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Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Kamu Politikaları Yazınıyla Yeniden Düşünmek: ‘Politika Transfer Eden Devlet’ olarak Avrupa Birliği

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 283 - 304, 30.12.2018


Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) üye ve aday ülkelerin politik, ekonomik ve
sosyal yapıları üzerindeki etkisi “Avrupalılaşma” olarak tanımlanmaktadır.
1990'lardan itibaren, ulusal ve uluslararası yazında Avrupalılaşma ve
etkilerine yönelik pekçok çalışma mevcuttur. Bir politika, idari düzenleme,
kurum ve düşüncenin başka bir politika, idari düzenleme, kurum ve düşüncenin
gelişiminde kullanılma süreci olarak tanımlanan politika transferine ait yazın
ise kamu politikaları çalışmalarına son yıllarda önemli katkı sunmuştur. Bu iki
yazının örtüştüğü bir alan olarak ortaya çıkan AB yönetişim süreci ise
araştırmacılara politika transferinin yeni ve özgün araçları yoluyla benzersiz uygulamaların
ortaya konduğu önemli bir araştırma zemini sunmaktadır. Bu yeni bakış açısı ile
politika transferi ve araçlarını Avrupalılaşma analizinin merkezine oturtan ve
AB’yi politika transfer eden devlet niteliği ile yeniden düşünmeyi amaçlayan bu
makale ile aynı zamanda ulusal yazındaki mevcut boşluğun doldurulmasına da
katkı sağlanması hedeflenmiştir.  


  • • Acar A. ve Sevinç İ., 2011, “Avrupa Birliği SIGMA Programı’nın Türk Kamu Yönetimi’ne Yansımaları, ” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 25, Sayı 2, ss.1-12.
  • • Anastasakis, O., 2008, “The EU's Political Conditionality in the Western Balkans: Towards a More Pragmatic Approach,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, C.8, S.4, s. 365-377.
  • • Bennett, C., 1991, “What Is Policy Convergence and What Causes It?”, British Journal of Political Science, C. 21, S.2, s. 215-233.
  • • Bölükbaşı, H. T., Ertugal, E. H. ve Özçürümez, S., 2011, “Avrupa Entegrasyonu Kuramlarıyla Türkiye’yi Konu Alan Yazının Etkileşimi: Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Türkiye Özelinde Yeniden Düşünmek”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.8, S. 30, s.77-102.
  • • Börzel, T., 1999, “Towards Convergence in Europe? Institutional Adaptation to Europeanisation in Germany and Spain”, Journal of Common Market Studies, C.37, S.4, s.573-596.
  • • Börzel, T. ve Risse, T., 2000, “When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change,” European Integration Online Papers, C.4, S. 15, <>, erişim tarihi: 3.03.2018.
  • • Bulmer, S. ve Padgett, S., 2004, “Policy Transfer in the European Union: An Institutionalist Pespective,” British Journal of Political Science, C.35, S.1, s. 103-126.
  • • Bulmer, S., Dolowitz, D., Humphreys, P. ve Padgett, S., 2007, Policy Transfer in European Union Governance, Routledge, New York.
  • • Bulmer, S. ve Radaelli, C., 2004, “The Europeanisation of public policy,” Members States and the European Union,” C. LEQUESNE ve S. BULMER (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • • Dolowitz, D. ve Marsh, D., 2000, “Learning From Abroad: The Role of Policy Transfer in Contemporary Policy Making”, Governance, C. 13, S.1, s. 5-24.
  • • Dolowitz, D. ve Marsh, D., 1996, Who Learns What from Whom: a Review of the Policy Transfer Literature, Political Studies, C. 44, S.2., s. 343-357,, erişim tarihi: 01.03.2018.
  • • Dougherty, James E. ve Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., 2001, Contending Theories of International Relations, Addison Wesley Longman, 5. Baskı, New York, s.514.
  • • Erdinç, I. ve Visier, C., 2017, “What is Transfer About? Framing the Content: EU Enlargement and Trade Union Rights in Turkey,” Public Policy Transfer, Macro Dynamics and Macro Effects, M. HADJIISKY, L. A. PAL ve C. WALKER (Ed.), Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, s. 240-260.
  • • Eyestone, R., 1977, “Confusion, Diffusion and Innovation,” The American Political Science Review, C. 77, S.2, s. 441-447.
  • • Fierro, E., 2003, The EU's Approach to Human Rights Conditionality in Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, the Hague, s.96.
  • • Goebel, R. J., 1995, “The European Union grows: the constitutional impact of the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden,” Fordham International Law Journal, C.18, S.4, s.1142.
  • • Grabbe, H., 2003, “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process,” The Politics of Europeanization, K. FEATHERSTONE ve C. M. RADAELLI (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 304-309.
  • • Haas, E. B., 1960, “The Challenge of Regionalism”, (der.) Stanley Hoffmann, Contemporary Theory in International Relations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., ss. 228-237.
  • • Hall, P. A., 1993, “Policy Paradigms, Social Learning and the State: the Case of Economic Policy Making in Britain,” Comparative Politics, C. 25, s. 275-296.
  • • Hall, P. A. ve Taylor, R., 1996, “Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms,” Political Studies, C.44, S.5, s. 942-947.
  • • Howlett, M., 2000, “Beyond Legalism? Policy Ideas, Implementation Styles and Emulation-Based Convergence in Canadian and US Enviromental Policy,” Journal of Public Policy, C. 20, S.3, s. 305.
  • • Hüllen V. ve Börzel, T. A., 2013,“The EU’s Governance Transfer. From External Promotion to International Protection,” SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, S.56.
  • • Ikenberry, G. J., 1990, “The International Spread of Privatisation Policies: Inducements, Learning and Policy Bandwagooning,” Political Economy of Public Sector Reform and Privatisation, E. N. SULEIMAN ve J. WATERBURY (Ed.), Boulder, Westview.
  • • Jacoby, W., 2001, “Tutors and Pupils: International Organizations, Central European Elites and Western Models,” Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, C. 14, S. 2, s. 170-171.
  • • Jordan, A., Wurzel, R. ve Zito, Anthony R., 2003, “European Governance And The Transfer Of ‘New’ Environmental Policy Instruments In The European Union,” Public Administration, C. 81, S.3, s. 560-561.
  • • Kelly, J., 200, Norms and Membership Conditionality: The Role of European Institutions in Ethnic Politics in Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Romania, PhD Dissertation, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
  • • Knill, C., 2005, “Introduction: Cross-national Policy Convergence: Concepts, Approaches and Explanatory Factors,” Journal of European Public Policy, C. 12, S.5, s. 764-775.
  • • Knill, C. ve Lehmkuhl, D., 1999, “How Europe Matters. Different Mechanisms ofEuropeanization,” European Integration Online Papers, C. 3, No. 7, (erişim tarihi, 2.03.2018), s. 2-3.
  • • Majone, G., 1991, Cross National Sources of Regulatory Policy Making in Europe and the United States, Journal of Public Policy, S.11, s. 82.
  • • March, J. G. ve Olsen, J. P., 1998, “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders,” International Organization, C. 52, S.4, s. 950.
  • • May, P., 1992, “Policy Learning and Failure,” Journal of Public Policy, C.12, S.4, s. 331-354.• Mintrom, M., 1997, “Policy Entrepreneurs and the Diffusion of Innovation,” American Journal of Political Science, C. 41, S.3, s. 739.
  • • Mintrom, M. ve Vergari, S., 1998, “Policy Networks and Innovation Diffusion: The Case of State Education Reforms,”Journal of Politics, C. 60, S.1, s. 126-148.
  • • Mjoset, L., 1997, “Historical Meanings of Europeanisation,” ARENA Working Paper, S. 24, erişim tarihi, 1.03.2018.
  • • Nakano, K., 2004, “Cross-National Transfer of Policy Ideas: Agencification in Britain and Japan,” Governance, C. 17, S.2, s. 169.
  • • Nakrosis, V., “Policy Transfer in the Pre- And Post-Accession Period: Experience of The New EU Member States,” 11-13 Ağustos 2005 tarihinde İzlanda/Reykjavik’te düzenlenen “EU Accession and Integration: Nordic Experiences and Baltic Perspectives” başlıklı çalıştaya sunulan makale.
  • • Olsen, J. P., 2002, “The Many Faces of Europeanisation,” Journal of Common Market Studies, C.40, S.5, s. 921-952.
  • • Pollack, M. A., 2009, “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration,” European Integration Theory, A. WIENER ve T.DIEZ (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, s.137-138.
  • • Radaelli, C. M., 2003, “The Europeanization of Public Policy,” The Politics of Europeanization, K. FEATHERSTONE ve C.M. RADAELLI (Ed.) Oxford, Oxford University Press, s. 27-56.
  • • Rich, A., 2004, Think Tanks, Public Policy and the Politics of Expertise, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 11.
  • • Richardson, J., 2015, “The EU as a policy-making state: a policy system like any other?,” European Union. Power and Policy-making, J. RICHARDSON ve S. MAZEY (Ed.), Abingdon, Routledge.
  • • Risse, T., Cowles, M. ve Caporaso, J., 2001, “Europeanization and Domestic Change: Introduction”, Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Political Change, T. RISSE, M. COWLES ve J. CAPORASO (Ed.), Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, s.1-20.
  • • Rose, R., 1993, Lesson-Drawing In Public Policy, Chatham House Publishers, Chatham.
  • • Schimmelfenning, F. ve Sedelmeier, U., 2004, “Governance By Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe,” Journal of European Public Policy, C. 11, S.4, s. 661-679.
  • • Schimmelfennig, F., Engert, S. ve Knobel, H., “The Conditions of Conditionality, The Impact of EU on Democracy and Human Rights in European Non-Member States”, 22-27 Mart 2002 tarihinde Turin’de düzenlenen Enlargement and European Governance başlıklı çalıştaya sunulan makale,, (erişim tarihi, 3.03.2018)
  • • Seeliger, R., 1996, “Conceptualizing and Researching Policy Convergence,” Policy Studies Journal, C. 24, S.2, s. 287-306.
  • • Simmons, B. A. ve Elkins, Z., 2004, “The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy,” The American Political Science Review, C. 98, S.1, s. 171-189.
  • • Smith, K. E., 2003, “The Evolution and Application of EU Membership Conditionality,” The Enlargement of the European Union, M. CREMONA (Ed.), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • • Sobacı. Z., 2009, "Politika Transferi Bağlamında Ulusal Ve Global Düzeydeki İdari Reformların Analizi", (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • • Sobaci, Z. 2009, Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: Are They Examples of Obligated Policy Transfer?, Public Organization Review, Volume 9, Number 1 / March, Springer Netherlands, ss. 51-65.
  • • Stone, D., 2004, “Transfer Agents and Global Networks in the Transnationalization of Policy”, Journal of European Public Policy, C. 11, S.3, s. 545- 566.
  • • Strang, D. ve Meyer, J. W., 1993, “Institutional Conditions for Diffusion,” Theory and Society, C. 22, S.4, s. 487-511.
  • • Walker, J., 1969, “The Diffusion of Innovations Among the American States,” The American Political Science Review, C. 63, S. 3, s. 880-889.
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, 2012, TAIEX Mekanizması ve Türkiye, <>, (erişim tarihi, 8.03.2018).
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, Tr-AB Katılım Müzakereleri, <> (erişim tarihi 8.03.2008).
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, 2012, Twinning Mekanizması ve Türkiye, <>, (erişim tarihi, 8.03.2018).

Rethinking the Europeanization Research Programme through Public Policy Literature: EU as a ‘Policy Transfer State’

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 283 - 304, 30.12.2018


The influence of the European Union (EU) on the
political, economic and social structures of the member and candidate countries
is defined as "Europeanisation". Since the 1990s, there have been
many studies on Europeanization in national and international literature. The
literature on policy transfer, which is defined as the process of using a
policy, administrative regulation, institution and thought in the development
of another policy, administrative regulation, institution and thought, has made
a significant contribution to public policy studies in recent years. The EU
governance process emerging as an overlapping area between these two literatures
represents an important research field of ​​unique applications through new and
original tools of policy transfer to the researchers. Through focusing the
policy transfer and rethinking the EU as a policy transfer state, this article
also intends to fulfill the existing gap in national academic literature. 


  • • Acar A. ve Sevinç İ., 2011, “Avrupa Birliği SIGMA Programı’nın Türk Kamu Yönetimi’ne Yansımaları, ” Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 25, Sayı 2, ss.1-12.
  • • Anastasakis, O., 2008, “The EU's Political Conditionality in the Western Balkans: Towards a More Pragmatic Approach,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, C.8, S.4, s. 365-377.
  • • Bennett, C., 1991, “What Is Policy Convergence and What Causes It?”, British Journal of Political Science, C. 21, S.2, s. 215-233.
  • • Bölükbaşı, H. T., Ertugal, E. H. ve Özçürümez, S., 2011, “Avrupa Entegrasyonu Kuramlarıyla Türkiye’yi Konu Alan Yazının Etkileşimi: Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Türkiye Özelinde Yeniden Düşünmek”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.8, S. 30, s.77-102.
  • • Börzel, T., 1999, “Towards Convergence in Europe? Institutional Adaptation to Europeanisation in Germany and Spain”, Journal of Common Market Studies, C.37, S.4, s.573-596.
  • • Börzel, T. ve Risse, T., 2000, “When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change,” European Integration Online Papers, C.4, S. 15, <>, erişim tarihi: 3.03.2018.
  • • Bulmer, S. ve Padgett, S., 2004, “Policy Transfer in the European Union: An Institutionalist Pespective,” British Journal of Political Science, C.35, S.1, s. 103-126.
  • • Bulmer, S., Dolowitz, D., Humphreys, P. ve Padgett, S., 2007, Policy Transfer in European Union Governance, Routledge, New York.
  • • Bulmer, S. ve Radaelli, C., 2004, “The Europeanisation of public policy,” Members States and the European Union,” C. LEQUESNE ve S. BULMER (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • • Dolowitz, D. ve Marsh, D., 2000, “Learning From Abroad: The Role of Policy Transfer in Contemporary Policy Making”, Governance, C. 13, S.1, s. 5-24.
  • • Dolowitz, D. ve Marsh, D., 1996, Who Learns What from Whom: a Review of the Policy Transfer Literature, Political Studies, C. 44, S.2., s. 343-357,, erişim tarihi: 01.03.2018.
  • • Dougherty, James E. ve Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., 2001, Contending Theories of International Relations, Addison Wesley Longman, 5. Baskı, New York, s.514.
  • • Erdinç, I. ve Visier, C., 2017, “What is Transfer About? Framing the Content: EU Enlargement and Trade Union Rights in Turkey,” Public Policy Transfer, Macro Dynamics and Macro Effects, M. HADJIISKY, L. A. PAL ve C. WALKER (Ed.), Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, s. 240-260.
  • • Eyestone, R., 1977, “Confusion, Diffusion and Innovation,” The American Political Science Review, C. 77, S.2, s. 441-447.
  • • Fierro, E., 2003, The EU's Approach to Human Rights Conditionality in Practice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, the Hague, s.96.
  • • Goebel, R. J., 1995, “The European Union grows: the constitutional impact of the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden,” Fordham International Law Journal, C.18, S.4, s.1142.
  • • Grabbe, H., 2003, “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process,” The Politics of Europeanization, K. FEATHERSTONE ve C. M. RADAELLI (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 304-309.
  • • Haas, E. B., 1960, “The Challenge of Regionalism”, (der.) Stanley Hoffmann, Contemporary Theory in International Relations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., ss. 228-237.
  • • Hall, P. A., 1993, “Policy Paradigms, Social Learning and the State: the Case of Economic Policy Making in Britain,” Comparative Politics, C. 25, s. 275-296.
  • • Hall, P. A. ve Taylor, R., 1996, “Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms,” Political Studies, C.44, S.5, s. 942-947.
  • • Howlett, M., 2000, “Beyond Legalism? Policy Ideas, Implementation Styles and Emulation-Based Convergence in Canadian and US Enviromental Policy,” Journal of Public Policy, C. 20, S.3, s. 305.
  • • Hüllen V. ve Börzel, T. A., 2013,“The EU’s Governance Transfer. From External Promotion to International Protection,” SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, S.56.
  • • Ikenberry, G. J., 1990, “The International Spread of Privatisation Policies: Inducements, Learning and Policy Bandwagooning,” Political Economy of Public Sector Reform and Privatisation, E. N. SULEIMAN ve J. WATERBURY (Ed.), Boulder, Westview.
  • • Jacoby, W., 2001, “Tutors and Pupils: International Organizations, Central European Elites and Western Models,” Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, C. 14, S. 2, s. 170-171.
  • • Jordan, A., Wurzel, R. ve Zito, Anthony R., 2003, “European Governance And The Transfer Of ‘New’ Environmental Policy Instruments In The European Union,” Public Administration, C. 81, S.3, s. 560-561.
  • • Kelly, J., 200, Norms and Membership Conditionality: The Role of European Institutions in Ethnic Politics in Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Romania, PhD Dissertation, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
  • • Knill, C., 2005, “Introduction: Cross-national Policy Convergence: Concepts, Approaches and Explanatory Factors,” Journal of European Public Policy, C. 12, S.5, s. 764-775.
  • • Knill, C. ve Lehmkuhl, D., 1999, “How Europe Matters. Different Mechanisms ofEuropeanization,” European Integration Online Papers, C. 3, No. 7, (erişim tarihi, 2.03.2018), s. 2-3.
  • • Majone, G., 1991, Cross National Sources of Regulatory Policy Making in Europe and the United States, Journal of Public Policy, S.11, s. 82.
  • • March, J. G. ve Olsen, J. P., 1998, “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders,” International Organization, C. 52, S.4, s. 950.
  • • May, P., 1992, “Policy Learning and Failure,” Journal of Public Policy, C.12, S.4, s. 331-354.• Mintrom, M., 1997, “Policy Entrepreneurs and the Diffusion of Innovation,” American Journal of Political Science, C. 41, S.3, s. 739.
  • • Mintrom, M. ve Vergari, S., 1998, “Policy Networks and Innovation Diffusion: The Case of State Education Reforms,”Journal of Politics, C. 60, S.1, s. 126-148.
  • • Mjoset, L., 1997, “Historical Meanings of Europeanisation,” ARENA Working Paper, S. 24, erişim tarihi, 1.03.2018.
  • • Nakano, K., 2004, “Cross-National Transfer of Policy Ideas: Agencification in Britain and Japan,” Governance, C. 17, S.2, s. 169.
  • • Nakrosis, V., “Policy Transfer in the Pre- And Post-Accession Period: Experience of The New EU Member States,” 11-13 Ağustos 2005 tarihinde İzlanda/Reykjavik’te düzenlenen “EU Accession and Integration: Nordic Experiences and Baltic Perspectives” başlıklı çalıştaya sunulan makale.
  • • Olsen, J. P., 2002, “The Many Faces of Europeanisation,” Journal of Common Market Studies, C.40, S.5, s. 921-952.
  • • Pollack, M. A., 2009, “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration,” European Integration Theory, A. WIENER ve T.DIEZ (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, s.137-138.
  • • Radaelli, C. M., 2003, “The Europeanization of Public Policy,” The Politics of Europeanization, K. FEATHERSTONE ve C.M. RADAELLI (Ed.) Oxford, Oxford University Press, s. 27-56.
  • • Rich, A., 2004, Think Tanks, Public Policy and the Politics of Expertise, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 11.
  • • Richardson, J., 2015, “The EU as a policy-making state: a policy system like any other?,” European Union. Power and Policy-making, J. RICHARDSON ve S. MAZEY (Ed.), Abingdon, Routledge.
  • • Risse, T., Cowles, M. ve Caporaso, J., 2001, “Europeanization and Domestic Change: Introduction”, Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Political Change, T. RISSE, M. COWLES ve J. CAPORASO (Ed.), Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, s.1-20.
  • • Rose, R., 1993, Lesson-Drawing In Public Policy, Chatham House Publishers, Chatham.
  • • Schimmelfenning, F. ve Sedelmeier, U., 2004, “Governance By Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe,” Journal of European Public Policy, C. 11, S.4, s. 661-679.
  • • Schimmelfennig, F., Engert, S. ve Knobel, H., “The Conditions of Conditionality, The Impact of EU on Democracy and Human Rights in European Non-Member States”, 22-27 Mart 2002 tarihinde Turin’de düzenlenen Enlargement and European Governance başlıklı çalıştaya sunulan makale,, (erişim tarihi, 3.03.2018)
  • • Seeliger, R., 1996, “Conceptualizing and Researching Policy Convergence,” Policy Studies Journal, C. 24, S.2, s. 287-306.
  • • Simmons, B. A. ve Elkins, Z., 2004, “The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy,” The American Political Science Review, C. 98, S.1, s. 171-189.
  • • Smith, K. E., 2003, “The Evolution and Application of EU Membership Conditionality,” The Enlargement of the European Union, M. CREMONA (Ed.), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • • Sobacı. Z., 2009, "Politika Transferi Bağlamında Ulusal Ve Global Düzeydeki İdari Reformların Analizi", (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • • Sobaci, Z. 2009, Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: Are They Examples of Obligated Policy Transfer?, Public Organization Review, Volume 9, Number 1 / March, Springer Netherlands, ss. 51-65.
  • • Stone, D., 2004, “Transfer Agents and Global Networks in the Transnationalization of Policy”, Journal of European Public Policy, C. 11, S.3, s. 545- 566.
  • • Strang, D. ve Meyer, J. W., 1993, “Institutional Conditions for Diffusion,” Theory and Society, C. 22, S.4, s. 487-511.
  • • Walker, J., 1969, “The Diffusion of Innovations Among the American States,” The American Political Science Review, C. 63, S. 3, s. 880-889.
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, 2012, TAIEX Mekanizması ve Türkiye, <>, (erişim tarihi, 8.03.2018).
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, Tr-AB Katılım Müzakereleri, <> (erişim tarihi 8.03.2008).
  • • T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, 2012, Twinning Mekanizması ve Türkiye, <>, (erişim tarihi, 8.03.2018).
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Burcu B. Göğüş Doğan 0000-0001-7661-9246

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Submission Date November 14, 2018
Acceptance Date December 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Göğüş Doğan, B. B. (2018). Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Kamu Politikaları Yazınıyla Yeniden Düşünmek: ‘Politika Transfer Eden Devlet’ olarak Avrupa Birliği. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2), 283-304.