Case Report
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Anesthesia in a patient with epidermolysis bullosa who received dental treatment under sedation

Year 2018, , 1034 - 1037, 29.12.2018


Epidermolysis bullosa is a hereditary disease characterized by bullae in the skin and/or gastrointestinal tract. As a result of the physical and metabolic changes caused by this disease, various difficulties can arise in the practice of anesthesia. In the pediatric patient who was sedated for dental treatment, the difficulty in accessing the intravenous way and the difficulty of monitoring the patient. Despite all these difficulties, successful and uncomplicated management of the anesthesia was achieved in the patient.


  • 1. Hagen R,Langerber C. Anaesthetic management in patient with epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica. Anaesthesia. 1988;43:482-485
  • 2. Esfahanizadeh K, Mahdavi AR, Ansari G, Ghajari MF, Esfahanizadeh A. Epidermolysis Bullosa, Dental and Anestehetic Management : A Case Report. J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci. 2014;15(3):147-152
  • 3. Özköse Z, Çelebi H, Pampal K, Altıntaş B. Anesthesia for correction of esophageal stricture in a patient with epidermolysis bullosa : a case report. J Anesth. 2000;14:211-213
  • 4. Travis SP, McGrath JA, Tumbull AJ, Schofield OM, Chan O, et al. Oral and gastroinstetinal manifestations of epidermolysis bulloza. Lancet. 1992;340:1505-1506
  • 5. Azrak B, Kaevel K, Hofmann L, Gleissner C, Willershausen B. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa : oral findigs and problems. Spec. Care Dentist. 2006;26(3):111-115
  • 6. Lindemeyer R, Wadenya R, Maxwell L. Dental and anaesthetic management of children with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. İnternational journol of Paediatric Dentistry. 2009;19:127-134
  • 7. Krämer MS, Serrano MC, Zillmann G, Gälvez P, Araya I, et al. Oral Health Care for Patient with Epidermolysis Bollosa – Best Clinical Practice Guidelines. İnternational Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2012 :22(supl.1):1-35
  • 8. Şahin SH, Çolak A, Arar C, Söker A. Epidermolizis Büllozalı Hastada Anestezi Yönetimi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim. 2010;8(2 ):157-60
  • 9. Wright JT, Fine J, Johnson L. Hereditary epidermolysis bullosa: Oral manifestations and dental management. Pediatric Dentistry. 1993;15(4):242-248
  • 10. Dağ C, Bezgin T, Özalp N. Dental Management of Patient with Epidermolysis Bullosa. Oral Healt Dent Managment. 2014;13(3):623-627
  • 11. Yangın Z, Erkalp K, Delatioğlu H, İlhan AE, Kökten N. Epidermolizis büllozalı hastada mikrolaringeal cerrahinin anestezi yönetimi: olgu sunumu. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi. 2005;47:150-152
  • 12. Yonjer – Sell AE, Connolly LA. Twelve hour anasthesia in a patient with epidermolysis bulloza . Can J Anaesth. 1995;42(8):735-9
  • 13. Prabhu VR, Rekka P, Ramesh, Swathis. Dental and anesthetic management of a child with epidermolysis bullosa. J İndian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2011;29(2):155-60

Sedasyon altında dental tedavi alan epidermolizis büllozalı hastada anestezi

Year 2018, , 1034 - 1037, 29.12.2018


Epidermolizis bülloza deride ve/veya gastrointestinal sistemde büllerle karakterize herediter bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalığın sebebiyet verdiği fiziksel ve metabolik değişiklikler sonucunda anestezi pratiğinde çeşitli zorluklar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Dental tedavi için sedasyon uygulanan pediatrik hastada intravenöz yola olan erişimdeki güçlük ve hastanın monitörizasyonunun güçlüğü söz konusu olmuştur. Tüm bu güçlüklere rağmen hastada başarılı ve komplikasyonsuz bir şekilde anestezi yönetimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • 1. Hagen R,Langerber C. Anaesthetic management in patient with epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica. Anaesthesia. 1988;43:482-485
  • 2. Esfahanizadeh K, Mahdavi AR, Ansari G, Ghajari MF, Esfahanizadeh A. Epidermolysis Bullosa, Dental and Anestehetic Management : A Case Report. J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci. 2014;15(3):147-152
  • 3. Özköse Z, Çelebi H, Pampal K, Altıntaş B. Anesthesia for correction of esophageal stricture in a patient with epidermolysis bullosa : a case report. J Anesth. 2000;14:211-213
  • 4. Travis SP, McGrath JA, Tumbull AJ, Schofield OM, Chan O, et al. Oral and gastroinstetinal manifestations of epidermolysis bulloza. Lancet. 1992;340:1505-1506
  • 5. Azrak B, Kaevel K, Hofmann L, Gleissner C, Willershausen B. Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa : oral findigs and problems. Spec. Care Dentist. 2006;26(3):111-115
  • 6. Lindemeyer R, Wadenya R, Maxwell L. Dental and anaesthetic management of children with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. İnternational journol of Paediatric Dentistry. 2009;19:127-134
  • 7. Krämer MS, Serrano MC, Zillmann G, Gälvez P, Araya I, et al. Oral Health Care for Patient with Epidermolysis Bollosa – Best Clinical Practice Guidelines. İnternational Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2012 :22(supl.1):1-35
  • 8. Şahin SH, Çolak A, Arar C, Söker A. Epidermolizis Büllozalı Hastada Anestezi Yönetimi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim. 2010;8(2 ):157-60
  • 9. Wright JT, Fine J, Johnson L. Hereditary epidermolysis bullosa: Oral manifestations and dental management. Pediatric Dentistry. 1993;15(4):242-248
  • 10. Dağ C, Bezgin T, Özalp N. Dental Management of Patient with Epidermolysis Bullosa. Oral Healt Dent Managment. 2014;13(3):623-627
  • 11. Yangın Z, Erkalp K, Delatioğlu H, İlhan AE, Kökten N. Epidermolizis büllozalı hastada mikrolaringeal cerrahinin anestezi yönetimi: olgu sunumu. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi. 2005;47:150-152
  • 12. Yonjer – Sell AE, Connolly LA. Twelve hour anasthesia in a patient with epidermolysis bulloza . Can J Anaesth. 1995;42(8):735-9
  • 13. Prabhu VR, Rekka P, Ramesh, Swathis. Dental and anesthetic management of a child with epidermolysis bullosa. J İndian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2011;29(2):155-60
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Hatice Akpınar

Yavuz Fındık

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Acceptance Date March 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


MLA Akpınar, Hatice and Yavuz Fındık. “Sedasyon altında Dental Tedavi Alan Epidermolizis büllozalı Hastada Anestezi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 43, no. 4, 2018, pp. 1034-7, doi:10.17826/cumj.405606.