Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 32, 169 - 187, 26.08.2016


In this study, the Einstein “Inside Constantinople: diplomatist S Diary During the
Dardanelles Expedition, April-September 1915” was discussed. The method of literature
screening was used in the study. In the study, Einstein’s biography was dealt with firstly and
author’s brief life story, education, places of assignment and the works by him was included
in that biography. In the second part, mentioned works were examined and analyzed as thematic topics. The diary which comprises of total 291 pages were divided into some sections
by Einstein. These sections “preface”, “Çanakkale exit”, “Italy’s war inputs, fight and hope”,
“Armenian deportations news”, “Bulgaria decisions” and “frustration” was written. When the
work is examined, it was found that the headings and contents do not match with each other
indeed. Therefore, similar subjects were assessed by addressing with a thematic approach in
this study. The said themes were determined as follows: “Ottoman Empire: Management and
managers of Committee of Union and Progress”, “Gallipoli Front”, “Istanbul: Safety, fires
and daily life”, “Armenian question”, “Behaviors towards non-Muslims”, “Condition of the
hospitals” and “Struggle for reign in the palace”. Einstein worked under Henry Morgenthau,
the US Ambassador, in Istanbul where he came as emissary as he expressed. Besides, when
we take a look at what is written in Einstein’s diary, it is understood that he did not have
an attitude towards Ottoman Empire, Turkish people and managements as blaming as


  • Abdülmecid (Halife), Erişim tarihi: 11.09.2015.
  • Abdülmecid Efendi, Erişim tarihi: 11.09.2015.
  • AMBROSIUS, Lloyd E., Woodrow Wilson and the American Diplomatic Tradition: The Treaty Fight in Perspective, Cambridge University Press, London & New York, 1987.
  • ARI, Kemal, Birinci Dünya Savaşı Kronolojisi, Genelkurmay Basımevi, Ankara, 1997.
  • BARROWS, John Otis, In the Land of Ararat: A Sketch of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman Barrows Ussher, Missionary to Turkey and a Martyr of the Great War, New York, 1916.
  • Çanakkale Savaşı Denizaltı Harekâtları, wiki/%C3%87anakkale_Sava%C5%9F%C4 %B1_denizalt%C4%B1_ harek%C3%A2tlar%C4%B1 Erişim tarihi: 12.09.2015.
  • CEVİZLİLER, Erkan, “Erzurum Polis Mektebi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi (TAED), 2010, sayı. 44.
  • DANİŞMEND, İsmail Hami, İzahlı Osmanlı Tarihi Kronolojisi IV, Türkiye Yayınları, İstanbul, 1961.
  • Einstein at Sofia, The New York Times, November 1, 1915.
  • Einstein Letters Read, The New York Times, November 26, 1913.
  • Einstein Named to Aid Morgenthau, The New York Times,March 5, 1915.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, A Diplomat Looks Back, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1968.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, A Prophecy of theWar (1913-1914), Colombia University Press, New York, 1918.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, American Foreign Policy, The University Press Cambridge, Boston, 1909.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Current Problems: Historical Change (Ed. Sir Ernest Barker), Cambridge University Press, London, 1946.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Divided Loyalties: Americans in England During the War of Independence, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1933.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Inside Constantinople: A Diplomatist’s Diary During the Dardanelles Expedition, April-September, 1915, E. P. Dutton & Company, New York, 1918.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Leonardo Da Vinci: Thoughts on Art and Life, The Merrymount Press, Boston, 1906 (Translated by Maorice Baring).
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Roosevelt: His Mind in Action, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1930.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, The Italian Renaissance in England, The Colombia University Press, New York, 1902.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, The Relation of Literature to History, New York, 1903.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Todor Ideas, G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London, 1921.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis. Napoleon III and American Diplomacy at the Outbreak of the Civil War, London, 1905.
  • ERDEMİR, Lokman. “Çanakkale Boğazında İlk Bombardımanlar ve İstanbul”, 1453 İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Dergisi, 2015, sayı. 21, http://www.kultursanat. org/media/313637/1453_21_sayi_2015_web.pdf Erişim tarihi: 15.09.2015.
  • HOLMES, Oliver Wendell, Jr, The Holmes-Einstein Letters: Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Lewis Einstein (1903-1935), Mac Millon Co., London, 1968.
  • JASTROW, Morris Jr., The War and the Bagdad Railway: The Story of Asia Minor and Its Relation to the Present Conflict, Philadelphia, 1917.
  • KÖSE, İsmail, “Amerikan Büyükelçisi H. Morgenthau’nun Türk Algısı”, Tarih Dergisi, İstanbul, 2013, sayı. 56.
  • KUZUCU, Kemalettin, “Osmanlı Başkentinde Büyük Yangınlar ve Toplumsal Etkileri”, Osmanlı, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara, 1999.
  • Lewis Einstein Addresses Diplomats, The New York Times, June 10, 1905.
  • Lewis Einstein: Ex-Diplomat 90, The New York Times, December 5, 1967.
  • LIEBMANN, George W., Diplomacy Between the Wars: Five Diplomats and the Shaping of the Modern World, I. B. Taurus, New York, 2008.
  • Marmara’da Deniz Savaşları, Erişim tarihi: 13.09.2015.
  • Minister Einstein in Sofia, The New York Times, October 31, 1915.
  • MORGENTHAU, Henry, Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, New York, 1918.
  • MORGENTHAU, Henry, Secrets of the Boshphorus, Constantinople 1913-1916, Hutchinson & Co. Paternoster Row, London, 1918.
  • New Sultan Breaks Moslem Traditions, The New York Times, May 11, 1909.
  • SEYHUN, Ahmet, Said Halim Pasha, Ottoman Statesman and Islamist Thinker (1865- 1921), Isis Press, Istanbul, 2003.
  • STUERMER, Harry & STUERMER, Allen E. Two War Years in Constantinople, New York, 1918.
  • TOYNBEE, Arnold,Turkey: A Past and a Future, New York, 1917.
  • USSHER, Clarence D. & KNAPP, Grace Higley, An American Physician in Turkey: A Narrative of Adventures in Peace and in War, New York, 1918.
  • WILLMOT, H. P., Last Century of Sea Power. Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922, Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, 2009.
  • YILDIRIM, Tahsin, Veliaht Yusuf İzzeddin, Çatı Kitapları, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi, Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2015.


Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 32, 169 - 187, 26.08.2016


Bu araştırmada Einstein’ın “Inside Constantinople: A Diplomatist’s Diary
During the Dardanelles Expedition, April-September, 1915” isimli eseri bütün halde
değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada literatür taraması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ilk
olarak Einstein’ın biyografisi ele alınmış, bu biyografide yazarın kısa yaşam öyküsüne,
öğrenimine, görev bölgeleri ve yazdığı eserlere yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde adı geçen eser
tematik başlıklar halinde incelenmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Toplam 291 sayfadan oluşan günlük
Einstein tarafından bazı bölümlere ayrılmıştır. Kitabın bölümleri “önsöz”, “Çanakkale’ye
çıkış”, “İtalya’nın savaşa girişi, savaş ve umutlar”, “Ermeni tehciri haberleri”, “Bulgaristan
kararları” ve “hayal kırıklıkları” olarak yazılmıştır. Eser incelendiğinde başlıklarla içeriklerin
aslında birbiriyle örtüşmediği görülmüştür. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada benzer konular tematik
bir yaklaşımla ele alınıp değerlendirilmiştir. Sözkonusu temalar “Osmanlı Devleti: İttihat ve
Terakki yönetimi ve yöneticileri”, “Çanakkale Cephesi”, “İstanbul: Güvenlik, yangınlar ve
gündelik hayat”,“Ermeni meselesi”, “gayri-Müslimlere yapılan muameleler”, “hastanelerin
durumu” ve “sarayda saltanat mücadelesi” olarak belirlenmiştir. Einstein kendi deyimiyle
özel görevli olarak geldiği İstanbul’da ABD Büyükelçisi Henry Morgenthau’ya bağlı olarak
çalışmıştır. Bununla birlikte Einstein’ın günlüğünde yazdıklarına bakıldığında Morgenthau
kadar Osmanlı’yı, Türk insanını ve yönetimleri suçlayan bir yönelim içinde olmadığı


  • Abdülmecid (Halife), Erişim tarihi: 11.09.2015.
  • Abdülmecid Efendi, Erişim tarihi: 11.09.2015.
  • AMBROSIUS, Lloyd E., Woodrow Wilson and the American Diplomatic Tradition: The Treaty Fight in Perspective, Cambridge University Press, London & New York, 1987.
  • ARI, Kemal, Birinci Dünya Savaşı Kronolojisi, Genelkurmay Basımevi, Ankara, 1997.
  • BARROWS, John Otis, In the Land of Ararat: A Sketch of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman Barrows Ussher, Missionary to Turkey and a Martyr of the Great War, New York, 1916.
  • Çanakkale Savaşı Denizaltı Harekâtları, wiki/%C3%87anakkale_Sava%C5%9F%C4 %B1_denizalt%C4%B1_ harek%C3%A2tlar%C4%B1 Erişim tarihi: 12.09.2015.
  • CEVİZLİLER, Erkan, “Erzurum Polis Mektebi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi (TAED), 2010, sayı. 44.
  • DANİŞMEND, İsmail Hami, İzahlı Osmanlı Tarihi Kronolojisi IV, Türkiye Yayınları, İstanbul, 1961.
  • Einstein at Sofia, The New York Times, November 1, 1915.
  • Einstein Letters Read, The New York Times, November 26, 1913.
  • Einstein Named to Aid Morgenthau, The New York Times,March 5, 1915.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, A Diplomat Looks Back, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1968.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, A Prophecy of theWar (1913-1914), Colombia University Press, New York, 1918.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, American Foreign Policy, The University Press Cambridge, Boston, 1909.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Current Problems: Historical Change (Ed. Sir Ernest Barker), Cambridge University Press, London, 1946.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Divided Loyalties: Americans in England During the War of Independence, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1933.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Inside Constantinople: A Diplomatist’s Diary During the Dardanelles Expedition, April-September, 1915, E. P. Dutton & Company, New York, 1918.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Leonardo Da Vinci: Thoughts on Art and Life, The Merrymount Press, Boston, 1906 (Translated by Maorice Baring).
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Roosevelt: His Mind in Action, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1930.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, The Italian Renaissance in England, The Colombia University Press, New York, 1902.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, The Relation of Literature to History, New York, 1903.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis, Todor Ideas, G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London, 1921.
  • EINSTEIN, Lewis. Napoleon III and American Diplomacy at the Outbreak of the Civil War, London, 1905.
  • ERDEMİR, Lokman. “Çanakkale Boğazında İlk Bombardımanlar ve İstanbul”, 1453 İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Dergisi, 2015, sayı. 21, http://www.kultursanat. org/media/313637/1453_21_sayi_2015_web.pdf Erişim tarihi: 15.09.2015.
  • HOLMES, Oliver Wendell, Jr, The Holmes-Einstein Letters: Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Lewis Einstein (1903-1935), Mac Millon Co., London, 1968.
  • JASTROW, Morris Jr., The War and the Bagdad Railway: The Story of Asia Minor and Its Relation to the Present Conflict, Philadelphia, 1917.
  • KÖSE, İsmail, “Amerikan Büyükelçisi H. Morgenthau’nun Türk Algısı”, Tarih Dergisi, İstanbul, 2013, sayı. 56.
  • KUZUCU, Kemalettin, “Osmanlı Başkentinde Büyük Yangınlar ve Toplumsal Etkileri”, Osmanlı, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara, 1999.
  • Lewis Einstein Addresses Diplomats, The New York Times, June 10, 1905.
  • Lewis Einstein: Ex-Diplomat 90, The New York Times, December 5, 1967.
  • LIEBMANN, George W., Diplomacy Between the Wars: Five Diplomats and the Shaping of the Modern World, I. B. Taurus, New York, 2008.
  • Marmara’da Deniz Savaşları, Erişim tarihi: 13.09.2015.
  • Minister Einstein in Sofia, The New York Times, October 31, 1915.
  • MORGENTHAU, Henry, Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, New York, 1918.
  • MORGENTHAU, Henry, Secrets of the Boshphorus, Constantinople 1913-1916, Hutchinson & Co. Paternoster Row, London, 1918.
  • New Sultan Breaks Moslem Traditions, The New York Times, May 11, 1909.
  • SEYHUN, Ahmet, Said Halim Pasha, Ottoman Statesman and Islamist Thinker (1865- 1921), Isis Press, Istanbul, 2003.
  • STUERMER, Harry & STUERMER, Allen E. Two War Years in Constantinople, New York, 1918.
  • TOYNBEE, Arnold,Turkey: A Past and a Future, New York, 1917.
  • USSHER, Clarence D. & KNAPP, Grace Higley, An American Physician in Turkey: A Narrative of Adventures in Peace and in War, New York, 1918.
  • WILLMOT, H. P., Last Century of Sea Power. Volume 1: From Port Arthur to Chanak, 1894-1922, Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, 2009.
  • YILDIRIM, Tahsin, Veliaht Yusuf İzzeddin, Çatı Kitapları, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi, Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2015.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Şahin

Publication Date August 26, 2016
Submission Date April 25, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 32


Chicago Şahin, Mustafa. “LEWIS D. EINSTEIN’IN GÜNLÜĞÜ: BİRİNCİ DÜNYA SAVAŞI YILLARINDA İSTANBUL”. Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi 16, no. 32 (August 2016): 169-87.