Our journal publishes original research and review articles, translation, archival documents, book reviews and promotions, obituaries, symposium news, etc. The editor may make changes to the writing and language of the articles when necessary. The authors are responsible for the content of the articles.
Works submitted to our journal should be prepared according to “The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography)” citation and reference system.
The format of the article should be as specified below:
Program: Microsoft Word
Paper Size: 210x297 mm
Top: 2.5 cm
Bottom: 2.5 cm
Right: 2.5 cm
Left: 4 cm
Top: 2 cm
Bottom: 2 cm
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
Paragraph Indentation: 1.25 cm
Paragraph Spacing: Before 0.6 nk
Line Spacing: Single
Text Quotes: Italics
Font: Times New Roman, 9 point
Line Spacing: Single
Hanging Indent: 0
The article can be written in Turkish or English. An abstract not exceeding 200 words, in both Turkish and English, should be included.
At the end of the article, a minimum of 750-1200 words of English Extended Abstract should be included.
Up to seven relevant keywords in Turkish and English describing the topic must be provided.
The author must indicate their academic title, the institution they work for, and their email address (in parentheses and italicized) along with their ORCID number by placing a corresponding footnote in the section of their name and surname found on the first page of the article.
Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylul University, Atatürk Principles and History of Revolution Institute, (abc@deu.edu.tr), (ORCID: 0001-0000-0000-000X).
The main headings relevant to the topic in the article should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc., while subheadings should be numbered as 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, etc.
Maps or images intended to be added to the article should be included in the Word (.doc, .docx) document, and numbered separately, and should also be sent separately from the article.
Graphs should be prepared in Microsoft Office Excel (.xls) or Word (.doc, .docx) documents and should be incorporated into the document appropriately.
Citing Footnotes
Our journal uses the latest version of the Chicago footnote and bibliography style.
When citing a source for the first time, the author's full name should be written.
The title of the source work should be written in italics.
The publisher, place of publication, year, and page number of the source work should be provided.
Footnotes should be presented in Times New Roman font size 9.
Shortened Footnotes (for citations following the first reference)
Subsequent citations of the same source after the first reference are presented in a shortened form in the footnote. The abbreviation should remind the reader of the full title or direct them to the appropriate entry in the bibliography. The form of the abbreviation may vary depending on whether there are other sources interjected:
1 Şerafettin Turan, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2004), 123. (Footnote presentation of the first citation.)
2 Turan, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 132.
3 Turan, 225.
4 Şevket Süreyya Aydemir, Suyu Arayan Adam (Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 2024), 27.
5 Turan, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 152.
Italics and Quotation Marks
Whether in the text or the bibliography, books, journals, plays, and other singular sources (standalone sources) are written in italics. An article, book chapter, or section within a novel is shown in quotation marks.
In class, we read A Separate Peace (book title). The article titled “Your Brain on Drugs” in Time magazine was very impressive.
The expression “in the magazine” has not been italicized because it is not part of the publication's title.
His article titled “Death by Dessert” was published in The New York Times Magazine.
In this example, both “The” and “Magazine” are italicized because they are parts of the publication's name.
Block Quotes
Quotations exceeding 100 words are written as block quotes. Even if the quotation does not exceed 100 words, block quote format is applied when quoting two or more paragraphs.
Also, information presented in list format or text that has a specific arrangement, such as poetry, should also be shown as a block quote. Quotation marks are not used in block quotes. A block quote always starts on a new line. A blank line should be left before and after the block quote. The entire block should be indented 1.5 cm from both the left and right sides. The text of a block quote must be single-spaced and in 11 point font. Since the text of the block quote is distinct from the main text due to formatting, it does not need to be italicized.
Single-Authored Book
1 Şerafettin Turan, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2004), 123.
Turan, Şerafettin. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2004.
Two or Three-Authored Book
1 Selim İlkin and İlhan Tekeli, İkinci Dünya Savaşı Türkiyesi (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2005), 324.
İlkin, Selim, and Tekeli, İlhan. İkinci Dünya Savaşı Türkiyesi. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2005.
Editor Instead of Author
1 Baskın Oran, ed., Türk Dış Politikası (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2020), 252.
Oran, Baskın, ed. Türk Dış Politikası. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2020.
Translated Book
1 Edward J. Erickson, Size Ölmeyi Emrediyorum!, trans. Tanju Akad, 4th ed. (Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2017), 25.
Erickson, Edward J. Size Ölmeyi Emrediyorum!, translated by Tanju Akad, 4th ed. Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2017.
Multi-Volume Book
1 Şerafettin Turan, Türk Devrim Tarihi, vol. 3, 4th ed. (Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2018), 35.
Turan, Şerafettin. Türk Devrim Tarihi, vol. 3, 4th ed. Ankara: Bilgi, 2018.
Book Chapter
1 Abdurrahman Çaycı, “Atatürk’ün Uygarlık Anlayışı” in Atatürk Konferansları -IV (1973-1974) (Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1977), 117.
Çaycı, Abdurrahman. “Atatürk’ün Uygarlık Anlayışı.” In Atatürk Konferansları -IV (1973-1974), 117-129. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1977.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Fevzi Çakmak, “Kemalist Milliyetçiliğin İdeoloğu: Recep Peker,” in Tek Parti Döneminde Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Farklılaşan ‘Yüz’leri (1923-1950), ed. Rukiye Saygılı (Ankara: Orion Kitabevi, 2022), 271.
Çakmak, Fevzi. “Kemalist Milliyetçiliğin İdeoloğu: Recep Peker.” In Tek Parti Döneminde Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Farklılaşan ‘Yüz’leri (1923-1950), edited by Rukiye Saygılı, 271-285. Ankara: Orion Kitabevi, 2022.
Author's Full Name, “Article Title,” Journal Name vol. no, no. no (Publication Year): page, DOI or URL.
1 Zeki Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt,” Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, 8 (June 1998): 217, https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/233251.
2 Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat,” 220.
Arıkan, Zeki. “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt.” Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, 8 (June 1998): 215-224. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/233251.
Two-Authored Article
1 Aziz Ogan and Arif Müfid Mansel, “Rhegion – Küçükçekmece Hafriyatı 1940-1941 Çalışmalarına Dair İlk Rapor,” Belleten 6, 21 (January 1942): 10.
Ogan, Aziz, and Mansel, Arif Müfid. “Rhegion – Küçükçekmece Hafriyatı 1940-1941 Çalışmalarına Dair İlk Rapor.” Belleten 6, 21 (January 1942): 1-18.
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Kemal Salih Sel, “Yeni Gün’den Cumhuriyert’e,” Cumhuriyet, May 7, 1984, 1.
Sel, Kemal Salih. “Yeni Gün’den Cumhuriyert’e.” Cumhuriyet, May 7, 1984.
Yiğit Akın, “Not just a game: Sports and physical education in early republican Turkey (1923-1951)” (Master's Thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2003), 50.
Akın, Yiğit. “Not just a game: Sports and physical education in early republican Turkey (1923-1951).” Master’s Thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2003.
Web Content
Fevzi Çakmak, “Türkiye İdman Cemiyetleri İttifakı (Türk Spor Kurumu),” Atatürk Ansiklopedisi, accessed October 19, 2024, https://ataturkansiklopedisi.gov.tr/bilgi/turk-idman-cemiyetleri-turk-spor-kurumu/.
Çakmak, Fevzi. “Türkiye İdman Cemiyetleri İttifakı (Türk Spor Kurumu).” Atatürk Ansiklopedisi, accessed October 19, 2024, https://ataturkansiklopedisi.gov.tr/bilgi/turk-idman-cemiyetleri-turk-spor-kurumu/.
Symposium Paper
Fevzi Çakmak, “A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes and Practices of Republican Governments towards the Celebrations of August 30 Victory Day,” International Symposium on the 100th Anniversary of the Great Offensive and the Commander-in-Chief's Battle, IV, ed. Gürsoy Şahin (Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe University Publications, 2023), 2336.
Çakmak, Fevzi. “A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes and Practices of Republican Governments towards the Celebrations of August 30 Victory Day.” In International Symposium on the 100th Anniversary of the Great Offensive and the Commander-in-Chief's Battle, IV, edited by Gürsoy Şahin, 2335-2364. Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe University Publications, 2023.
Encyclopedia Entry
Şerif Mardin, “The Roots of Kemalism,” Encyclopedia of the Republican Era Turkey (Istanbul: İletişim Publications, 1983), 1:87.
Mardin, Şerif. “The Roots of Kemalism.” In Encyclopedia of the Republican Era Turkey, 1:87-90. Istanbul: İletişim Publications, 1983.
Archival Sources
“Invitation sent by İzmir Mayor Behçet Uz to the Prime Minister for the opening of the İzmir International Fair,” Republic Archive of the Presidency of the State Archives (BCA),, 19.07.1941.
The abbreviation BCA is used after the first footnote.
Second Use: BCA,
“Invitation sent by İzmir Mayor Behçet Uz to the Prime Minister for the opening of the İzmir International Fair.” Republic Archive of the Presidency of the State Archives (BCA), 490.1/15.79.7.
Periodicals (Newspapers and Journals)
Example List:
III. Periodicals
Tarih ve Toplum
Preparation of the Bibliography
The order of works to be added to the bibliography should be as follows:
1. Archival Sources
2. Official Publications
3. Research Works
4. Periodicals (Newspapers and Journals)
5. Articles
6. Internet Sources
7. Oral History Interviews
Bibliography Organization
Only sources cited in the text are included.
Bibliography entries are listed in alphabetical order based on the first author's last name.
If a source has multiple authors, only the first author's last name is listed first.
Multiple works by the same author are arranged alphabetically by title.
Bibliography entries must end with a period. This rule applies even if there is a web address at the end of the entry.
For details: