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Farklı banner formatları için banner körlüğünü keşfetmek: Bir göz izleme çalışması

Year 2023, , 99 - 121, 28.07.2023


Banner körlüğü, internet sitelerindeki reklamların bilinçli veya bilinçsiz olarak göz ardı edilmesidir ve son zamanlarda dijital dünyanın yeni terimlerinden biri olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Reklamcılar bu körlüğün üstesinden gelmek ve izleyicilere bannerları fark ettirmek için mücadele etmektedir. Ayrıca reklamcılar daha yaratıcı reklam fikirleri üzerinde çalışmaktadırlar. Banner körlüğü arttıkça, markaların bannerlarını nerede ve nasıl kullanacakları konusunda daha özenli ve dikkatli olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, reklamlar öncelikle dikkat çekici olmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, göz izleme (eye-tracking) cihazı ile banner körlüğü ve dikkat değişkenlerine yönelik ölçümler yapılmıştır. 4x2 faktöriyel tasarım çalışmasında, bir haber sitesi tasarlanmış ve bannerlar oluşturularak siteye yerleştirilmiştir. Deneye izole bir odada 160 öğrenci bireysel olarak katılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlara göre, sol taraftaki bannerlara ve üst taraftaki bannerlara daha fazla sabitlenme olmuştur. Katılımcılar en az bir kez yatay bannerlara, dikey bannerlara göre daha fazla odaklanmışlardır. İnternet sitesinde serbest gezinen grup çevrimiçi reklamları, odaklanan gruba göre daha bilgilendirici ve inandırıcı bulmuştur. Kullanıcılar web sitesi içeriğine odaklanırsa, reklam adlarını hatırlayamamakta ve bannerlara bakmamaktadır. Bu nedenle serbest gezinen grup, odak grubundan daha fazla reklamı hatırlamıştır. Banner türü (görsel veya metin tabanlı) sabitleme üzerinde önemli ölçüde etkili değildir.

Supporting Institution

Anadolu Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. google scholar
  • Benway, J. P. (1999). Banner Blindness: What Searching Users Notice and Do Not Notice on The World Wide Web. Unpublished PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, USA. google scholar
  • Boerman, S.C., Kruikemeier, S., & Borgesius, F. J. Z. (2017) Online behavioral advertising: A literature review and research agenda. Journal of Advertising, 46(3), 363-376. google scholar
  • Brackett, L. K., & Carr, B. N. Jr. (2001). Cyberspace advertising vs. other media: Consumer vs. mature student attitudes. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(5), 23-32. google scholar
  • Broder, A., Fontoura, M., Josifovski, V., & Riedel, L. (2007). A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising, Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 559-66. google scholar
  • Burke, M., Hornof, A., Nilsen, E., & Gorman, N. (2005). High-cost banner blindness: Ads increase perceived workload, hinder visual search, and are forgotten. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 12(4), 423-445. google scholar
  • Chatterjee, P. (2008). Are unclicked ads wasted? Enduring effects of banner and pop-up ad exposures on brand memory and attitudes. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1), 51-61. google scholar
  • Cho, C. H., & Cheon, H. J. (2004). Why do people avoid advertising on the internet? Journal ofAdvertising, 33(4), 89-97. google scholar
  • Djamasbi, S., Hall-Phillips, A., & Yang, R. (2013). An Examination of Ads and Viewing Behavior: An Eye-Tracking Study on Desktop and Mobile Devices, Proceedings of the nineteenth Americas conference on information systems, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1-6. google scholar
  • Ducoffe, R. H. (1996). Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5), 21-35. google scholar
  • Evoc Insights. (2009). Eye-tracking. (Accessed 20 April 2018). google scholar
  • Goodrich, K. (2011). Anarchy of effects? Exploring attention to online advertising and multiple outcomes. Psychology & Marketing, 28(4), 417-440. google scholar
  • Hershberger, E., & Costea, A. E. (2009). Task Orientation and Ad Recall: An Exploratory Study, Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on management, marketing and finances, WSEAS, Houston, TX, pp. 82-87. google scholar
  • Hervet, G., Guerard, K., Tremblay, S., & Chtourou, M.S. (2011). Is banner blindness genuine? Eye-tracking internet text advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 708-716. google scholar
  • IAB (n.d). _LW_FixedSize Spec.pdf (Accessed 29 April 2022). google scholar
  • Kaspar, K., Weber, S.L., & Wilbers, A. K. (2019). Personally relevant online advertisements: Effects of demographic targeting on visual attention and brand evaluation. PLoS ONE, 14(2): e0212419. google scholar
  • Lapa, C. (2007). Using Eye-Tracking to Understand Banner Blindness and Improve Website Design. Unpublished PhD thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA. google scholar
  • Lee, J. W., & Ahn, J. H. (2012). Attention to banner ads and their effectiveness: An eye-tracking approach. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(1), 119-137. google scholar
  • Lo, S. K., Hsieh, A. Y., & Chiu, Y. P. (2014). Keyword advertising is not what you think: Clicking and eye movement behaviors on keyword advertising. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13, 221-228. google scholar
  • McDonald, A., & Cranor, L.F. (2010). Beliefs and behaviors: Internet users’ understanding of behavioral advertising. TPRC 2010, google scholar
  • Meyers-Levy, J., & Malaviya, P. (1999). Consumers’ processing of persuasive advertisements: An integrative framework of persuasion theories. Journal of Marketing, 63, 45-60. google scholar
  • Moore, R. S., Stammerjohan, C. A., & Coulter, R. A. (2005). Banner advertiser - web site context congruity and color effects on attention and attitudes. Journal of Advertising, 34(2), 71-84. google scholar
  • Mosconi, M., Porta, M., & Ravarelli, A. (2008). On-line Newspapers and Multimedia Content: An Eye-Tracking Study, SIGDOC ‘08: Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 55-64. google scholar
  • Munoz-Leiva, F., Hernandez-Mendez, J., & Gömez-Carmona, D. (2019). Measuring advertising effectiveness in travel 2.0 websites through eye-tracking technology. Physiology & Behavior, 200, 83-95. google scholar
  • Munoz-Leiva, F., Faisca, L.M., Ramos, C.M.Q., Correia, M.B., Sousa, C.M.R., & Bouhachi, M. (2021). The influence of banner position and user experience on recall. The mediating role of visual attention. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 25(1), 82-11. google scholar
  • Owens, J.W., Palmer, E.M., & Chaparro, B.S. (2014). The pervasiveness of text advertising blindness. Journal of Usability Studies, 9(2), 51-69. google scholar
  • Özdemir, S.S., Özdemir, M., Polat, E., & Aksoy, R. (2014). Sosyal medya kavramı ve sosyal ağ sitelerinde yer alan online reklam uygulamalarının incelenmesi. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, December, 58-64. google scholar
  • Pieters, R., Warlop, L., & Wedel, M. (2002). Breaking through the clutter: Benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory. Management Science, 48(6), 765-781. google scholar
  • Porta, M., Ravarelli, A., & Spaghi, F. (2013). Online newspapers and ad banners: An eye-tracking study on the effects of congruity. Online Information Review, 37(3), 405-423. google scholar
  • Reklamcılar Derneği (2022). Türkiye’de tahmini medya ve reklam yatırımları 2021 raporu uploads/6ac5fc0a-f3c9-4564-bb1f-102ddc579341.pdf (Accessed 29 April 2022). google scholar
  • Resnick, M., & Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(3), 206-219. google scholar
  • Sajjacholapunt, P., & Ball, L.J. (2014). The influence of banner advertisements on attention and memory: Human faces with averted gaze can enhance advertising effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(166), 1-16. google scholar
  • Schöber, S., & Kindermann, H. (2020). Analysis of Contextual Effects of Advertising Banners. In NeuroIS Retreat. Springer, Cham, 253-258. google scholar
  • Speck, P. S., & Elliott, M. T. (1997). Predictors of advertising avoidance in print and broadcast media. Journal of Advertising, 26(3), 61-76. google scholar
  • Tsang, M. M., Ho, S., & Liang, T. (2004). Consumer attitudes toward mobile advertising: An empirical study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(3), 65-78. google scholar
  • Vangelov, N. (2019). Efficient Facebook advertising. Balkan Social Science Review, 14, 241-263. google scholar
  • Wolin, L.D., Korgaonkar, P., & Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, attitudes and behaviour towards Web advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 21(1), 87-113, google scholar
  • Zouharova, M., Zouhar, J., & Smutny, Z. (2016). A MILP approach to the optimization of banner display strategy to tackle banner blindness. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 24, 473-488. google scholar

Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study

Year 2023, , 99 - 121, 28.07.2023


Banner blindness is ignoring the ads on internet websites either consciously or unconsciously, and it has been recently used as one of the new terms in the digital world. Advertisers struggle to overcome this blindness and get the audience to notice banners. Moreover, they work on creative advertisement ideas. As banner blindness increases, brands have to be more attentive and careful about where and how to use their banners. Therefore, advertisements must primarily be remarkable. In this study, measurements for banner blindness and attention variables were made by an eye-tracking device. In the 4x2 factorial experimental study, a news website was designed, and banners were created and placed on the website. 160 students took part in the experiment in an isolated room individually. According to the results, left-side banners and top-side banners got more fixation. The participants fixated at least once on horizontal banners more than vertical banners. The free surfing group found online ads more informative and believable than the focused group. If users focus on the website content, they cannot remember ad names and do not look at the banners. Therefore, the free surfing group remembered more ads than the focusing group. Banner type (visual or text-based) was not significantly effective on fixation.

Project Number



  • Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. google scholar
  • Benway, J. P. (1999). Banner Blindness: What Searching Users Notice and Do Not Notice on The World Wide Web. Unpublished PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, USA. google scholar
  • Boerman, S.C., Kruikemeier, S., & Borgesius, F. J. Z. (2017) Online behavioral advertising: A literature review and research agenda. Journal of Advertising, 46(3), 363-376. google scholar
  • Brackett, L. K., & Carr, B. N. Jr. (2001). Cyberspace advertising vs. other media: Consumer vs. mature student attitudes. Journal of Advertising Research, 45(5), 23-32. google scholar
  • Broder, A., Fontoura, M., Josifovski, V., & Riedel, L. (2007). A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising, Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 559-66. google scholar
  • Burke, M., Hornof, A., Nilsen, E., & Gorman, N. (2005). High-cost banner blindness: Ads increase perceived workload, hinder visual search, and are forgotten. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 12(4), 423-445. google scholar
  • Chatterjee, P. (2008). Are unclicked ads wasted? Enduring effects of banner and pop-up ad exposures on brand memory and attitudes. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1), 51-61. google scholar
  • Cho, C. H., & Cheon, H. J. (2004). Why do people avoid advertising on the internet? Journal ofAdvertising, 33(4), 89-97. google scholar
  • Djamasbi, S., Hall-Phillips, A., & Yang, R. (2013). An Examination of Ads and Viewing Behavior: An Eye-Tracking Study on Desktop and Mobile Devices, Proceedings of the nineteenth Americas conference on information systems, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1-6. google scholar
  • Ducoffe, R. H. (1996). Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5), 21-35. google scholar
  • Evoc Insights. (2009). Eye-tracking. (Accessed 20 April 2018). google scholar
  • Goodrich, K. (2011). Anarchy of effects? Exploring attention to online advertising and multiple outcomes. Psychology & Marketing, 28(4), 417-440. google scholar
  • Hershberger, E., & Costea, A. E. (2009). Task Orientation and Ad Recall: An Exploratory Study, Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on management, marketing and finances, WSEAS, Houston, TX, pp. 82-87. google scholar
  • Hervet, G., Guerard, K., Tremblay, S., & Chtourou, M.S. (2011). Is banner blindness genuine? Eye-tracking internet text advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 708-716. google scholar
  • IAB (n.d). _LW_FixedSize Spec.pdf (Accessed 29 April 2022). google scholar
  • Kaspar, K., Weber, S.L., & Wilbers, A. K. (2019). Personally relevant online advertisements: Effects of demographic targeting on visual attention and brand evaluation. PLoS ONE, 14(2): e0212419. google scholar
  • Lapa, C. (2007). Using Eye-Tracking to Understand Banner Blindness and Improve Website Design. Unpublished PhD thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA. google scholar
  • Lee, J. W., & Ahn, J. H. (2012). Attention to banner ads and their effectiveness: An eye-tracking approach. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(1), 119-137. google scholar
  • Lo, S. K., Hsieh, A. Y., & Chiu, Y. P. (2014). Keyword advertising is not what you think: Clicking and eye movement behaviors on keyword advertising. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13, 221-228. google scholar
  • McDonald, A., & Cranor, L.F. (2010). Beliefs and behaviors: Internet users’ understanding of behavioral advertising. TPRC 2010, google scholar
  • Meyers-Levy, J., & Malaviya, P. (1999). Consumers’ processing of persuasive advertisements: An integrative framework of persuasion theories. Journal of Marketing, 63, 45-60. google scholar
  • Moore, R. S., Stammerjohan, C. A., & Coulter, R. A. (2005). Banner advertiser - web site context congruity and color effects on attention and attitudes. Journal of Advertising, 34(2), 71-84. google scholar
  • Mosconi, M., Porta, M., & Ravarelli, A. (2008). On-line Newspapers and Multimedia Content: An Eye-Tracking Study, SIGDOC ‘08: Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 55-64. google scholar
  • Munoz-Leiva, F., Hernandez-Mendez, J., & Gömez-Carmona, D. (2019). Measuring advertising effectiveness in travel 2.0 websites through eye-tracking technology. Physiology & Behavior, 200, 83-95. google scholar
  • Munoz-Leiva, F., Faisca, L.M., Ramos, C.M.Q., Correia, M.B., Sousa, C.M.R., & Bouhachi, M. (2021). The influence of banner position and user experience on recall. The mediating role of visual attention. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 25(1), 82-11. google scholar
  • Owens, J.W., Palmer, E.M., & Chaparro, B.S. (2014). The pervasiveness of text advertising blindness. Journal of Usability Studies, 9(2), 51-69. google scholar
  • Özdemir, S.S., Özdemir, M., Polat, E., & Aksoy, R. (2014). Sosyal medya kavramı ve sosyal ağ sitelerinde yer alan online reklam uygulamalarının incelenmesi. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, December, 58-64. google scholar
  • Pieters, R., Warlop, L., & Wedel, M. (2002). Breaking through the clutter: Benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory. Management Science, 48(6), 765-781. google scholar
  • Porta, M., Ravarelli, A., & Spaghi, F. (2013). Online newspapers and ad banners: An eye-tracking study on the effects of congruity. Online Information Review, 37(3), 405-423. google scholar
  • Reklamcılar Derneği (2022). Türkiye’de tahmini medya ve reklam yatırımları 2021 raporu uploads/6ac5fc0a-f3c9-4564-bb1f-102ddc579341.pdf (Accessed 29 April 2022). google scholar
  • Resnick, M., & Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(3), 206-219. google scholar
  • Sajjacholapunt, P., & Ball, L.J. (2014). The influence of banner advertisements on attention and memory: Human faces with averted gaze can enhance advertising effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(166), 1-16. google scholar
  • Schöber, S., & Kindermann, H. (2020). Analysis of Contextual Effects of Advertising Banners. In NeuroIS Retreat. Springer, Cham, 253-258. google scholar
  • Speck, P. S., & Elliott, M. T. (1997). Predictors of advertising avoidance in print and broadcast media. Journal of Advertising, 26(3), 61-76. google scholar
  • Tsang, M. M., Ho, S., & Liang, T. (2004). Consumer attitudes toward mobile advertising: An empirical study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(3), 65-78. google scholar
  • Vangelov, N. (2019). Efficient Facebook advertising. Balkan Social Science Review, 14, 241-263. google scholar
  • Wolin, L.D., Korgaonkar, P., & Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, attitudes and behaviour towards Web advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 21(1), 87-113, google scholar
  • Zouharova, M., Zouhar, J., & Smutny, Z. (2016). A MILP approach to the optimization of banner display strategy to tackle banner blindness. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 24, 473-488. google scholar
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Bilge İspir 0000-0001-7572-9048

Deniz Kılıç 0000-0001-7852-9084

G. Motif Atar 0000-0003-2074-3568

Project Number 1801E001
Early Pub Date May 9, 2023
Publication Date July 28, 2023
Submission Date January 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA İspir, B., Kılıç, D., & Atar, G. M. (2023). Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences(64), 99-121.
AMA İspir B, Kılıç D, Atar GM. Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. July 2023;(64):99-121. doi:10.26650/CONNECTIST2023-1055771
Chicago İspir, Bilge, Deniz Kılıç, and G. Motif Atar. “Discovering Banner Blindness for Different Banner Formats: An Eye-Tracking Study”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 64 (July 2023): 99-121.
EndNote İspir B, Kılıç D, Atar GM (July 1, 2023) Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 64 99–121.
IEEE B. İspir, D. Kılıç, and G. M. Atar, “Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study”, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 64, pp. 99–121, July 2023, doi: 10.26650/CONNECTIST2023-1055771.
ISNAD İspir, Bilge et al. “Discovering Banner Blindness for Different Banner Formats: An Eye-Tracking Study”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 64 (July 2023), 99-121.
JAMA İspir B, Kılıç D, Atar GM. Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2023;:99–121.
MLA İspir, Bilge et al. “Discovering Banner Blindness for Different Banner Formats: An Eye-Tracking Study”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 64, 2023, pp. 99-121, doi:10.26650/CONNECTIST2023-1055771.
Vancouver İspir B, Kılıç D, Atar GM. Discovering banner blindness for different banner formats: An eye-tracking study. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2023(64):99-121.