Pure thoracic spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma (SECH)
Year 2022,
, 1384 - 1387, 30.09.2022
Özkan Özger
Necati Kaplan
Altay Tolga Şentürk
Cavernous hemangiomas (CHs) can be found in all intracranial structures, especially in the brain parenchyma. Most spinal hemangiomas are of vertebral origin. Spinal cavernous hemangiomas that do not hold the vertebrae are called "pure" types. Pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangiomas (SECHs) are very rare and account for approximately 4% of all epidural lesions. Here is a case of pure thoracic SECH detected in a 42-year-old female patient with progressive paraparesis and sensory loss below the T8 sensory dermatome for the last 2 months presented. Cavernous hemangioma should not be forgotten among the options in the differential diagnosis of spinal epidural tumors.
- 1. Brasil AVB, Rohrmoser RG, Gago G, Cambruzzi E. Atypical spinal epidural capillary hemangioma: Case report. Surg Neurol Int 2018;9:198.
- 2. Ozkal B, Yaldiz C, Yaman O, Ozdemır N, Dalbayrak S. Extraosseous, epidural cavernous hemangioma with back pain. Pol J Radiol 2015;80:206-9.
- 3. Koktekir E. Pure cervicothoracic epidural cavernous hemangioma presenting with neurologic deficit. J Kartal TR 2010;XXI(2):103-6.
- 4. Bayri Y, Ekşi MŞ, Yalçınkaya Koç D, Konya D. Spinal epidural cavernous angioma: two case reports and review of the literature. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2015;49(4):459-64.
- 5. Meng Y, Shamji MF. Solitary spinal epidural cavernous haemangiomas as a rare cause of myelopathy. BMJ Case Rep 2015;2015:bcr2015211644.
- 6. Khalatbari MR, Abbassioun K, Amirjmshidi A. Solitary spinal epidural cavernous angioma: report of nine surgically treated cases and review of the literature. Eur Spine J 2013;22(3):542-7.
- 7. Zhao L, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Bai Y, Sun Y, Li Y. Spinal Epidural Cavernous Hemangiomas: A Clinical Series of 9 Cases and Literature Review. Front Oncol 2021;11:572313.
- 8. Zhang L, Zhang Z, Yang W, Shang J, Jia W, Yang J, et al. Spinal dumbbell-shaped epidural cavernous hemangioma (CM): report of nine surgical cases and literature review. Chin Neurosurg J 2018;4:3.
- 9. A L H, T R, Chamarthy NP, Puri K. A pure epidural spinal cavernous hemangioma - with an innocuous face but a perilous behaviour!! J Clin Diagn Res 2013;7(7):1434-5.
- 10. Esene IN, Ashour AM, Marvin E, Nosseir M, Fayed ZY, Seoud K, et al. Pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma: A case series of seven cases. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine 2016;7(3):176-83.
- 11. Yaldiz C, Asil K, Ceylan D, Erdem S. Thoracic extraosseous epidural cavernous hemangioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2015;57(1):65-7.
- 12. Li TY, Xu YL, Yang J, Wang J, Wang GH. Primary spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma: clinical features and surgical outcome in 14 cases. J Neurosurg Spine 2015;22(1):39-46.
- 13. Jang D, Kim C, Lee SJ, Ryu YJ, Kim J. Pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma with intralesional hemorrhage: a rare cause of thoracic myelopathy. Korean J Spine 2014;11(2):85-8.
Saf torasik spinal epidural kavernöz hemanjiom (SEKH)
Year 2022,
, 1384 - 1387, 30.09.2022
Özkan Özger
Necati Kaplan
Altay Tolga Şentürk
Kavernöz hemanjiyomlar (KH) tüm kafa içi yapılarda, özellikle beyin parankiminde bulunabilir. Spinal hemanjiyomların çoğu vertebral kökenlidir. Omurları tutmayan spinal kavernöz hemanjiyomlara "saf" tipler denir. Saf spinal epidural kavernöz hemanjiyomlar (SEKH'lar) çok nadirdir ve tüm epidural lezyonların yaklaşık %4'ünü oluşturur. Burada son 2 aydır T8 duyu dermatomunun altında ilerleyici paraparezi ve duyu kaybı olan 42 yaşındaki kadın hastada saptanan saf torasik SEKH olgusu sunulmaktadır. Spinal epidural tümörlerin ayırıcı tanısında seçenekler arasında kavernöz hemanjiom unutulmamalıdır.
- 1. Brasil AVB, Rohrmoser RG, Gago G, Cambruzzi E. Atypical spinal epidural capillary hemangioma: Case report. Surg Neurol Int 2018;9:198.
- 2. Ozkal B, Yaldiz C, Yaman O, Ozdemır N, Dalbayrak S. Extraosseous, epidural cavernous hemangioma with back pain. Pol J Radiol 2015;80:206-9.
- 3. Koktekir E. Pure cervicothoracic epidural cavernous hemangioma presenting with neurologic deficit. J Kartal TR 2010;XXI(2):103-6.
- 4. Bayri Y, Ekşi MŞ, Yalçınkaya Koç D, Konya D. Spinal epidural cavernous angioma: two case reports and review of the literature. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2015;49(4):459-64.
- 5. Meng Y, Shamji MF. Solitary spinal epidural cavernous haemangiomas as a rare cause of myelopathy. BMJ Case Rep 2015;2015:bcr2015211644.
- 6. Khalatbari MR, Abbassioun K, Amirjmshidi A. Solitary spinal epidural cavernous angioma: report of nine surgically treated cases and review of the literature. Eur Spine J 2013;22(3):542-7.
- 7. Zhao L, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Bai Y, Sun Y, Li Y. Spinal Epidural Cavernous Hemangiomas: A Clinical Series of 9 Cases and Literature Review. Front Oncol 2021;11:572313.
- 8. Zhang L, Zhang Z, Yang W, Shang J, Jia W, Yang J, et al. Spinal dumbbell-shaped epidural cavernous hemangioma (CM): report of nine surgical cases and literature review. Chin Neurosurg J 2018;4:3.
- 9. A L H, T R, Chamarthy NP, Puri K. A pure epidural spinal cavernous hemangioma - with an innocuous face but a perilous behaviour!! J Clin Diagn Res 2013;7(7):1434-5.
- 10. Esene IN, Ashour AM, Marvin E, Nosseir M, Fayed ZY, Seoud K, et al. Pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma: A case series of seven cases. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine 2016;7(3):176-83.
- 11. Yaldiz C, Asil K, Ceylan D, Erdem S. Thoracic extraosseous epidural cavernous hemangioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2015;57(1):65-7.
- 12. Li TY, Xu YL, Yang J, Wang J, Wang GH. Primary spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma: clinical features and surgical outcome in 14 cases. J Neurosurg Spine 2015;22(1):39-46.
- 13. Jang D, Kim C, Lee SJ, Ryu YJ, Kim J. Pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma with intralesional hemorrhage: a rare cause of thoracic myelopathy. Korean J Spine 2014;11(2):85-8.