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Türkiye'de Ekonomik Büyüme ve Finansal Gelişme İlişkisi: Zamanla Değişen Nedensellik Yaklaşımı

Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 65 - 78, 30.12.2016


Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de finansal gelişme ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu
amaç doğrultusunda özel kesime sağlanan yurtiçi krediler, özel kesime bankalar tarafından sağlanan krediler ve M2
para arzı gibi üç farklı finansal gelişme göstergesi aracılığıyla 1960-2013 dönemi incelenmiştir. Önceki
çalışmalardan farklı olarak bu çalışmada, her dönemi ayrı ayrı inceleyebilmek amacıyla zamanla değişen nedensellik
yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda özel kesime sağlanan yurtiçi kredilerden ekonomik büyümeye doğru
nedensellik ilişkisinin 1998-2002 dönemi için geçerli olduğu görülmüştür. Özel kesime bankalar tarafından sağlanan
yurtiçi krediler baz alındığında, finansal gelişmeden ekonomik büyümeye doğru nedensellik ilişkisi ise 1998-2009
dönemi için geçerlidir. Ayrıca, M2 para arzından ekonomik büyümeye doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisinin 1998-
2004 dönemi için geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Ağır, H. (2010). Türkiye’de Finansal Liberalizasyon ve Finansal Gelişme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi, BDDK Aroks Doküman Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Aslan, A. G. Ö. ve Küçükaksoy, İ. (2006). Finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Türkiye ekonomisi üzerine ekonometrik bir uygulama, Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, (4), 12-28
  • Ang, J. B. ve Mckibbin, W. J.(2007). Financial liberalization, financial sector development and growth: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 215- 233
  • Arestis, P. ve Demetriades, P. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Assessing the Evidence, The Economic Journal, 107(442), 783–799
  • Ak, M. Z., Altıntaş, N. ve Şimşek, A. S. (2016). Türkiye’de Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme Ilişkisinin Nedensellik Analizi, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 17 (2), 151-160
  • Aydın, M. K., Ak, M. Z. ve Altıntaş, N. (2014). Finansal Gelişmenin Büyümye Etkisi: Türkiye Özelinde Nedensellik Analiz. Maliye Dergisi, 167, 149-162
  • Aye, G.C., Balcılar, M., Dunne, J.P., Gupta, R. ve Eyden, R.V. (2014). Military expenditure, economic growth and structural instability: a case study of South Africa. Defense and Peace Economics, 25(6), 619-633
  • Bagehot, W. (1962). Lombard street. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, [1873] Edition
  • Bencivenga, V. ve Smith, B. (1991). Financial Intermediation and Endogenous Growth. Review of Economic Studies, 58, 195-209
  • Balcılar, M., Ozdemir, Z. A. ve Arslanturk, Y. (2010). Economic growth and energy consumption causal nexus viewed through a bootstrap rolling window. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1398-1410.
  • Deidda, L. G. (2006). Interaction Between Economic and Financial Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 53, 233-248.
  • Güneş, S. (2013). Finansal gelişmişlik ve büyüme arasındaki nedensellik testi: Türkiye örneği, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 14(1), 73-85.
  • Gries, T., Kraft, M. ve Meierrieks, D. (2011). Financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Applied Economics, 43(30), 4729-4739.
  • Greenwood, J. ve Jovanovic, B. (1990).Financial Development, Growth and the Distribution of Income, Journal of Political Economy, 98, 1076-1107.
  • Hye, Q. M. A. ve Islam, F. (2013). Does financial development hamper economic growth: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(3), 558-582.
  • Hermes, N. ve Lensink, R. (1996). Financial Development And Economic Growth, Theory and Experiences From Developing Countries. Routledge: London.
  • Hicks, J. (1969). A theory of economic history. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Efron, B. (1979). Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife. Annals of Statistics, 7, 1- 26
  • Jalil, A. ve Feridun, M. (2011). Impact of financial development on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 16(1), 71-80.
  • Kandır, S. Y., İskenderoğlu, A. G. ve Önal, Y.B. (2007). Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(2), 311-326
  • Kar, M. ve Pentecost E. (2000).The Direction of Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Turkey: Further Evidence. Loughborough University, Department of Economics, Economic Research Paper No: 00/27, December Kyophilavong, P., Uddin, G. S. ve Shahbaz, M. (2016). The Nexus between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Lao PDR. Global Business Review, 17(2), 303- 317.
  • King, R. G. ve Levine R. (1993a). Finance and Growth: Schumpeter Might Be Right, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3), 717-737
  • King, R. G. ve Levine, R. (1993b). Finance, Enterpreneurship and Growth: Theory and Growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 513-542.
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, 35, 688-726.
  • Lewis, A. (1955). The Theory of Economic Growth, London, Allen and Unwin
  • Lucas, R.E. (1988). On The Mechanics Of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22 (1), 3-42
  • Menyah, K., Nazlioglu, S. ve Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2014). Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth İn African Countries: New İnsights From A Panel Causality Approach. Economic Modelling, 37, 386-394.
  • Mercan, M. ve Peker, O. (2013). Finansal Gelişmenin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi: Ekonometrik Bir Analiz. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 93-120
  • Ng, S. ve Perron, P. (2001). Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica, 69, 1519-1554.
  • Phillips, P.C. ve Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75, 335-346.
  • Pagano, M. (1993). Financial Markets and Growth, An Overview. European Economic Review, 37, 613-622.
  • Romer, P. M. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. The journal of political economy, 94(5), 1002-1037.
  • Roubini, N. ve Sala-i Martin, X. (1992). Financial Repression and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics, 39, 5-30
  • Saci, K. ve Holden, K. (2008). Evidence on Growth and Financial Development Using Principal Components. Applied Financial Economics, 18(19),1549-1560 Schumpeter J. (1912). The Theory of Economic Development. Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA
  • Solow, R. M. (1956).A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65-94.
  • Stem, N. (1989).The Economics of Development: A Survey. The Economic Journal, 100, 597-685
  • Sehrawat, M. ve Giri, A. K. (2015). Financial development and economic growth: empirical evidence from India. Studies in Economics and Finance, 32(3), 340-356.
  • Smith, A. (1776). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. London: W. Stahan & T. Cadell,
  • Uddin, G. S., Sjö, B. ve Shahbaz, M. (2013). The causal nexus between financial development and economic growth in Kenya. Economic Modelling, 35, 701-707.
  • Toda, H.Y. ve Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in vector autoregression with possibly integrated processes. Journal of Econometrics 66, 225–250
  • Thangavelu, S.M., Ang, J. ve Jiunn, B. (2004). Financial development and economic growth in Australia: An empirical analysis. Empirical Economics, 29(2), 247-280
  • Tuna, K., ve Bektaş, H. (2013). Kredi Hacminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Rolünün Incelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği, Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 5(9), 139- 150
  • Worldbank, 2016, World Development Indicators,
  • Wongpiyabovorn, O. (2016). Financial development and economic growth: The cases of Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 9(2), 103-126
Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 65 - 78, 30.12.2016



  • Ağır, H. (2010). Türkiye’de Finansal Liberalizasyon ve Finansal Gelişme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Analizi, BDDK Aroks Doküman Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Aslan, A. G. Ö. ve Küçükaksoy, İ. (2006). Finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Türkiye ekonomisi üzerine ekonometrik bir uygulama, Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, (4), 12-28
  • Ang, J. B. ve Mckibbin, W. J.(2007). Financial liberalization, financial sector development and growth: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 215- 233
  • Arestis, P. ve Demetriades, P. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Assessing the Evidence, The Economic Journal, 107(442), 783–799
  • Ak, M. Z., Altıntaş, N. ve Şimşek, A. S. (2016). Türkiye’de Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme Ilişkisinin Nedensellik Analizi, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 17 (2), 151-160
  • Aydın, M. K., Ak, M. Z. ve Altıntaş, N. (2014). Finansal Gelişmenin Büyümye Etkisi: Türkiye Özelinde Nedensellik Analiz. Maliye Dergisi, 167, 149-162
  • Aye, G.C., Balcılar, M., Dunne, J.P., Gupta, R. ve Eyden, R.V. (2014). Military expenditure, economic growth and structural instability: a case study of South Africa. Defense and Peace Economics, 25(6), 619-633
  • Bagehot, W. (1962). Lombard street. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, [1873] Edition
  • Bencivenga, V. ve Smith, B. (1991). Financial Intermediation and Endogenous Growth. Review of Economic Studies, 58, 195-209
  • Balcılar, M., Ozdemir, Z. A. ve Arslanturk, Y. (2010). Economic growth and energy consumption causal nexus viewed through a bootstrap rolling window. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1398-1410.
  • Deidda, L. G. (2006). Interaction Between Economic and Financial Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 53, 233-248.
  • Güneş, S. (2013). Finansal gelişmişlik ve büyüme arasındaki nedensellik testi: Türkiye örneği, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 14(1), 73-85.
  • Gries, T., Kraft, M. ve Meierrieks, D. (2011). Financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Applied Economics, 43(30), 4729-4739.
  • Greenwood, J. ve Jovanovic, B. (1990).Financial Development, Growth and the Distribution of Income, Journal of Political Economy, 98, 1076-1107.
  • Hye, Q. M. A. ve Islam, F. (2013). Does financial development hamper economic growth: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(3), 558-582.
  • Hermes, N. ve Lensink, R. (1996). Financial Development And Economic Growth, Theory and Experiences From Developing Countries. Routledge: London.
  • Hicks, J. (1969). A theory of economic history. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Efron, B. (1979). Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife. Annals of Statistics, 7, 1- 26
  • Jalil, A. ve Feridun, M. (2011). Impact of financial development on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 16(1), 71-80.
  • Kandır, S. Y., İskenderoğlu, A. G. ve Önal, Y.B. (2007). Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(2), 311-326
  • Kar, M. ve Pentecost E. (2000).The Direction of Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Turkey: Further Evidence. Loughborough University, Department of Economics, Economic Research Paper No: 00/27, December Kyophilavong, P., Uddin, G. S. ve Shahbaz, M. (2016). The Nexus between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Lao PDR. Global Business Review, 17(2), 303- 317.
  • King, R. G. ve Levine R. (1993a). Finance and Growth: Schumpeter Might Be Right, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3), 717-737
  • King, R. G. ve Levine, R. (1993b). Finance, Enterpreneurship and Growth: Theory and Growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 513-542.
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, 35, 688-726.
  • Lewis, A. (1955). The Theory of Economic Growth, London, Allen and Unwin
  • Lucas, R.E. (1988). On The Mechanics Of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22 (1), 3-42
  • Menyah, K., Nazlioglu, S. ve Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2014). Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth İn African Countries: New İnsights From A Panel Causality Approach. Economic Modelling, 37, 386-394.
  • Mercan, M. ve Peker, O. (2013). Finansal Gelişmenin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi: Ekonometrik Bir Analiz. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 93-120
  • Ng, S. ve Perron, P. (2001). Lag length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica, 69, 1519-1554.
  • Phillips, P.C. ve Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75, 335-346.
  • Pagano, M. (1993). Financial Markets and Growth, An Overview. European Economic Review, 37, 613-622.
  • Romer, P. M. (1986). Increasing returns and long-run growth. The journal of political economy, 94(5), 1002-1037.
  • Roubini, N. ve Sala-i Martin, X. (1992). Financial Repression and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics, 39, 5-30
  • Saci, K. ve Holden, K. (2008). Evidence on Growth and Financial Development Using Principal Components. Applied Financial Economics, 18(19),1549-1560 Schumpeter J. (1912). The Theory of Economic Development. Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA
  • Solow, R. M. (1956).A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65-94.
  • Stem, N. (1989).The Economics of Development: A Survey. The Economic Journal, 100, 597-685
  • Sehrawat, M. ve Giri, A. K. (2015). Financial development and economic growth: empirical evidence from India. Studies in Economics and Finance, 32(3), 340-356.
  • Smith, A. (1776). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. London: W. Stahan & T. Cadell,
  • Uddin, G. S., Sjö, B. ve Shahbaz, M. (2013). The causal nexus between financial development and economic growth in Kenya. Economic Modelling, 35, 701-707.
  • Toda, H.Y. ve Yamamoto, T. (1995). Statistical inference in vector autoregression with possibly integrated processes. Journal of Econometrics 66, 225–250
  • Thangavelu, S.M., Ang, J. ve Jiunn, B. (2004). Financial development and economic growth in Australia: An empirical analysis. Empirical Economics, 29(2), 247-280
  • Tuna, K., ve Bektaş, H. (2013). Kredi Hacminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Rolünün Incelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği, Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 5(9), 139- 150
  • Worldbank, 2016, World Development Indicators,
  • Wongpiyabovorn, O. (2016). Financial development and economic growth: The cases of Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 9(2), 103-126
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Müge Manga This is me

M. Akif Destek This is me

Erkut Düzakın

Publication Date December 30, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Manga, M., Destek, M. A., & Düzakın, E. (2016). Türkiye’de Ekonomik Büyüme ve Finansal Gelişme İlişkisi: Zamanla Değişen Nedensellik Yaklaşımı. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 65-78.