Research Article
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Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective

Year 2018, Issue: 54, 141 - 162, 29.06.2018




  • Aarseth, E. J. (1997). Cybertext: Perspectives on ergodic literature. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Anonymous. (2012). The science of CS: Go heatmaps. Retrieved from
  • Arntz, P. (2016). The facts about botnets. Retrieved from
  • Blackhurst, J. (2011). JC2 point cloud visualisation, realtime [video file]. Retrieved from
  • Bruns, A. (2008). Blogs, Wikipedia, second life, and beyond. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Cardoso-Leite, P., Kludt, R., Vignola, G., Ma, W. J., Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2016). Technology consumption and cognitive control: Contrasting action video game experience with media multitasking. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 78(1), 218–241.
  • Carmichael, S. (2013). What it means to be a “whale” and why social gamers are just gamers. Retrieved from
  • Dankoff, J. (2014). Game telemetry with DNA tracking on assassin‘s creed. Retrieved from
  • Dawes, M., & Hall, R. (2005). Towards using first-person shooter computer games as an artificial intelligence testbed. In R. Khosla, R. J. Howlett & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Knowledge-based intelligence information and engineering systems ( pp. 276–288). New York, NY: Springer.
  • DeRosa, M. (2004). Data mining and data analysis for counterterrorism. Retrieved from
  • Drachen, A., Canossa, A., & Møller Sørensen, J. R. (2013). Gameplay metrics in game user research: Examples from the trenches. In M. S. El-Nasr, A. Drachen & A. Canossa (Eds.), Game analytics: Maximizing the value of player data (pp. 285–319). London, UK: Springer.
  • Fulton, W. (2017). Do players really like loot boxes, or are games publishers forcing them on us? Retrieved from
  • Gaming Laboratories International. (2007). GLI standard #21. Retrieved from
  • Garris, R., Ahlers, R., & Drsikell, J. E. (2002). Games, motivation & learning: A research and practise model. Simulation & Gaming, 33(4), 441–467.
  • Grieger-Langer, S. (2017). Personal profile and resume. Retrieved from
  • Hofacker, C. F., Malthouse, E. C., & Sultan, F. (2016). Big data and consumer behavior: Imminent opportunities. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 89–97.
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  • (2018). Top games with server based network players. Retrieved from
  • Järvinen, A. (2009). Understanding video games as emotional experiences. In M. J. P.Wolf & B. Perron (Eds.), The video game theory reader 2 (pp. 85 –108). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Jaiganesh, M., Ramadoss, B., Kumar, A. V. A., & Mercy, S. (2015). Performance evaluation of cloud services with profit optimization. Procedia Computer Science, 54(2015), 24–30.
  • Jensen, J. P. (2013). Building tight games with game metrics (part 3). Retrieved from
  • Joorabchi, M. E., & El-Nasr, M. S. (2011). Measuring the impact of knowledge gained from playing FPS and RPG Games on gameplay performance. In J. Anacleto, S. Fels, N. Graham, B. Kapralos, M. S. El-Nasr & K. Stanley (Eds.), Entertainment computing – ICEC 2011 (pp. 300–306). New York, NY: Springer.
  • Keilman, J. (2016). Is my Xbox spying on me? Retrieved from
  • Kohler, C., & Rubin, P. (2013). New Xbox one: Kinect-game. Life-WIRED Exclusive [video file]. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, L. (2018). Why investors need to rethink video game companies. Retrieved from
  • Mahlmann, T. (2013). Modelling and generation strategy games mechanics. Copenhagen, DK: IT University of Copenhagen.
  • McAloon, A. (2017). Ubisoft‘s ‚player recurring investment‘ revenues outpace digital game sales. Retrieved from
  • McGonigal, J. (2012). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world. London, UK: Vintage.
  • Nye-Griffiths, D. (2014). Titanfall‘s anti-cheat system activates, is beautyful and hilarious. Retrieved from
  • Products. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Roberts-Witt, S. L. (2002). Data mining: What lies beneath? Retrieved from,2817,1162415,00.asp
  • Robinson, M. (2016). The game industry´s shift to deep data. Retrieved from
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  • Shachtman, N. (2010). Exclusive: Google, CIA invest in “future” of web monitoring. Retrieved from
  • Srivastava T., Desikan P., & Kumar V. (2005). Web mining: Concepts, applications and research directions. In W. Chu, T. Y. Lin (Eds.), Foundations and advances in data mining.(studies in fuzziness and soft computing)(pp. 275–307). Berlin, DE: Springer.
  • Steam Support. (2017). Valve Anti-Cheat system (VAC). Retrieved from
  • Strickland, D. (2017). EA earns $1.68 billion in microtransactions FY2017. Retrieved from
  • Thomas, S. (2017). Microsoft finally kills off support for the Xbox kinect peripheral. Retrieved from
  • Thompson, C. (2007). Halo 3: How Microsoft labs invented a new science of play. Retrieved from
  • Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research Team. (2016). Funding cybercrime: The hidden side of online gaming currency selling. Retrieved from
  • Wang, H., Shen, C., & Ritterfeld, U. (2009). Enjoyment of digital games – what makes them “seriously” fun? In U. Ritterfeld, M. Cody & P. Vorderer. (Eds.), Serious games. Mechanisms and effects (pp. 25–47). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Wooldridge, D., & Schneider, M. (2010). The business of Iphone app development: Making and marketing apps that succeed. New York, NY: Apress.

Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective

Year 2018, Issue: 54, 141 - 162, 29.06.2018


The purpose of this article is to apply societal discourses on ‘big data’ to the growing practice of the collection of individual information and behavioral patterns of video game players to create virtual player representations. Game developers make use of such data to enhance the gameplay experience, and publishers can learn more about their customers. This article explains technical backgrounds and reasons why developers and publishers have an interest in gathering such a vast load of data. It also explains server gaming and game metrics technologies, takes a look at methods of consumer research, and discusses a critical standpoint from a civil rights perspective. While single aspects of the topic like big data or data mining have been researched and discussed before, the fact that many of today´s video games are constantly retrieving, collecting and maintaining personal data about the players to learn about their patterns of behavior had much less coverage thus far. From a civil rights perspective new dangers arise beyond the widely discussed topics of virtual violence or obsessive gaming and gambling. As a result, it highlights the necessity that modern computer game players should view themselves as vital parts of information networks and, in return for being entertained, provide important personal information that can help to make their individual behavior transparent and usable for third parties and probably information brokers. Not only do providers of games benefit from the socioeconomic information users give, but security agencies and human resource consultants also share a vital interest in any behavioural data that makes an individual become transparent and predictable. Intelligence services, corporations and social networks generate user profiles from data previously submitted during gameplay. This could have a significant impact on future job and life prospects and aid the economic and political control of individuals since character traits like cowardize or courage and sociality become traceable.


  • Aarseth, E. J. (1997). Cybertext: Perspectives on ergodic literature. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Anonymous. (2012). The science of CS: Go heatmaps. Retrieved from
  • Arntz, P. (2016). The facts about botnets. Retrieved from
  • Blackhurst, J. (2011). JC2 point cloud visualisation, realtime [video file]. Retrieved from
  • Bruns, A. (2008). Blogs, Wikipedia, second life, and beyond. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Cardoso-Leite, P., Kludt, R., Vignola, G., Ma, W. J., Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2016). Technology consumption and cognitive control: Contrasting action video game experience with media multitasking. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 78(1), 218–241.
  • Carmichael, S. (2013). What it means to be a “whale” and why social gamers are just gamers. Retrieved from
  • Dankoff, J. (2014). Game telemetry with DNA tracking on assassin‘s creed. Retrieved from
  • Dawes, M., & Hall, R. (2005). Towards using first-person shooter computer games as an artificial intelligence testbed. In R. Khosla, R. J. Howlett & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Knowledge-based intelligence information and engineering systems ( pp. 276–288). New York, NY: Springer.
  • DeRosa, M. (2004). Data mining and data analysis for counterterrorism. Retrieved from
  • Drachen, A., Canossa, A., & Møller Sørensen, J. R. (2013). Gameplay metrics in game user research: Examples from the trenches. In M. S. El-Nasr, A. Drachen & A. Canossa (Eds.), Game analytics: Maximizing the value of player data (pp. 285–319). London, UK: Springer.
  • Fulton, W. (2017). Do players really like loot boxes, or are games publishers forcing them on us? Retrieved from
  • Gaming Laboratories International. (2007). GLI standard #21. Retrieved from
  • Garris, R., Ahlers, R., & Drsikell, J. E. (2002). Games, motivation & learning: A research and practise model. Simulation & Gaming, 33(4), 441–467.
  • Grieger-Langer, S. (2017). Personal profile and resume. Retrieved from
  • Hofacker, C. F., Malthouse, E. C., & Sultan, F. (2016). Big data and consumer behavior: Imminent opportunities. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 89–97.
  • Hunicke, R., LeBlanc, M., & Zubek, R. (2004). MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research. Retrieved from
  • (2018). Top games with server based network players. Retrieved from
  • Järvinen, A. (2009). Understanding video games as emotional experiences. In M. J. P.Wolf & B. Perron (Eds.), The video game theory reader 2 (pp. 85 –108). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Jaiganesh, M., Ramadoss, B., Kumar, A. V. A., & Mercy, S. (2015). Performance evaluation of cloud services with profit optimization. Procedia Computer Science, 54(2015), 24–30.
  • Jensen, J. P. (2013). Building tight games with game metrics (part 3). Retrieved from
  • Joorabchi, M. E., & El-Nasr, M. S. (2011). Measuring the impact of knowledge gained from playing FPS and RPG Games on gameplay performance. In J. Anacleto, S. Fels, N. Graham, B. Kapralos, M. S. El-Nasr & K. Stanley (Eds.), Entertainment computing – ICEC 2011 (pp. 300–306). New York, NY: Springer.
  • Keilman, J. (2016). Is my Xbox spying on me? Retrieved from
  • Kohler, C., & Rubin, P. (2013). New Xbox one: Kinect-game. Life-WIRED Exclusive [video file]. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, L. (2018). Why investors need to rethink video game companies. Retrieved from
  • Mahlmann, T. (2013). Modelling and generation strategy games mechanics. Copenhagen, DK: IT University of Copenhagen.
  • McAloon, A. (2017). Ubisoft‘s ‚player recurring investment‘ revenues outpace digital game sales. Retrieved from
  • McGonigal, J. (2012). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world. London, UK: Vintage.
  • Nye-Griffiths, D. (2014). Titanfall‘s anti-cheat system activates, is beautyful and hilarious. Retrieved from
  • Products. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Roberts-Witt, S. L. (2002). Data mining: What lies beneath? Retrieved from,2817,1162415,00.asp
  • Robinson, M. (2016). The game industry´s shift to deep data. Retrieved from
  • Seti Stars (nd). Retrieved from
  • Shachtman, N. (2010). Exclusive: Google, CIA invest in “future” of web monitoring. Retrieved from
  • Srivastava T., Desikan P., & Kumar V. (2005). Web mining: Concepts, applications and research directions. In W. Chu, T. Y. Lin (Eds.), Foundations and advances in data mining.(studies in fuzziness and soft computing)(pp. 275–307). Berlin, DE: Springer.
  • Steam Support. (2017). Valve Anti-Cheat system (VAC). Retrieved from
  • Strickland, D. (2017). EA earns $1.68 billion in microtransactions FY2017. Retrieved from
  • Thomas, S. (2017). Microsoft finally kills off support for the Xbox kinect peripheral. Retrieved from
  • Thompson, C. (2007). Halo 3: How Microsoft labs invented a new science of play. Retrieved from
  • Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research Team. (2016). Funding cybercrime: The hidden side of online gaming currency selling. Retrieved from
  • Wang, H., Shen, C., & Ritterfeld, U. (2009). Enjoyment of digital games – what makes them “seriously” fun? In U. Ritterfeld, M. Cody & P. Vorderer. (Eds.), Serious games. Mechanisms and effects (pp. 25–47). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Wooldridge, D., & Schneider, M. (2010). The business of Iphone app development: Making and marketing apps that succeed. New York, NY: Apress.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Stefan Pıaseckı This is me 0000-0002-1120-977X

Publication Date June 29, 2018
Submission Date March 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 54


APA Pıaseckı, S. (2018). Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences(54), 141-162.
AMA Pıaseckı S. Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. June 2018;(54):141-162.
Chicago Pıaseckı, Stefan. “Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 54 (June 2018): 141-62.
EndNote Pıaseckı S (June 1, 2018) Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 54 141–162.
IEEE S. Pıaseckı, “Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective”, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 54, pp. 141–162, June 2018.
ISNAD Pıaseckı, Stefan. “Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 54 (June 2018), 141-162.
JAMA Pıaseckı S. Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2018;:141–162.
MLA Pıaseckı, Stefan. “Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, no. 54, 2018, pp. 141-62.
Vancouver Pıaseckı S. Winners or Victims? Discussing Identity Tracking and Behavior Analysis in Next-Gen Video Games from a Digital Civil Rights Perspective. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2018(54):141-62.