivers Report on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development to Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 22 May 2023, power-infrastructure-development-to-saudi-arabia
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2023). “Convention on Nuclear Safety; 8th Review Meeting National Report of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 22 June 2023, he_8th_review_meeting.pdf
  • Jones, C. (2021). “Moving off the Gold Standard: Energy, Security, “Stateness”, and the Nuclearisation of the Gulf”. Journal of Arabian Studies, 10 (1), 190-204.
  • Kerr, P. and Nikitin B. (2022). “The United States Congressional Research Service, Nuclear Cooperation with Other Countries: A Primer”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KAGARE). Saudi National Atomic Energy Project (SNAEP). Accessed on: 20 May 2023,
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2010). “Saudi Royal Decree establishing King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, sa/ar/about/Documents/trl.pdf
  • Malin, M. B. (2017). “Nuclear Energy in the Middle East? Regional Security Cooperation Needed”. Harvard Kennedy School: Belfer Center. Accessed on: 17 May 2023, regional-security-cooperation-needed
  • Miller A. D. and Simon, S. (2023). “Is Saudi-Israeli Normalization Worth It?” Foreign Policy. Accessed on: 21 July 2023,
  • Miller, N. L. (2017). “Why Nuclear Energy Programs Rarely Lead to Proliferation”. International Security, 42 (2), 40–77.
  • Miller, N. L. and Volpe T. A. (2018). “Geostrategic Nuclear Exports: The Competition for Influence in Saudi Arabia”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Accessed on: 17 July 2023,
  • Mufson, S. (2018). “Why Trump Might Bend Nuclear Security Rules to Help Saudi Arabia Build Reactors in the Desert”. The Washington Post, Accessed on: 17 May 2023,,Eastern%20countries%20to%20follow%20suit.
  • Nakhle, C. (2016). “Nuclear Energy’s Future in the Middle East and North Africa”. Carnegie Middle East Center. Accessed on: 18 May 2023, https://carnegie- 62562.
  • Nasr, J. (2018). “Congressional Considerations for a US–Saudi Nuclear Agreement”. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). Accessed on: 18 May 2023, us-saudi-nuclear-agreement/
  • Nephew, R. (2010). “Reconsiderıng US Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”. Center on Global Energy Policy. Columbia SIPA. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • Pekar, Ç. (2019). “ABD ve Arabistan Arasındaki Nükleer İşbirliği Görüşmeleri”. M5 Dergisi, Mayıs, 86-93.
  • Pekar, Ç. (2021). “Uluslararası Güvenlik Bağlamında Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı: Tarihçesi, Yapısı ve Faaliyetleri”. In Bağbaşlıoğlu, A. (ed.) Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Uluslararası Örgütler: Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Kurumlar, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 383-394.
  • Rockwood, L. (2002). “The IAEA's Strengthened Safeguards System”. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 7 (1), 123-136.
  • Rockwood, L. (2013). “Legal Framework for IAEA Safeguards”. Accessed on: 23 July 2023,
  • Reuters. (2023). “Saudi Arabia Plans to Use Domestic Uranium for Nuclear Fuel”. Accessed on: 15 May 2023,
  • Saab, B. Y. and Kane, C. Z. (2023). “Saudi Arabia Can Alleviate US Concerns Over its Civilian Nuclear Energy Program. Here’s How”. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Accessed on: 17 July 2023, arabia-can-alleviate-us-concerns-over-its-civilian-nuclear-energy-program-heres- how/
  • Stewart, I. J. (and others). (2020). “The Status of the Front End of Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Cycle”. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). NonPro Notes. Washington. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • Taheran, S. (2019a). “Report Blows Whistle on Saudi Nuclear Talks”. Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 22 May 2023, nuclear-talks
  • Taheran, S. (2019b). “Congress Seeks Light on U.S. Nuclear Transfers”. Arms Control Association. Accessed on: 16 July 2023,
  • The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2018). “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Statement on the United States Withdrawal from the JCPOA”. Washington D.C. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Government Accountability Office (GAO). (2020). “U.S. Saudi Nuclear Cooperation Progress is Stalled over Nonproliferation Conditions and Agency Management of Negotiations is Unclear”, GAO-20-343. Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • The US Government Printing Offıce. (2009). “Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Arab Emirates”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Congressional Research Service (CRS). (2023). “Prospects for U.S.-Saudi Nuclear Energy Cooperation. Accessed on: 25 June 2023,
  • The US Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA). Accessed on: 12 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2008). “U.S.-Saudi Arabia Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Energy Cooperation”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2015). “Memorandum of Understanding Between the US Department of Energy (DOE) and KACARE for Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE). (2022). “123 Agreements for Peaceful Cooperation,”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, agreements-peaceful-cooperation
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2009). “Agreement Between the Government of the United States Of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Science and Technology Cooperation”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2009). “U.S.-UAE Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation (123 Agreement)”. Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2022). “123 Agreements-Fact Sheet”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, international-security-and-nonproliferation/123-agreements/
  • The US Department of State (DOS). (2022). “Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters”. Accessed on: 17 May 2023,
  • Tubb, K. (2018). “U.S. Shouldn’t Hold to Strict "Gold Standard" on Saudi Nuclear Deal”. The Heritage Foundation. Accessed on: 15 May 2023, standard-saudi-nuclear-deal
  • United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). (2023). “Development and Cooperation Nuclear Research and Energy Middle East”. Accessed on: 22 June 2023,
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). “National Policy for the Atomic Energy Program of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, l_Policy_for_the_Atomic_Energy_Program.pdf
  • Varnum, J. (2012). “U.S. Nuclear Cooperation as Nonproliferation: Reforms, or the Devil You Know?”. Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI). Accessed on: 22 May 2023,
  • Wintour, P. (2018). “Saudi Crown Prince Warns It Will Build Nuclear Bomb If Tehran Does The Same”. The Guardian. Accessed on: 19 May 2023, threat-mohammed-bin-salman
  • World Nuclear Association (WNA). “Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia”. Accessed on: 25 May 2023,
  • World Nuclear News (WNN). (2011). “Saudi plans 16 reactors by 2030”. Accessed on: 19 June 2023, reactors-by-2030
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkilerde Siyaset, Uluslararası İlişkiler (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Cıgdem Pekar 0000-0002-4407-5763

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 50

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