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İşini Kaybetme Kaygısı: İş Güvencesizliği

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 12, 117 - 140, 01.01.2007



  • AKI Erol, ALTINTAŞ H. Olcay ve BAHÇIVANLAR İbrahim (2005), Uygulamada İş Güvencesi, Legal Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ASHFORD S.J., LEE C. ve BOBKO P. (1989), “Content, causes, and consequences of job insecurity: A theory-based measure and sunstantive test”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.32, No.4, s.803-829.
  • AYTAÇ Serpil ve KESER Aşkın (2004), “İşsizliğin Çalışan Birey Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşsizlik Kaygısı”, İş-Güç, Endüstri İlişkileri ve Kaynakları Dergisi, Cilt:6, Sayı: 2, 6&sayi=2&year=2004, (25.02.2005).
  • BARLING J., DUPRE K. E. VE HERBURN C. H. (1998), “Effects of parents’ job insecurity on children’s work beliefs and attitudes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.83, No.1, s.112-118.
  • BARLING Julian ve MENDELSON Morris B. (1999), “Parents’ job insecurity affects children’s grade performance throught the indirect effects of beliefs in an unjust world and negative mood”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.4, s.347- 355.
  • BIELENSKI Harald (1999), “New patterns of employment in Europe”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.11-30.
  • DAVY J.A., KINICKI A.J. ve SCHECK C.L (1997), “A test of job security’s direct and mediated effects on withdrawal cognitions”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 18, s.323-349.
  • DE WITTE H. (1999), “Job insecurity and psychological well-being: Review of the literature and exploration fo some unresolved issues”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, s.155-177.
  • DE WITTE H. ve NASWELL K. (2003), “Objective vs subjective job insecurity: Consequences of temporary work for job satisfaction and organizational commitment in four Europen Countries”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol.24, s.149-188.
  • DEMİR Fevzi (1999), İş Güvencesi Hukuku, Barış Yayınları, İzmir.
  • DEMİR Fevzi (2003), İş Güvencesi ve 4857 Sayılı İş Kanununun Başlıca Yenilikleri, Tes-İş Eğitim Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DEMİRBİLEK Tunç ve ÇAKIR Özlem (2004), Sendikal Bağlılık, Petrol İş Yayın:91, İstanbul.
  • DİE, Hane Halkı İşgücü Anketi Aralık 2005 Sonuçları,, (07.04.2006).
  • DİE, Hane Halkı İşgücü Anketi Kasım 2005 Sonuçları,, (13.03.2006).
  • ERDUT Zeki (2004), “Liberal Ekonomi Politikaları ve Sosyal Politika”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/2, s.11-37.
  • FEERIE Jane E. (1999), “Health consequences of job insecurity”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.59-99.
  • FERRIE J.E., SHIPLEY M.J., MARMOT M.G., MARTIKAINEN P., STANSFELS S.A. VE SMİTH G.V. (2001), “Job insecurity in white-collar workers: Toward an explanation of associations with health”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.6, No.1, s.26-42.
  • Florence, KY, USA: Routledge.
  • GOLDSMITH A.H., VEUM J.R. ve DARITY W. (2000), “Working hard for the money? Efficiency wages and worker effort”, Journal of Economic Psycholgy, Vol. 21,
  • GREEN F., FELSTEAD A. ve BURCHELL B. (2000), “Job insecurity and the difficulty regaining employment: An empirical study of unemployment expectations”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 62, Special Issue, s.855-883.
  • GREENHALGH L. ve ROSENBLATT Z. (1984), “Job insecurity: Toward conceptual clarity”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, s.438-448.
  • GREENHALGH Leonard ve SUTTON Robert (1991), “Organizational effectiveness and job insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping with Job At Risk içinde, J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren, Sage Publications, London.
  • HARTLEY Jean (1991), “Industrial relations and job insecurity: A social psychological framework”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s. 123-150.
  • HARTLEY J., JACOBSON D., KLANDERMANS B. ve VAN VUUREN T. (1991), Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk, Sage Publications, London.
  • HEANEY C.A., ISRAEL B.A. ve HOUSE J.S. (1994), “Chronic job insecurity among automobile workers: Effects on job satisfaction and health”, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 38, s.1431-1437.
  • HELLGREN J., SVERKE M. ve ISAKSSON K. (1999), “A two-dimensional approach to job insecurity: Consecuences for employee attitudes and well-being”, Europan Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, No.2, s.179-195.
  • HESSELINK D.J. ve VAN VUUREN Tinka (2003), “Job flexibility and job insecurity: the Dutch case”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, s.273-293.
  • HOLM Susan ve HOVLAND Jane (1999), “Waiting fort he other shoe to drop: Help fort he job-insecure employee”, Journal of Employment Counselling, December, Vol.36, 156-164.
  • JACOBSON Dan (1991), “The conceptual approach to job insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s. 23-39.
  • JACOBSON Dan ve HARTLEY Jean (1991), “Mapping the Context”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren, Sage Publications, London, s. 1-22.
  • JOELSON, L. and WAHLQUIST, L. (1987), “The psychological meaning of job insecurity and job loss: results of a longitudinal study’, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 25:179– 82.
  • KING James E. (2000), “White-Collar reactions to job insecurity and the role of the psychological contract: Implications for human resource management”, Human Resource Management, Spring, Vol 39, No.1, s.79-92.
  • KINNUNEN U., MAUNO S., NATTI J. ve HAPPONEN M. (1999), “Perceived job insecurity: A longitudinal study among Finish employees”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 8, s.243-260.
  • KLANDERMANS Bert ve VAN VUUREN Tinka (1999),“Job Insecurity: Introduction”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, No.2,
  • KLANDERMANS Bert, VAN VUUREN Tinka ve JACOBSON Dan (1991), “Employees and Job Insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s.41-64.
  • KOYUNCU M. ve ŞENSES F. (2004), “Kısa Dönem Krizlerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Etkileri: Türkiye, Endonezya ve Arjantin Deneyimleri”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/3, s.11-52.
  • KUMAŞ Handan (2001), İşsizliğin Psiko-Sosyal Boyutu ve Çalışma Yaşamına İlişkin Değerler Üzerindeki Etkileri, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt:3, Sayı:4, İzmir.
  • LIM V. (1996), “Job insecurity and its outcomes: Moderating effects of work-based and non-work-based social support”, Human Relations, Vol.49, No.2, s.171-194.
  • LOSEBLY Paul H. (1992), Employment Security, Balancing Human and Economic Considerations, Quorum Books, London.
  • MARMOT Michael G. (1999), “Job insecurity in a broader social and health context”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.1-9.
  • MIILIKEN F.J. (1987), “Three types of perceived uncertanity about the environment: stage, effect, and response uncertanity”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.12, No.1, s.133-143.
  • MOWDAY T.R., PORTER L. W. ve STEERS M.R. (1982), Employee-Organization Linkages, Academic Press.
  • ÖİB, Özelleştirilen Kuruluşların Özelleştirilme Öncesi ve Sonrası Faaliyet Bilgileri Raporu,
  • ÖNDER Çetin ve WASTI S. Arzu (2002), “İş Güvencesi Endeksi ve İş Güvencesi Memnuniyet Ölçeği: Güvenilirlik ve Geçerlik Analizi”, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, s.23-47.
  • ROTTER J.B. (1975), “Some problems and misconceptions related to thr construct of internal versus external control of reinforcement”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol.43, No.1.
  • STRAZDINS L., D’SOUZA R.M., L.Y. LIM , BROOM D.H. ve RODGERS B. (20049, “Job strain, job insecurity and health: Rethinking the relationship”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 9, No. 4, s. 296-305.
  • SVERKE M., HELLGREN J, NASWALL K. (2002), “No security: a meta-analysis and review of job insecurity and its consequences”, Jourmal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.7, s.242–64.
  • ŞENTUTAN Şermin (2005), “İşletmelerde Küçülme Politikalarının İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Kamu-İş, İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, C:8, S: 3, s. 79-91.
  • TEMİZ Hasan E. (2004), “Eğreti İstihdam: İşgücü Piyasasında Güvencesizliğin ve İstikrarsızlığın Yeni Yapılanması”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/2, s.55-80.
  • VIRTANEN M., KIVIMAKI M., ELOVAINIO M. ve J.E. FERRIE (2003), “From insecure to secure employment: changes in work, health, and health related behaviors, and siccness absence”, Occupational Environment Medicine, Vol.60, s.948-953.
  • VIRTANEN M., KIVIMAKI M., ELOVAINIO M. ve VAHTERA J. (2002), “Selection from fixed term to permanent employment: Prospective study on health, job satisfaction and behavioral risks”, Journal of Epidemiology, Community Health, s.693-699.
  • VROOM Victor H. (1964), Work and Motivation, John Wiley& Sons Ins, New York.
  • WICHERT Ines, (2001), “Job insecurity and work intensification, The effects of an health and well-being”, Burchell, Brendan (Editor), Job Insecurity & Work Intensification içinde,.
  • YELLEN J. L. (1984), “Efficiency wage models of unemployment”, American Economic Review, Vol.74, s.200-205.
Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 12, 117 - 140, 01.01.2007


When the studies on job insecurity investigated, it is seen that the issue limited to framework legal regulation, liberal economic policy and new organization structures. The effects of job insecurity on employees’ job attitudes and behaviors did not receive much attention in previous research. The importance of working and it’s instrumental, social and psychological functions and economic, social and psychological results of unemployment show that the role of the job insecurity in working life. This paper focuses on dimensions of job insecurity social and psychologically and it’s conclusions for employees and organizations


  • AKI Erol, ALTINTAŞ H. Olcay ve BAHÇIVANLAR İbrahim (2005), Uygulamada İş Güvencesi, Legal Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ASHFORD S.J., LEE C. ve BOBKO P. (1989), “Content, causes, and consequences of job insecurity: A theory-based measure and sunstantive test”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.32, No.4, s.803-829.
  • AYTAÇ Serpil ve KESER Aşkın (2004), “İşsizliğin Çalışan Birey Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşsizlik Kaygısı”, İş-Güç, Endüstri İlişkileri ve Kaynakları Dergisi, Cilt:6, Sayı: 2, 6&sayi=2&year=2004, (25.02.2005).
  • BARLING J., DUPRE K. E. VE HERBURN C. H. (1998), “Effects of parents’ job insecurity on children’s work beliefs and attitudes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.83, No.1, s.112-118.
  • BARLING Julian ve MENDELSON Morris B. (1999), “Parents’ job insecurity affects children’s grade performance throught the indirect effects of beliefs in an unjust world and negative mood”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.4, s.347- 355.
  • BIELENSKI Harald (1999), “New patterns of employment in Europe”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.11-30.
  • DAVY J.A., KINICKI A.J. ve SCHECK C.L (1997), “A test of job security’s direct and mediated effects on withdrawal cognitions”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 18, s.323-349.
  • DE WITTE H. (1999), “Job insecurity and psychological well-being: Review of the literature and exploration fo some unresolved issues”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, s.155-177.
  • DE WITTE H. ve NASWELL K. (2003), “Objective vs subjective job insecurity: Consequences of temporary work for job satisfaction and organizational commitment in four Europen Countries”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol.24, s.149-188.
  • DEMİR Fevzi (1999), İş Güvencesi Hukuku, Barış Yayınları, İzmir.
  • DEMİR Fevzi (2003), İş Güvencesi ve 4857 Sayılı İş Kanununun Başlıca Yenilikleri, Tes-İş Eğitim Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DEMİRBİLEK Tunç ve ÇAKIR Özlem (2004), Sendikal Bağlılık, Petrol İş Yayın:91, İstanbul.
  • DİE, Hane Halkı İşgücü Anketi Aralık 2005 Sonuçları,, (07.04.2006).
  • DİE, Hane Halkı İşgücü Anketi Kasım 2005 Sonuçları,, (13.03.2006).
  • ERDUT Zeki (2004), “Liberal Ekonomi Politikaları ve Sosyal Politika”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/2, s.11-37.
  • FEERIE Jane E. (1999), “Health consequences of job insecurity”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.59-99.
  • FERRIE J.E., SHIPLEY M.J., MARMOT M.G., MARTIKAINEN P., STANSFELS S.A. VE SMİTH G.V. (2001), “Job insecurity in white-collar workers: Toward an explanation of associations with health”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.6, No.1, s.26-42.
  • Florence, KY, USA: Routledge.
  • GOLDSMITH A.H., VEUM J.R. ve DARITY W. (2000), “Working hard for the money? Efficiency wages and worker effort”, Journal of Economic Psycholgy, Vol. 21,
  • GREEN F., FELSTEAD A. ve BURCHELL B. (2000), “Job insecurity and the difficulty regaining employment: An empirical study of unemployment expectations”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 62, Special Issue, s.855-883.
  • GREENHALGH L. ve ROSENBLATT Z. (1984), “Job insecurity: Toward conceptual clarity”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, s.438-448.
  • GREENHALGH Leonard ve SUTTON Robert (1991), “Organizational effectiveness and job insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping with Job At Risk içinde, J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren, Sage Publications, London.
  • HARTLEY Jean (1991), “Industrial relations and job insecurity: A social psychological framework”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s. 123-150.
  • HARTLEY J., JACOBSON D., KLANDERMANS B. ve VAN VUUREN T. (1991), Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk, Sage Publications, London.
  • HEANEY C.A., ISRAEL B.A. ve HOUSE J.S. (1994), “Chronic job insecurity among automobile workers: Effects on job satisfaction and health”, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 38, s.1431-1437.
  • HELLGREN J., SVERKE M. ve ISAKSSON K. (1999), “A two-dimensional approach to job insecurity: Consecuences for employee attitudes and well-being”, Europan Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, No.2, s.179-195.
  • HESSELINK D.J. ve VAN VUUREN Tinka (2003), “Job flexibility and job insecurity: the Dutch case”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, s.273-293.
  • HOLM Susan ve HOVLAND Jane (1999), “Waiting fort he other shoe to drop: Help fort he job-insecure employee”, Journal of Employment Counselling, December, Vol.36, 156-164.
  • JACOBSON Dan (1991), “The conceptual approach to job insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s. 23-39.
  • JACOBSON Dan ve HARTLEY Jean (1991), “Mapping the Context”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren, Sage Publications, London, s. 1-22.
  • JOELSON, L. and WAHLQUIST, L. (1987), “The psychological meaning of job insecurity and job loss: results of a longitudinal study’, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 25:179– 82.
  • KING James E. (2000), “White-Collar reactions to job insecurity and the role of the psychological contract: Implications for human resource management”, Human Resource Management, Spring, Vol 39, No.1, s.79-92.
  • KINNUNEN U., MAUNO S., NATTI J. ve HAPPONEN M. (1999), “Perceived job insecurity: A longitudinal study among Finish employees”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 8, s.243-260.
  • KLANDERMANS Bert ve VAN VUUREN Tinka (1999),“Job Insecurity: Introduction”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.8, No.2,
  • KLANDERMANS Bert, VAN VUUREN Tinka ve JACOBSON Dan (1991), “Employees and Job Insecurity”, Job Insecurity Coping With Jobs At Risk içinde, Editörler: J. Hartley, D. Jacobson, B. Klandermans ve T. V. Vuuren Sage Publications, London, s.41-64.
  • KOYUNCU M. ve ŞENSES F. (2004), “Kısa Dönem Krizlerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Etkileri: Türkiye, Endonezya ve Arjantin Deneyimleri”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/3, s.11-52.
  • KUMAŞ Handan (2001), İşsizliğin Psiko-Sosyal Boyutu ve Çalışma Yaşamına İlişkin Değerler Üzerindeki Etkileri, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt:3, Sayı:4, İzmir.
  • LIM V. (1996), “Job insecurity and its outcomes: Moderating effects of work-based and non-work-based social support”, Human Relations, Vol.49, No.2, s.171-194.
  • LOSEBLY Paul H. (1992), Employment Security, Balancing Human and Economic Considerations, Quorum Books, London.
  • MARMOT Michael G. (1999), “Job insecurity in a broader social and health context”, Labour Market Changes and Job Insecurity: A Challenge For Social Welfare and Health Promotion içinde, Editörler: Jane E. Ferrie, Michael G. Marmot, John Griffiths ve Erio Ziglio, WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No.81, Denmark, s.1-9.
  • MIILIKEN F.J. (1987), “Three types of perceived uncertanity about the environment: stage, effect, and response uncertanity”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.12, No.1, s.133-143.
  • MOWDAY T.R., PORTER L. W. ve STEERS M.R. (1982), Employee-Organization Linkages, Academic Press.
  • ÖİB, Özelleştirilen Kuruluşların Özelleştirilme Öncesi ve Sonrası Faaliyet Bilgileri Raporu,
  • ÖNDER Çetin ve WASTI S. Arzu (2002), “İş Güvencesi Endeksi ve İş Güvencesi Memnuniyet Ölçeği: Güvenilirlik ve Geçerlik Analizi”, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, s.23-47.
  • ROTTER J.B. (1975), “Some problems and misconceptions related to thr construct of internal versus external control of reinforcement”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol.43, No.1.
  • STRAZDINS L., D’SOUZA R.M., L.Y. LIM , BROOM D.H. ve RODGERS B. (20049, “Job strain, job insecurity and health: Rethinking the relationship”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 9, No. 4, s. 296-305.
  • SVERKE M., HELLGREN J, NASWALL K. (2002), “No security: a meta-analysis and review of job insecurity and its consequences”, Jourmal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.7, s.242–64.
  • ŞENTUTAN Şermin (2005), “İşletmelerde Küçülme Politikalarının İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Kamu-İş, İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, C:8, S: 3, s. 79-91.
  • TEMİZ Hasan E. (2004), “Eğreti İstihdam: İşgücü Piyasasında Güvencesizliğin ve İstikrarsızlığın Yeni Yapılanması”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004/2, s.55-80.
  • VIRTANEN M., KIVIMAKI M., ELOVAINIO M. ve J.E. FERRIE (2003), “From insecure to secure employment: changes in work, health, and health related behaviors, and siccness absence”, Occupational Environment Medicine, Vol.60, s.948-953.
  • VIRTANEN M., KIVIMAKI M., ELOVAINIO M. ve VAHTERA J. (2002), “Selection from fixed term to permanent employment: Prospective study on health, job satisfaction and behavioral risks”, Journal of Epidemiology, Community Health, s.693-699.
  • VROOM Victor H. (1964), Work and Motivation, John Wiley& Sons Ins, New York.
  • WICHERT Ines, (2001), “Job insecurity and work intensification, The effects of an health and well-being”, Burchell, Brendan (Editor), Job Insecurity & Work Intensification içinde,.
  • YELLEN J. L. (1984), “Efficiency wage models of unemployment”, American Economic Review, Vol.74, s.200-205.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Çakır This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 12


APA Çakır, Ö. (2007). İşini Kaybetme Kaygısı: İş Güvencesizliği. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 1(12), 117-140.