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Kadın Direnişçilerin Gözünden Bir Direniş Öyküsü: Gebze Bericap Örneği

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 58, 1381 - 1396, 01.01.2018


Endüstri ilişkileri alanında kadın ve sendika konusu genellikle kadınların sendikalara üyeliği, katılımı ve temsilleri bakımından ele alınmaktadır. Kadınları sendikal direnişin aktif özneleri olarak yer almaya götüren süreç ve “direnişçi kadın olma” deneyim ve anlamlandırmalarına dair araştırmalarda ise ciddi bir eksiklik söz konusudur. Oysa kadın işçilerin nasıl ve neden sendikal direnişe geçtiklerini anlamaya yönelik ampirik araştırmalar kadın ve sendika ilişkisinin karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bileşenlerini anlamak bakımından çok önemlidir. Kadın işçileri sendikal direnişe götüren süreci araştırmayı amaçlayan çalışmaların başlangıç noktası, direnişi hazırlayan koşullar dolayısıyla da öncelikle işyeri ve işyerinde yaşananlar olmalıdır. Elbette bu koşullara müdahalede bulunmak üzere kolektif bir güç unsuru olarak işlev gören sendikanın işyerindeki varlığı da, kadın işçilerin direnişe katılmalarında çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışma iki amaca yönelik olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bunlardan ilki sendikal direniş kararı almış ve bu kararı eyleme dönüştürmüş kadınların gözüyle direnişe götüren işyeri dinamiklerinin nasıl deneyimlendiğinin ortaya konulmasıdır. İkincisi ise süreç boyunca “sendikalı direnişçi kadın” olmanın nasıl anlamlandırıldığının niteliksel bir araştırma ile ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Gebze’de kurulu Bericap fabrikasında çalışan ve sendikal hakları için direniş sürdüren 14 kadın işçi ile yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine bir görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri sendikal varlığa paralel olarak direniş kararı alınmasında etkili olan işyeri koşulları ve “direnişçi kadın olma” ya dair kadın işçilerin anlamlandırmaları olmak üzere iki boyut çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir


  • Akgökçe, N. (2012) “Grev ve Direnişlerde Kadın İşçiler ve Kadın Dayanışması”, Sosyal Haklar Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı, 93-98.
  • Akgökçe, N. (2015) “SeraPool İşçisi Kadınlar Direniyor”, Birgün, 83953.html
  • Beckwith, K. (1996) "Lancashire Women against Pit Closures: Women's Standing in a Men's Movement," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 21: 4, 1034-1068.
  • Chan, J.W. (2006) “Chinese Women Workers Organize in the Export Zone”, New Labor Forum, Vol. 15, No. 1, 19-27.
  • Conley, H. (2005) “Front Line or All Fronts? Women's Trade Union Activism in Retail Services.”, Gender, Work and Organization, 12(5),479–496.
  • Coulter. K. (2011) “Unionizing Retail: Lessons From Young Women’s Grassroots Organizing in the Greater Toronto Area in the 1990s”, Labour/Le Travail, 67, 77–93.
  • Dannecker, P. (2000) “Conformity or Resistence? Women Workers in the Garment Factories in Bangladesh”, Working Paper, erişim adresi:
  • Devinatz, Victor G. (2007) “Manufacturing Resistance: Rationalizing the Irrationality of Managerial Control on the Shop Floor in a US Medical Electronics Factory”, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 19(1),1-15.
  • Foucault, M. (1978) The History of Sexuality, Vol.1: An Introduction, NewYork:Random House.
  • Friedman, A. L. (1977). Industry and Labor: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism. London:Macmillan Press.
  • Hansen, L. (2002) “Rethinking the Industrial Relations Tradition from a Gender Perspective: An Invitation to Integration”, Employee Relations, 4(2):1, 90-210.
  • Harding, (1987) Feminism and Methodology, Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
  • Hodson, R. (1995) “Worker Resistance: An Underdeveloped Concept in the Sociology of Work”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol 16, 79-110.
  • Hodson R. (1997) “Individual Voice on the Shopfloor: The Role of Unions.”, Social Forces 75,4 (June),1183-1212.
  • Hollander J. A. ve Einwohner R.L. (2004) “Conceptualizing Resistance”, Sociological Forum, Vol. 19: 4, 533-554.
  • Hyman, R. (1972) Strikes. London: Fontana-Collins.
  • Kirton, G (2005) “The Influences on Women Joining and Participating in Unions”, Industrial Relations Journal, 36(5), 386–401.
  • Langford, T. (1994) "Strikes and Class Consciousness,", Labour/Le Travail, 34.
  • Martin, R. (1988) “Sowing the Threads of Resistance: Worker Resistance and Managerial Control in a Paint and Garment Factory”, Humanity and Society, 10, 259–275.
  • Mills, Mary Beth. (2005) "From Nimble Fingers to Raised Fists: Activism in Globalizing Thailand.", Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3 1, 7-44.
  • Özuğurlu, M. (2010) TEKEL Direnişi: Sınıflar Mücadelesi Üzerine Anımsamalar, Bulut, G. (Der.) Tekel Direnişi Işığında Gelenekselden Yeniye İşçi Sınıfı Hareketi, Ankara: Notabene, 47-64.
  • Özvarış, B. (2015) “Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Çalışma Yaşamı ve Kadın Sağlığı”, TBB Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi, Cilt 15:56,37-43.
  • Peterson, V. Spike. (2005) “How (the Meaning of) Gender Matters in Political Econom”, New Political Economy, 10(4), 499-521.
  • Pollert, A. and Charlwood, A. (2008) “Vulnerable Workers and Problems at Work”, Centre for Employment Studies Research, Working Paper 11,
  • Reicher, S. (2004) “The Contex of Social Identitiy: Domination, Resistance and Change”, Political Psychology, Vol. 25:6, 921-945.
  • Silverstein B.L. ve Auerbach C. (2003) “Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Coding and Analysis”, New York and London: New York University Press, 7-32.
  • Urhan, B.(2014) Sendikasız Kadınlar Kadınsız Sendika, İstanbul:Kadav.
  • Tannenbaum, F. (1947) “The Social Function of Trade Unions.”, Political Science Quarterly, 62.
  • TUC, (2017) “Gender in Occupational Safety and Health, A TUC guide for trade union activists (with gender checklist)”, analysis/reports/gender-occupational-safety-and-health-tuc-guide-trade- union-activists
  • Wajcman, J. (2000) “Feminism Facing Industrial Relations in Britain”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38, 183–201.
  • Watson, D. (1988) Managers of Discontent, London: Routledge.

A Resistance Story Through the Eyes of Women Labor Activists: Gebze Bericap Case

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 58, 1381 - 1396, 01.01.2018


In industrial relations, the subject of women and trade unions is usually limited to union membership, participation and representation. Hence, there is a paucity of research and literature on the factors influencing women’s participation in industrial activism and how women workers experience and give meaning to ‘being a woman labor activist’. However, empirical studies aiming at analyzing how and why women become workplace activists are significant in understanding the complicated and multidimensional relationship between women and trade unions. Shop floor conditions are among the major causes of resistance and struggle; thus, the starting point of these empirical studies should be the factory. Undeniably the existence of a trade union at the shop floor level as a collective power instrument in improving these conditions plays a vital role in women’s decisions over becoming actors in the resistance process. The present study has two purposes. For one thing it aims to explain how shop floor dynamics have been experienced by women who participated in a trade union resistance. The second purpose is to explore multiple meanings of labor activism for these women actors. To do these explorations through qualitative research, 14 semistructured interviews were conducted with women labor activists who took part in Gebze Bericap struggle. The data collected were analyzed in terms of women’s subjective experiences and how they attribute meaning to ‘being a labor activist’


  • Akgökçe, N. (2012) “Grev ve Direnişlerde Kadın İşçiler ve Kadın Dayanışması”, Sosyal Haklar Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı, 93-98.
  • Akgökçe, N. (2015) “SeraPool İşçisi Kadınlar Direniyor”, Birgün, 83953.html
  • Beckwith, K. (1996) "Lancashire Women against Pit Closures: Women's Standing in a Men's Movement," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 21: 4, 1034-1068.
  • Chan, J.W. (2006) “Chinese Women Workers Organize in the Export Zone”, New Labor Forum, Vol. 15, No. 1, 19-27.
  • Conley, H. (2005) “Front Line or All Fronts? Women's Trade Union Activism in Retail Services.”, Gender, Work and Organization, 12(5),479–496.
  • Coulter. K. (2011) “Unionizing Retail: Lessons From Young Women’s Grassroots Organizing in the Greater Toronto Area in the 1990s”, Labour/Le Travail, 67, 77–93.
  • Dannecker, P. (2000) “Conformity or Resistence? Women Workers in the Garment Factories in Bangladesh”, Working Paper, erişim adresi:
  • Devinatz, Victor G. (2007) “Manufacturing Resistance: Rationalizing the Irrationality of Managerial Control on the Shop Floor in a US Medical Electronics Factory”, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 19(1),1-15.
  • Foucault, M. (1978) The History of Sexuality, Vol.1: An Introduction, NewYork:Random House.
  • Friedman, A. L. (1977). Industry and Labor: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism. London:Macmillan Press.
  • Hansen, L. (2002) “Rethinking the Industrial Relations Tradition from a Gender Perspective: An Invitation to Integration”, Employee Relations, 4(2):1, 90-210.
  • Harding, (1987) Feminism and Methodology, Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
  • Hodson, R. (1995) “Worker Resistance: An Underdeveloped Concept in the Sociology of Work”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol 16, 79-110.
  • Hodson R. (1997) “Individual Voice on the Shopfloor: The Role of Unions.”, Social Forces 75,4 (June),1183-1212.
  • Hollander J. A. ve Einwohner R.L. (2004) “Conceptualizing Resistance”, Sociological Forum, Vol. 19: 4, 533-554.
  • Hyman, R. (1972) Strikes. London: Fontana-Collins.
  • Kirton, G (2005) “The Influences on Women Joining and Participating in Unions”, Industrial Relations Journal, 36(5), 386–401.
  • Langford, T. (1994) "Strikes and Class Consciousness,", Labour/Le Travail, 34.
  • Martin, R. (1988) “Sowing the Threads of Resistance: Worker Resistance and Managerial Control in a Paint and Garment Factory”, Humanity and Society, 10, 259–275.
  • Mills, Mary Beth. (2005) "From Nimble Fingers to Raised Fists: Activism in Globalizing Thailand.", Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3 1, 7-44.
  • Özuğurlu, M. (2010) TEKEL Direnişi: Sınıflar Mücadelesi Üzerine Anımsamalar, Bulut, G. (Der.) Tekel Direnişi Işığında Gelenekselden Yeniye İşçi Sınıfı Hareketi, Ankara: Notabene, 47-64.
  • Özvarış, B. (2015) “Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Çalışma Yaşamı ve Kadın Sağlığı”, TBB Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi, Cilt 15:56,37-43.
  • Peterson, V. Spike. (2005) “How (the Meaning of) Gender Matters in Political Econom”, New Political Economy, 10(4), 499-521.
  • Pollert, A. and Charlwood, A. (2008) “Vulnerable Workers and Problems at Work”, Centre for Employment Studies Research, Working Paper 11,
  • Reicher, S. (2004) “The Contex of Social Identitiy: Domination, Resistance and Change”, Political Psychology, Vol. 25:6, 921-945.
  • Silverstein B.L. ve Auerbach C. (2003) “Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Coding and Analysis”, New York and London: New York University Press, 7-32.
  • Urhan, B.(2014) Sendikasız Kadınlar Kadınsız Sendika, İstanbul:Kadav.
  • Tannenbaum, F. (1947) “The Social Function of Trade Unions.”, Political Science Quarterly, 62.
  • TUC, (2017) “Gender in Occupational Safety and Health, A TUC guide for trade union activists (with gender checklist)”, analysis/reports/gender-occupational-safety-and-health-tuc-guide-trade- union-activists
  • Wajcman, J. (2000) “Feminism Facing Industrial Relations in Britain”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38, 183–201.
  • Watson, D. (1988) Managers of Discontent, London: Routledge.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ayten Davutoğlu This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 58


APA Davutoğlu, A. (2018). Kadın Direnişçilerin Gözünden Bir Direniş Öyküsü: Gebze Bericap Örneği. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 3(58), 1381-1396.