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Sağlıklı bir popülasyonda kardiyovasküler hastalık risk faktörleri bilgi düzeyi, Framingham skoru ve kardiyak belirteçlerin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 1086 - 1094, 30.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı eğitimli ve sağlıklı bir popülasyonun kardiyovasküler hastalık (KVH) bilgi düzeylerini değerlendirmek ve bunu günlük yaşama ne kadar aktardıklarını belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada üniversitemiz bünyesinde çalışan ve sağlıklı görünen katılımcılarda KVH farkındalığı değerlendirilmiş ve 10 yıllık kardiyovasküler hastalık gelişme riski (Framingham Skoru) hesaplanıp Nabız Dalga Hızı (NDH) ve labaratuvar parametreleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, Çukurova Üniversitesi bünyesinde çalışan sağlıklı 192 gönüllü katılımcı ile yapıldı. Katılımcıların farkındalığı kardiyovasküler hastalık risk faktörleri bilgi düzeyi ölçeği (KARRİF-BD) ile 10 yıllık KVH gelişim riski ise Framingham risk skoru ile değerlendirildi. NDH değerleri invaziv olmayan arteriografi cihazı kullanıldı. Tüm katılımcılardan kan örnekleri alındı.
Bulgular: Tüm katılımcıların yaş ortalaması 45,3 ± 8,0 yıl (% 53,6 kadın) idi. Katılımcıların ortalama KARRİF-BD skoru 20,4 ± 4,0 ve Framingham skoru ortalaması 6,9±5,6 olarak bulundu. NDH ortalaması 7,9±1,5m/sn bulundu. Korelasyon analizlerinde NDH, hem ortalama KARRİF-BD skoru hem de Framingham skoru ile belirgin ilişkili bulundu. En yüksek KARRİF-BD puanına sahip olan katılımcılar aynı zamanda en yüksek Framingham puanına ve NDH' na sahipti.
Sonuç: Eğitim ve bilgi düzeyi yüksek olmasına rağmen bu bilginin KVH risk faktörleri açısından günlük yaşama yansımadığı görülmektedir. Bilginin davranış ve risk faktörü düzeylerini etkilemesi için ulaşılması gereken KVH farkındalığı eşik düzeyi olup olmadığı konusunda daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Etkili koruma için, bilgi davranışsal danışmanlık müdahaleleri ile desteklenmelidir.


  • 1. British Heart Foundation.European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics,: British Heart Foundation 2000, London.
  • 2. Thanavaro JL, Moore SM, Anthony M, Narsavage G, Delicath T. Predictors of health promotion behaviour in women without a prior history of coronary heart disease. Applied Nursing Research 2006; 19: 149–55.
  • 3. Wilson PWF, D’Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart diseaseusing risk factor categories. Circulation 1998;97:1837–1847
  • 4. Stefanadis C, Wooley CF, Bush CA, Kolibash AL, Boudoulas J. Aortic distensibilityabnormalities in coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1987;59:1300-1304.
  • 5. Arıkan İ, Metintaş S, Kalyoncu C, Yıldız Z. Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar risk faktörleri bilgi düzeyi (KARRIF-BD) Ölçeği’nin geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Araştırmaları 2009; 37 (1): 35-40.
  • 6. Kannel W, McGee D, Gordon T. A general cardiovascular risk profile: the Framingham Study. Am J Cardiol 1976;38:46-51.
  • 7. O'Donnell CJ, Elosua R. Cardiovascular risk factors. Insights from Framingham Heart Study". Rev Esp Cardiol 2008;61: 299–310.
  • 8. Asmar R, Benetos A, Topouchian J, Laurent P, Pannier B, Brisac AM, et al. Assesment of arterial distensibility by automatic pulse wave velocity measurment. Validation and clinical application studies.Hypertension 1996;26:485-90.
  • 9. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2015 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2015.
  • 10. O’Rourke RA, Fuster Vi, Alexander RW. Hurst Kalp Hastalıkları El Kitabı. 12. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2012.
  • 11. Marso SP, Frutkin AD, Mehta SK, House JA, McCrary JR, Klauss V, et al:Intravascular ultrasound measures of coronary atherosclerosis are associated with the Framingham risk score: an analysis from a global IVUS registry.EuroIntervention: 2009;5 (2):212-218.
  • 12. Takeshita H, Shimada Y, Kobayashi Y, Nishioka H, Ehara S, Kataoka T, et al:Impact of body mass index and Framingham risk score on coronary artery plaque: Osaka City Med J. 2008;54 (1):31-39
  • 13. Rinehart S, Qian Z, Vazquez G, Joshi PH, Kirkland B, Bhatt K, et al: Demonstration of the Glagov phenomenon in vivo by CT coronary angiography in subjects with elevatedFramingham risk: Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;28 (6):1589-1599
  • 14. Pereira T, Maldonado J, Polónia J, Silva JA, Morais J, Rodrigues T,et al. Aortic pulse wave velocity and HeartSCORE: Improving cardiovascular risk stratification. A sub-analysis of the EDIVA (Estudo de DIstensibilidade VAscular) project. Blood Pressure; 23: 109–115, 2014.
  • 15. Ben-Shlomo Y, Spears M, Boustred C, May M, Anderson SG, Benjamin EJ, Et al. Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Improves Cardiovascular Event Prediction, An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis of Prospective Observational Data From 17,635 Subjects., Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2014;63(7):636-646
  • 16. Willum-Hansen T1, Staessen JA, Torp-Pedersen C, Rasmussen S, Thijs L, Ibsen H, et al. Prognostic value of aortic pulse wave velocity as index of arterial stiffness in the general population. Circulation, 2006;113:664–670.
  • 17. Meaume S1, Benetos A, Henry OF, Rudnichi A, Safar ME. Aortic pulse wave velocity predicts cardiovascular mortality in subjects .70 years of age. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001;21(12):2046-2050.
  • 18. Katakami N, Osonoi T, Takahara M, Saitou M, Matsuoka TA, Yamasaki Y, et al. Clinical utility of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in the prediction of cardiovascular events in diabetic patient. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2014;13:128.
  • 19. Park KH, Han SJ, Kim HS, Kim MK, Jo SH, Kim SA, et al. Impact of Framingham risk score, flow-mediated dilation, pulse wave velocity, and biomarkers for cardiovascular events in stable angina. Korean Med Sci. 2014;29(10):1391-1397.
  • 20. Onat A. Türk halkında lipid, lipoprotein ve apolipoproteinler. In: Onat A, editör. TEKHARF 2009. Türk halkının kusurlu kalp sağlığı: sırrına ışık, tıbba önemli katkı. İstanbul: Cortex İletişim Hizmetleri; 2009. s. 39-58.
  • 21. Mahley RW, Palaoğlu KE, Atak Z, Dawson-Pepin J, Langlois AM, Cheung V, et al. Turkish Heart Study: lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. J Lipid Res 1995;36:839-859.
  • 22. Kozan Ö, Oğuz A, Abacı A, Erol C, Öngen Z, Temizhan A, et al. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among Turkish adults. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007;61:548-553
  • 23. 2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias.The Task Force for the Management of Dyslipidaemias of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). European Heart Journal 2016 ;37, 2999–3058
  • 24. Nguyen NT, Nguyen XM, Wooldridge JB, Slone JA, Lane JS. Association of obesity with risk of coronary heart disease: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2006. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2010;6:465–469.
  • 25. Brunner EJ, Shipley MJ, Ahmadi-Abhari S, Tabak AG, McEniery CM, Wilkinson IB, et al. Adiposity, obesity, and arterial aging: longitudinal study of aortic sertlik in the Whitehall II cohort. Hypertension. 2015;66(2):294-300.

Evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk factors knowledge level, Framingham score, and cardiac markers in a healthy population

Year 2022, , 1086 - 1094, 30.09.2022


Purpose: The iam of this study was to assess the cardiovascular knowledge level of an educated and healthy population and determine how much they transferred it to daily life. In the current study, we first determined Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Factors Knowledge Level and Framingham score and investigated their relationship between pulse wave velocity (PWV) and laboratory parameters of healthy personal working for Cukurova University.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted via 192 participants who were selected from the study sample among healthy personnel working for Cukurova University. All participants' knowledge level was determined with the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level (CARRF-KL) scale and the 10-year risk for development of CVD determined by the Framingham risk score. PWV was also determined non-invasively by using an arteriography device. Blood samples were collected from all participants.
Results: The mean age of all participants was 45.3 ± 8.0 years (53.6% woman). The mean CARRF-KL score of the participants was found as 20.4 ± 4.0 and the mean Framingham score was found 6.9±5.6. The average PWV was found 7.9±1.5m/sn. In correlation analyses, PWV was well correlated with both the mean CARRF-KL score and Framingham score. Participants who had the highest CARRF-KL score had also the highest Framingham score and PWV .
Conclusion: Despite the high level of education and knowledge, it is seen that this knowledge is not reflected in daily lives in terms of CVD risk factors. Further studies are needed whether there is a threshold level of CVD knowledge that must be attained for knowledge to influence behavior and risk factor levels. For effective prevention, knowledge should be supported by behavioral counseling interventions.


  • 1. British Heart Foundation.European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics,: British Heart Foundation 2000, London.
  • 2. Thanavaro JL, Moore SM, Anthony M, Narsavage G, Delicath T. Predictors of health promotion behaviour in women without a prior history of coronary heart disease. Applied Nursing Research 2006; 19: 149–55.
  • 3. Wilson PWF, D’Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB. Prediction of coronary heart diseaseusing risk factor categories. Circulation 1998;97:1837–1847
  • 4. Stefanadis C, Wooley CF, Bush CA, Kolibash AL, Boudoulas J. Aortic distensibilityabnormalities in coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1987;59:1300-1304.
  • 5. Arıkan İ, Metintaş S, Kalyoncu C, Yıldız Z. Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar risk faktörleri bilgi düzeyi (KARRIF-BD) Ölçeği’nin geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Araştırmaları 2009; 37 (1): 35-40.
  • 6. Kannel W, McGee D, Gordon T. A general cardiovascular risk profile: the Framingham Study. Am J Cardiol 1976;38:46-51.
  • 7. O'Donnell CJ, Elosua R. Cardiovascular risk factors. Insights from Framingham Heart Study". Rev Esp Cardiol 2008;61: 299–310.
  • 8. Asmar R, Benetos A, Topouchian J, Laurent P, Pannier B, Brisac AM, et al. Assesment of arterial distensibility by automatic pulse wave velocity measurment. Validation and clinical application studies.Hypertension 1996;26:485-90.
  • 9. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2015 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2015.
  • 10. O’Rourke RA, Fuster Vi, Alexander RW. Hurst Kalp Hastalıkları El Kitabı. 12. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2012.
  • 11. Marso SP, Frutkin AD, Mehta SK, House JA, McCrary JR, Klauss V, et al:Intravascular ultrasound measures of coronary atherosclerosis are associated with the Framingham risk score: an analysis from a global IVUS registry.EuroIntervention: 2009;5 (2):212-218.
  • 12. Takeshita H, Shimada Y, Kobayashi Y, Nishioka H, Ehara S, Kataoka T, et al:Impact of body mass index and Framingham risk score on coronary artery plaque: Osaka City Med J. 2008;54 (1):31-39
  • 13. Rinehart S, Qian Z, Vazquez G, Joshi PH, Kirkland B, Bhatt K, et al: Demonstration of the Glagov phenomenon in vivo by CT coronary angiography in subjects with elevatedFramingham risk: Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;28 (6):1589-1599
  • 14. Pereira T, Maldonado J, Polónia J, Silva JA, Morais J, Rodrigues T,et al. Aortic pulse wave velocity and HeartSCORE: Improving cardiovascular risk stratification. A sub-analysis of the EDIVA (Estudo de DIstensibilidade VAscular) project. Blood Pressure; 23: 109–115, 2014.
  • 15. Ben-Shlomo Y, Spears M, Boustred C, May M, Anderson SG, Benjamin EJ, Et al. Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Improves Cardiovascular Event Prediction, An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis of Prospective Observational Data From 17,635 Subjects., Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2014;63(7):636-646
  • 16. Willum-Hansen T1, Staessen JA, Torp-Pedersen C, Rasmussen S, Thijs L, Ibsen H, et al. Prognostic value of aortic pulse wave velocity as index of arterial stiffness in the general population. Circulation, 2006;113:664–670.
  • 17. Meaume S1, Benetos A, Henry OF, Rudnichi A, Safar ME. Aortic pulse wave velocity predicts cardiovascular mortality in subjects .70 years of age. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001;21(12):2046-2050.
  • 18. Katakami N, Osonoi T, Takahara M, Saitou M, Matsuoka TA, Yamasaki Y, et al. Clinical utility of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in the prediction of cardiovascular events in diabetic patient. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2014;13:128.
  • 19. Park KH, Han SJ, Kim HS, Kim MK, Jo SH, Kim SA, et al. Impact of Framingham risk score, flow-mediated dilation, pulse wave velocity, and biomarkers for cardiovascular events in stable angina. Korean Med Sci. 2014;29(10):1391-1397.
  • 20. Onat A. Türk halkında lipid, lipoprotein ve apolipoproteinler. In: Onat A, editör. TEKHARF 2009. Türk halkının kusurlu kalp sağlığı: sırrına ışık, tıbba önemli katkı. İstanbul: Cortex İletişim Hizmetleri; 2009. s. 39-58.
  • 21. Mahley RW, Palaoğlu KE, Atak Z, Dawson-Pepin J, Langlois AM, Cheung V, et al. Turkish Heart Study: lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. J Lipid Res 1995;36:839-859.
  • 22. Kozan Ö, Oğuz A, Abacı A, Erol C, Öngen Z, Temizhan A, et al. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among Turkish adults. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007;61:548-553
  • 23. 2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias.The Task Force for the Management of Dyslipidaemias of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). European Heart Journal 2016 ;37, 2999–3058
  • 24. Nguyen NT, Nguyen XM, Wooldridge JB, Slone JA, Lane JS. Association of obesity with risk of coronary heart disease: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2006. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2010;6:465–469.
  • 25. Brunner EJ, Shipley MJ, Ahmadi-Abhari S, Tabak AG, McEniery CM, Wilkinson IB, et al. Adiposity, obesity, and arterial aging: longitudinal study of aortic sertlik in the Whitehall II cohort. Hypertension. 2015;66(2):294-300.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research

Ayşe Nur Topuz 0000-0003-0970-228X

Nafiz Bozdemir 0000-0002-2204-9820

Publication Date September 30, 2022
Acceptance Date June 16, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


MLA Topuz, Ayşe Nur and Nafiz Bozdemir. “Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level, Framingham Score, and Cardiac Markers in a Healthy Population”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 47, no. 3, 2022, pp. 1086-94, doi:10.17826/cumj.1103219.