Article Submission Rules

The first 3 files mentioned below must be uploaded in the appropriate content and format.
1) Author Information file:
- English and Turkish title of the manuscript should be included
- Detailed information of the author(s) (name and surname, institutional information, title, e-mail address and phone ORCID number) should include the order of the authors at the time of publication.
- In case of more than one author, “contribution rate and format of the authors” should be included
- The “conflict of interest declaration” of the author(s) should be included.

2) Main Text file:
The Main Text file should not contain Author information in any way.
In the main text file, the file containing the full text of the article prepared in accordance with the writing rules and the bibliography should be uploaded.

What should be included in the main text file of a Turkish article
- Turkish title
- Turkish essence
- Turkish keywords
- English title
- English abstract
- English keywords
- English extented summary

What should be included in the main text file of an English article
- English title
- English abstract
- English keywords
- Turkish title
- Turkish essence
- Turkish keywords
- English summary

3) Similarity file: The similarity file generated via “” or “” must be uploaded to the system.

4) Ethics Committee file: If “Ethics Committee Approval” is required due to ethical rules, the “Ethics Committee Approval Form” should be uploaded as a file. If such approval is not required, this file may not be uploaded.

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Last Update Time: 1/13/25, 7:14:12 PM