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Yetişkinlerde Kişilik Bozukluklarına Yatkınlık: Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumları ve Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Açısından Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 42 - 58, 31.12.2023


Ebeveynlerin iletişimin şekli, davranış kalıpları, duygusal tepkiler olmak üzere farklı alanları içeren ebeveynlik stilleri duygu düzenleme ve kişilik bozukluklarında (KB) önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Yetişkinlerde algılanan ebeveyn tutumları (AET) ile bilişsel duygu düzenleme becerileri (BDDB) ve kişilik bozukluklarına yatkınlık (KBY) arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek bu araştırmanın amacını oluşturmuştur. Kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış olup, bu araştırmanın örneklemi 263’ü kadın 237’si erkek olmak üzere 500 kişi oluşturmuştur. Verileri online olarak toplamak adına Google Forms kullanılmıştır. Sosyodemografik Bilgi Formu, Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği, SCID-II Ölçeği, Kısaltılmış Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumu Ölçeği Çocuk Formu araştırmanın ölçüm araçlarını içermiştir. İstatistiksel analizlerde SPSS 25 ve PROCESS 3.5 macro kullanılmıştır. Bulgular AET ile BDDB ve KBY arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, algılanan olumsuz ebeveyn tutumları ile KBY arasındaki ilişkide uyumsuz BDDB’nin aracı rolü bulunmuştur. Bulgular ilgili literatür temelinde tartışılmış ve birtakım öneriler sunulmuştur.

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  • KAYNAKLAR American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed text revision.
  • American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. Arrindell, W. A., Sanavio, E., Aguilar, G., Sica, C., Hatzichristou, C., Eisemann, M. ... ve van der Ende, J. (1999). The development of a short form of the EMBU: Its appraisal with students in Greece, Guatemala, Hungary and Italy. Personality and Individual Differences, 27(4), 613-628.
  • Bandelow, B., Krause, J., Wedekind, D., Brooks, A., Hajak, G. ve Ruther, E. (2005). Early traumatic life events, parental attitudes, family history, and birth risk factors in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls. Psychiatry Research, 134(2), 169-179.
  • Batool, N., Shehzadi, H., Riaz, M. N. ve Riaz, M. A. (2017). Paternal malparenting and offspring personality disorders: Mediating effect of early maladaptive schemas. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 67(4), 556-560.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.
  • Bertele, N., Talmon, A., Gross, J. J., Schmahll, C., Schmitz, M. ve Niedtfeld, I. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and borderline personality disorder: the mediating role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(3), 264-276.
  • Bland, A.R., Williams, C.A., Scharer, K. ve Manning, S. (2004). Emotion processing in borderline personality disorders. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25(7), 655-672.
  • Borges, LM. ve Naugle, A.E. (2017). The role of emotion regulation in predicting personality dimensions. Personal Mental Health, 11(4), 314- 34.
  • Breines, J.G. ve Ayduk, O. (2015). Rejection sensitivity and vulnerability to self‐directed hostile cognitions following rejection. Journal of Personality, 83(1), 1-13.
  • Boucher, M. È., Pugliese, J., Allard‐Chapais, C., Lecours, S., Ahoundova, L., Chouinard, R. ve Gaham, S. (2017). Parent–child relationship associated with the development of borderline personality disorder: a systematic review. Personality and Mental Health, 11(4), 229-255.
  • Carlson, E.A., Egeland, B. ve Sroufe, L.A. (2009). A prospective investigation of the development of borderline personality symptoms. Development and Psychopathology, 21(4), 1311-1334.
  • Carvalho Fernando, S., Beblo, T., Schlosser, N., Terfehr, K., Otte, C., Lowe, B. ... ve Wingenfeld, K. (2014). The impact of self-reported childhood trauma on emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder and major depression. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 15(4), 384-401.
  • Cheavens, J.S., Zachary Rosenthal, M., Daughters, S.B., Nowak, J., Kosson, D., Lynch, T.R. ve Lejuez, C.W. (2005). An analogue investigation of the relationships among perceived parental criticism, negative affect, and borderline personality disorder features: the role of thought suppression. Behavioural Research and Therapy, 43(2), 257-68.
  • Cummings, E.M., Braungart-Rieker, J.M. ve Rocher-Schudlich, T. (2003). Emotion and Personality Development in Childhood. R. M. Lerner, M. Ann Easterbrooks, J. Mistry ve I. B. Weiner (Ed), Handbook of Psychology. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Coskunol, H., Bagdiken, I., Sorias, S. ve Saygili, R. (1994). SCID-II (Turkce versiyonu) gorusmesinin kisilik bozukluklarindaki guvenirligi. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 9(32), 26-29.
  • Darling, N. ve Steinberg, L. (1993). Parenting style as context: An integrative model. Psychological Bulletin, 113(3), 487-496.
  • Dickinson, K. ve Pincus, A. (2003). Interpersonal analysis of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 17(3): 188- 207.
  • Dirik, P.G., Yorulmaz, P.O. ve Karancı, P.A.N. (2015). Çocukluk dönemi ebeveyn tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi: Kısaltılmış Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumları-Çocuk Formu. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 26(2), 123-130.
  • Dyavanoor, B.D. ve Jyoti, D.M. (2017). Parents’ attitudes and beliefs: their impact on children’s development. International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 11(18), 241-243.
  • Erozkan, A. (2012). Examination of relationship between anxiety sensitivity and parenting styles in adolescents. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 52-57.
  • Fiester, S.J. (1991). Self-defeating personality disorder: a review of data and recommendations for DSM-IV. Journal of Personality Disorders, 5(2), 194-209.
  • Fonagy P. ve Luyten P.A. (2009). Developmental, mentalization based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder. Development Psychopathology, 21(4), 1355-81.
  • Garnefski, N., Kraagij, V. ve Spinhoven, P. (2001). Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(8), 1311- 1327.
  • Gençoğlu, C., Kumcağız, H. ve Ersanlı, K. (2014). Family factors affecting violent tendency in adolescents. Turkish Studies, 9, 639-652.
  • Gross, J.J. (1998a). The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 271-299.
  • Gross, J.J. (1998b). Antecedent-and response-focused emotion regulation: divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 74(1), 224.
  • Gross, J.J. (2001). Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is everything. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10(6), 214-219.
  • Gross, J.J. (2002). Emotion regulation: Affective, cognitive, and social consequences. Psychophysiology, 39(3), 281-291.
  • Gross, J.J. (2011). Handbook of Emotion Regulation. New York, Guilford Press. Gross, J.J. ve Thomson, R.A. (2007). Emotion regulation: conceptual foundations. (Ed.: J.J. Gross), Handbook Of Emotion Regulation. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Güler Yıldız, T. (2017). Anne Baba Eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Gunderson, J.G. (2009). Borderline personality disorder: ontogeny of a diagnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(5), 530-539.
  • Havighurst, S.S., Wilson, K.R., Harley, A. E., Prior, M.R. ve Kehoe, C. (2010). Tuning into kids: improving emotion socialization practices in parents of preschool children –findings from a community trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(12), 1342-1350
  • Hepper, E.G., Gramzow, R.H. ve Sedikides, C. (2010). Individual differences in self-enhancement and self-protection strategies: an integrative analysis. Journal of Personality, 78(2), 781-814.
  • Jabeen, F., Anis-Ul-Haque, M. ve Riaz, M.N. (2013). Parenting styles as predictors of emotion regulation among adolescents. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 28(1).
  • Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Brown, J., Smailes, E.M. ve Bernstein, D.P. (1999). Childhood maltreatment increases risk for personality disorders during early adulthood. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(7), 600-606.
  • Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Chen, H., Kasen S. ve Brook, J.S. (2006). Parenting behaviors associated with risk for offspring personality disorder during adulthood. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(5), 579-587.
  • Kass, F., Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B. ve Widiger, T. (1989). Self-defeating personality disorder and DSM-III-R: development of the diagnostic criteria. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 146(8), 1022-1026.
  • Kars Bektaş, Ö. ve Akyürek, G. (2019). Ergenlerde anne-baba tutumu, duygu düzenleme ve iyilik hali arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 7(2), 97-104.
  • Kernberg, O. (1967). Borderline personality organization. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 15(3), 641-685.
  • Kernberg, O. F. (1985). Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism.
  • Khaleque, A. ve Rohner, R.P. (2002). Perceived Parental Acceptance-Rejection.
  • Kordi, A. ve Baharudin, R. (2010). Parenting attitude and style and its effect on children's school achievements. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(2), 217.
  • Kuo, J. R., Khoury, J. E., Metcalfe, R., Fitzpatrick, S. ve Goodwill, A. (2015). An examination of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality disorder features: The role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Child Abuse and Neglect, 39, 147-155.
  • Kwapis, K., Prusak, J., Pohl, A. ve Krawczyk, A. (2023). Parental attitudes and severity of borderline personality traits: the mediational role of self-control and identity integration. Psychiatria Polska, 57(1).
  • Lamborn, D., Mounts, N.S., Steinberg, L. ve Dornbusch, M. (1991). Patterns of competence and adjustment among adolescents from authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful families. Child Development, 62(5), 1049-1065.
  • Linehan, M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Maccoby, E.E. ve Martin, J.A. (1983). Socialization in the context of the family: parent-child interaction in Hetherington, E.M. (Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Socialization, Personality, and Social Development (Vol. 4, pp. 1–101).
  • Morris, A.S., Silk, J.S., Steinberg, L., Myers, S. ve Robinson, L.R. (2007). The role of the family context in the development of emotion regulation. Social Development, 16(2), 361-388.
  • Sansone, R. A., Farukhi, S. VE Wiederman, M. W. (2013). Perceptions of childhood caretakers and borderline personality symptomatology. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(11), 1030-1033.
  • Sheppes G., Suri, G. ve Gros J.J. (2015). Emotion regulation and psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 11(3), 1-27.
  • Sorias, S., Saygili, R. ve Elbi, H. (1990). Turkish version of the structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). Bornova: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Spera, C. (2005). A review of the relationship among parenting practices, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 17, 125-146.
  • Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B., Gibbon, M. ve First, M.B. (1992). The structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R (SCID). Archives of General Psychiatry, 49(8), 624-9.
  • Thompson, R.A. (1991). Emotional regulation and emotional development. Educational Psychology Review, 3(4), 269-307.
  • Thompson, R.A. (1994). Emotion regulation: a theme in search of definition. Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development, 25-52.
  • Towe-Goodman, N.R. ve Teti, D.M. (2008). Power assertive discipline, maternal emotional involvement, and child adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(4), 648-651.
  • Trull, T.J., Lane, S.P., Koval, P. ve Ebner-Priemer, U.W. (2015). Affective dynamics in psychopathology. Emotion Review, 7(4), 355-361.
  • Tuna, E. ve Bozo, Ö. (2012). The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Turkish version. Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment, 34, 564-570.
  • Whalen, D. J., Malkin, M. L., Freeman, M. J., Young, J. ve Gratz, K. L. (2015). Brief report: Borderline personality symptoms and perceived caregiver criticism in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 157-161.
  • Van Dijke, A., Ford, J.D., van Son, M., Frank, L. ve Van Der Hart, O. (2013). Association of childhood-trauma-by-primary caregiver and affect dysregulation with borderline personality disorder symptoms in adulthood. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2014). Eğitim ve Gelişim ÖZellikleriyle Okul Çağı Çocuğu. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.

Predisposition for Personality Disorders in Adults: An Investigation on the Basis of Perceived Parental Attitudes and Cognitive Emotion Regulation

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 42 - 58, 31.12.2023


Parental styles which cover many areas such as style of communication, behavior patterns, and emotional reactions, play an important role in emotion regulation and personality disorders (PD). The aim of the present study included examining the relationship between perceived parental attitudes and cognitive emotion regulation skills (CERS) predisposition for personality disorders (PPD) in adults. Convenience sampling method was used The sample of the present study consisted of 500 people (263 women and 237 men). Google Forms were used in order to collect the data online. Data collection tools included Sociodemographic Information Form, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Scale, SCID-II Scale, Abbreviated Perceived Parental Attitude Scale Child Form. SPSS 25 and PROCESS 3.5 macro were used to undertake the statistical analyses. Findings showed that there was a significant relationship of perceived parental attitudes with CERS and PPD. Moreover, maladaptive CERS had a mediating role on the relationship between perceived negative parental attitudes and PPD. Findings were discussed based on the literature and a number of recommendations were made.


  • KAYNAKLAR American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed text revision.
  • American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. Arrindell, W. A., Sanavio, E., Aguilar, G., Sica, C., Hatzichristou, C., Eisemann, M. ... ve van der Ende, J. (1999). The development of a short form of the EMBU: Its appraisal with students in Greece, Guatemala, Hungary and Italy. Personality and Individual Differences, 27(4), 613-628.
  • Bandelow, B., Krause, J., Wedekind, D., Brooks, A., Hajak, G. ve Ruther, E. (2005). Early traumatic life events, parental attitudes, family history, and birth risk factors in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls. Psychiatry Research, 134(2), 169-179.
  • Batool, N., Shehzadi, H., Riaz, M. N. ve Riaz, M. A. (2017). Paternal malparenting and offspring personality disorders: Mediating effect of early maladaptive schemas. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 67(4), 556-560.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.
  • Bertele, N., Talmon, A., Gross, J. J., Schmahll, C., Schmitz, M. ve Niedtfeld, I. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and borderline personality disorder: the mediating role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(3), 264-276.
  • Bland, A.R., Williams, C.A., Scharer, K. ve Manning, S. (2004). Emotion processing in borderline personality disorders. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25(7), 655-672.
  • Borges, LM. ve Naugle, A.E. (2017). The role of emotion regulation in predicting personality dimensions. Personal Mental Health, 11(4), 314- 34.
  • Breines, J.G. ve Ayduk, O. (2015). Rejection sensitivity and vulnerability to self‐directed hostile cognitions following rejection. Journal of Personality, 83(1), 1-13.
  • Boucher, M. È., Pugliese, J., Allard‐Chapais, C., Lecours, S., Ahoundova, L., Chouinard, R. ve Gaham, S. (2017). Parent–child relationship associated with the development of borderline personality disorder: a systematic review. Personality and Mental Health, 11(4), 229-255.
  • Carlson, E.A., Egeland, B. ve Sroufe, L.A. (2009). A prospective investigation of the development of borderline personality symptoms. Development and Psychopathology, 21(4), 1311-1334.
  • Carvalho Fernando, S., Beblo, T., Schlosser, N., Terfehr, K., Otte, C., Lowe, B. ... ve Wingenfeld, K. (2014). The impact of self-reported childhood trauma on emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder and major depression. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 15(4), 384-401.
  • Cheavens, J.S., Zachary Rosenthal, M., Daughters, S.B., Nowak, J., Kosson, D., Lynch, T.R. ve Lejuez, C.W. (2005). An analogue investigation of the relationships among perceived parental criticism, negative affect, and borderline personality disorder features: the role of thought suppression. Behavioural Research and Therapy, 43(2), 257-68.
  • Cummings, E.M., Braungart-Rieker, J.M. ve Rocher-Schudlich, T. (2003). Emotion and Personality Development in Childhood. R. M. Lerner, M. Ann Easterbrooks, J. Mistry ve I. B. Weiner (Ed), Handbook of Psychology. New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Coskunol, H., Bagdiken, I., Sorias, S. ve Saygili, R. (1994). SCID-II (Turkce versiyonu) gorusmesinin kisilik bozukluklarindaki guvenirligi. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 9(32), 26-29.
  • Darling, N. ve Steinberg, L. (1993). Parenting style as context: An integrative model. Psychological Bulletin, 113(3), 487-496.
  • Dickinson, K. ve Pincus, A. (2003). Interpersonal analysis of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 17(3): 188- 207.
  • Dirik, P.G., Yorulmaz, P.O. ve Karancı, P.A.N. (2015). Çocukluk dönemi ebeveyn tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi: Kısaltılmış Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumları-Çocuk Formu. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 26(2), 123-130.
  • Dyavanoor, B.D. ve Jyoti, D.M. (2017). Parents’ attitudes and beliefs: their impact on children’s development. International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 11(18), 241-243.
  • Erozkan, A. (2012). Examination of relationship between anxiety sensitivity and parenting styles in adolescents. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 52-57.
  • Fiester, S.J. (1991). Self-defeating personality disorder: a review of data and recommendations for DSM-IV. Journal of Personality Disorders, 5(2), 194-209.
  • Fonagy P. ve Luyten P.A. (2009). Developmental, mentalization based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder. Development Psychopathology, 21(4), 1355-81.
  • Garnefski, N., Kraagij, V. ve Spinhoven, P. (2001). Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(8), 1311- 1327.
  • Gençoğlu, C., Kumcağız, H. ve Ersanlı, K. (2014). Family factors affecting violent tendency in adolescents. Turkish Studies, 9, 639-652.
  • Gross, J.J. (1998a). The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 271-299.
  • Gross, J.J. (1998b). Antecedent-and response-focused emotion regulation: divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 74(1), 224.
  • Gross, J.J. (2001). Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is everything. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10(6), 214-219.
  • Gross, J.J. (2002). Emotion regulation: Affective, cognitive, and social consequences. Psychophysiology, 39(3), 281-291.
  • Gross, J.J. (2011). Handbook of Emotion Regulation. New York, Guilford Press. Gross, J.J. ve Thomson, R.A. (2007). Emotion regulation: conceptual foundations. (Ed.: J.J. Gross), Handbook Of Emotion Regulation. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Güler Yıldız, T. (2017). Anne Baba Eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Gunderson, J.G. (2009). Borderline personality disorder: ontogeny of a diagnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(5), 530-539.
  • Havighurst, S.S., Wilson, K.R., Harley, A. E., Prior, M.R. ve Kehoe, C. (2010). Tuning into kids: improving emotion socialization practices in parents of preschool children –findings from a community trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(12), 1342-1350
  • Hepper, E.G., Gramzow, R.H. ve Sedikides, C. (2010). Individual differences in self-enhancement and self-protection strategies: an integrative analysis. Journal of Personality, 78(2), 781-814.
  • Jabeen, F., Anis-Ul-Haque, M. ve Riaz, M.N. (2013). Parenting styles as predictors of emotion regulation among adolescents. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 28(1).
  • Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Brown, J., Smailes, E.M. ve Bernstein, D.P. (1999). Childhood maltreatment increases risk for personality disorders during early adulthood. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(7), 600-606.
  • Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Chen, H., Kasen S. ve Brook, J.S. (2006). Parenting behaviors associated with risk for offspring personality disorder during adulthood. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(5), 579-587.
  • Kass, F., Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B. ve Widiger, T. (1989). Self-defeating personality disorder and DSM-III-R: development of the diagnostic criteria. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 146(8), 1022-1026.
  • Kars Bektaş, Ö. ve Akyürek, G. (2019). Ergenlerde anne-baba tutumu, duygu düzenleme ve iyilik hali arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 7(2), 97-104.
  • Kernberg, O. (1967). Borderline personality organization. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 15(3), 641-685.
  • Kernberg, O. F. (1985). Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism.
  • Khaleque, A. ve Rohner, R.P. (2002). Perceived Parental Acceptance-Rejection.
  • Kordi, A. ve Baharudin, R. (2010). Parenting attitude and style and its effect on children's school achievements. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(2), 217.
  • Kuo, J. R., Khoury, J. E., Metcalfe, R., Fitzpatrick, S. ve Goodwill, A. (2015). An examination of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality disorder features: The role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Child Abuse and Neglect, 39, 147-155.
  • Kwapis, K., Prusak, J., Pohl, A. ve Krawczyk, A. (2023). Parental attitudes and severity of borderline personality traits: the mediational role of self-control and identity integration. Psychiatria Polska, 57(1).
  • Lamborn, D., Mounts, N.S., Steinberg, L. ve Dornbusch, M. (1991). Patterns of competence and adjustment among adolescents from authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful families. Child Development, 62(5), 1049-1065.
  • Linehan, M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Maccoby, E.E. ve Martin, J.A. (1983). Socialization in the context of the family: parent-child interaction in Hetherington, E.M. (Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Socialization, Personality, and Social Development (Vol. 4, pp. 1–101).
  • Morris, A.S., Silk, J.S., Steinberg, L., Myers, S. ve Robinson, L.R. (2007). The role of the family context in the development of emotion regulation. Social Development, 16(2), 361-388.
  • Sansone, R. A., Farukhi, S. VE Wiederman, M. W. (2013). Perceptions of childhood caretakers and borderline personality symptomatology. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(11), 1030-1033.
  • Sheppes G., Suri, G. ve Gros J.J. (2015). Emotion regulation and psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 11(3), 1-27.
  • Sorias, S., Saygili, R. ve Elbi, H. (1990). Turkish version of the structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). Bornova: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Spera, C. (2005). A review of the relationship among parenting practices, parenting styles, and adolescent school achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 17, 125-146.
  • Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B., Gibbon, M. ve First, M.B. (1992). The structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R (SCID). Archives of General Psychiatry, 49(8), 624-9.
  • Thompson, R.A. (1991). Emotional regulation and emotional development. Educational Psychology Review, 3(4), 269-307.
  • Thompson, R.A. (1994). Emotion regulation: a theme in search of definition. Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development, 25-52.
  • Towe-Goodman, N.R. ve Teti, D.M. (2008). Power assertive discipline, maternal emotional involvement, and child adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(4), 648-651.
  • Trull, T.J., Lane, S.P., Koval, P. ve Ebner-Priemer, U.W. (2015). Affective dynamics in psychopathology. Emotion Review, 7(4), 355-361.
  • Tuna, E. ve Bozo, Ö. (2012). The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Turkish version. Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment, 34, 564-570.
  • Whalen, D. J., Malkin, M. L., Freeman, M. J., Young, J. ve Gratz, K. L. (2015). Brief report: Borderline personality symptoms and perceived caregiver criticism in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 157-161.
  • Van Dijke, A., Ford, J.D., van Son, M., Frank, L. ve Van Der Hart, O. (2013). Association of childhood-trauma-by-primary caregiver and affect dysregulation with borderline personality disorder symptoms in adulthood. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2014). Eğitim ve Gelişim ÖZellikleriyle Okul Çağı Çocuğu. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Psychology
Journal Section Research Articles

Merve Peker 0009-0001-3605-310X

Margörit Rita Krespi Ülgen 0000-0001-6802-4752

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date October 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Peker, M., & Krespi Ülgen, M. R. (2023). Yetişkinlerde Kişilik Bozukluklarına Yatkınlık: Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumları ve Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Açısından Bir Değerlendirme. Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, 3(2), 42-58.

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