Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden alınan 10 farklı mermer örneği fiziksel özellikleri ve P-S dalga hızının belirlenmesi amacıyla laboratuarda deneylere tabi tutulmuştur. Fiziksel özellikleri belirlemede kullanılan deneyler zaman alıcıdır, sadece laboratuar ortamında gerçekleştirilir ve oldukça maliyetlidir. Bu nedenle, daha kolay, ucuz ve daha az zaman alan bir yöntem elde etmek amacı ile doygun ve kuru örneklerde P-S dalga hızı ve fiziksel özellikler arasındaki ilişki regresyon analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Regresyon analizlerinin sonuçları tatmin edici korelasyonlar göstermiştir.
1. Kilic, O., Kahraman, E., Kilic, A. M., 2018. Examination of the Relationship between PWave Velocity and Physico-mechanical Properties of Limestone Marbles. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Cukurova University, 33(2), 9-16.
2. Kilic, A.M., Kahraman, E., Kilic, Ö., 2017. The Use of Ultrasonic Mesaurements Determining the Quality of the Dimension Stone Blocks. Int J Nat Eng Sci, 11, 28-33.
3. Kahraman, E., Kilic, A.M., 2020. Evaluation of Empirical Approaches in Estimating Mean Particle Size After Blasting by Using Nondestructive Methods. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(14), 1-8.
4. Talhi, K., Bensaker, B., 2003. Design of a Model Blasting System to Measure Peak P-wave Stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23, 513–519.
5. Carrier, A., Bottelin, P., Fabre. L., Mathy, A., 2022. Damage Assessment of Supporting Pillars in an Underground Cave Using Joint Inversion of Electrical Resistivity and P-wave Velocity. Pure Appl. Geophys, 179, 45-67.
6. Naji, S., Khayat, K.H., Karray, M., 2016. Assessment of Static Stability of Concrete Using Shear Wave Velocity Approach. ACI Materials Journal, 114(1), 105-115.
7. Zhou, X.P., Huang, X.C., Li, J.X., 2018. Reliability Assessment of Tunnel Based on P-wave Seismic Velocity. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(11), 06018030.
8. Leucci, G., De Giorgi, L., 2006. Experimental Studies on the Effects of Fracture on the P and S Wavevelocity Propagation in Sedimentary Rock (Calcarenite del Salento). Engineering Geology, 84(3-4), 130–142.
9. Khandelwal, M., 2010. Ranjith, P. G., 2010. Correlating Index Properties of Rocks with P-wave Measurements. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 71(1), 1-5.
10. Khandelwal, M., Singh, T.N., 2009. Correlating Static Properties of Coal Measures Rocks with P-wave Velocity, International Journal of Coal Geology, 79(1–2), 55-60.
11. Moradian, Z.A., Behnia, M., 2009. Predicting the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Static Young’s Modulus of Intact Sedimentary Rocks Using the Ultrasonic Test. Int. J. Geomech., 9(1), 14-19.
12. Kurtuluş, C., Çakır. Ş., 2009. The Definition of Physical Properties of İzmit Formation (Low Triassic) Sandstones with P-wave Velocity, Journal of Applied Earthsciences, 8(1), 18 – 24 (in Turkish).
13. Kurtuluş, C., Yazan, K., Üçkardeş, M., Turan, O.K., 2010. Examination of Variation of Seismic P-Velocity with the Joint Density in Rocks, Journal of Applied Earthsciences, 2, 10-18 (in Turkish).
14. Karaman, K., Kesimal, K., 2013. Evaluation of the Relationship between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of Rocks. Journal of Underground Resources. 4, 9-17.
15. Karaman, K., Kesimal, K., 2013. Evaluation of the Relationship Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of Rocks. Journal of Underground Resources.
16. Babacan, A.E., Ersoy, H., Gelişli, K., 2010. Determination of Physical, Mechanical and Elastic Properties of the Rocks with Ultrasonic Velocity Technique and Time-frequency Analysis: A Case Study on the Beige Limestones (NE Turkey). Journal of Geological Engineering, 36(1), 63-73.
17. Uyanık, O., Catlıoglu, B., Sabbag, N., Oncu, Z., Uyanık, N. A., 2012. Relationships Between Seismic Ultrasonic Velocities and Physical Properties of Rocks. 1st Earth Sciences Symposium Süleyman.
18. Boulanouar, A., Rahmouni, A., Boukalouch, M., Samaouali, A., Géraud, Y., Harnafi, M., Sebbani, J., 2013. Determination of Thermal Conductivity and Porosity of Building Stone from Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements. Geomaterials, 03(04), 138-144.
19. Karakul, H., Ulusay, R., 2013. Empirical Correlations for Predicting Strength Properties of Rocks from P-wave Velocity Under Different Degrees of Saturation. Rock Mech Rock Eng., 46, 981–999.
20. Ozdemir, E., Sarıcı, E.D., 2015. Investigation of Relationship between Ultrasonic Wave Velocity and Mechanical Properties of Rocks at Different Water Saturation Degree. 9th Proceedings of International Industrial
Minerals Symposium, 14-15 Mayıs 2015, 543-552, İzmir, Türkiye.
21. Sakcalı, A., Yavuz, H., Shahin, S., 2015. Analysis o f Plate Efficiency by Ultrasonic Measurement on Marble, Beige and Travertine Blocks. 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition, 14-1. Antalya, Turkey.
22. Celik, M.Y., 2017. The Relationship of Physico-mechanical Properties with Ultrasonic Wave Velocity of Afyonkarahisar Tuffs, Journal of Polytechnic, 20(4), 961-970.
23. Kahraman, S., Fener, M., Kilic, C.O., 2017. Estimating the Wet-rock P-wave Velocity from the Dry-rock P-wave Velocity for Pyroclastic Rocks. Pure Appl Geophys, 174(7), 2621-2629.
24. TS 699, 2009. Natural Building Blocks-Examination and Laboratory Test Methods. TSE, Ankara.
Examination of the Physical Properties of Saturated and Dry Marbles via P-S Wave Velocity
In this study, ten marble samples collected from different regions of Turkey were tested in the laboratory in terms of physical properties and P-S wave velocity. The destructive method used to determine the physical properties of marbles is time-consuming, can only be tested in the laboratory, and high cost of equipment. For this reason, in order to obtain an easy to apply method, not expensive and time
consuming, the relationship between saturated and dry P-S wave velocity and physical properties was investigated by regression analysis. Results of regression analyses showed satisfactory correlations.
1. Kilic, O., Kahraman, E., Kilic, A. M., 2018. Examination of the Relationship between PWave Velocity and Physico-mechanical Properties of Limestone Marbles. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Cukurova University, 33(2), 9-16.
2. Kilic, A.M., Kahraman, E., Kilic, Ö., 2017. The Use of Ultrasonic Mesaurements Determining the Quality of the Dimension Stone Blocks. Int J Nat Eng Sci, 11, 28-33.
3. Kahraman, E., Kilic, A.M., 2020. Evaluation of Empirical Approaches in Estimating Mean Particle Size After Blasting by Using Nondestructive Methods. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(14), 1-8.
4. Talhi, K., Bensaker, B., 2003. Design of a Model Blasting System to Measure Peak P-wave Stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23, 513–519.
5. Carrier, A., Bottelin, P., Fabre. L., Mathy, A., 2022. Damage Assessment of Supporting Pillars in an Underground Cave Using Joint Inversion of Electrical Resistivity and P-wave Velocity. Pure Appl. Geophys, 179, 45-67.
6. Naji, S., Khayat, K.H., Karray, M., 2016. Assessment of Static Stability of Concrete Using Shear Wave Velocity Approach. ACI Materials Journal, 114(1), 105-115.
7. Zhou, X.P., Huang, X.C., Li, J.X., 2018. Reliability Assessment of Tunnel Based on P-wave Seismic Velocity. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(11), 06018030.
8. Leucci, G., De Giorgi, L., 2006. Experimental Studies on the Effects of Fracture on the P and S Wavevelocity Propagation in Sedimentary Rock (Calcarenite del Salento). Engineering Geology, 84(3-4), 130–142.
9. Khandelwal, M., 2010. Ranjith, P. G., 2010. Correlating Index Properties of Rocks with P-wave Measurements. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 71(1), 1-5.
10. Khandelwal, M., Singh, T.N., 2009. Correlating Static Properties of Coal Measures Rocks with P-wave Velocity, International Journal of Coal Geology, 79(1–2), 55-60.
11. Moradian, Z.A., Behnia, M., 2009. Predicting the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Static Young’s Modulus of Intact Sedimentary Rocks Using the Ultrasonic Test. Int. J. Geomech., 9(1), 14-19.
12. Kurtuluş, C., Çakır. Ş., 2009. The Definition of Physical Properties of İzmit Formation (Low Triassic) Sandstones with P-wave Velocity, Journal of Applied Earthsciences, 8(1), 18 – 24 (in Turkish).
13. Kurtuluş, C., Yazan, K., Üçkardeş, M., Turan, O.K., 2010. Examination of Variation of Seismic P-Velocity with the Joint Density in Rocks, Journal of Applied Earthsciences, 2, 10-18 (in Turkish).
14. Karaman, K., Kesimal, K., 2013. Evaluation of the Relationship between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of Rocks. Journal of Underground Resources. 4, 9-17.
15. Karaman, K., Kesimal, K., 2013. Evaluation of the Relationship Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of Rocks. Journal of Underground Resources.
16. Babacan, A.E., Ersoy, H., Gelişli, K., 2010. Determination of Physical, Mechanical and Elastic Properties of the Rocks with Ultrasonic Velocity Technique and Time-frequency Analysis: A Case Study on the Beige Limestones (NE Turkey). Journal of Geological Engineering, 36(1), 63-73.
17. Uyanık, O., Catlıoglu, B., Sabbag, N., Oncu, Z., Uyanık, N. A., 2012. Relationships Between Seismic Ultrasonic Velocities and Physical Properties of Rocks. 1st Earth Sciences Symposium Süleyman.
18. Boulanouar, A., Rahmouni, A., Boukalouch, M., Samaouali, A., Géraud, Y., Harnafi, M., Sebbani, J., 2013. Determination of Thermal Conductivity and Porosity of Building Stone from Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements. Geomaterials, 03(04), 138-144.
19. Karakul, H., Ulusay, R., 2013. Empirical Correlations for Predicting Strength Properties of Rocks from P-wave Velocity Under Different Degrees of Saturation. Rock Mech Rock Eng., 46, 981–999.
20. Ozdemir, E., Sarıcı, E.D., 2015. Investigation of Relationship between Ultrasonic Wave Velocity and Mechanical Properties of Rocks at Different Water Saturation Degree. 9th Proceedings of International Industrial
Minerals Symposium, 14-15 Mayıs 2015, 543-552, İzmir, Türkiye.
21. Sakcalı, A., Yavuz, H., Shahin, S., 2015. Analysis o f Plate Efficiency by Ultrasonic Measurement on Marble, Beige and Travertine Blocks. 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition, 14-1. Antalya, Turkey.
22. Celik, M.Y., 2017. The Relationship of Physico-mechanical Properties with Ultrasonic Wave Velocity of Afyonkarahisar Tuffs, Journal of Polytechnic, 20(4), 961-970.
23. Kahraman, S., Fener, M., Kilic, C.O., 2017. Estimating the Wet-rock P-wave Velocity from the Dry-rock P-wave Velocity for Pyroclastic Rocks. Pure Appl Geophys, 174(7), 2621-2629.
24. TS 699, 2009. Natural Building Blocks-Examination and Laboratory Test Methods. TSE, Ankara.
Mohammadı, E. A., & Kılıç, Ö. (2022). Examination of the Physical Properties of Saturated and Dry Marbles via P-S Wave Velocity. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(1), 109-117. https://doi.org/10.21605/cukurovaumfd.1094993