Case Report
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Non-operating room anesthesia in a patient with Lujan-Fryns syndrome

Year 2016, , 33 - 35, 31.12.2016


Lujan-Fryns syndrome,
described by Fryns et al in 1979 is an autosomal recessive syndrome which is
characterized by multiple congenital anomalies. Lujan-Fryns syndrome is a rare
syndrome involving many anomalies like dysmorphic facial features, cleft
palate, diaphragmatic hernia, that may affect the anesthesia practice. Anesthetic
management about the anesthesia and / or non- operating room is limited
literature. We aim to provide management of non- operating room anesthesia in a
patients with Lujan-Fryns syndrome.


  • 1. Fryns JP, Moerman F, Goddeeris P, Bossuyt C, Van den Berghe H et al. Anew lethal syndrome with cloudy cornea, diaphragmatic defects and distal limb deformities. Hum Genet. 1979;50:65-70.

Lujan-Fryns sendromlu bir hastada ameliyathane dışı anestezi

Year 2016, , 33 - 35, 31.12.2016


Lujan-Fryns sendromu
1979 yılında Fryns tarafından tanımlanan otozomal resesif geçiş gösteren
multipl konjenital anomali ile karakterize bir sendromdur. Dismorfik yüz
hatları, yarık damak, diyafragma hernisi gibi anestezi pratiğini
etkileyebilecek bir çok anomali içeren nadir bir sendromdur. Anestezi ve/veya
ameliyathane dışı anestezi yönetimi ile ilgili literatür bilgisi sınırlıdır. Burada
Lujan-Fryns sendromlu bir olguda ameliyathane dışı anestezi yönetimini
literatür eşliğinde sunmayı amaçladık.


  • 1. Fryns JP, Moerman F, Goddeeris P, Bossuyt C, Van den Berghe H et al. Anew lethal syndrome with cloudy cornea, diaphragmatic defects and distal limb deformities. Hum Genet. 1979;50:65-70.
There are 1 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Mehmet Sargın

Mehmet Selçuk Uluer This is me

Osman Şahin This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2016
Acceptance Date March 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


MLA Sargın, Mehmet et al. “Lujan-Fryns Sendromlu Bir Hastada Ameliyathane dışı Anestezi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. Ek 1, 2016, pp. 33-35, doi:10.17826/cutf.254604.