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Year 2024, Volume: 22 Issue: Özel Sayı: Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları, 1970 - 1989, 30.09.2024


Yapay zeka (AI), Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), blok zinciri ve büyük veri analitiği gibi ileri teknolojilerin entegrasyonuyla karakterize edilen Endüstri 4.0'ın ortaya çıkışı, iş dünyasında devrim yaratıyor. Geleneksel olarak kadın girişimciler, sermayeye, ağlara ve pazar fırsatlarına sınırlı erişimin yanı sıra toplumsal ve kültürel kısıtlamalar da dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda engelle karşılaşmıştır. Bu çalışma, bu teknolojilerin kadın girişimciler için dönüştürücü potansiyelini araştırmaktadır. Çalışmada nitel bir araştırma metodolojisi kullanılmakta ve çeşitli sektörlerden Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinden başarılı bir şekilde yararlanarak işlerini ileriye taşıyan kadın girişimcilerin fırsatlar ve zorlukları göz önüne seren vaka çalışmalarına yer verilmektedir. Belirlenen başlıca fırsatlardan biri, kaynaklara erişimin demokratikleştirilmesidir. Bir diğer önemli fırsat ise operasyonel verimliliğin artırılmasıdır. Ancak araştırma, kadın girişimcilerin Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinden yararlanırken karşılaştıkları çeşitli zorluklara da dikkat çekmektedir. Bunlar arasında, özellikle gelişmekte olan bölgelerde teknolojiye ve dijital okuryazarlığa erişimin eşit olmadığı dijital uçurum da yer almaktadır. Kadın girişimciler genellikle bu teknolojileri etkin bir şekilde kullanmak için gereken eğitim ve kaynaklara daha az erişebilmektedir. Buna ek olarak, veri gizliliği ve güvenliği ile ilgili endişeler yer almaktadır. Çalışma, kadın girişimcilerin Endüstri 4.0'ın gücünden faydalanmalarını desteklemek amacıyla politika yapıcılar, eğitimciler ve sektör paydaşlarına yönelik bir dizi tavsiyeyle son bulmaktadır. Bunlar arasında dijital okuryazarlığı geliştirmeye, teknolojinin benimsenmesi için finansmana erişimi artırmaya ve işbirliğini ve bilgi paylaşımını teşvik eden destekleyici ekosistemler oluşturmaya yönelik girişimler bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırma, Endüstri 4.0 çağında kapsayıcı ve sürdürülebilir girişimcilik ekosistemlerini teşvik etmek için bir takım içgörüler sağlayarak, cinsiyet ve teknoloji üzerine büyüyen literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Acs, Z. J., Arenius, P., Hay, M. ve Minniti, M. (2005). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2004 Executive Report. Babson College and London Business School. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Akpuokwe, C. U., Chikwe, C. F. ve Eneh, N. E. (2024). Leveraging technology and financial literacy for women’s empowerment in SMEs: A conceptual framework for sustainable development. Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 18(3), 020-032.
  • Al-Qahtani, M., Zguir, M. F., Ari, I. ve Koç, M. (2022). Female entrepreneurship for sustainable economy and development—challenges, drivers, and suggested policies for resource-rich countries. Sustainability, 14(20), 13412.
  • Antonio, A., & Tuffley, D. (2014a). Digital literacy in the developing world: a gender gap. The Conversation, 8, 1-3.
  • Antonio, A., & Tuffley, D. (2014b). The gender digital divide in developing countries. Future Internet, 6(4), 673-687.
  • Aracil-Jordá, J., Clemente-Almendros, J. A., Jiménez-Zarco, A. I. ve González-González, I. (2023). Improving the social performance of women-led microenterprises: The role of social media marketing actions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191, 122484.
  • Ashton, K. (2009). That 'Internet of Things' Thing. RFID Journal. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Atzori, L., Iera, A. ve Morabito, G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A survey. Computer Networks, 54(15), 2787-2805. Avnimelech, G. ve Rechter, E. (2023). How and why accelerators enhance female entrepreneurship. Research Policy, 52(2), 104669.
  • Babu, R. R. ve Muthulingam, M. K. (2024). Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Marketing Among Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management, 3(3), 8-8.
  • Bakiji, M. (2021). Entrepreneurshıp And The Role Of Women Entrepreneurshıp In Economıc Growth. Knowledge-International Journal, 45(1), 299-302.
  • Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559.
  • Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T. ve Schwienbacher, A. (2014). Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 585-609.
  • Betters-Reed, B., Harvey, S. ve Neal, J. (2020). Nurturing the soul of the company at EILEEN FISHER, Inc. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 17(3), 211-222.
  • Boehmer, J. H., Shukla, M., Kapletia, D. ve Tiwari, M. K. (2020). The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on servitization: an exploration of changing supply relationships. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3), 203-219.
  • Bosman, L., Hartman, N. ve Sutherland, J. (2020). How manufacturing firm characteristics can influence decision making for investing in Industry 4.0 technologies. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(5), 1117-1141.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Braun, V. ve Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Brush, C. G., De Bruin, A. ve Welter, F. (2009). A gender‐aware framework for women's entrepreneurship. International Journal of Gender and entrepreneurship, 1(1), 8-24.
  • Cagle, M. N., Doğru, H. ve Yilmaz, K. (2018). The Implementation of Industry 4.0 Under Manufacturing Companies: A Qualitative Analysis. IV. International Caucasus-Central Asia Foreıgn Trade And Logistics Congress, September, 7-8, Didim/AYDIN
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., ve Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165-1188.
  • Comstock, B. (2018). Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change. Random House. Cybersecurity Ventures. (2018). Cybersecurity Guide for Small Business. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Daniels, M. How Eileen Fisher is using AI to help customers find their best-fitting sizes. Modern Retail. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Davenport, T. H. ve Ronanki, R. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for the Real World. Harvard Business Review. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Dul, J., & Hak, T. (2008). Case study methodology in business research. Routledge.
  • Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Elam, A. B., Brush, C. G., Greene, P. G., Baumer, B., Dean, M. ve Heavlow, R. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018/2019 Women's Entrepreneurship Report. Babson College. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2021). Coalition against stalkerware celebrates two years of work to keep technology: Safe for all. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • European Commission. (2020). Women in Digital. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Ezeugwa, F. A., Olaniyi, O. O., Ugonnia, J. C., Arigbabu, A. S. ve Joeaneke, P. C. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Cloud Infrastructures: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Women's Participation in the Tech-Driven Economy. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 26(6), 1-16.
  • Gandomi, A. ve Haider, M. (2015). Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics. International Journal of Information Management, 35(2), 137-144.
  • Gardetti, M. A. ve Muthu, S. S. (2018). Sustainable luxury: cases on circular economy and entrepreneurship. Springer.
  • Gerring, J. (2004). What is a case study and what is it good for?. American Political Science Review, 98(2), 341-354.
  • Girth, A. M. (2014). What drives the partnership decision? Examining structural factors influencing public-private partnerships for municipal wireless broadband. International Public Management Journal, 17(3), 344-364.
  • Hampton, A., Cooper, S. ve McGowan, P. (2009). Female entrepreneurial networks and networking activity in technology-based ventures: An exploratory study. International Small Business Journal, 27(2), 193-214.
  • Hilbert, M. (2011). Digital gender divide or technologically empowered women in developing countries? A typical case of lies, damned lies, and statistics. Women's Studies International Forum, 34(6), 479-489.
  • Iansiti, M. ve Lakhani, K. R. (2014). Digital ubiquity: How connections, sensors, and data are revolutionizing business. Harvard Business Review. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • IT News Africa (2021). AfChix and USAID are helping African women connect their own communities to the internet. Erişim: 1 Ağustos, 2024,
  • ITU. (2019). Measuring digital development: Facts and figures 2019. International Telecommunication Union. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Kakeesh, D. F. (2024). Female entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 26(3), 485-526
  • Lins, E., ve Lutz, E. (2016). Bridging the gender funding gap: do female entrepreneurs have equal access to venture capital?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 27(2-3), 347-365.
  • Lionesses of Africa. (2020). Nkemdilim Uwaje Begho, an information technology pioneer bridging the digital divide. Erişim: 1 Ağustos, 2024,
  • Lionesses of Africa. (2024). Passionate Techpreneur transforming lives. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Lockey, S., Gillespie, N., Holm, D. ve Someh, I. A. (2021). A review of trust in artificial intelligence: Challenges, vulnerabilities and future directions. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021 (HICSS-54), January 4-9, 2021
  • Malmström, M. ve Wincent, J. (2018). Bank lending and financial discrimination from the formal economy: How women entrepreneurs get forced into involuntary bootstrapping. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 10, e00096.
  • Martínez-Rodríguez, I., Quintana-Rojo, C., Gento, P. ve Callejas-Albinana, F. E. (2022). Public policy recommendations for promoting female entrepreneurship in Europe. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18(3), 1235-1262.
  • Michota, A. (2013). Digital security concerns and threats facing women entrepreneurs. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2, 1-11.
  • Moeuf, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S., Tamayo-Giraldo, S. ve Barbaray, R. (2018). The industrial management of SMEs in the era of Industry 4.0. International journal of Production Research, 56(3), 1118-1136.
  • Neumeyer, X., Santos, S. C., Caetano, A. ve Kalbfleisch, P. (2019). Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach. Small Business Economics, 53, 475-489.
  • OECD. (2019). The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019: Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship. OECD Publishing. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Perkins, K. M. (2021). Achieve Audacious Sustainability Goals: Learn How From Eileen Fisher. Forbes. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Prügl, E., ve True, J. (2014). Equality means business? Governing gender through transnational public-private partnerships. Review of International Political Economy, 21(6), 1137-1169.
  • Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case study method: A step-by-step guide for business researchers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1609406919862424.
  • Rauch, E., Unterhofer, M., Rojas, R. A., Gualtieri, L., Woschank, M. ve Matt, D. T. (2020). A maturity level-based assessment tool to enhance the implementation of industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises. Sustainability, 12(9), 3559.
  • Reddy, G. S., Gupta, M. ve Sambasivan, M. (2020). A study of information security in female-led SMEs. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 54, 102529.
  • Russell, S. ve Norvig, P. (2020). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson. Saber, J. A. (2016). Determining small business cybersecurity strategies to prevent data breaches. (Doktora tezi). Walden University.
  • Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum. Erişim tarihi: 11 Haziran 2024
  • Shaduka, A. N. (2007). LinuxChix A sisterhood in computing. Sister Namibia, 19(5-6), 25. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024, Stake, R. E. (2013). Multiple case study analysis. Guilford press.
  • Tandé, A. (2017). Implementing a diversity policy through public incentives: Diversity Plans in companies of the Brussels-Capital Region. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(10), 1731-1747.
  • Tapscott, D. ve Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World. Penguin.
  • Tellis, W. (1997). Application of a case study methodology. The Qualitative Report, 3(3), 1-19.
  • The National Network to End Domestic Violence (2019). The National Network to End Domestic Violence joins launch of Coalition Against Stalkerware. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • UN Women. (2019). Leveraging digital finance for gender equality and women's empowerment. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Van Dijk, J. (2020). The digital divide. John Wiley & Sons. Yin, R. K. (2014). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (5th ed.). Sage Publication


Year 2024, Volume: 22 Issue: Özel Sayı: Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları, 1970 - 1989, 30.09.2024


The advent of Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and big data analytics, is revolutionizing the business landscape. Traditionally, female entrepreneurs have faced numerous barriers, including limited access to capital, networks, and market opportunities, as well as societal and cultural constraints. This study delves into the transformative potential of these technologies for female entrepreneurs. The study employs a qualitative research methodology, incorporating case studies of female entrepreneurs from various sectors who have successfully leveraged Industry 4.0 technologies to drive their businesses forward. One of the primary opportunities identified is the democratization of access to resources. Another significant opportunity lies in the enhancement of operational efficiency. However, the research also highlights several challenges that female entrepreneurs face in leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies. These include the digital divide, where access to technology and digital literacy remains uneven, particularly in developing regions. Female entrepreneurs often have less access to the training and resources needed to effectively utilize these technologies. Additionally, there are concerns about data privacy and security, which can disproportionately affect female entrepreneurs who may lack the resources to implement robust cybersecurity measures. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for policymakers, educators, and industry stakeholders to support female entrepreneurs in harnessing the power of Industry 4.0. These include initiatives to improve digital literacy, increase access to financing for technology adoption, and create supportive ecosystems that encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on gender and technology, providing valuable insights for fostering inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems in the era of Industry 4.0.


  • Acs, Z. J., Arenius, P., Hay, M. ve Minniti, M. (2005). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2004 Executive Report. Babson College and London Business School. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Akpuokwe, C. U., Chikwe, C. F. ve Eneh, N. E. (2024). Leveraging technology and financial literacy for women’s empowerment in SMEs: A conceptual framework for sustainable development. Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 18(3), 020-032.
  • Al-Qahtani, M., Zguir, M. F., Ari, I. ve Koç, M. (2022). Female entrepreneurship for sustainable economy and development—challenges, drivers, and suggested policies for resource-rich countries. Sustainability, 14(20), 13412.
  • Antonio, A., & Tuffley, D. (2014a). Digital literacy in the developing world: a gender gap. The Conversation, 8, 1-3.
  • Antonio, A., & Tuffley, D. (2014b). The gender digital divide in developing countries. Future Internet, 6(4), 673-687.
  • Aracil-Jordá, J., Clemente-Almendros, J. A., Jiménez-Zarco, A. I. ve González-González, I. (2023). Improving the social performance of women-led microenterprises: The role of social media marketing actions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191, 122484.
  • Ashton, K. (2009). That 'Internet of Things' Thing. RFID Journal. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Atzori, L., Iera, A. ve Morabito, G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A survey. Computer Networks, 54(15), 2787-2805. Avnimelech, G. ve Rechter, E. (2023). How and why accelerators enhance female entrepreneurship. Research Policy, 52(2), 104669.
  • Babu, R. R. ve Muthulingam, M. K. (2024). Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Marketing Among Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Research and Analysis in Commerce and Management, 3(3), 8-8.
  • Bakiji, M. (2021). Entrepreneurshıp And The Role Of Women Entrepreneurshıp In Economıc Growth. Knowledge-International Journal, 45(1), 299-302.
  • Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559.
  • Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T. ve Schwienbacher, A. (2014). Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 585-609.
  • Betters-Reed, B., Harvey, S. ve Neal, J. (2020). Nurturing the soul of the company at EILEEN FISHER, Inc. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 17(3), 211-222.
  • Boehmer, J. H., Shukla, M., Kapletia, D. ve Tiwari, M. K. (2020). The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on servitization: an exploration of changing supply relationships. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3), 203-219.
  • Bosman, L., Hartman, N. ve Sutherland, J. (2020). How manufacturing firm characteristics can influence decision making for investing in Industry 4.0 technologies. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(5), 1117-1141.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Braun, V. ve Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Brush, C. G., De Bruin, A. ve Welter, F. (2009). A gender‐aware framework for women's entrepreneurship. International Journal of Gender and entrepreneurship, 1(1), 8-24.
  • Cagle, M. N., Doğru, H. ve Yilmaz, K. (2018). The Implementation of Industry 4.0 Under Manufacturing Companies: A Qualitative Analysis. IV. International Caucasus-Central Asia Foreıgn Trade And Logistics Congress, September, 7-8, Didim/AYDIN
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., ve Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165-1188.
  • Comstock, B. (2018). Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change. Random House. Cybersecurity Ventures. (2018). Cybersecurity Guide for Small Business. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Daniels, M. How Eileen Fisher is using AI to help customers find their best-fitting sizes. Modern Retail. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Davenport, T. H. ve Ronanki, R. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for the Real World. Harvard Business Review. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Dul, J., & Hak, T. (2008). Case study methodology in business research. Routledge.
  • Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Elam, A. B., Brush, C. G., Greene, P. G., Baumer, B., Dean, M. ve Heavlow, R. (2019). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018/2019 Women's Entrepreneurship Report. Babson College. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2021). Coalition against stalkerware celebrates two years of work to keep technology: Safe for all. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • European Commission. (2020). Women in Digital. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Ezeugwa, F. A., Olaniyi, O. O., Ugonnia, J. C., Arigbabu, A. S. ve Joeaneke, P. C. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Cloud Infrastructures: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Women's Participation in the Tech-Driven Economy. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 26(6), 1-16.
  • Gandomi, A. ve Haider, M. (2015). Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics. International Journal of Information Management, 35(2), 137-144.
  • Gardetti, M. A. ve Muthu, S. S. (2018). Sustainable luxury: cases on circular economy and entrepreneurship. Springer.
  • Gerring, J. (2004). What is a case study and what is it good for?. American Political Science Review, 98(2), 341-354.
  • Girth, A. M. (2014). What drives the partnership decision? Examining structural factors influencing public-private partnerships for municipal wireless broadband. International Public Management Journal, 17(3), 344-364.
  • Hampton, A., Cooper, S. ve McGowan, P. (2009). Female entrepreneurial networks and networking activity in technology-based ventures: An exploratory study. International Small Business Journal, 27(2), 193-214.
  • Hilbert, M. (2011). Digital gender divide or technologically empowered women in developing countries? A typical case of lies, damned lies, and statistics. Women's Studies International Forum, 34(6), 479-489.
  • Iansiti, M. ve Lakhani, K. R. (2014). Digital ubiquity: How connections, sensors, and data are revolutionizing business. Harvard Business Review. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • IT News Africa (2021). AfChix and USAID are helping African women connect their own communities to the internet. Erişim: 1 Ağustos, 2024,
  • ITU. (2019). Measuring digital development: Facts and figures 2019. International Telecommunication Union. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Kakeesh, D. F. (2024). Female entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 26(3), 485-526
  • Lins, E., ve Lutz, E. (2016). Bridging the gender funding gap: do female entrepreneurs have equal access to venture capital?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 27(2-3), 347-365.
  • Lionesses of Africa. (2020). Nkemdilim Uwaje Begho, an information technology pioneer bridging the digital divide. Erişim: 1 Ağustos, 2024,
  • Lionesses of Africa. (2024). Passionate Techpreneur transforming lives. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Lockey, S., Gillespie, N., Holm, D. ve Someh, I. A. (2021). A review of trust in artificial intelligence: Challenges, vulnerabilities and future directions. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021 (HICSS-54), January 4-9, 2021
  • Malmström, M. ve Wincent, J. (2018). Bank lending and financial discrimination from the formal economy: How women entrepreneurs get forced into involuntary bootstrapping. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 10, e00096.
  • Martínez-Rodríguez, I., Quintana-Rojo, C., Gento, P. ve Callejas-Albinana, F. E. (2022). Public policy recommendations for promoting female entrepreneurship in Europe. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18(3), 1235-1262.
  • Michota, A. (2013). Digital security concerns and threats facing women entrepreneurs. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2, 1-11.
  • Moeuf, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S., Tamayo-Giraldo, S. ve Barbaray, R. (2018). The industrial management of SMEs in the era of Industry 4.0. International journal of Production Research, 56(3), 1118-1136.
  • Neumeyer, X., Santos, S. C., Caetano, A. ve Kalbfleisch, P. (2019). Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach. Small Business Economics, 53, 475-489.
  • OECD. (2019). The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019: Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship. OECD Publishing. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Perkins, K. M. (2021). Achieve Audacious Sustainability Goals: Learn How From Eileen Fisher. Forbes. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024,
  • Prügl, E., ve True, J. (2014). Equality means business? Governing gender through transnational public-private partnerships. Review of International Political Economy, 21(6), 1137-1169.
  • Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case study method: A step-by-step guide for business researchers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1609406919862424.
  • Rauch, E., Unterhofer, M., Rojas, R. A., Gualtieri, L., Woschank, M. ve Matt, D. T. (2020). A maturity level-based assessment tool to enhance the implementation of industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises. Sustainability, 12(9), 3559.
  • Reddy, G. S., Gupta, M. ve Sambasivan, M. (2020). A study of information security in female-led SMEs. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 54, 102529.
  • Russell, S. ve Norvig, P. (2020). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson. Saber, J. A. (2016). Determining small business cybersecurity strategies to prevent data breaches. (Doktora tezi). Walden University.
  • Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum. Erişim tarihi: 11 Haziran 2024
  • Shaduka, A. N. (2007). LinuxChix A sisterhood in computing. Sister Namibia, 19(5-6), 25. Erişim: 1 Ağustos 2024, Stake, R. E. (2013). Multiple case study analysis. Guilford press.
  • Tandé, A. (2017). Implementing a diversity policy through public incentives: Diversity Plans in companies of the Brussels-Capital Region. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(10), 1731-1747.
  • Tapscott, D. ve Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World. Penguin.
  • Tellis, W. (1997). Application of a case study methodology. The Qualitative Report, 3(3), 1-19.
  • The National Network to End Domestic Violence (2019). The National Network to End Domestic Violence joins launch of Coalition Against Stalkerware. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • UN Women. (2019). Leveraging digital finance for gender equality and women's empowerment. Erişim: 1 Haziran 2024,
  • Van Dijk, J. (2020). The digital divide. John Wiley & Sons. Yin, R. K. (2014). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (5th ed.). Sage Publication
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Münire Tuğba Erdem Aladağ 0009-0000-0229-2359

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date July 15, 2024
Acceptance Date September 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 22 Issue: Özel Sayı: Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları


APA Erdem Aladağ, M. T. (2024). KADIN GİRİŞİMCİLİĞİ VE ENDÜSTRİ 4.0 TEKNOLOJİLERİ: ÖRNEK VAKALAR ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(Özel Sayı: Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları), 1970-1989.

Sayın Araştırmacı;

Dergimize gelen yoğun talep nedeniyle Ekim 2024 sayısı için öngörülen kontenjan dolmuştur, gönderilen makaleler ilerleyen sayılarda değerlendirilebilecektir. Bu hususa dikkat ederek yeni makale gönderimi yapmanızı rica ederiz.

Yönetim Bilimler Dergisi Özel Sayı Çağrısı
Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 2024 yılının Eylül ayında “Endüstri 4.0 ve Dijitalleşmenin Sosyal Bilimlerde Yansımaları” başlıklı bir özel sayı yayınlayacaktır.
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi tarafından 5-6 Temmuz 2024 tarihlerinde çevrimiçi olarak düzenlenecek olan 4. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Konferansı’nda sunum gerçekleştiren yazarların dergi için ücret yatırmasına gerek olmayıp, dekont yerine Konferans Katılım Belgesini sisteme yüklemeleri yeterli olacaktır.
Gönderilen makalelerin derginin yazım kurallarına uygun olması ve DergiPark sistemi üzerinden sisteme yüklenmesi gerekmektedir. Özel sayı ana başlığı ile ilgisiz makaleler değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Özel sayı için gönderilen makalelerin "Makalemi özel sayıya göndermek istiyorum" kutucuğu işaretlenerek sisteme yüklenmesi gerekmektedir. Özel sayı için gönderilmemiş makalelerin bu sayıya eklenmesi mümkün olmayacaktır.
Özel Sayı Çalışma Takvimi
Gönderim Başlangıcı: 15 Nisan 2024
Son Gönderim Tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2024
Özel Sayı Yayınlanma Tarihi: Eylül 2024

Dergimize göndereceğiniz çalışmalar linkte yer alan taslak dikkate alınarak hazırlanmalıdır. Çalışmanızı aktaracağınız taslak dergi yazım kurallarına göre düzenlenmiştir. Bu yüzden biçimlendirmeyi ve ana başlıkları değiştirmeden çalışmanızı bu taslağa aktarmanız gerekmektedir.
İngilizce Makale Şablonu için tıklayınız...
