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Endüstriyel Uyuşmazlık Biçimi Olarak Grevin Sosyolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 12, 141 - 168, 01.01.2007



  • BATSTONE Eric/Ian BATSTONE/Stephen FRENKEL; The Social Organization of Strikes, Basil Blackwell, Great Britain, 1978.
  • COSER Lewis A.; Continuities in the Study of Social Conflict, Free Pres, New York, 1967.
  • COSER Lewis A.; The Functions of Social Conflicts, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1956, s. 53.
  • DUBIN Robert; “Constructive Aspects of Industrial Conflicts” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • EDWARDS P.K.; “The “social” determination of strikes”, Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.21, 1979.
  • ELDRIDGE J.E.T.; Industrial Disputes, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1968.
  • FIREMAN B./W.A. GAMSON; “Utilitarian logic in resource mobilization perspective” içinde M. N. ZALD/J. D. McCARTHY (Edt.); Dynamics of Social Movements, Winthrop Publishers, Cambirdge, 1979.
  • McCARTHY (Edt); Dynamics of Social Movements, Winthrop Publishers, Cambirdge, 1979.
  • FRANZOSI R.; “Strikes: Sociological Aspects” içinde Neil J. SMELSER/Paul B. BALTES; (Edt.); International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol.22, Elseveir, New York, 2001.
  • GAMSON W.A.; “Social Psychology of Collective Action” içinde A. D. MORRIS/C. McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, Yale University Press, London, 1992.
  • GODARD John; “Strikes as Collective Voice: A Behavioral Analysis of Strike Activity”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol.46, No:1, 1992.
  • GOULDNER Alvin; Wildcat Strikes, Routledge and Kegal Paul, London, 1955.
  • GRIFFIN I. J.; Strikes: A Study in Quantitative Economics, Colombia University Press, New York, 1939.
  • GÜZEL Şehmus; Grev –Grevin Yapısal ve İşlevsel Açıdan İrdelenmesine Katkı, Sosyalist yayınlar:6, İstanbul, 1993.
  • HEBERLE Rudolf; “Types and Functions of Social Movements” içinde David L. SILLS (Edt.); International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol.14, Macmillan, New York, 1968.
  • HYMAN Richard; Strikes, Macmillan Press, Dördüncü Basım, 1989.
  • KARSH Bernard; Diary of a Strike, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1958.
  • KATZ Daniel; “Satisfactions and Deprivations in Industrial Life” içinde KORNHAUSER/ DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.);1954.
  • KELLY Caroline /Sara BREINLINGER; The Social Psychology of Collective Action: Identity, injustice and gender, Taylor and Francis, London, 1996.
  • KERR Clark; “Industrial Conflict and Its Mediation”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.60, No.3, 1954.
  • KNOWLES K.G.J.C.; “Strike-Proneness and Its Determinants”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.LX, No.3, 1954.
  • KORAY Meryem; Endüstri İlişkileri, Basisen Eğitim ve Kültür Yayınları, İzmir, 1992.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur /Robert DUBIN/Arthur M. ROSS (Edt.); Industrial Conflict, McGraw Hill,1954
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur /Robert DUBIN/Arthur M. ROSS; “Problems and Viewpoints” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (edt.); 1954.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur; “Human Motivations Underlying Industrial Conflict” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur; “The Undetermined Future of Industrial Conflict” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • KRIESBERG Louis; The Sociology of Social Conflicts, Prentice-Hall, 1973.
  • KUHN W. J.; Bargaining in Grievance Settlement, Columbia University Press, New York, 1961.
  • LAMMERS Cornelis J.; “Strikes and Mutinies: A Comparative Study of Organizational Conflicts Between Rulers and Ruled”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.14, 1969.
  • MAKAL Ahmet; Grev – Kuramlar ve Uluslar arası Farklılıklar-, V Yayınları, Ankara, 1987.
  • MARSHALL Gordon; Sosyoloji Sözlüğü, (Çev. Osman Akınhay/Derya Kömürcü), Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, Ankara 1999.
  • MARWELL G./P. OLIVER; The Critical Mass in Collective Action: Micro- Social Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
  • McCARTHY John D. /Mayer N. ZALD; “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.82, No.6, 1977.
  • McCLURG MUELLER C.; “Building Social Movement Theory” içinde MORRIS/McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); 1992.
  • MELUCCI Alberto; “The New Social Movements: A Theoretical Approach”, Social Science Information, Vol.19, No:2, 1980.
  • MELUCCI Alberto; Challenging Codes-Collective Action in Information Age-, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1996.
  • MORRIS A.D./C. McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, Yale University Press, London, 1992.
  • OBERSCHALL Anthony; “Theories of Social Conflict”, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.4, 1978.
  • OLIVER Pamela E.; “Formal Models of Collective Action” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.19, 1993.
  • OLSON Mancur; The Logic of Collective Action, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1965.
  • PHELPS BROWN E. H.; The Growth of British Industrial Relations, Macmillan, London, 1960.
  • REYNAUD Jean-Daniel; İş Uyuşmazlıkları Sosyolojisi (Çev. Ali Güzel/Ali Rıza Okur), Cep Üniversitesi, İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • SANDLER Todd; Collective Action:Theory and Applications, The University of Michigan Press, 1992.
  • SCOTT J. F./G.C. HOMANS; “Reflections on the Wildcat Strikes”, American Sociological Review, Vol.12, 1947.
  • SMELSER Neil; The Sociology of Economic Life, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1963.
  • SUR Melda; Grev Kavramı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları, İzmir 1987.
  • TRIST E.L./G.W. HIGGINS/H. MURRAY/A. B: POLLOCK; Organizational Choice, Tavistock, London, 1963.
  • TURNER H. A.; The Trends of Strikes, Leeds University Press, Leeds, 1963.
Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 12, 141 - 168, 01.01.2007


This study involves the sociological analysis of strikes. Generally, strikes are analyzed in terms of legal issues. But moving from the point of view that strikes as a form of industrial conflict and a action which is based on logic of collective action, it is suggested that strike is a social phenomenon as well. In this frame, sociological definitions and dimensions of strike are dealt with and sociological process of strike decision is examined in the scope of social causes and goals, strike-proneness and rationality of strikes. It is suggested that a decision of strikes not only involves to improve the economic interests but also involves a characteristics that gives a response to the social and behavioral processes


  • BATSTONE Eric/Ian BATSTONE/Stephen FRENKEL; The Social Organization of Strikes, Basil Blackwell, Great Britain, 1978.
  • COSER Lewis A.; Continuities in the Study of Social Conflict, Free Pres, New York, 1967.
  • COSER Lewis A.; The Functions of Social Conflicts, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1956, s. 53.
  • DUBIN Robert; “Constructive Aspects of Industrial Conflicts” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • EDWARDS P.K.; “The “social” determination of strikes”, Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.21, 1979.
  • ELDRIDGE J.E.T.; Industrial Disputes, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1968.
  • FIREMAN B./W.A. GAMSON; “Utilitarian logic in resource mobilization perspective” içinde M. N. ZALD/J. D. McCARTHY (Edt.); Dynamics of Social Movements, Winthrop Publishers, Cambirdge, 1979.
  • McCARTHY (Edt); Dynamics of Social Movements, Winthrop Publishers, Cambirdge, 1979.
  • FRANZOSI R.; “Strikes: Sociological Aspects” içinde Neil J. SMELSER/Paul B. BALTES; (Edt.); International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol.22, Elseveir, New York, 2001.
  • GAMSON W.A.; “Social Psychology of Collective Action” içinde A. D. MORRIS/C. McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, Yale University Press, London, 1992.
  • GODARD John; “Strikes as Collective Voice: A Behavioral Analysis of Strike Activity”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol.46, No:1, 1992.
  • GOULDNER Alvin; Wildcat Strikes, Routledge and Kegal Paul, London, 1955.
  • GRIFFIN I. J.; Strikes: A Study in Quantitative Economics, Colombia University Press, New York, 1939.
  • GÜZEL Şehmus; Grev –Grevin Yapısal ve İşlevsel Açıdan İrdelenmesine Katkı, Sosyalist yayınlar:6, İstanbul, 1993.
  • HEBERLE Rudolf; “Types and Functions of Social Movements” içinde David L. SILLS (Edt.); International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol.14, Macmillan, New York, 1968.
  • HYMAN Richard; Strikes, Macmillan Press, Dördüncü Basım, 1989.
  • KARSH Bernard; Diary of a Strike, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1958.
  • KATZ Daniel; “Satisfactions and Deprivations in Industrial Life” içinde KORNHAUSER/ DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.);1954.
  • KELLY Caroline /Sara BREINLINGER; The Social Psychology of Collective Action: Identity, injustice and gender, Taylor and Francis, London, 1996.
  • KERR Clark; “Industrial Conflict and Its Mediation”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.60, No.3, 1954.
  • KNOWLES K.G.J.C.; “Strike-Proneness and Its Determinants”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.LX, No.3, 1954.
  • KORAY Meryem; Endüstri İlişkileri, Basisen Eğitim ve Kültür Yayınları, İzmir, 1992.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur /Robert DUBIN/Arthur M. ROSS (Edt.); Industrial Conflict, McGraw Hill,1954
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur /Robert DUBIN/Arthur M. ROSS; “Problems and Viewpoints” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (edt.); 1954.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur; “Human Motivations Underlying Industrial Conflict” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • KORNHAUSER Arthur; “The Undetermined Future of Industrial Conflict” içinde KORNHAUSER/DUBIN/ROSS (Edt.); 1954.
  • KRIESBERG Louis; The Sociology of Social Conflicts, Prentice-Hall, 1973.
  • KUHN W. J.; Bargaining in Grievance Settlement, Columbia University Press, New York, 1961.
  • LAMMERS Cornelis J.; “Strikes and Mutinies: A Comparative Study of Organizational Conflicts Between Rulers and Ruled”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.14, 1969.
  • MAKAL Ahmet; Grev – Kuramlar ve Uluslar arası Farklılıklar-, V Yayınları, Ankara, 1987.
  • MARSHALL Gordon; Sosyoloji Sözlüğü, (Çev. Osman Akınhay/Derya Kömürcü), Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, Ankara 1999.
  • MARWELL G./P. OLIVER; The Critical Mass in Collective Action: Micro- Social Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
  • McCARTHY John D. /Mayer N. ZALD; “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.82, No.6, 1977.
  • McCLURG MUELLER C.; “Building Social Movement Theory” içinde MORRIS/McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); 1992.
  • MELUCCI Alberto; “The New Social Movements: A Theoretical Approach”, Social Science Information, Vol.19, No:2, 1980.
  • MELUCCI Alberto; Challenging Codes-Collective Action in Information Age-, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1996.
  • MORRIS A.D./C. McCLURG MUELLER (Edt); Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, Yale University Press, London, 1992.
  • OBERSCHALL Anthony; “Theories of Social Conflict”, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.4, 1978.
  • OLIVER Pamela E.; “Formal Models of Collective Action” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.19, 1993.
  • OLSON Mancur; The Logic of Collective Action, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1965.
  • PHELPS BROWN E. H.; The Growth of British Industrial Relations, Macmillan, London, 1960.
  • REYNAUD Jean-Daniel; İş Uyuşmazlıkları Sosyolojisi (Çev. Ali Güzel/Ali Rıza Okur), Cep Üniversitesi, İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • SANDLER Todd; Collective Action:Theory and Applications, The University of Michigan Press, 1992.
  • SCOTT J. F./G.C. HOMANS; “Reflections on the Wildcat Strikes”, American Sociological Review, Vol.12, 1947.
  • SMELSER Neil; The Sociology of Economic Life, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1963.
  • SUR Melda; Grev Kavramı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları, İzmir 1987.
  • TRIST E.L./G.W. HIGGINS/H. MURRAY/A. B: POLLOCK; Organizational Choice, Tavistock, London, 1963.
  • TURNER H. A.; The Trends of Strikes, Leeds University Press, Leeds, 1963.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

H. Şebnem Seçer This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 12


APA Seçer, H. Ş. (2007). Endüstriyel Uyuşmazlık Biçimi Olarak Grevin Sosyolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 1(12), 141-168.