Research Article
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Faculty Experiences, Views, and Challenges on Internationalization in Higher Education from a Cross-Cultural Perspective

Year 2020, Volume: 49 Issue: 2, 1126 - 1144, 28.10.2020


This paper explores faculty experiences, visions and their perceived challenges of internationalization in higher education in two different cultural contexts through a causal-comparative research. The participating faculty (N = 216) were affiliated with a university in the Northeast of the USA and a university in Mid-Anatolia in Turkey. Data were collected through Status of Internationalization Scale and the Challenges of International Education Scale and analyzed employing descriptive statistics and one-way between-groups multivariate analyses. The study findings indicate that faculty are challenged differently by the internationalization process in the two cultural contexts. The sample in the west tends to internationalize less abroad as receivers of international students and are especially challenged to teach diverse student populations and dealing with cross-cultural communication. The faculty in non-west internationalize more abroad and view their curriculum as international due to adopting an Anglophone education and utilizing international curriculum instruments. The study overall reveals that universities become increasingly complex and should establish policies not only to address international student needs, but also promote policies for collaborative research in a global context.

Supporting Institution

Fulbright, BAP

Project Number

FY-2013-TR-SS-001, BAP-05-02-2016-002


We would like to thank Fulbright Ankara, and METU Scientific Research Projects Office (BAP) for their sponsorship. As faculty members ourselves we are mostly busy with our teaching and research load, we would like to thank all faculty who contributed to this study. We would also like to thank the faculty, and research fellows who provided us with invaluable feedback during the instrument development phase.


  • Akar, H. (2010). Globalization and its challenges for developing countries: The case of Turkish Higher Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11, 447-457.
  • Akar, H. (April, 2015). Internationalization of higher education: Experiences and challenges addressed by faculty. AERA, Chicago.
  • Airey, J., Lauridsen, K. M., Räsänen, A., & Salö, A. (2017). The expansion of English-medium instruction in the Nordic countries: can top-down university language policies encourage bottom-up disciplinary literacy goals? Higher Education, 73(4), 561-576.
  • Altbach, P. G., Yudkevich, M., & Rumbley, L. E. (2015). Academic inbreeding: local challenge, global problem. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(3), 317-330.
  • Anderson, V. (2014). ‘World-travelling’: a framework for re-thinking teaching and learning in internationalised higher education. Higher Education, 68(5), 637-652.
  • Bedenlier, S., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (2015). Internationalization of higher education and the impacts on academic faculty members. Research in Comparative & International Education, 10(2), 185-201.
  • Bologna beyond 2010 (2009). Report on the development of the European higher education. Area background paper for the Bologna Follow-up Benelux Bologna Secretariat. Retrieved January 10, 2017 from FINAL_594918.pdf.
  • Bovill, C., Jordan, L., & Watters, N. (2015). Transnational approaches to teaching and learning in higher education: challenges and possible guiding principles. Teaching in Higher Education, 20(1), 12-23.
  • Chang, T. S., Bai, Y., & Wang, T.W. (2014). Students’ classroom experience in foreign-faculty and local-faculty classes in public and private universities in Taiwan. Higher Education, 68(2), 207-226.
  • Childress, L. K. (2009). Internationalization plans for higher education institutions. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(3), 289-309.
  • Coryell, J. E., Durodoye, B. A., Wright, R. R., Pate, P. E., & Nguyen, S. (2012). Case studies of internationalization in adult and higher education: Inside the processes of four universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16(1), 75-98.
  • Cots, J. M., Llurda, E., & Garrett, P. (2014). Language policies and practices in the internationalization of higher education on the European margins: An introduction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 311-317.
  • Crose, B. (2011). Internationalization of the higher education classroom: strategies to facilitate ıntercultural learning and academic success. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 388-395.
  • Crosling, G., Edwards, R., & Schroder B. (2008). Internationalizing the curriculum: the implementation experience in a faculty of business and economics. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 30(2), 107-121.
  • de Haan, H. (2014). Internationalization: Interpretations among Dutch practitioners. Journal of Studies in International Higher Education, 18(3), 241-260.
  • Deardorff, D. K., & Jones, E. (2012). Intercultural competence: an emerging focus in international higher education. In D. K. Deardorff, H. de Wit, J. D. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds), The Sage handbook of international higher education (pp. 283-303). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Dewey, P., & Duff, S. (2009). Reason before Passion: Faculty views on internationalization in higher education. Higher Education, 58(4), 491-504.
  • de Wit, H. (2002). Internationalization of higher education in the United States of America and Europe: a historical, comparative, and conceptual analysis. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • de Wit, H. (2011). Internationalization of higher education: Nine misconceptions. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Dulce de Castilho, S. (2015). Internationalization of the graduate curriculum: Questions for debates. RBPG, Brasília, 12(27), 121-143.
  • European Commission. (2006). Delivering on the modernization agenda for universities: Education, research, and innovation. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Extra, G., & Yagmur, K. (2012). Language rich Europe. Trends in policies and practices for multilingualism in Europe. Retrieved January 30, 2017 from
  • Fabricius, A. H., Mortensen, J., & Haberland, H. (2017). The lure of internationalization: paradoxical discourses of transnational student mobility, linguistic diversity and cross-cultural exchange. Higher Education, 73(4), 577-595.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2015). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Friesen, R. (2012). Faculty member engagement in Canadian university internationalization: a consideration of understanding, motivations and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 17(3), 209-227.
  • Gürüz, K. (2011). Higher education and international student mobility in the global knowledge economy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Haigh, M. (2014). From internationalization to education for global citizenship: a multilayered history. Higher Education Quarterly, 68(1), 6-27.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hellekjær, G. O., & Fairway, T. (2015). The mismatch between the unmet need for a supply of occupational English skills: an investigation of higher educated government staff in Norway. Higher Education, 70(6), 1033-1050.
  • Horta, H. (2013). Deepening our understanding of academic inbreeding effects on research information exchange and scientific output: new insights for academic based research. Higher Education, 65(4), 487-510.
  • Kaya, A. (2015). Critical voices against the Bologna Process in Turkey: Neo-liberal governance in higher education. New Perspectives on Turkey, 50, 105-133.
  • Kim, T. (2009). Transnational academic mobility, internationalization and interculturality in higher education. Intercultural Education, 20(5), 395-405.
  • Knight, J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: definition, approaches, and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(1), 5-31.
  • Knight, J. (2012). Concepts, rationales, and interpretive frameworks in the internationalization of higher education. In D. K. Deardorff, H. de Wit, J. D. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds), The Sage handbook of international higher education (pp. 27-42). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Korhonen, V., & Weil, M. (2015). The internationalisation of higher education: perspectives on self-conceptions in teaching. Journal of Research in International Education, 14(3), 198-212.
  • Leask, B., & Bridge, C. (2013). Comparing internationalization of the curriculum in action across disciplines: theoretical and practical perspectives. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 43(1), 79-101.
  • Ma, W., & Yue, Y. (2015). Internationalization for quality in Chinese research universities: student perspectives. Higher Education, 70(2), 217-234.
  • Mak, A. (2010). Enhancing academics’ capability to engage multicultural classes and internationalize at home. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), 365-373.
  • Mak, A. S., & Kennedy, M. (2012). Internationalising the student experience: preparing instructors to embed intercultural skills in the curriculum. Innovative Higher Education, 37(4), 323-334.
  • Marginson, S. (2010). Higher education in the global knowledge economy. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 6962-6980.
  • Project Atlas. (n.d.) International students in the United States. Retrieved January 10, 2017 from
  • Robertson, R. (1992). Globalization: Social theory and global culture. London: Sage.
  • Rus, M. I. (2014). Funding the research activity through the seventh framework program. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Schindler-Daniels, A. (2014). Shaping the Horizon: social sciences and humanities in the EU framework programme Horizon 2020. Z Erziehungswiss, 17(6), 179-194.
  • Schuerholz-Lehr, S., Caws, C., Van Gyn, G., & Preece, A. (2007). Internationalizing the higher education curriculum: an emerging model for transforming faculty perspectives. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 37(1), 67-94.
  • Seeber, M.,. Cattaneo, M., Huisman, J., & Palereari, S. (2016). Why do higher education institutions internationalize? An investigation of the multilevel determinants of internationalization rationales. Higher Education, 72(5), 685-702.
  • Simsek, H. (2015). Yeni toplumculuk ve yeni toplumcu eğitim [Neoliberalism and neoliberal education]. Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.
  • Stohl, M. (2007). We have met the enemy and he is us: the role of the faculty in the internationalization of higher education in the coming decade. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3/4), 359-372.
  • Svensson, L., & Wihlborg, M. (2010). Internationalising the content of higher education: the need for a curriculum perspective. Higher Education, 60(6), 595-613.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Boston: Pearson.
  • Tamtik, M., & Kirss, L. (2016). Building a norm of internationalization the case of Estonia’s higher education system. Journal of Studies in International Education, 20(2), 164-183.
  • Turner, Y., & Robson, S. (2008). Internationalizing the university: continuum studies in education. New York: Continuum International Publishing.
  • van Damme, D. (2001). Quality Issues in the Internationalization of Higher Education. Higher Education, 41(4), 415-441.
  • van der Wende, M. (2007). Internationalization of Higher Education in the OECD Countries: Challenges and Opportunities for the Coming Decade. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3-4), 274-289.
  • Young, M. (2013). Shifting policy discourses in FP 7 and Horizon 2020. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • YÖK. (2012). Bologna süreci [The Bologna process]. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • YÖK. (2016). Higher education information management system. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Zha, Q. (2003). Internationalization of higher education: towards a conceptual framework. Policy Futures in Education, 1(2), 248-270.

Kültürlerarası Bir Bakış Açısından Yükseköğretimde Uluslararasılaşmaya Yönelik Öğretim Elemanlarının Deneyimleri, Görüşleri ve Karşılaştıkları Zorluklar

Year 2020, Volume: 49 Issue: 2, 1126 - 1144, 28.10.2020


Bu makale, nedensel-karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma ile iki farklı kültürel bağlamda öğretim elemanlarının yükseköğretimde uluslararasılaşmaya ilişkin deneyim, görüş ve algıladıkları zorlukları incelemektedir. Çalışmaya katılan öğretim elemanları (N = 216) ABD'nin kuzeydoğusundaki bir üniversite ile Türkiye'de Orta Anadolu'da bir üniversitede görev yapmaktadırlar. Veriler, Uluslararasılaşmanın Durumu Ölçeği ve Uluslararası Eğitimin Zorlukları Ölçeği kullanılarak elektronik ortamda toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi betimsel istatistikler ve tek yönlü çok değişkenli varyans analizi ile yapılmıştır. Çalışma bulguları, iki farklı kültürel bağlamı temsil eden kurumlardaki öğretim elemanlarının uluslararasılaşma süreçlerinde farklı zorluklarla karşılaştıklarını göstermektedir. Uluslararası öğrenci alıcısı olarak Batılı bağlamı temsil eden örneklemin yurtdışında daha az uluslararasılaşma eğiliminde olduğu ve özellikle farklı öğrenci gruplarına yönelik öğretim süreçleri ile kültürlerarası iletişim konularında zorlandığı anlaşılmaktadır. Batılı bağlamda olmayan örneklemin ise yurtdışında daha çok uluslararasılaştıkları ve kendi programlarını İngilizce eğitimi benimsemeleri ve uluslararası eğitim programı araçlarını kullanmaları nedeniyle daha uluslararasılaşmış olarak gördükleri bulunmuştur. Bu araştırma genel olarak üniversitelerin giderek daha karmaşık bir hale geldiğini ve üniversitelerde sadece uluslararası öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik değil, aynı zamanda küresel bağlamda işbirliğine dayalı araştırmalara yönelik politikaların geliştirilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.

Project Number

FY-2013-TR-SS-001, BAP-05-02-2016-002


  • Akar, H. (2010). Globalization and its challenges for developing countries: The case of Turkish Higher Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11, 447-457.
  • Akar, H. (April, 2015). Internationalization of higher education: Experiences and challenges addressed by faculty. AERA, Chicago.
  • Airey, J., Lauridsen, K. M., Räsänen, A., & Salö, A. (2017). The expansion of English-medium instruction in the Nordic countries: can top-down university language policies encourage bottom-up disciplinary literacy goals? Higher Education, 73(4), 561-576.
  • Altbach, P. G., Yudkevich, M., & Rumbley, L. E. (2015). Academic inbreeding: local challenge, global problem. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(3), 317-330.
  • Anderson, V. (2014). ‘World-travelling’: a framework for re-thinking teaching and learning in internationalised higher education. Higher Education, 68(5), 637-652.
  • Bedenlier, S., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (2015). Internationalization of higher education and the impacts on academic faculty members. Research in Comparative & International Education, 10(2), 185-201.
  • Bologna beyond 2010 (2009). Report on the development of the European higher education. Area background paper for the Bologna Follow-up Benelux Bologna Secretariat. Retrieved January 10, 2017 from FINAL_594918.pdf.
  • Bovill, C., Jordan, L., & Watters, N. (2015). Transnational approaches to teaching and learning in higher education: challenges and possible guiding principles. Teaching in Higher Education, 20(1), 12-23.
  • Chang, T. S., Bai, Y., & Wang, T.W. (2014). Students’ classroom experience in foreign-faculty and local-faculty classes in public and private universities in Taiwan. Higher Education, 68(2), 207-226.
  • Childress, L. K. (2009). Internationalization plans for higher education institutions. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(3), 289-309.
  • Coryell, J. E., Durodoye, B. A., Wright, R. R., Pate, P. E., & Nguyen, S. (2012). Case studies of internationalization in adult and higher education: Inside the processes of four universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16(1), 75-98.
  • Cots, J. M., Llurda, E., & Garrett, P. (2014). Language policies and practices in the internationalization of higher education on the European margins: An introduction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 311-317.
  • Crose, B. (2011). Internationalization of the higher education classroom: strategies to facilitate ıntercultural learning and academic success. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 388-395.
  • Crosling, G., Edwards, R., & Schroder B. (2008). Internationalizing the curriculum: the implementation experience in a faculty of business and economics. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 30(2), 107-121.
  • de Haan, H. (2014). Internationalization: Interpretations among Dutch practitioners. Journal of Studies in International Higher Education, 18(3), 241-260.
  • Deardorff, D. K., & Jones, E. (2012). Intercultural competence: an emerging focus in international higher education. In D. K. Deardorff, H. de Wit, J. D. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds), The Sage handbook of international higher education (pp. 283-303). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Dewey, P., & Duff, S. (2009). Reason before Passion: Faculty views on internationalization in higher education. Higher Education, 58(4), 491-504.
  • de Wit, H. (2002). Internationalization of higher education in the United States of America and Europe: a historical, comparative, and conceptual analysis. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • de Wit, H. (2011). Internationalization of higher education: Nine misconceptions. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Dulce de Castilho, S. (2015). Internationalization of the graduate curriculum: Questions for debates. RBPG, Brasília, 12(27), 121-143.
  • European Commission. (2006). Delivering on the modernization agenda for universities: Education, research, and innovation. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Extra, G., & Yagmur, K. (2012). Language rich Europe. Trends in policies and practices for multilingualism in Europe. Retrieved January 30, 2017 from
  • Fabricius, A. H., Mortensen, J., & Haberland, H. (2017). The lure of internationalization: paradoxical discourses of transnational student mobility, linguistic diversity and cross-cultural exchange. Higher Education, 73(4), 577-595.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2015). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Friesen, R. (2012). Faculty member engagement in Canadian university internationalization: a consideration of understanding, motivations and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 17(3), 209-227.
  • Gürüz, K. (2011). Higher education and international student mobility in the global knowledge economy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Haigh, M. (2014). From internationalization to education for global citizenship: a multilayered history. Higher Education Quarterly, 68(1), 6-27.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R.L., & Black, W.C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hellekjær, G. O., & Fairway, T. (2015). The mismatch between the unmet need for a supply of occupational English skills: an investigation of higher educated government staff in Norway. Higher Education, 70(6), 1033-1050.
  • Horta, H. (2013). Deepening our understanding of academic inbreeding effects on research information exchange and scientific output: new insights for academic based research. Higher Education, 65(4), 487-510.
  • Kaya, A. (2015). Critical voices against the Bologna Process in Turkey: Neo-liberal governance in higher education. New Perspectives on Turkey, 50, 105-133.
  • Kim, T. (2009). Transnational academic mobility, internationalization and interculturality in higher education. Intercultural Education, 20(5), 395-405.
  • Knight, J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: definition, approaches, and rationales. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(1), 5-31.
  • Knight, J. (2012). Concepts, rationales, and interpretive frameworks in the internationalization of higher education. In D. K. Deardorff, H. de Wit, J. D. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds), The Sage handbook of international higher education (pp. 27-42). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Korhonen, V., & Weil, M. (2015). The internationalisation of higher education: perspectives on self-conceptions in teaching. Journal of Research in International Education, 14(3), 198-212.
  • Leask, B., & Bridge, C. (2013). Comparing internationalization of the curriculum in action across disciplines: theoretical and practical perspectives. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 43(1), 79-101.
  • Ma, W., & Yue, Y. (2015). Internationalization for quality in Chinese research universities: student perspectives. Higher Education, 70(2), 217-234.
  • Mak, A. (2010). Enhancing academics’ capability to engage multicultural classes and internationalize at home. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), 365-373.
  • Mak, A. S., & Kennedy, M. (2012). Internationalising the student experience: preparing instructors to embed intercultural skills in the curriculum. Innovative Higher Education, 37(4), 323-334.
  • Marginson, S. (2010). Higher education in the global knowledge economy. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 6962-6980.
  • Project Atlas. (n.d.) International students in the United States. Retrieved January 10, 2017 from
  • Robertson, R. (1992). Globalization: Social theory and global culture. London: Sage.
  • Rus, M. I. (2014). Funding the research activity through the seventh framework program. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Schindler-Daniels, A. (2014). Shaping the Horizon: social sciences and humanities in the EU framework programme Horizon 2020. Z Erziehungswiss, 17(6), 179-194.
  • Schuerholz-Lehr, S., Caws, C., Van Gyn, G., & Preece, A. (2007). Internationalizing the higher education curriculum: an emerging model for transforming faculty perspectives. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 37(1), 67-94.
  • Seeber, M.,. Cattaneo, M., Huisman, J., & Palereari, S. (2016). Why do higher education institutions internationalize? An investigation of the multilevel determinants of internationalization rationales. Higher Education, 72(5), 685-702.
  • Simsek, H. (2015). Yeni toplumculuk ve yeni toplumcu eğitim [Neoliberalism and neoliberal education]. Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.
  • Stohl, M. (2007). We have met the enemy and he is us: the role of the faculty in the internationalization of higher education in the coming decade. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3/4), 359-372.
  • Svensson, L., & Wihlborg, M. (2010). Internationalising the content of higher education: the need for a curriculum perspective. Higher Education, 60(6), 595-613.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Boston: Pearson.
  • Tamtik, M., & Kirss, L. (2016). Building a norm of internationalization the case of Estonia’s higher education system. Journal of Studies in International Education, 20(2), 164-183.
  • Turner, Y., & Robson, S. (2008). Internationalizing the university: continuum studies in education. New York: Continuum International Publishing.
  • van Damme, D. (2001). Quality Issues in the Internationalization of Higher Education. Higher Education, 41(4), 415-441.
  • van der Wende, M. (2007). Internationalization of Higher Education in the OECD Countries: Challenges and Opportunities for the Coming Decade. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11(3-4), 274-289.
  • Young, M. (2013). Shifting policy discourses in FP 7 and Horizon 2020. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • YÖK. (2012). Bologna süreci [The Bologna process]. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • YÖK. (2016). Higher education information management system. Retrieved January 15, 2017 from
  • Zha, Q. (2003). Internationalization of higher education: towards a conceptual framework. Policy Futures in Education, 1(2), 248-270.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Article

Hanife Akar

Rahime Cobanoglu 0000-0003-4662-8920

Patrick Plunkett This is me

Project Number FY-2013-TR-SS-001, BAP-05-02-2016-002
Publication Date October 28, 2020
Submission Date September 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 49 Issue: 2


APA Akar, H., Cobanoglu, R., & Plunkett, P. (2020). Faculty Experiences, Views, and Challenges on Internationalization in Higher Education from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 49(2), 1126-1144.

Copyright © 2011

Cukurova University Faculty of Education

All rights reserved