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Okuma Destek Programının İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Okuma Güçlüğü Sağaltımına Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 507 - 534, 29.04.2021


Yapılan araştırmada “Okuma Destek Programı”nın (ODEP) ilkokul öğrencilerinin akıcı okuma, okuduğunu anlama, okuma motivasyonu ve okumaya yönelik tutum düzeylerinin okuma güçlüğü sağaltımına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, okuma güçlüğü olan öğrencilere yönelik bir program olarak ODEP geliştirmek ve geliştirilen ODEP’in etkililiğini sınamaktır. Araştırmada, deneysel desen kullanılmış olup deneme öncesi modellerden tek grup öntest sontest modeline yer verilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu okuma güçlüğü yaşayan altı ilkokul üçüncü sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin; akıcı okuma ve okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin ölçülmesinde “Yanlış Analiz Envanteri”, okuma motivasyonunun ölçülmesinde “Okuma Motivasyonu Ölçeği”, okumaya yönelik tutumunun ölçülmesinde ise “Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin akıcı okuma, okuduğunu anlama becerileri, okuma motivasyonu ve okumaya yönelik tutum düzeylerinin analizinde betimsel istatistiklerden ve Wilcoxon işaretli Sıralar Testinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, ODEP’in, katılımcıların akıcı okuma, okuduğunu anlama becerisini ve okumaya yönelik tutum düzeyini istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir biçimde sontest lehine olumlu yönde değiştirdiği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda ODEP’in okuma güçlüğü yaşayan öğrencilerin akıcı okuma, okuduğunu anlama, okuma motivasyonu ve okumaya yönelik tutumları üzerinde olumlu yönde etkisi olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.


  • Akyol, H. (2018). Turkish teaching methods. Ankara: Root Publishing.
  • Akyol, H. (2003). Turkish first reading and writing teaching. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Altun, T., Ekiz, D. and Odabaşı, M. (2011). A qualitative study on reading difficulties faced by primary teachers in their classrooms. Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty, 17(2011), 80-101.
  • Artnzen, A. T. (2006). The impact of a reading intervention program on the attitudes of struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Baydık, B. (2002). Comparison of the word reading skills of children with and without reading disability. Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Bond, G.L and Tinker, M.A. (1957). Reading difficulties their diagnosis and correction. NewYork: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
  • Booth, J. M. (2019). Evaluation of the focused reading intervention program for middle school struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Collins, A. N. (2015). Summer reading program: Comparing outcomes for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from› download › pdf
  • Cutrer, E. A. (2016). The benefit of literacy coaching for initial resistance to implementation of a literacy program for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from› downloads
  • Demirtaş, G. (2016). A case study on forth grade students who have reading difficulty. Master dissertation, Niğde University, Niğde.
  • Fraenkel, J.R., Wallen, N.E. and Hyun, H.H. (2011). How to desıgn and evaluate research in education. McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Friend, A. (2009). Environmental moderation of genetic influences on group membership for reading disability and high reading ability (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Gay, L.R., Mills, G.E. and Airasion, P.W. (2011). Educational research competencies analysis and applications. By Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A. and Kathleen, C.P. (2004). Motivating reading comprehension. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Günayer Şenel, H. (1998). A Comparison of reading levels and dyslectic characteristics of primary school students with and without reading difficulty. Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Güneş, F. (2009). The new developments ın teaching of turkish and constructivist approach. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences, 6(11), 1-21.
  • Harrold, B. L. (2019). Primary teachers’ knowledge and beliefs as predictors of intention to provide evidence-based reading instruction (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Scientific research method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution.
  • Kanık Uysal, P. and Akyol, H. (2019). Reading Disabilities and Intervention: An Action Research. Education and Science, 44(198), 17-35.
  • Kuruyer, H. G. (2014). The effect of enrichment reading program on cognitive process and neural structure of students having reading difficulty. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Lassiter, S. M. (2019). The perceptions and beliefs of high performing teachers who teach struggling readers in low performing schools (Doctoral dissertation). North Carolina State University, North Carolina.
  • Lesnick, J. K. (2006). A mixed-method multi-level randomized evaluation of the implementation and impact of an audio-assisted (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Nyssen, S. (2019). Effects of fountas and pinnell’s leveled literacy interventions on student achievement (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Özbay, M. and Melanlıoğlu, D. (2008). Importance of vocabulary ın Turkısh educatıon. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Education Faculty, 5(1), 30-45.
  • Pruitt, R. M. (2006). The effects of a literacy-based service-learning program on struggling fourth grade readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Rasinski, T. V. (2003). The fluent reader: Oral reading strategies for building word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. Scholastic Inc.
  • Raser, K. A. (2004). A review of computer-based/assisted instruction in reading among school-aged children with mild learing disabilities and/or reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Rashid, F. L. (2001). The influence of home literacy environment on reading achievement in children with reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Russel, M. (1958). Effect of group counseling with mothers on their attitudes toward children and on their sons' reading disability (Doctoral dissertation). New York University, New York.
  • Seçkin, Ş. (2012). Reading fluency of elementary students? with and without reading disability. Master dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Sidekli, S. (2010). An action research: correcting the fourth grade students’ reading and comprehension problems. TÜBAR, 27, 563-580.
  • Sidekli, S. and Yangın, S. (2005). An application to improve reading skills of students with reading difficulties. Kazım Karabekir Journal of Education Faculty, 11(1), 393-414.
  • Sirem, Ö. (2020). The recovery effect of reading support program on primary level students reading difficulties. Doctoral dissertation, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Smith, S. L. B. (2000). A cross-case study of teacher perceptions of program design and teaching efficacy: Ahesea view reading support program (Doctoral dissertation). The University of San Diego, San Diego.
  • Sözen, N. (2017). The effect of guided reading method on the development of comprehension skills of students having reading deficits. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Stump, T. (2018). The effectiveness of scripted reading programs for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, A. and Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publications.
  • Yıldız, M. (2010). The relationship between 5th graders? reading comprehension, reading motivation and reading habits. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Walker, R. B. (1954). A study of probable causes op reading disability among twenty children in a remedial reading room (Doctoral dissertation). The University of Southern California, California.
  • Wexler, J. A. P. (2007). The relative effects of repeated reading, wide reading, and a typical instruction comparison group on the comprehension, fluency, and word reading of adolescents with reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

The Recovery Effect of Reading Support Program on Primary Level Students’ Reading Difficulties

Year 2021, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 507 - 534, 29.04.2021


In the study, the effect of the "Reading Support Program" (RSP) of primary school students' levels of fluent reading, reading comprehension, reading motivation and reading attitude on the treatment of reading difficulties was investigated. The main purpose of the research is to develop RSP as a program for students with reading difficulties and to test the effectiveness of the developed RSP. Experimental design was used in the study, and one group pre-test post-test model among pre-trial models was used. The study group of the study consists of six primary school third grade students who have reading difficulties. Students in the research; “False Analysis Inventory” was used to measure fluent reading and reading comprehension skills, “Reading Motivation Scale” to measure reading motivation, and “Attitude Towards Reading Scale” to measure reading attitude. In the study, descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to analyze students' fluent reading, reading comprehension skills, reading motivation and attitude towards reading. It was found that RSP positively changed participants' fluent reading skill, reading comprehension skill and attitude level towards reading in a statistically significant way in favor of posttest. As a result of this research, it was revealed that RSP has a positive effect on fluent reading, reading comprehension, reading motivation and attitudes towards reading of students who have reading difficulties.


  • Akyol, H. (2018). Turkish teaching methods. Ankara: Root Publishing.
  • Akyol, H. (2003). Turkish first reading and writing teaching. Ankara: Pegem A Publishing.
  • Altun, T., Ekiz, D. and Odabaşı, M. (2011). A qualitative study on reading difficulties faced by primary teachers in their classrooms. Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty, 17(2011), 80-101.
  • Artnzen, A. T. (2006). The impact of a reading intervention program on the attitudes of struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Baydık, B. (2002). Comparison of the word reading skills of children with and without reading disability. Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Bond, G.L and Tinker, M.A. (1957). Reading difficulties their diagnosis and correction. NewYork: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
  • Booth, J. M. (2019). Evaluation of the focused reading intervention program for middle school struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Collins, A. N. (2015). Summer reading program: Comparing outcomes for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from› download › pdf
  • Cutrer, E. A. (2016). The benefit of literacy coaching for initial resistance to implementation of a literacy program for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from› downloads
  • Demirtaş, G. (2016). A case study on forth grade students who have reading difficulty. Master dissertation, Niğde University, Niğde.
  • Fraenkel, J.R., Wallen, N.E. and Hyun, H.H. (2011). How to desıgn and evaluate research in education. McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Friend, A. (2009). Environmental moderation of genetic influences on group membership for reading disability and high reading ability (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Gay, L.R., Mills, G.E. and Airasion, P.W. (2011). Educational research competencies analysis and applications. By Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A. and Kathleen, C.P. (2004). Motivating reading comprehension. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Günayer Şenel, H. (1998). A Comparison of reading levels and dyslectic characteristics of primary school students with and without reading difficulty. Doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Güneş, F. (2009). The new developments ın teaching of turkish and constructivist approach. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences, 6(11), 1-21.
  • Harrold, B. L. (2019). Primary teachers’ knowledge and beliefs as predictors of intention to provide evidence-based reading instruction (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Scientific research method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution.
  • Kanık Uysal, P. and Akyol, H. (2019). Reading Disabilities and Intervention: An Action Research. Education and Science, 44(198), 17-35.
  • Kuruyer, H. G. (2014). The effect of enrichment reading program on cognitive process and neural structure of students having reading difficulty. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Lassiter, S. M. (2019). The perceptions and beliefs of high performing teachers who teach struggling readers in low performing schools (Doctoral dissertation). North Carolina State University, North Carolina.
  • Lesnick, J. K. (2006). A mixed-method multi-level randomized evaluation of the implementation and impact of an audio-assisted (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Nyssen, S. (2019). Effects of fountas and pinnell’s leveled literacy interventions on student achievement (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Özbay, M. and Melanlıoğlu, D. (2008). Importance of vocabulary ın Turkısh educatıon. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Education Faculty, 5(1), 30-45.
  • Pruitt, R. M. (2006). The effects of a literacy-based service-learning program on struggling fourth grade readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Rasinski, T. V. (2003). The fluent reader: Oral reading strategies for building word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. Scholastic Inc.
  • Raser, K. A. (2004). A review of computer-based/assisted instruction in reading among school-aged children with mild learing disabilities and/or reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Rashid, F. L. (2001). The influence of home literacy environment on reading achievement in children with reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Russel, M. (1958). Effect of group counseling with mothers on their attitudes toward children and on their sons' reading disability (Doctoral dissertation). New York University, New York.
  • Seçkin, Ş. (2012). Reading fluency of elementary students? with and without reading disability. Master dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Sidekli, S. (2010). An action research: correcting the fourth grade students’ reading and comprehension problems. TÜBAR, 27, 563-580.
  • Sidekli, S. and Yangın, S. (2005). An application to improve reading skills of students with reading difficulties. Kazım Karabekir Journal of Education Faculty, 11(1), 393-414.
  • Sirem, Ö. (2020). The recovery effect of reading support program on primary level students reading difficulties. Doctoral dissertation, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Smith, S. L. B. (2000). A cross-case study of teacher perceptions of program design and teaching efficacy: Ahesea view reading support program (Doctoral dissertation). The University of San Diego, San Diego.
  • Sözen, N. (2017). The effect of guided reading method on the development of comprehension skills of students having reading deficits. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Stump, T. (2018). The effectiveness of scripted reading programs for struggling readers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, A. and Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publications.
  • Yıldız, M. (2010). The relationship between 5th graders? reading comprehension, reading motivation and reading habits. Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Walker, R. B. (1954). A study of probable causes op reading disability among twenty children in a remedial reading room (Doctoral dissertation). The University of Southern California, California.
  • Wexler, J. A. P. (2007). The relative effects of repeated reading, wide reading, and a typical instruction comparison group on the comprehension, fluency, and word reading of adolescents with reading disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Article

Özgür Sirem 0000-0001-8404-5617

Ozlem Bas 0000-0002-0716-103X

Publication Date April 29, 2021
Submission Date October 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 50 Issue: 1


APA Sirem, Ö., & Bas, O. (2021). The Recovery Effect of Reading Support Program on Primary Level Students’ Reading Difficulties. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(1), 507-534.

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Cukurova University Faculty of Education

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